Ultimate Bot Tournament #1: Session 5
Homestarmy: It's 9:30 on the dittity dot.
Sam has entered.
Sam: Ah, 17 seconds late.
Grishny: I don't think I'm going to do very well at all tonight. I've never played Stack before, and I alrady know I suck at Country and Mole.
Ticia has entered.
Sam: Hello!
Zup: Grish: Same here.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Ultimate Bot Tournament, Session #5' by Sam.
Grishny: So I'll probably lose my fourth place spot. :)
Gharlane: Grishny: I'll echo that too.
Homestarmy: Grish and zup: Same here.
Crystal109: Yeah, I think I will die at the bots tonight.
Grishny: Of course if everybody else but Sam, gremlinn, and whoever hhat is in third place is as bad as me, then I'm safe.
ThePhan: And same for me too
Jumpman has entered.
Sam: To break up the MoleBot sessions, my thought is to spread it out throughout the session. Mole first, then Count, then KickMole, then Country, then Sinbad. Sound ok?
Ticia: Yes!
Zup: I just hope to stay in the top ten.
Grishny: But StackBot first of all?
Nyperold: Okay.
Zup: Sam: OKAY
gremlinn: Count is tomorrow?
Sam: Oh wait, Stack, yeah. not Count.
gremlinn: I'd like StackBot first.
* Zup echoes Grem's sentiments.
Grishny: I don't really care what order they're in. I have no advantage no matter what.
Sam: Ok, vote at me. "/msg sam" with "vote mole" or "vote stack" for the first bot we play.
Zup: That way it's outta the way.
Grishny: Unless people get tired and leave.
Homestarmy: I've never played sinbad.
[gremlinn->Sam] vote stack
Crystal109: Wow. That's an evil smiley.
[Zup->Sam] vote stack
[Gharlane->Sam] vote stack
[Grishny->Sam] vote mole (just 'cause I wanna get it over with)
[ThePhan->Sam] vote mole
[Crystal109->Sam] vote stack (Or, rather, I don't really care.)
Sam: It's currently a 3-2 vote. I won't say which way. Just keep the votes coming.
Grishny: Well, it was originally created for Darien.
[Pupmon->Sam] vote stack
[Kysle->Sam] vote stack
* Nyperold has no preference.
[Homestarmy->Sam] vote mole
[Jumpman->Sam] vote stack
Sam: 7-3 Stack!
Sam: Ok, Stack it is.
StackBot has been summoned by Sam.
Pupmon: Splendid!
Sam: Read the rules if you need to.
* ThePhan has a preference, but for an unusualish reason. Which, unfortunately, her preference was outvoted. Oh, well.
Sam: We'll be playing with the default settings, which permit both 4- and 5-letter word stacks.
Sam: No other lengths.
* Crystal109 will totally suck at this. Ah, well.
* Zup is nervous about upsetting the stacks.
LuckyWizard: To Grishny: Don't assume you won't win StackBot because you've never played it. I got 20 points in BlankBot despite never having played it.
Grishny: How long do you estimate this game will last?
Sam: Note about the bot dictionary: If an answer is given that is valid, but not recognized by the bot's dictionary, no score adjustment will be made. However, the missed words may be added to the bot's dictionary at any future time, before or after the end of the game. If you discover words missing from the bot dictionary, /memo me them -- don't say so in chat, as I'll be focusing too much on the game to notice.
Sam: Grish: No idea. I don't think the latest revision of Stack has ever even been played.
Grishny: And has there ever been a 26-word stack?
Sam: No, the most you get is about 10-11.
Sam: Actually, even that is high.
Sam: At least with 5-letter words.
ThePhan: Lack of vowels would make it hard to get up to 10-11, I would assume.
Grishny: Send Sam a memo-gram
Sam: Any questions before I start?
* ThePhan just reread the rules and now believes she knows what she's doing.
* Zup shakes his head no.
Grishny: I can only think of smart-alecky ones, so no.
Sam: Starting in 1 minute...
Pupmon: Yay!
Homestarmy: I'm just gonna watch.
* Zup is ready...to lose!
DemanusFlint has entered.
* Crystal109 is very, very sacred.
Crystal109: Er. And scared, that too.
DemanusFlint: Oh, goodness!
DemanusFlint: I made it!
Homestarmy is away.
DemanusFlint: What game is this?
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D E B A R
StackBot: H A R P S
StackBot: S N A K Y
Grishny: If you submit a word that doesn't work, does that blow your turn, or do you have until your time runs out to submit as many words as you can?
Sam: No, you can do as many as you want.
Sam: Until it takes.
Grishny: Cool, thanks.
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D E B A R
StackBot: H A R P S
StackBot: S N A K Y
Gharlane: Or until the timer cuts you off.
Grishny: It's probably about 30 seconds?
Sam: Looks like 45 seconds.
Sam: Submit publicly, by the way.
Crystal109: Froze
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word froze and wins 2 points!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D E B A R
StackBot: H A R P S
StackBot: S N A K Y
StackBot: F R O Z E
Jumpman: way to go, Crystal!
Crystal109: Haha thanks. I think it was my first time ever successfully submitting. =\
StackBot: DemanusFlint continues the stack with the word blurt and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D E B A R
StackBot: H A R P S
StackBot: S N A K Y
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: B L U R T
ThePhan: thick
Zup: Private! Wow!
Sam: Oh, I guess /b works too.
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word thick and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D E B A R
StackBot: H A R P S
StackBot: S N A K Y
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: B L U R T
StackBot: T H I C K
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'WIGHT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'WHITE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'PAINS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'PLAIN' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Zup timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D E B A R
StackBot: H A R P S
StackBot: S N A K Y
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: B L U R T
StackBot: T H I C K
Ticia: queen
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word queen and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D E B A R
StackBot: H A R P S
StackBot: S N A K Y
StackBot: F R O Z E
StackBot: B L U R T
StackBot: T H I C K
StackBot: Q U E E N
Zup: Gah.
StackBot: Nyperold breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: abysm, admix, adyta, affix, aglow, amnia, ampul, aphid, asdic, aspic.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R O U T E
StackBot: Z A Z E N
StackBot: N I N N Y
LuckyWizard: lucid
DemanusFlint: adyta, Nyp, c'mon.
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word lucid and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R O U T E
StackBot: Z A Z E N
StackBot: N I N N Y
StackBot: L U C I D
Sam: zazen, that's cool.
Sam: enact
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word enact and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R O U T E
StackBot: Z A Z E N
StackBot: N I N N Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: E N A C T
Zup: Sam: can you insert chains of words, like in the WordBot quiz mode?
Sam: No, one turn, one word.
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'CROUT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'CLOUT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word crews and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R O U T E
StackBot: Z A Z E N
StackBot: N I N N Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: E N A C T
StackBot: C R E W S
Sam: A lot of this is going to be luck of the draw, unfortunately.
Gharlane: throw
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word throw and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R O U T E
StackBot: Z A Z E N
StackBot: N I N N Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: E N A C T
StackBot: C R E W S
StackBot: T H R O W
StackBot: Grishny timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R O U T E
StackBot: Z A Z E N
StackBot: N I N N Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: E N A C T
StackBot: C R E W S
StackBot: T H R O W
gremlinn: idyll
StackBot: gremlinn continues the stack with the word idyll and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Jumpman, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R O U T E
StackBot: Z A Z E N
StackBot: N I N N Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: E N A C T
StackBot: C R E W S
StackBot: T H R O W
StackBot: I D Y L L
Jumpman: scoff
Grishny: I have no hope.
StackBot: Jumpman continues the stack with the word scoff and wins 2 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R O U T E
StackBot: Z A Z E N
StackBot: N I N N Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: E N A C T
StackBot: C R E W S
StackBot: T H R O W
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: S C O F F
Zup: Neither do I.
StackBot: gremlinn timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: R O U T E
StackBot: Z A Z E N
StackBot: N I N N Y
StackBot: L U C I D
StackBot: E N A C T
StackBot: C R E W S
StackBot: T H R O W
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: S C O F F
Grishny: I'll be lucky to score any points if it picks me first.
StackBot: LuckyWizard breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: album, alibi, alpha, altar, altho, amido, amigo, apish, assai, attar.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R A W L
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: P O U T S
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word burnt and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R A W L
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: P O U T S
StackBot: B U R N T
Nyperold: Hmm.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'KNOWS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: Is it legal to use words we've seen in previous stacks? will the bot allow that?
Sam: Sure.
gremlinn: My dog has gone insane.
Sam: grem: Eh? What happened?
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'NOSED' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Crystal109 timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R A W L
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: P O U T S
StackBot: B U R N T
DemanusFlint: grem: Ghosts.
gremlinn: Barking non-stop.
Grishny: Or Aliens.
Crystal109: Ah, shoot.
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word abysm and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R A W L
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: P O U T S
StackBot: B U R N T
StackBot: A B Y S M
ThePhan: floor
Randy has entered.
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word floor and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R A W L
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: P O U T S
StackBot: B U R N T
StackBot: A B Y S M
StackBot: F L O O R
Ticia: cubic
[StackBot->Ticia] The word 'CUBIC' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Ticia: ghost
[StackBot->Ticia] The word 'GHOST' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Zup: Hey Randy.
gremlinn: No, it means he detected a change in the universe.
Randy: Hey there
Grishny: The Vogons must be here.
Pupmon: Greetings Randy!
StackBot: Ticia timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Jumpman, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R A W L
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: P O U T S
StackBot: B U R N T
StackBot: A B Y S M
StackBot: F L O O R
Randy: I suck at this bot.
Jumpman: gamma
StackBot: Jumpman continues the stack with the word gamma and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R A W L
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: P O U T S
StackBot: B U R N T
StackBot: A B Y S M
StackBot: F L O O R
StackBot: G A M M A
Grishny: mince
Ticia: Randy: Me too. :D
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word mince and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R A W L
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: P O U T S
StackBot: B U R N T
StackBot: A B Y S M
StackBot: F L O O R
StackBot: G A M M A
StackBot: M I N C E
Grishny: I GOT ONE
Sam: A 3-pointer, too.
Grishny: And it was just a wild, random guess!
Crystal109: Good going, Grishny!
Grishny: I figured my best bet was just to start spouting off words and it would help me by telling me which letter needed to change.
Pupmon: Good job, Grishny!
StackBot: Nyperold breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: ceded, cello, cheap, cheek, cheep, cycad, edged, egged, embed, ended.
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R O O L
StackBot: F A W N S
StackBot: M U S T Y
Randy is away.
Pupmon: toast
StackBot: Pupmon continues the stack with the word toast and wins 1 point!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R O O L
StackBot: F A W N S
StackBot: M U S T Y
StackBot: T O A S T
Zup: This might take awhile.
Jumpman: YEAH TOAST!
Sam: Yeah, this could be long.
Ticia is away.
Kysle: the four letter words *are* enabled?
Sam: Fortunately, the other games tonight are short.
Sam: Yup, just hasn't started any 4-letter chains yet.
[StackBot->DemanusFlint] The word 'MINCE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Randy is back.
Kysle: Thanks.
[StackBot->DemanusFlint] The word 'rince' is not recognized.
StackBot: DemanusFlint timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R O O L
StackBot: F A W N S
StackBot: M U S T Y
StackBot: T O A S T
DemanusFlint: waah
Sam: unzip
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word unzip and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R O O L
StackBot: F A W N S
StackBot: M U S T Y
StackBot: T O A S T
StackBot: U N Z I P
Pupmon: Go Sam!
Nyperold: At least it isn't Chain, eh?
Gharlane: speed
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word speed and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R O O L
StackBot: F A W N S
StackBot: M U S T Y
StackBot: T O A S T
StackBot: U N Z I P
StackBot: S P E E D
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R O O L
StackBot: F A W N S
StackBot: M U S T Y
StackBot: T O A S T
StackBot: U N Z I P
StackBot: S P E E D
Ticia is back.
Randy: gah
Randy: had no idea
Grishny: I know how ya feels.
DemanusFlint: plume
StackBot: DemanusFlint continues the stack with the word plume and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R O O L
StackBot: F A W N S
StackBot: M U S T Y
StackBot: T O A S T
StackBot: U N Z I P
StackBot: S P E E D
StackBot: P L U M E
* Sam throws rotten tomatoes at the guy who took the trailing E.
Gharlane: chili
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word chili and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: D R O O L
StackBot: F A W N S
StackBot: M U S T Y
StackBot: T O A S T
StackBot: U N Z I P
StackBot: S P E E D
StackBot: P L U M E
StackBot: C H I L I
Randy: I am going to see Superman on Tuesday night at midnight, so I can be here on Weds.
Gharlane: Tell us what you think, but no spoilers, ok? :)
Pupmon: lakes
[StackBot->Pupmon] The word 'LAKES' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Pupmon breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: addax, adman, aitch, atman, attar, began, begum, begun, belch, belga.
StackBot: Jumpman, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I N T R A
StackBot: S P E L T
StackBot: M U S E D
Randy: Will do
Jumpman: rhyme
StackBot: Jumpman continues the stack with the word rhyme and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I N T R A
StackBot: S P E L T
StackBot: M U S E D
StackBot: R H Y M E
* Sam throws rotten tomatoes at the guy who took the trailing E.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'INNER' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'TROUT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Jumpman: Sam: I'll consider them my birthday present from you.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'ENTER' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Randy: trailing E's rule
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'AITCH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'ALTAR' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Zup timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I N T R A
StackBot: S P E L T
StackBot: M U S E D
StackBot: R H Y M E
Sam: awful
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word awful and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I N T R A
StackBot: S P E L T
StackBot: M U S E D
StackBot: R H Y M E
StackBot: A W F U L
LuckyWizard: began
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word began and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I N T R A
StackBot: S P E L T
StackBot: M U S E D
StackBot: R H Y M E
StackBot: A W F U L
StackBot: B E G A N
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'NOSED' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'KNOWS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'SINGS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'RINGS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'pings' is not recognized.
StackBot: Crystal109 timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I N T R A
StackBot: S P E L T
StackBot: M U S E D
StackBot: R H Y M E
StackBot: A W F U L
StackBot: B E G A N
ThePhan: clips
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word clips and wins 3 points!
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I N T R A
StackBot: S P E L T
StackBot: M U S E D
StackBot: R H Y M E
StackBot: A W F U L
StackBot: B E G A N
StackBot: C L I P S
gremlinn: trooz
[StackBot->gremlinn] The word 'trooz' is not recognized.
Randy: trooz?
Pupmon: Is that French?
gremlinn: womby
[StackBot->gremlinn] The word 'womby' is not recognized.
StackBot: gremlinn breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: daddy, dandy, danio, diazo, dicky, dingo, dingy, dinky, dirty, dizzy.
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F R I L L
StackBot: R E P A Y
StackBot: E G G E D
Grishny: limbs
Sam: grem: Were those real words?
TimTheEnchanter has entered.
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word limbs and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F R I L L
StackBot: R E P A Y
StackBot: E G G E D
StackBot: L I M B S
gremlinn: Trooz is a Scrabble word.
gremlinn: I think womby works too.
Chrysanthemum has entered.
Sam: Huh.
DemanusFlint: Oh, I won Scrabble tonight, guys.
Nyperold: aleph
Chrysanthemum is away.
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word aleph and wins 1 point!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F R I L L
StackBot: R E P A Y
StackBot: E G G E D
StackBot: L I M B S
StackBot: A L E P H
Pupmon: Greetings!
Chrysanthemum: Hello :)
Crystal109 is away.
Gharlane: Hello!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter continues the stack with the word court and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F R I L L
StackBot: R E P A Y
StackBot: E G G E D
StackBot: L I M B S
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: C O U R T
Nyperold: Hello!
Ticia: stack
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word stack and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F R I L L
StackBot: R E P A Y
StackBot: E G G E D
StackBot: L I M B S
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: C O U R T
StackBot: S T A C K
Sam: Ti: Nice!
Ticia: Thanks!
Ticia: I've been waiting awhile to do that one.
Sam: I thought of STACK for an earlier turn, but it didn't fit.
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F R I L L
StackBot: R E P A Y
StackBot: E G G E D
StackBot: L I M B S
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: C O U R T
StackBot: S T A C K
Crystal109 is back.
Chrysanthemum: Why are some letters purple and others black?
Randy: Man I suck,
DemanusFlint: vowels/consonants
Sam: Vowels are black.
Ticia: vowels are black
Randy is away.
LuckyWizard: vowels.
Nyperold: Black = vowels
Chrysanthemum: Ah.
gremlinn: Black = most vowels.
* DemanusFlint FTW
* Chrysanthemum has bad pattern recognition.
DemanusFlint: grem: Idyll?
StackBot: Kysle timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: gremlinn, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F R I L L
StackBot: R E P A Y
StackBot: E G G E D
StackBot: L I M B S
StackBot: A L E P H
StackBot: C O U R T
StackBot: S T A C K
* LuckyWizard took a few minutes to figure that out, too.
Sam: C: Was that enough answers for you?
Crystal109: I look at things and end up thinking of words that rhyme.
Chrysanthemum is back.
Chrysanthemum: That was plenty.
Chrysanthemum: ;)
Grishny: Heh, thinking of rhyming words is going to be totally counterproductive in this game.
Kysle: Woa. I didn't even see my name. Whoops.
StackBot: gremlinn breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: bacon, badge, balsa, banjo, barde, barge, baric, baron, basic, basin.
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A N K
StackBot: L A R G E
StackBot: T E N O N
ThePhan: Grishny: Exactly, I keep thinking I'm playing ChainBot which is no help at ALL.
DemanusFlint: about
StackBot: DemanusFlint continues the stack with the word about and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A N K
StackBot: L A R G E
StackBot: T E N O N
StackBot: A B O U T
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'ASSAI' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
DemanusFlint: HEY KYSLE IT'S YOU
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word cycad and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A N K
StackBot: L A R G E
StackBot: T E N O N
StackBot: A B O U T
StackBot: C Y C A D
Nyperold: idyll: A short pastoral poem; a picture of simple perfection and loveliness.
Kysle: Thanks!
ThePhan: robes
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word robes and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A N K
StackBot: L A R G E
StackBot: T E N O N
StackBot: A B O U T
StackBot: C Y C A D
StackBot: R O B E S
Ticia: idyll
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A N K
StackBot: L A R G E
StackBot: T E N O N
StackBot: A B O U T
StackBot: C Y C A D
StackBot: R O B E S
StackBot: I D Y L L
DemanusFlint: Nyp: I was just pointing out that it probably didn't have a black vowel.
Ticia: Hehehe
Sam: I was waiting for that.
* Ticia bows.
DemanusFlint: Clearly.
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A N K
StackBot: L A R G E
StackBot: T E N O N
StackBot: A B O U T
StackBot: C Y C A D
StackBot: R O B E S
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word ditch and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A N K
StackBot: L A R G E
StackBot: T E N O N
StackBot: A B O U T
StackBot: C Y C A D
StackBot: R O B E S
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: D I T C H
Zup: Yay points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A N K
StackBot: L A R G E
StackBot: T E N O N
StackBot: A B O U T
StackBot: C Y C A D
StackBot: R O B E S
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: D I T C H
Sam: empty
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word empty and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B L A N K
StackBot: L A R G E
StackBot: T E N O N
StackBot: A B O U T
StackBot: C Y C A D
StackBot: R O B E S
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: D I T C H
StackBot: E M P T Y
Ticia: Curse you for taking the trailing y, Sam.
Sam: :-/
Ticia: Hehe
Sam: This stack might die before it gets to you anyway. It's reaching critical mass.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: frizz, frump, gruff, grump, gumbo, gumma, humic, huzza, jumbo, kudzu.
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I O D I N
StackBot: P L U S H
StackBot: V I A N D
Grishny: SNIDE
Ticia: Yeah, but I can't count on that. I gotta have a word ready...
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word snide and wins 1 point!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I O D I N
StackBot: P L U S H
StackBot: V I A N D
StackBot: S N I D E
Ticia: LOL
Ticia: Nice, Grishny. I like your style.
Grishny: Totally accidental, I assure you. I had no idea my capslock was on.
Gharlane: Hehe.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I O D I N
StackBot: P L U S H
StackBot: V I A N D
StackBot: S N I D E
Crystal109: gumma
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word gumma and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I O D I N
StackBot: P L U S H
StackBot: V I A N D
StackBot: S N I D E
StackBot: G U M M A
TimTheEnchanter: blast, too late
Sam: Nice!
Randy is back.
Gharlane: cheer
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word cheer and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Jumpman, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I O D I N
StackBot: P L U S H
StackBot: V I A N D
StackBot: S N I D E
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: C H E E R
gremlinn is away.
Jumpman: nifty
[StackBot->Jumpman] The word 'NIFTY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Jumpman: foh
Jumpman: doh
Jumpman: quits
[StackBot->Jumpman] The word 'QUITS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Jumpman: snake
[StackBot->Jumpman] The word 'SNAKE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Jumpman: drat
Jumpman: sorry
[StackBot->Jumpman] The word 'SORRY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Jumpman timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: I O D I N
StackBot: P L U S H
StackBot: V I A N D
StackBot: S N I D E
StackBot: G U M M A
StackBot: C H E E R
Sam: I'd have ruled if "sorry" made it.
DemanusFlint: Sam, you already rule.
Gharlane: I was thinking that, hehe.
Randy: slump
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'SLUMP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: LOL. *It'd
Sam: Didn't even notice that.
Ticia: LOL
Crystal109: LOL
Randy: stump
ThePhan: And Sam takes ALL the credit...
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'STUMP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Ticia: You rule anyway.
StackBot: Randy breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: abbot, abort, about, acock, adopt, afoot, afoul, aglow, ambry, amort.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S T O N E
StackBot: N O N E S
StackBot: P E E P Y
Randy: Drat
DemanusFlint: Randy: /b tells you what letters are wrong.
Crystal109: I can't be laughing this hard at my resume!
Nyperold: zayin
Grishny: Does the bot want a peepy break?
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word zayin and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S T O N E
StackBot: N O N E S
StackBot: P E E P Y
StackBot: Z A Y I N
Randy: I know. I'm just dumb
Sam: This is weird. No 4-letter stacks yet.
Gharlane: chart
Nyperold: 7th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. :)
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word chart and wins 1 point!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S T O N E
StackBot: N O N E S
StackBot: P E E P Y
StackBot: Z A Y I N
StackBot: C H A R T
DemanusFlint: stone
Sam: Nyp, you're smoking with the Hebrew alphabet.
[StackBot->DemanusFlint] The word 'STONE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
DemanusFlint: flips
[StackBot->DemanusFlint] The word 'FLIPS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
DemanusFlint: brick
StackBot: DemanusFlint continues the stack with the word brick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S T O N E
StackBot: N O N E S
StackBot: P E E P Y
StackBot: Z A Y I N
StackBot: C H A R T
StackBot: B R I C K
DemanusFlint: o thank goodnes
Pupmon: reach
[StackBot->Pupmon] The word 'REACH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S T O N E
StackBot: N O N E S
StackBot: P E E P Y
StackBot: Z A Y I N
StackBot: C H A R T
StackBot: B R I C K
Grishny: slurp
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'SLURP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: plump
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'PLUMP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: clump
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'CLUMP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: trump
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'TRUMP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Nyperold: I figure the first, third and seventh letters are all I can use in a 5-letter stack.
StackBot: Grishny timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S T O N E
StackBot: N O N E S
StackBot: P E E P Y
StackBot: Z A Y I N
StackBot: C H A R T
StackBot: B R I C K
[StackBot->TimTheEnchanter] The word 'GRUMP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Nyperold: Hmm.
LuckyWizard: It depends on how the dictionary spells the names of the other letters, I suppose...
[StackBot->TimTheEnchanter] The word 'gummo' is not recognized.
DemanusFlint: Was aleph already used?
[StackBot->TimTheEnchanter] The word 'GUMMY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: abhor, actor, addax, aglow, album, aldol, algal, alkyd, alkyl, allow.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
Sam: THERE we go.
Nyperold: Yeah, in an earlier stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'LACK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word lake and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: L A K E
ThePhan: army
Crystal109: Phew.
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word army and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: A R M Y
StackBot: Chrysanthemum continues the stack with the word burn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: A R M Y
StackBot: B U R N
Sam: Ha, I was going to do "BURN!"
Chrysanthemum: YAY POINT!
Randy: hehe
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word flak and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: A R M Y
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: F L A K
Crystal109: ... And NOW the 4 letter words are all I can't think about. >_<
Sam: echo
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word echo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: A R M Y
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: F L A K
StackBot: E C H O
Ticia: chop
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word chop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: A R M Y
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: F L A K
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: C H O P
* ThePhan jumps. She was TOTALLY thinking "chop."
Ticia: HA
Ticia: I mean... sorry.
TimTheEnchanter: can we not use words used in a previous stack? or are those ok?
ThePhan: Heh... No, it wouldn't have come around to me in time for me to use it anyway.
Sam: Those are fine.
Randy: ramp
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'RAMP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: A R M Y
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: F L A K
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: C H O P
Randy is away.
Nyperold: prod
[StackBot->Nyperold] The word 'PROD' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: A R M Y
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: F L A K
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: C H O P
LuckyWizard: over
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word over and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Jumpman, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S E T S
StackBot: T O S H
StackBot: P I C A
StackBot: L A K E
StackBot: A R M Y
StackBot: B U R N
StackBot: F L A K
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: C H O P
StackBot: O V E R
Jumpman: darn -- I had ovum all ready
Jumpman: um
Ticia: Heh
Grishny: just like I had "crop" all ready when she used "chop"
StackBot: Jumpman breaks the stack. Possible continuations: ibid, idyl, iglu, knit, unit.
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
Jumpman: knit -- I should have thought of that
DemanusFlint: KNIT, I was thinking it.
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word unit and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
Sam: Wow, those words were the ENTIRE list of possibilities.
LuckyWizard: Whoa -- only four continuations.
Grishny: So was I!
LuckyWizard: Five, I mean.
Grishny: slop
Jumpman is away.
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word slop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
StackBot: S L O P
DemanusFlint: Ha-ha, IDYL.
Gharlane: THAT's the word I was going to use if it got to me, hehe.
Sam: Yup, alternate spelling.
Sam: Heh.
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
StackBot: S L O P
Pupmon: poll
Gharlane: I'd thought of unit as well...
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word idyl and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
StackBot: S L O P
StackBot: I D Y L
Kysle: hehe
Zup: I love how you can "idyl" while still playing.
Sam: etch
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'ETCH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: onto
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'ONTO' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
DemanusFlint: This is gonna take forever.
Sam: edgy
Sam: edge
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'EDGY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'EDGE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: etch
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'ETCH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: envy
Sam: eddy
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'ENVY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'EDDY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: unto
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'UNTO' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: updo
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'UPDO' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: etui
Sam: onyx
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word etui and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
StackBot: S L O P
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: E T U I
Grishny: It's fun to watch Sam scramble.
ThePhan: pore
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word pore and wins 2 points!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
StackBot: S L O P
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: E T U I
StackBot: P O R E
Gharlane: LOL
Sam: Oh sure, and you just spit out "PORE."
* TalkingDog dies.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter continues the stack with the word grew and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
StackBot: S L O P
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: E T U I
StackBot: P O R E
StackBot: G R E W
LuckyWizard: buns
Sam: I was trying too hard, I guess, reaching for whatever weird letter-use words I could think of.
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word buns and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
StackBot: S L O P
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: E T U I
StackBot: P O R E
StackBot: G R E W
StackBot: B U N S
Crystal109: lead
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word lead and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
StackBot: S L O P
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: E T U I
StackBot: P O R E
StackBot: G R E W
StackBot: B U N S
StackBot: L E A D
Homestarmy has left.
ThePhan: Heh. I always keep one word on deck, changing it as needed.
Crystal109: Yeah, I'm learning.
Chrysanthemum: brat
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'BRAT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: Me too, but mine was eaten just before my turn.
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'BRAD' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: W I C K
StackBot: T Y P Y
StackBot: C A S H
StackBot: U N I T
StackBot: S L O P
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: E T U I
StackBot: P O R E
StackBot: G R E W
StackBot: B U N S
StackBot: L E A D
ThePhan: Yeah, that's when it gets tricky. Meh.
Chrysanthemum: Darn it.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'OVUM' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'OVER' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Chrysanthemum: I always get called on right after all of the words I've thought of have been eliminated. >.<
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'QUIT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'WRIT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'FLIP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Zup breaks the stack. Possible continuations: ammo.
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A B B Y
StackBot: V O C A L
StackBot: F L E S H
Sam: Wow.
ThePhan: Wow. Only one possibly continuation.
Ticia: Heh
DemanusFlint: Zup: Duh, man.
LuckyWizard: ONE continuation!
Zup: LOL, I had zero chance.
Sam: If he had gotten that, I think it would have been worth 6 points.
Gharlane: seals
Zup: Ammo is now in my mind, however.
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word seals and wins 1 point!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A B B Y
StackBot: V O C A L
StackBot: F L E S H
StackBot: S E A L S
DemanusFlint: burka
[StackBot->DemanusFlint] The word 'burka' is not recognized.
DemanusFlint: burqa
[StackBot->DemanusFlint] The word 'burqa' is not recognized.
DemanusFlint: How do you spell that word?
Randy is back.
Sam: Dunno.
Randy: Like that
DemanusFlint: dunno
[StackBot->DemanusFlint] The word 'dunno' is not recognized.
Grishny: bourka?
StackBot: DemanusFlint timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A B B Y
StackBot: V O C A L
StackBot: F L E S H
StackBot: S E A L S
Sam: Heh, I knew you were going to do that.
Ticia: brick
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word brick and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A B B Y
StackBot: V O C A L
StackBot: F L E S H
StackBot: S E A L S
StackBot: B R I C K
Nyperold: guard
[StackBot->Nyperold] The word 'GUARD' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T A B B Y
StackBot: V O C A L
StackBot: F L E S H
StackBot: S E A L S
StackBot: B R I C K
Nyperold: EH.
Nyperold: A.
Randy: ginko
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'ginko' is not recognized.
Randy: heh
Gharlane: It's gingko
StackBot: Randy breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: abhor, abler, abode, abort, about, above, ached, acorn, acrid, acted.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I S T A
StackBot: I A M B S
StackBot: F R E A K
Randy: oh
LuckyWizard: Ginkgo, isn't it?
Gharlane: Either spelling works
Kysle: I forget.
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I S T A
StackBot: I A M B S
StackBot: F R E A K
Chrysanthemum: ghost
StackBot: Chrysanthemum continues the stack with the word ghost and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I S T A
StackBot: I A M B S
StackBot: F R E A K
StackBot: G H O S T
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word aglow and wins 2 points!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I S T A
StackBot: I A M B S
StackBot: F R E A K
StackBot: G H O S T
StackBot: A G L O W
Nyperold: Grah. Oh well.
DemanusFlint: nomme
[StackBot->DemanusFlint] The word 'NOMME' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: DemanusFlint timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I S T A
StackBot: I A M B S
StackBot: F R E A K
StackBot: G H O S T
StackBot: A G L O W
Ticia: stain
DemanusFlint is away.
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word stain and wins 3 points!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I S T A
StackBot: I A M B S
StackBot: F R E A K
StackBot: G H O S T
StackBot: A G L O W
StackBot: S T A I N
TimTheEnchanter: blink
[StackBot->TimTheEnchanter] The word 'BLINK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
TimTheEnchanter: bling
[StackBot->TimTheEnchanter] The word 'bling' is not recognized.
TimTheEnchanter: blimp
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter continues the stack with the word blimp and wins 3 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I S T A
StackBot: I A M B S
StackBot: F R E A K
StackBot: G H O S T
StackBot: A G L O W
StackBot: S T A I N
StackBot: B L I M P
ThePhan: enter
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word enter and wins 3 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: V I S T A
StackBot: I A M B S
StackBot: F R E A K
StackBot: G H O S T
StackBot: A G L O W
StackBot: S T A I N
StackBot: B L I M P
StackBot: E N T E R
DemanusFlint: So are we playing to 15?
Sam: No, can't change the rules now.
Grishny: To 30, I think.
StackBot: LuckyWizard breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: cecum, coble, cocci, cocky, conch, condo, conge, corgi, corky, cornu.
DemanusFlint: Oh goodness.
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
Sam: Whew. I didn't want a turn on that stack. I had nothing.
Gharlane: I wanted a turn but couldn't buy one.
Randy: reds
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word reds and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
Sam: Gharlane: What word did you have?
Sam: newt
Gharlane: curly
Randy: Yay! A point!
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'NEWT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: Nice.
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word nice and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
StackBot: N I C E
Gharlane: esse
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word ammo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
StackBot: N I C E
StackBot: A M M O
Ticia: HA
Crystal109: LOL.
DemanusFlint: Ha-ha!
Gharlane: LOL LOL LOL
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word chop and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
StackBot: N I C E
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: C H O P
Sam: Oh man.
Zup: LOL
Sam: That was so sweet.
Sam: I was so confused. "It gave me an error *and* took it??"
Crystal109: You took my C, too, Sam.
Gharlane: edgy
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word edgy and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
StackBot: N I C E
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: C H O P
StackBot: E D G Y
Grishny: darn
Randy: Whats the matter esse, don't you know I'm loco?
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'DARN' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: tarn
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word tarn and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
StackBot: N I C E
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: C H O P
StackBot: E D G Y
StackBot: T A R N
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
StackBot: N I C E
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: C H O P
StackBot: E D G Y
StackBot: T A R N
ThePhan: pull
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word pull and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
StackBot: N I C E
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: C H O P
StackBot: E D G Y
StackBot: T A R N
StackBot: P U L L
TimTheEnchanter: that was my word!
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'IGLU' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Pupmon: Go ThePhan!
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'OVUM' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'IGRU' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
ThePhan: Ooer, sorry.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'FLIP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'QUIT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Zup timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
StackBot: N I C E
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: C H O P
StackBot: E D G Y
StackBot: T A R N
StackBot: P U L L
Gharlane: obit
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word obit and wins 3 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S W A B
StackBot: B L E D
StackBot: D O U R
StackBot: R E D S
StackBot: N I C E
StackBot: A M M O
StackBot: C H O P
StackBot: E D G Y
StackBot: T A R N
StackBot: P U L L
StackBot: O B I T
Ticia: Nice
Zup: Nice one.
Gharlane: It was about the only one I could think of there, hehe.
StackBot: LuckyWizard breaks the stack. Possible continuations: lynx, myna, myth.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B R O N C
StackBot: C L A Y S
StackBot: S I Z A R
Sam: I had "lynx" queued up.
Gharlane: Oooh, myth
[StackBot->Ticia] The word 'idlly' is not recognized.
LuckyWizard: Whoa, three continuations.
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B R O N C
StackBot: C L A Y S
StackBot: S I Z A R
StackBot: I D Y L L
Ticia: Hehe
Sam: empty
Gharlane: LOL
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word empty and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B R O N C
StackBot: C L A Y S
StackBot: S I Z A R
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E M P T Y
Randy: deuce
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word deuce and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B R O N C
StackBot: C L A Y S
StackBot: S I Z A R
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E M P T Y
StackBot: D E U C E
Crystal109: merit
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'MERIT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Crystal109: abysm
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'ABYSM' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Crystal109: Darn.
* Randy gets stuff thrown at him.
Ticia: Heh
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word nosed and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B R O N C
StackBot: C L A Y S
StackBot: S I Z A R
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E M P T Y
StackBot: D E U C E
StackBot: N O S E D
Crystal109: Thank you!
Chrysanthemum: drove
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'DROVE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Chrysanthemum: above
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'ABOVE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Chrysanthemum: loggy
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'LOGGY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B R O N C
StackBot: C L A Y S
StackBot: S I Z A R
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E M P T Y
StackBot: D E U C E
StackBot: N O S E D
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'AFOOT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word apish and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B R O N C
StackBot: C L A Y S
StackBot: S I Z A R
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E M P T Y
StackBot: D E U C E
StackBot: N O S E D
StackBot: A P I S H
Grishny: igloo
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'IGLOO' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: egged
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'EGGED' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: lance
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'LANCE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Grishny timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: B R O N C
StackBot: C L A Y S
StackBot: S I Z A R
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: E M P T Y
StackBot: D E U C E
StackBot: N O S E D
StackBot: A P I S H
Grishny: lazer
Grishny: Figures the person who went right before me would desttroy the word I had ready.
StackBot: Nyperold breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: facia, fundi, fungi, fungo, galop, gamba, gamin, gamma, gamut, gumbo.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C A K E D
StackBot: H U L L O
StackBot: F R A N K
TimTheEnchanter: piece
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter continues the stack with the word piece and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C A K E D
StackBot: H U L L O
StackBot: F R A N K
StackBot: P I E C E
Randy: GUMBO!
Gharlane: Mighty Rad Gumbo, at that!
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C A K E D
StackBot: H U L L O
StackBot: F R A N K
StackBot: P I E C E
Grishny: loopy
Gabe has entered.
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word loopy and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C A K E D
StackBot: H U L L O
StackBot: F R A N K
StackBot: P I E C E
StackBot: L O O P Y
Gharlane: Hi Gabe
Gabe: Heh, I was wondering why chat was so empty.
Pupmon: Greetings Gabe!
Gabe: Hi, everyone.
Crystal109: Nyperold's idle.
Pupmon: Go Nyperold!
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C A K E D
StackBot: H U L L O
StackBot: F R A N K
StackBot: P I E C E
StackBot: L O O P Y
Nyperold: wharf
Crystal109: merit
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word merit and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C A K E D
StackBot: H U L L O
StackBot: F R A N K
StackBot: P I E C E
StackBot: L O O P Y
StackBot: M E R I T
Crystal109: YES finally get to use it!
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'RESIN' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Nyperold: Wouldn'ta worked anyway.
Gabe is away.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'CYCAD' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word attar and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C A K E D
StackBot: H U L L O
StackBot: F R A N K
StackBot: P I E C E
StackBot: L O O P Y
StackBot: M E R I T
StackBot: A T T A R
Zup: Thank God.
Gabe is back.
Sam: nymph
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'NYMPH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: uncap
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'UNCAP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Zup: My queued word was invalid!
Sam: ethyl
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'ETHYL' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Zup: Again!
Sam: oxbow
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word oxbow and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C A K E D
StackBot: H U L L O
StackBot: F R A N K
StackBot: P I E C E
StackBot: L O O P Y
StackBot: M E R I T
StackBot: A T T A R
StackBot: O X B O W
Pupmon: Go Randy!
Randy: drains
StackBot: Randy breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: blimp, bliss, blitz, bluff, blurb, blurs, blush, edits, emits, ennui.
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C O R A L
StackBot: M E T R E
StackBot: T R I P S
DemanusFlint: Hm.
Randy: d'oh
Randy is away.
LuckyWizard: "emirs" isn't in there? That's what I had ready in case I got a turn.
Chrysanthemum is away.
ThePhan: I had "blitz" all ready for that last round...
Pupmon: liter
Sam: That's not at dictionary.com. Are you sure that's the right spelling?
[StackBot->Pupmon] The word 'LITER' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C O R A L
StackBot: M E T R E
StackBot: T R I P S
Sam: Oh, the singular is.
Sam: Is the plural emirs?
Gharlane: speed
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word speed and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C O R A L
StackBot: M E T R E
StackBot: T R I P S
StackBot: S P E E D
Ticia: abuzz
[StackBot->Ticia] The word 'abuzz' is not recognized.
Ticia: oxbow
Chrysanthemum is back.
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word oxbow and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C O R A L
StackBot: M E T R E
StackBot: T R I P S
StackBot: S P E E D
StackBot: O X B O W
Ticia: Heh, backup word.
LuckyWizard: blunt
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word blunt and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C O R A L
StackBot: M E T R E
StackBot: T R I P S
StackBot: S P E E D
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L U N T
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'LYSED' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
LuckyWizard: It's at m-w.com
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'BANAL' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum continues the stack with the word lusty and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C O R A L
StackBot: M E T R E
StackBot: T R I P S
StackBot: S P E E D
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L U N T
StackBot: L U S T Y
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'CHAMP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Chrysanthemum: *phew*
Crystal109: Sam: In google, it's in define: emirs.
Randy: nice
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word ennui and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C O R A L
StackBot: M E T R E
StackBot: T R I P S
StackBot: S P E E D
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L U N T
StackBot: L U S T Y
StackBot: E N N U I
Pupmon: Good job, Kysle!
Kysle: Thanks!
StackBot: ThePhan timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: C O R A L
StackBot: M E T R E
StackBot: T R I P S
StackBot: S P E E D
StackBot: O X B O W
StackBot: B L U N T
StackBot: L U S T Y
StackBot: E N N U I
ThePhan: Mehhhh. Had nothing there
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: abaca, aback, abash, abysm, acock, admix, affix, agada, again, amain.
StackBot: Gabe, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K A L E
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: M U M P
TimTheEnchanter: blast.
Gabe: born
StackBot: Gabe continues the stack with the word born and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K A L E
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: M U M P
StackBot: B O R N
Sam: pick
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word pick and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K A L E
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: M U M P
StackBot: B O R N
StackBot: P I C K
Chrysanthemum: lyse
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'LYSE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Randy is back.
Chrysanthemum: lest
StackBot: Chrysanthemum continues the stack with the word lest and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K A L E
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: M U M P
StackBot: B O R N
StackBot: P I C K
StackBot: L E S T
ThePhan: ants
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word ants and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K A L E
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: M U M P
StackBot: B O R N
StackBot: P I C K
StackBot: L E S T
StackBot: A N T S
DemanusFlint is back.
DemanusFlint: OH
Sam: LOL. Oh man.
ThePhan: LOL!
Randy: film
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'FILM' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
DemanusFlint: Good thing I AHTE THIS GAEM ANYWAY
Randy: frum
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'FRUM' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Randy timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K A L E
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: M U M P
StackBot: B O R N
StackBot: P I C K
StackBot: L E S T
StackBot: A N T S
Pupmon: Abba
[StackBot->Pupmon] The word 'ABBA' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K A L E
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: M U M P
StackBot: B O R N
StackBot: P I C K
StackBot: L E S T
StackBot: A N T S
Nyperold: opal
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word opal and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: K A L E
StackBot: D R E W
StackBot: M U M P
StackBot: B O R N
StackBot: P I C K
StackBot: L E S T
StackBot: A N T S
StackBot: O P A L
Nyperold: Ooh, my first 3-pointer. :)
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'GLOW' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'GLOT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'GLUT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'GLOP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Zup breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: chic, chub, chug, chum, clod, clog, cloy, club, echo, eddy.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
Crystal109: The last four entries ruined all my backups.
DemanusFlint: ulna was my backup.
Chrysanthemum is away.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'GUARD' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word idyll and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gabe, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
Zup: Same here.
Sam: I had "stud." :-)
Ticia: Stealer.
Ticia: I had chum
ThePhan: I had clod.
Gabe: silty
[StackBot->Gabe] The word 'SILTY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: I had chum in my list too. :)
Gharlane: I had evil and chad - changed to another at the end heh
Gabe: oops
Pupmon: Could someone the game in fifteen minutes?
Gabe: sulky
[StackBot->Gabe] The word 'SULKY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Gabe timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
Sam: Pup: I need a verb.
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word assai and wins 2 points!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: A S S A I
Pupmon: Could someone win the game in fifteen minutes?
DemanusFlint: plump
Sam: Probably not.
StackBot: DemanusFlint continues the stack with the word plump and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: P L U M P
Gharlane: seedy
* DemanusFlint's back in the game!!
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word seedy and wins 2 points!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: P L U M P
StackBot: S E E D Y
Pupmon: Sam: I didn't think so.
Randy is away.
Crystal109: I hate plural words.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: P L U M P
StackBot: S E E D Y
Ticia: thank
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word thank and wins 3 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: P L U M P
StackBot: S E E D Y
StackBot: T H A N K
Chrysanthemum is back.
LuckyWizard: ethic
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word ethic and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: P L U M P
StackBot: S E E D Y
StackBot: T H A N K
StackBot: E T H I C
Grishny: BILGE
Chrysanthemum is away.
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word bilge and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: P L U M P
StackBot: S E E D Y
StackBot: T H A N K
StackBot: E T H I C
StackBot: B I L G E
Sam: umber
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word umber and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: G R I S T
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: H O K K U
StackBot: I D Y L L
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: P L U M P
StackBot: S E E D Y
StackBot: T H A N K
StackBot: E T H I C
StackBot: B I L G E
StackBot: U M B E R
TimTheEnchanter: I'm not too good at this game, I guess.
Grishny: wroth
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'WROTH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: ghast
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'GHAST' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Grishny breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: curch, cutch, durra, dutch, jugum, jumbo, junco, known, lunch, lurch.
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: R I V E T
StackBot: M U D D Y
Sam: Tim: You're about right in the middle, in terms of how well you're doing compared to everybody else.
Sam: It's a hard game, but it's hard for everybody.
ThePhan: snore
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word snore and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gabe, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: R I V E T
StackBot: M U D D Y
StackBot: S N O R E
Randy is back.
Gharlane: I was holding onto lunch back there, hehe.
Gabe: crumb
Nyperold: Hmm.
StackBot: Gabe continues the stack with the word crumb and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: R I V E T
StackBot: M U D D Y
StackBot: S N O R E
StackBot: C R U M B
Chrysanthemum is back.
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word assai and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: R I V E T
StackBot: M U D D Y
StackBot: S N O R E
StackBot: C R U M B
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word igloo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: DemanusFlint, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: R I V E T
StackBot: M U D D Y
StackBot: S N O R E
StackBot: C R U M B
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: I G L O O
DemanusFlint: klein
[StackBot->DemanusFlint] The word 'klein' is not recognized.
StackBot: DemanusFlint timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: R I V E T
StackBot: M U D D Y
StackBot: S N O R E
StackBot: C R U M B
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: I G L O O
DemanusFlint: burka
DemanusFlint is away.
DemanusFlint: What else is on the schedule tonight?
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: R I V E T
StackBot: M U D D Y
StackBot: S N O R E
StackBot: C R U M B
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: I G L O O
Ticia: thank
Sam: Country and the Moles.
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word thank and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F A C T S
StackBot: R I V E T
StackBot: M U D D Y
StackBot: S N O R E
StackBot: C R U M B
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: I G L O O
StackBot: T H A N K
Sam: That would be a good name for a band.
Ticia: hehe
Randy: Thinking the same thing!
Chrysanthemum: blink
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'BLINK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Chrysanthemum: blips
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'BLIPS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Zup: The Country Moles!
Crystal109: Same here!
Randy is away.
Chrysanthemum: moles
DemanusFlint: Well, dang. I was hoping Count Bot von Bot was tonight.
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'MOLES' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Chrysanthemum: Mine too!
Chrysanthemum: claim
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'CLAIM' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: beech, begin, begum, begun, bench, beryl, boric, botch, debug, degum.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: D I C K Y
StackBot: C O M P T
Sam: DF: The schedule isn't a secret. http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1&v=2
LuckyWizard: there
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word there and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: D I C K Y
StackBot: C O M P T
StackBot: T H E R E
* ThePhan had "wench" all ready. Heh.
DemanusFlint: Sam: Everything's a secret to the pathologically lazy.
Sam: ThePhan: LOL LOL! I did too!!
Eric has entered.
Gharlane: stamp
ThePhan: LOL!
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word stamp and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: D I C K Y
StackBot: C O M P T
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: S T A M P
Pupmon: layer
* DemanusFlint heads out, in that case. Happy botting, everyone!
StackBot: Pupmon continues the stack with the word layer and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Eric, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: D I C K Y
StackBot: C O M P T
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: S T A M P
StackBot: L A Y E R
DemanusFlint has left.
Pupmon: Good night, DemanusFlint!
Eric: egglo
[StackBot->Eric] The word 'egglo' is not recognized.
StackBot: Eric timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: D I C K Y
StackBot: C O M P T
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: S T A M P
StackBot: L A Y E R
Crystal109: knows
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word knows and wins 2 points!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: D I C K Y
StackBot: C O M P T
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: S T A M P
StackBot: L A Y E R
StackBot: K N O W S
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter continues the stack with the word wench and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: D I C K Y
StackBot: C O M P T
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: S T A M P
StackBot: L A Y E R
StackBot: K N O W S
StackBot: W E N C H
Ticia: LOL
Gharlane: LOL
[StackBot->Zup] The word 'KUDZU' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: Heh, I still had "wench" ready to go, too.
ThePhan: Sam: Me tooooooo.
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word bring and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: D I C K Y
StackBot: C O M P T
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: S T A M P
StackBot: L A Y E R
StackBot: K N O W S
StackBot: W E N C H
StackBot: B R I N G
Crystal109: LOL I was going to do that as my backup.
ThePhan: I was like, "Oh, I can use 'wench' this time!"
Gabe: Huh, I got skipped
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: D I C K Y
StackBot: C O M P T
StackBot: T H E R E
StackBot: S T A M P
StackBot: L A Y E R
StackBot: K N O W S
StackBot: W E N C H
StackBot: B R I N G
Sam: Gabe: See the instructions on FAQBot ------------------>
Gabe: Oh well.
Crystal109: Hm. What does dicky mean?
Randy: Its random, dude.
Pupmon: Go ThePhan!
Eric: It's one of those tuxedo things.
Ticia: Impaired; faulty; weak: “‘I've got this dicky heart,’ he'd say to the fool” (John le Carré).
ThePhan: Aaahhh.
Crystal109: Ah, thanks. =)
StackBot: ThePhan breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: equal, fugal, furan, gusto, gutta, huzza, hypha, hyrax, jugum, jural.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
Gabe: Oh, I thought it was just going in order down the list.
Chrysanthemum: lyse
StackBot: Chrysanthemum continues the stack with the word lyse and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Eric, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
StackBot: L Y S E
* Chrysanthemum thinks that "lyse" is a really fun word for some reason.
Sam: It is, yes.
Eric: lint
[StackBot->Eric] The word 'LINT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
* Gharlane doesn't think Chrysanthemum's erythrocytes would like that word.
Eric: silt
StackBot: Eric continues the stack with the word silt and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gabe, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
StackBot: L Y S E
StackBot: S I L T
Randy is back.
StackBot: Gabe timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
StackBot: L Y S E
StackBot: S I L T
Ticia: crib
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word crib and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
StackBot: L Y S E
StackBot: S I L T
StackBot: C R I B
Crystal109: evil
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'EVIL' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Crystal109: know
StackBot: Crystal109 continues the stack with the word know and wins 2 points!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
StackBot: L Y S E
StackBot: S I L T
StackBot: C R I B
StackBot: K N O W
LuckyWizard: over
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word over and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
StackBot: L Y S E
StackBot: S I L T
StackBot: C R I B
StackBot: K N O W
StackBot: O V E R
Crystal109: Dangit, Ticia.
Ticia: Sowwy
Crystal109: =)
Gabe: Huh, guess I'm not sure what you were directing me to on the FAQBot, Sam.
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
StackBot: L Y S E
StackBot: S I L T
StackBot: C R I B
StackBot: K N O W
StackBot: O V E R
Grishny: zany
Sam: Gabe: The turn-taking question.
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word zany and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
StackBot: L Y S E
StackBot: S I L T
StackBot: C R I B
StackBot: K N O W
StackBot: O V E R
StackBot: Z A N Y
Pupmon: goys
Sam: It answered it, right?
Gharlane: idyl
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word idyl and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P E G S
StackBot: J U M P
StackBot: W O A D
StackBot: L Y S E
StackBot: S I L T
StackBot: C R I B
StackBot: K N O W
StackBot: O V E R
StackBot: Z A N Y
StackBot: I D Y L
Sam: I guess it wasn't the question you had, but it was the answer you needed.
Gabe: Close enough, I guess.
Randy: clam
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'CLAM' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Randy: alms
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'ALMS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Randy breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: alba, alto, alum, aqua, asci, echo, ecru, etch, etui, flux.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
Randy: mannn
Sam: nude
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word nude and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word echo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter continues the stack with the word apex and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Eric, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
Eric: itch
StackBot: Eric continues the stack with the word itch and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: I T C H
Pupmon: Go Eric!
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word myna and wins 1 point!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: M Y N A
ThePhan: cats
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word cats and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: C A T S
Gharlane: tern
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word tern and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gabe, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: C A T S
StackBot: T E R N
Gabe: dork
[StackBot->Gabe] The word 'DORK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Gabe: Drat, you stole my R
Gabe: bosk
StackBot: Gabe continues the stack with the word bosk and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: C A T S
StackBot: T E R N
StackBot: B O S K
Gharlane: Sorry 'bout that.
Gabe: Heh
Gharlane: Kind of, hehe.
Jumpman is back.
Zup: I need to unidle.
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: C A T S
StackBot: T E R N
StackBot: B O S K
StackBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: C A T S
StackBot: T E R N
StackBot: B O S K
LuckyWizard: only
Ticia: drum
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word drum and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Jumpman, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: C A T S
StackBot: T E R N
StackBot: B O S K
StackBot: D R U M
Crystal109 is away.
Ticia: whooo!
Jumpman: ugly
StackBot: Jumpman continues the stack with the word ugly and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: L I M B
StackBot: G L O P
StackBot: S W A T
StackBot: N U D E
StackBot: E C H O
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: I T C H
StackBot: M Y N A
StackBot: C A T S
StackBot: T E R N
StackBot: B O S K
StackBot: D R U M
StackBot: U G L Y
Randy: Go Ticia!
Grishny: whim
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'WHIM' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Pupmon: Go Ticia!
Grishny: whid
LuckyWizard: Dang, one second too late.
Grishny: whig
StackBot: Grishny ends the stack with the word whid (no valid continuations) and wins 6 points!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S M O K E
StackBot: R U N T Y
StackBot: C O M B O
Ticia: Haha. Stole your M.
Grishny: Whoa!
Ticia: WOW
Sam: NICE.
Gabe: Cool, Grish.
Ticia: Awesome.
ThePhan: Whoa!
Zup: Nice!
Grishny: That was a stab in the dark if ever there was one.
Randy: Go Grish!
Sam: First time that's ever happened.
Ticia: Heh
Kysle: Nice job, Grishny!!
LuckyWizard: Heh.
Gharlane: Nice one!
Jumpman: KYSLE it's your turn :)
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word assai and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S M O K E
StackBot: R U N T Y
StackBot: C O M B O
StackBot: A S S A I
Grishny: Uh, yeah, thank. I um. Meant to do that. Yep.
Chrysanthemum: lever
StackBot: Chrysanthemum continues the stack with the word lever and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S M O K E
StackBot: R U N T Y
StackBot: C O M B O
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: L E V E R
Grishny: You see I have mastered this game.
Kysle: jumpman: Thanks. I almost missed it.
Sam: "whid" isn't at dictionary.com.
Randy: I keep reading Assai as something different.
Randy: brink
StackBot: Randy continues the stack with the word brink and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S M O K E
StackBot: R U N T Y
StackBot: C O M B O
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: L E V E R
StackBot: B R I N K
Sam: It isn't at answers.com, either. I'm going to take that word out.
Nyperold: Hmm.
Sam: endow
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word endow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S M O K E
StackBot: R U N T Y
StackBot: C O M B O
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: L E V E R
StackBot: B R I N K
StackBot: E N D O W
Grishny: Aw, so I got illegitimate points. Poo.
Sam: No, it was perfectly legit.
LuckyWizard: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/whid
TimTheEnchanter: wreck
[StackBot->TimTheEnchanter] The word 'WRECK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S M O K E
StackBot: R U N T Y
StackBot: C O M B O
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: L E V E R
StackBot: B R I N K
StackBot: E N D O W
TimTheEnchanter: tsk
Nyperold: zayin
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word zayin and wins 2 points!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S M O K E
StackBot: R U N T Y
StackBot: C O M B O
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: L E V E R
StackBot: B R I N K
StackBot: E N D O W
StackBot: Z A Y I N
Gabe: That's almost "Scrabble" down the first column.
Sam: Oh, a Scottish word. A lot of the Scottish and especially Welsh words are bizarre.
TimTheEnchanter: where
Sam: Gabe: Whoa, NICE observation there.
[StackBot->TimTheEnchanter] The word 'WHERE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Gabe: Sam: Well, I can't think of a real word. :)
Crystal109 is back.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Randy, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S M O K E
StackBot: R U N T Y
StackBot: C O M B O
StackBot: A S S A I
StackBot: L E V E R
StackBot: B R I N K
StackBot: E N D O W
StackBot: Z A Y I N
Randy: heave
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'HEAVE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Randy: shelf
[StackBot->Randy] The word 'SHELF' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Randy breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: dials, ditch, dwarf, dwell, dwelt, dyers, fichu, ficus, field, fight.
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
Randy: drats
Sam: I had nothing on that stack.
ThePhan: file
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word file and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Jumpman, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
Randy is away.
Jumpman: drat
[StackBot->Jumpman] The word 'drat' is not recognized.
Jumpman: ovum
ThePhan: I had "fills" waiting.
StackBot: Jumpman continues the stack with the word ovum and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
Jumpman: drat is not recognized -- interesting
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'TOSH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'FLUX' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Pupmon: Go Kysle!
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word myth and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
Kysle: Thanks. I was paying attention that time.
Randy is back.
Pupmon: toad
[StackBot->Pupmon] The word 'TOAD' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Pupmon timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
LuckyWizard: ekes
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word ekes and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Eric, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: E K E S
Eric: dang
[StackBot->Eric] The word 'DANG' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Eric: gong
StackBot: Eric continues the stack with the word gong and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Gabe, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: E K E S
StackBot: G O N G
Gabe: husk
StackBot: Gabe continues the stack with the word husk and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: E K E S
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: H U S K
Ticia: Sam: http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=whid
Grishny: bran
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word bran and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: E K E S
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: H U S K
StackBot: B R A N
Eric is away.
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word idyl and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: E K E S
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: H U S K
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: I D Y L
Sam: crow
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'CROW' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: chow
[StackBot->Sam] The word 'CHOW' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Sam: ashy
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word ashy and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: E K E S
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: H U S K
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: A S H Y
Gharlane: undo
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word undo and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: E K E S
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: H U S K
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: A S H Y
StackBot: U N D O
Sam: Ti: Yeah, I responded to an earlier link...uh, earlier.
Sam: But thanks. :-)
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'CLAM' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Crystal109: club
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'CLUB' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Crystal109: crab
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'CRAB' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Ticia: Oh, I missed it.
Ticia: Sorry. :)
StackBot: Crystal109 timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: T E M P
StackBot: W A R D
StackBot: S H I V
StackBot: F I L E
StackBot: O V U M
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: E K E S
StackBot: G O N G
StackBot: H U S K
StackBot: B R A N
StackBot: I D Y L
StackBot: A S H Y
StackBot: U N D O
Jumpman: for the game?
Pupmon: Go Ticia!
Crystal109: Argh. Haha Gharlane, you destroyed mine.
Kysle: Man, this game is long.
Gharlane: Sorry, :)
StackBot: Ticia breaks the stack. Possible continuations: clot, plot, plow.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
Zup: I had plow.
Chrysanthemum: clot
Ticia: I had nothing. Sorry.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum continues the stack with the word clot and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
StackBot: C L O T
LuckyWizard: I had clot.
Chrysanthemum: I was totally thinking clot.
Gharlane: I had clot, hehe.
Nyperold: beth
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word beth and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
StackBot: C L O T
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word iglu and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
StackBot: C L O T
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: I G L U
Grishny: trim
StackBot: Grishny continues the stack with the word trim and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gabe, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
StackBot: C L O T
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: T R I M
Gabe: wimp
StackBot: Gabe continues the stack with the word wimp and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
StackBot: C L O T
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: T R I M
StackBot: W I M P
Nyperold: drug
[StackBot->Nyperold] The word 'DRUG' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Nyperold timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
StackBot: C L O T
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: T R I M
StackBot: W I M P
Nyperold: Hmm.
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter continues the stack with the word apex and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
StackBot: C L O T
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: T R I M
StackBot: W I M P
StackBot: A P E X
ThePhan: undo
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word undo and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Chrysanthemum, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
StackBot: C L O T
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: T R I M
StackBot: W I M P
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: U N D O
Eric is back.
Chrysanthemum: oh no!
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'BLIP' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'DRAT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'MYLE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'LYSE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Chrysanthemum] The word 'MYTE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Chrysanthemum timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: F O G Y
StackBot: R U S K
StackBot: O A K S
StackBot: C L O T
StackBot: B E T H
StackBot: I G L U
StackBot: T R I M
StackBot: W I M P
StackBot: A P E X
StackBot: U N D O
Chrysanthemum: I thought of "undo" about 2 seconds before TP typed it.
StackBot: Pupmon breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: dyad, dyne, etui, eyre, gybe, gyre, gyri, gyve, hype, khan.
Crystal109: My head is starting to hurt now.
StackBot: Jumpman, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
Jumpman: gumbo
Sam: Yeah, this is brain-intensive.
StackBot: Jumpman continues the stack with the word gumbo and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
StackBot: G U M B O
Pupmon: Khan!?
Zup: I had pyre.
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'ASSAI' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Gharlane: I had dyne
Eric: I had stab.
Chrysanthemum is away.
Randy: From Star Trek.
Nyperold: Star Trek II ref.
Gabe: star
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word allow and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
StackBot: G U M B O
StackBot: A L L O W
Sam: I also had "stab."
Randy is away.
LuckyWizard: ether
StackBot: LuckyWizard continues the stack with the word ether and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Eric, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
StackBot: G U M B O
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: E T H E R
Eric: chant
StackBot: Eric continues the stack with the word chant and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
StackBot: G U M B O
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: E T H E R
StackBot: C H A N T
Pupmon: Go Ticia!
Eric: "Ticia" fits . . .
StackBot: Ticia timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
StackBot: G U M B O
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: E T H E R
StackBot: C H A N T
Ticia: grist
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'FLOOR' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Ticia: Gah
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'AFOOT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'MERIT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Nyperold: Hmm.
Ticia: That wouldn't have worked anyway.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'ABHOR' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'LUNCH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'DEBUG' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Ticia: Eric stole my A
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'SNIDE' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'IODIN' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Crystal109 timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
StackBot: G U M B O
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: E T H E R
StackBot: C H A N T
Eric: What were you going to do?
Gharlane: break
Crystal109: Argh. All my words got destroyed.
Pupmon: Go Gharlane!
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word break and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
StackBot: G U M B O
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: E T H E R
StackBot: C H A N T
StackBot: B R E A K
Sam: usurp
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word usurp and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Zup, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
StackBot: G U M B O
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: E T H E R
StackBot: C H A N T
StackBot: B R E A K
StackBot: U S U R P
Ticia: Eric: Heh, I can't even remember now.
StackBot: Zup continues the stack with the word idyll and wins 3 points!
StackBot: Crystal109, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: S P I C Y
StackBot: H O S T S
StackBot: K E D G E
StackBot: G U M B O
StackBot: A L L O W
StackBot: E T H E R
StackBot: C H A N T
StackBot: B R E A K
StackBot: U S U R P
StackBot: I D Y L L
Crystal109: ...
Ticia: Oh, it was "brain" that's ti.
Ticia: *it.
Gharlane: There goes my reserve word, LOL
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'ABHOR' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'WENCH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Nyperold: I have something.
Ticia: Hehe
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'KNOWS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'BLACK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Zup: I didn't have one, so I tossed it out there. Thank God.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'TRACK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'LAYER' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'ABOUT' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Crystal109] The word 'NOSED' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Crystal109 breaks the stack. Some possible continuations: dacha, datum, facia, fichu, lapin, larum, larva, linin, linum, lipid.
StackBot: Sam, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
Crystal109: Rawr.
Sam: even
Nyperold: Hmm.
StackBot: Sam continues the stack with the word even and wins 1 point!
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
Eric: Ha ha, I was going to use "puke" on a previous round.
Jumpman: Bye bye E's for this one.
TimTheEnchanter: pork
[StackBot->TimTheEnchanter] The word 'PORK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
TimTheEnchanter: fork
StackBot: TimTheEnchanter continues the stack with the word fork and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Pupmon, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
Pupmon: rail
StackBot: Pupmon continues the stack with the word rail and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
StackBot: R A I L
Gharlane: ally
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word ally and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Kysle, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
StackBot: R A I L
StackBot: A L L Y
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'DYAD' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'PICA' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'PICK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'TOSH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Pupmon: Go Kysle!
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'TILL' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
[StackBot->Kysle] The word 'MILK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Kysle continues the stack with the word myth and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Jumpman, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
StackBot: R A I L
StackBot: A L L Y
StackBot: M Y T H
Eric: Since when is "drys" a word?
Jumpman: odor
StackBot: Jumpman continues the stack with the word odor and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gabe, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
StackBot: R A I L
StackBot: A L L Y
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: O D O R
Gabe: wham
StackBot: Gabe continues the stack with the word wham and wins 1 point!
StackBot: LuckyWizard, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
StackBot: R A I L
StackBot: A L L Y
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: O D O R
StackBot: W H A M
Ticia: Nice
Sam: Eric: "drys" = prohibitionists, apparently.
Eric: Weird.
Sam: dry/drys
Sam: Yeah.
StackBot: LuckyWizard timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Eric, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
StackBot: R A I L
StackBot: A L L Y
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: O D O R
StackBot: W H A M
Eric: stub
StackBot: Eric continues the stack with the word stub and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
StackBot: R A I L
StackBot: A L L Y
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: O D O R
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: S T U B
Nyperold: limp
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word limp and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Grishny, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
StackBot: R A I L
StackBot: A L L Y
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: O D O R
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: S T U B
StackBot: L I M P
Pupmon: Go Nyperold!
Grishny: trod
[StackBot->Grishny] The word 'TROD' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Nyperold: Ooh, 2 digits.
StackBot: Grishny timed out. Further continuations will score 3 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: P U K E
StackBot: D R Y S
StackBot: V E N A
StackBot: E V E N
StackBot: F O R K
StackBot: R A I L
StackBot: A L L Y
StackBot: M Y T H
StackBot: O D O R
StackBot: W H A M
StackBot: S T U B
StackBot: L I M P
Grishny: hype
Ticia: inky
[StackBot->Ticia] The word 'INKY' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Gabe: Close. :)
Jumpman: again, for the game?
Ticia: yell
[StackBot->Ticia] The word 'YELL' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: I had a huge list of words, and then they got eaten away one by one until the last one was killed. just. before. my. turn.
Nyperold: Of course, Ghar and Sam are on the brink of winning...
Ticia: yawn
[StackBot->Ticia] The word 'YAWN' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Grishny: Dang that is frustrating.
StackBot: Ticia breaks the stack. Possible continuations: umbo, unco, undo, updo.
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E A N T
StackBot: R U F F E
StackBot: J I H A D
Ticia: GAH
* ThePhan had "undo" all ready
ThePhan: spiky
Gharlane: I did too
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word spiky and wins 1 point!
StackBot: Gabe, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E A N T
StackBot: R U F F E
StackBot: J I H A D
StackBot: S P I K Y
Sam: Oh man, oen of those words would have won the game for you, with the 6 point bonus.
Gabe: undos
[StackBot->Gabe] The word 'undos' is not recognized.
Sam: I'm sure that makes you feel better about it.
Gabe: Heh
Gabe: brink
Ticia: LOL Yeah. It really does.
[StackBot->Gabe] The word 'BRINK' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Gabe: munch
[StackBot->Gabe] The word 'MUNCH' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
StackBot: Gabe timed out. Further continuations will score 2 points.
StackBot: Ticia, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E A N T
StackBot: R U F F E
StackBot: J I H A D
StackBot: S P I K Y
Gabe: Blech.
Ticia: ashen
[StackBot->Ticia] The word 'ASHEN' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
Pupmon: Go Ticia!
Ticia: wroth
Ticia: idyll
StackBot: Ticia continues the stack with the word wroth and wins 2 points!
StackBot: ThePhan, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E A N T
StackBot: R U F F E
StackBot: J I H A D
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: W R O T H
Ticia: stack
Ticia: HA
ThePhan: molds
[StackBot->ThePhan] The word 'MOLDS' is not a valid continuation of the stack.
ThePhan: holds
StackBot: ThePhan continues the stack with the word holds and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Nyperold, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E A N T
StackBot: R U F F E
StackBot: J I H A D
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: W R O T H
StackBot: H O L D S
Nyperold: zayin
StackBot: Nyperold continues the stack with the word zayin and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Gharlane, you're up! Continue the stack:
StackBot: M E A N T
StackBot: R U F F E
StackBot: J I H A D
StackBot: S P I K Y
StackBot: W R O T H
StackBot: H O L D S
StackBot: Z A Y I N
Gharlane: cheer
StackBot: Gharlane continues the stack with the word cheer and wins 2 points!
StackBot: Gharlane wins!
Pupmon: Go Gharlane!
Grishny: Whew.
Randy: Yay Gharlane!
Kysle: YAY!!!
Sam: That came down to who the bot picked.
* ThePhan cheers
Randy is back.
TalkingDog is back.
Ticia: Hehe
Ticia: Yup.
Crystal109: Yay. Go Gharlane!
Pupmon: Hooray!
Zup: Woo Ghar!
Sam: Ok, at least a 5 minute break while I tally the results.
Gharlane: Yes, it did, hehe.
Grishny: Stack doesn't normally go to 30, does it?
Jumpman: Nice work!
Nyperold is away.
Crystal109: Wow, my brain was so hurting by the last few stacks.
Grishny: I don't think I could take that much of this game on a regular basis.
ThePhan: Good job Gharlane!
TimTheEnchanter: That was a long game.
Grishny: It really gives the old brain a workout.
Gharlane: Thanks, everyone!
* Gharlane scored every opportunity he had and still barely won.
Ticia: Yeah, my brain was on the fritz.
Pupmon: Well, that was fun.
* Zup tries to remember "fritz" for the next game.
Gharlane: Time for something mindless now, hehe. My brain hurts.
LuckyWizard: Heh, yeah, I was taxing my brain quite a bit.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1
Pupmon: I'm going to leave soon so I probably won't get to finish Mole Bot.
Sam: Grish: It does normally go to 30, yes, but it doesn't go so long with a sensible number of people.
Sam: Like Chain, it is best with a very small number.
Grishny: Oh, okay.
Grishny: Which of the Mole variations are we doing?
Randy: I'm at 99 overall points! Wow!
Sam: Huh, I just took the lead in the Word Class.
Nyperold: Probably Vanilla first.
Sam: Where did gremlinn go, anyway?
gremlinn: I don't feel like botting tonight.
Grishny: Right, but I want to read up on the rules for the ones I'm less familiar with
Sam: Oh.
* TalkingDog is thoroughly SICK of bots but wants to play MoleBot.
Sam: And beat you in the Word category.
LuckyWizard: Sam, gremlinn, and I are the only people who have gotten points in every game so far.
Randy: grem and Sam are like 3x's ahead of me. heh
Pupmon: What are we playing on Wednesday?
Sam: Pup: Look at the schedule.
Crystal109: Pupmon: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1&v=2
* ThePhan will not be here Wednesday, and expects to fall quite far behind. :-)
Jumpman: Which game is next?
Grishny: Are there just the three Moles, then? Regular, Kick, and Sinbad?
Nyperold: Wednesday will be quite pic-intensive.
Crystal109: What's PetBot?
Gharlane: I didn't get any in MathBot; I'd probably have gotten 1 or 2 points if I'd stayed for it, hehe. No worries though.
Nyperold: Like HoN for pets.
Crystal109: Ah, okay thanks.
Nyperold: Only you're rating cuteness.
Kysle: Are we playing country to thirty?
Gharlane: More like cute or not. :)
Sam: Yes.
Kysle: Oi.
CountryBot has been summoned by Sam.
Crystal109: Yikes.
Gabe: Hey, I'm not last! I'm ahead of everyone with zero points. :)
CountryBot: Questions will cover all countries.
CountryBot: All question types will be used.
Gabe: Uzbekistan
Nyperold: That's not a question. :)
Zup: Can you do private or no?
Sam: No.
Pupmon: Well, I believe I should depart for the time being. So until next time, good luck and you are all winners to me!
Sam: Later.
Gharlane: Night Pupmon!
Pupmon has left.
Kysle: Bye!
Grishny: S'long.
Gabe: Is this one of the games where we're supposed to use /b, or is it just first-answerer gets it?
Sam: First answerer.
Gharlane: Knowledge helps, spelling counts and speed RULES in this one.
Zup: I hope I get a point or two, at least. Countries were never my thing for memorization.
Crystal109: And remember, Africa is not a country.
Sam: So, we play to 30 points. You're on your honor NOT to use maps or other reference material. You have to know the answer or guess.
* Nyperold has no maps in sight, as with State.
Nyperold: Check.
* Zup couldn't win even with a map.
Randy: Ditto
Crystal109: Same.
ThePhan: Heh, exactly.
Gharlane: If you have to look it up, you'd be too late anyway.
Sam: Starting in 1 minute...
Nyperold: Yep.
Zup: This is why time machines should be invented. Heh.
Kysle: Yes. The main and only reason.
Zup: Exactly.
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Rwanda?
Sam: uganda
Kysle: uganda
Gharlane: congo
Grishny: chad
Jumpman: Burundi
Sam: sudan
Sam: somalia
Nyperold: kenya
Grishny: niger
Zup: congo
Sam: chad
Grishny: kenya
Gharlane: somalia
Gharlane: sudan
LuckyWizard: congo
Sam: central african republic
Grishny: nairobi
Jumpman: malawi
Gharlane: burundi
Sam: tanzania
Jumpman: zaire
Sam: algeria
LuckyWizard: uganda
Zup: south africa
Nyperold: mozambique
Sam: ethiopia
Sam: libya
Crystal109: sierra leone
Sam: egypt
Eric: zimbabwe
Randy: chad
Grishny: liberia
Gabe: democratic republic of the congo
Crystal109: liberia
Jumpman: botswana
Gharlane: chad
Zup: egypr
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Uganda.
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Burundi.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Tanzania.
CountryBot: Gabe wins a point with answer Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Grishny: south africa
Sam: kenya
Eric: ussr
Zup: I said Congo...did that not count?
CountryBot: Question: What is the largest city in Malta?
Sam: Nope.
Eric: No.
Jumpman: Valetta
Eric: malta
LuckyWizard: valetta
Sam: malta
Kysle: Malta City
Crystal109: I think they're different.
Gabe: Zup: Congo is actually someplace else.
Kysle: Mali
Sam: There is no country called "Congo."
Chrysanthemum: Burma
LuckyWizard: Well, it could be referring to either of two countries.
Zup: Just checkin'.
Gharlane: I said congo first.
Jumpman: There are no cities
Chrysanthemum: ...yeah, that's a country.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Valletta.
Gharlane: Ahhh
Jumpman: ugh
Eric: The DCRC was formerly Zaire.
Gharlane: Spelling counts
Grishny: Argh! Spelling!
CountryBot: Question: What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Bulgaria?
Chrysanthemum: baltic
Grishny: hungary
Gabe: black sea
Sam: mediterranean
Jumpman: Adriatic Sea
CountryBot: Gabe wins a point with answer Black Sea.
Zup: red sea
Gharlane: black sea
Chrysanthemum: atlantic
Kysle: indian ocean
Randy: Baltic
LuckyWizard: black sea
Nyperold: baltoc
Grishny: caspain
Zup: black sea
Nyperold: baltic
Chrysanthemum: caspian
Sam: How did you people know the capital of Malta?
* Grishny needs to READ QUESTION
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Mexico?
Gabe: usa
Sam: usa
Jumpman: United States
Grishny: united states
ThePhan: united states
Chrysanthemum: united state
Jumpman: Belize
Gabe: United States of America
Sam: guatemala
Grishny: costa rica
Eric: guatemala
Sam: belize
Jumpman: Guatemala
Randy: United states
Chrysanthemum: colombia
LuckyWizard: guatemala
CountryBot: Gabe wins a point with answer United States.
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Belize.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Guatemala.
ThePhan: guatemala
TimTheEnchanter: guatemala
Kysle: chile
Chrysanthemum: peru
Sam: nicaragua
Grishny: nicaragua
Gharlane: I've been there, but I thought they spelled it right so I didn't type it, hehe
Jumpman: what?
CountryBot: Question: The following is the flag of what nation(s)?
Jumpman: India
Chrysanthemum: india
Sam: uganda
Sam: rwanda
Eric: poland
Sam: burundi
Zup: india
Gabe: lesotho
Sam: sudan
Kysle: simalia
Jumpman: wait, how did I not get USA before?
Chrysanthemum: nigeria
Gharlane: bangladesh
Randy: Iran
CountryBot: Chrysanthemum wins a point with answer Niger.
Sam: mauritius
Eric: hungary
Kysle: Good job (guess)
Sam: Er, not the right country, but ok!
Eric: Gabe said "usa".
CountryBot: Question: What is the largest city in Brunei?
Zup: Heh.
Chrysanthemum: Brunei
Kysle: Brunei
Gabe: Brunei city
Chrysanthemum: Kwanda
Kysle: brunei town
Eric: burkina faso
Gharlane: dar es salaam
Nyperold: brunen gi
Zup: St. Bruneisberg
* ThePhan didn't even know Brunei was a country
ThePhan: Bruneiville
Gabe: Brunnen_G
Eric: abu dabhi
* Crystal109 doesn't even know where Brunei is.
Sam: nooooooshboogoo
Gharlane: daharan
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Bandar Seri Begawan.
Randy: Bruneitown
* Kysle hasn't even heard of Brunei
Eric: leningrad
LuckyWizard: bandar seri bagwan
Gharlane: Hehe.
Sam: ungalalala
Zup: timbuktoo
Sam: LW: !?
* Gabe wants the Sultan's money.
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Cote d'Ivoire?
Sam: How the HECK did you know that??
* Chrysanthemum always confuses it with whatever Kai is in Lexx.
Gharlane: liberia
Sam: benin
Kysle: france
Sam: togo
Eric: ghana
Chrysanthemum: south africa
Jumpman: Burkina Faso
Sam: nigeria
Chrysanthemum: sudan
Sam: niger
Crystal109: sierra leone
Zup: nigeria
Randy: South africa
Eric: burkina faso
Jumpman: Nigeria
Gharlane: burkina faso
LuckyWizard: ghana
Kysle: new guinea
Eric: guinea
Gabe: mali
Sam: central african republic
Sam: togo
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer Liberia.
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Ghana.
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Burkina Faso.
CountryBot: Kysle wins a point with answer Guinea.
CountryBot: Gabe wins a point with answer Mali.
Randy: chad
Sam: liberia
Gharlane: chad
Kysle: Yay, point!
CountryBot: Question: What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Lebanon?
Sam: atlantic
LuckyWizard: mediterranean
Sam: red
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Mediterranean Sea.
Zup: red sea
Chrysanthemum: mediterranean
Gabe: persian gulf
Gharlane: mediterranean sea
Jumpman: Meditteranean Sea
Randy: baltic
Zup: black sea
Sam: Bah, I misread the country.
Eric: caspian
Eric: black sea
Jumpman: didn't spell it right anyways :)
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Romania has what colors?
Sam: red
Chrysanthemum: red
Sam: yellow
Jumpman: red
Zup: red
Sam: green
Kysle: red
Gharlane: black
Ticia: black
Chrysanthemum: white
Sam: blue
Jumpman: blue
Kysle: white
Crystal109: green
Sam: purple
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Red.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Yellow.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Blue.
Chrysanthemum: blue
Randy: white
Kysle: blue
Sam: white
Gabe: red, green, and white
Zup: white
Ticia: blue
TimTheEnchanter: white
Eric: white
Jumpman: yellow
Sam: black
Nyperold: white
Eric: black
Sam: yellow
Chrysanthemum: black
Zup: black
Randy: green
Crystal109: Wow. Go Sam!
Kysle: Wow.
Jumpman: go Sam
LuckyWizard: I just had previously read it and remembered it.
Gharlane: Those are dumb questions, LOL
Zup: LOL
Randy: SAM!
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Georgia?
Gabe: russia
Grishny: romania
Sam: azerbaijan
Jumpman: Azerbaijan
Gharlane: armenia
LuckyWizard: russia
Randy: Ukraine
Sam: russia
Zup: uzbekistan
Grishny: ukraine
Kysle: niger
Sam: armenia
Chrysanthemum: Kazakhistan
Nyperold: florida
Eric: azerbaijan
Sam: turkey
CountryBot: Gabe wins a point with answer Russia.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Azerbaijan.
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer Armenia.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Turkey.
gremlinn: south carolina
LuckyWizard: turkey
Grishny: czech replu
Zup: transyvania
Randy: heh
Kysle: grem: lol
Gharlane: alabama
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Sudan has what colors?
Sam: red
Sam: orange
Gharlane: black
Kysle: red
Zup: red
Chrysanthemum: gree
Randy: red
Jumpman: Red
Sam: yellow
Eric: greenb
Kysle: white
LuckyWizard: black
Crystal109: green
Gabe: green
Sam: green
Jumpman: reen
Kysle: lue
Nyperold: green
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Red.
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer Black.
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Green.
CountryBot: Kysle wins a point with answer White.
Gharlane: white
ThePhan: blue
Zup: white
Eric: green
Randy: green
Grishny: red pink green
Sam: blue
LuckyWizard: green
Chrysanthemum: green
Kysle: lue
Jumpman: Green
LuckyWizard: red
ThePhan: white
Zup: green
LuckyWizard: white
ThePhan: green
ThePhan: red
ThePhan: yellow
ThePhan: orange
Randy: STOP
CountryBot: Question: What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Gabon?
ThePhan: Oh. Heh.
Sam: atlantic
Kysle: atlantic
LuckyWizard: Islamic countries are pretty easy for flag questions.
Gharlane: atlantic
Sam: gulf of guinea
Gabe: atlantic
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Atlantic Ocean.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Gulf of Guinea.
Grishny: atlattic
Eric: congo
Chrysanthemum: atlantic
Zup: red
ThePhan: atlantic
Grishny: pacific
TimTheEnchanter: mediterranian
Chrysanthemum: pacific
Eric: equatorial guinea
Eric: cameroon
Zup: mediteranean
Jumpman: this'll go quick
Crystal109: Lol watch Sam dominate.
Ticia: Nice
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Chad has what colors?
Eric: republic of the congo
Gabe: red
Sam: red
Ticia: blue
Kysle: red
Chrysanthemum: green
Grishny: green
Jumpman: Green
ThePhan: white
Randy: green
Sam: yellow
Crystal109: green
Gharlane: black
Zup: white
LuckyWizard: red
TimTheEnchanter: white
Grishny: purple
Sam: green
CountryBot: Gabe wins a point with answer Red.
CountryBot: Ticia wins a point with answer Blue.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Yellow.
ThePhan: yellow
Kysle: blue
Randy: red
Grishny: black
Sam: blue
LuckyWizard: green
Ticia: black
Chrysanthemum: black
Gharlane: white
Kysle: green
Grishny: red
Sam: yellow
Zup: brown
Sam: orange
Eric: Oh look, I'm retarded.
Sam: Heh, I said yellow twice.
Randy: LOL
CountryBot: Question: What languages are commonly spoken in Antigua and Barbuda?
gremlinn: english
Jumpman: English
Randy: French
Chrysanthemum: french
Grishny: spanish
Zup: white
Gabe: french
Eric: dutch
CountryBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer English.
Grishny: portugeuse
Kysle: french
Gharlane: frencg
Gabe: dutch
TimTheEnchanter: spanish
Sam: swahili
Zup: russian
Zup: white
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Bahrain has what colors?
Crystal109: Where is swahili spoken?
Sam: red
Zup: white
Sam: blue
Chrysanthemum: red
Kysle: red
Crystal109: green
Randy: green
Sam: green
Jumpman: Blue
LuckyWizard: black
Eric: green
Gharlane: black
ThePhan: red
Zup: red
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Red.
CountryBot: Zup wins a point with answer White.
Nyperold: green
Kysle: white
Chrysanthemum: green
Sam: yellow
Grishny: green
Sam: white
Kysle: green
LuckyWizard: green
Gharlane: white
Gabe: Firefox's search bar keeps popping up on me when I type too fast.
Grishny: egg
Zup: Planning ahead pays off.
gremlinn: Gabe: post to "Bots".
CountryBot: Question: What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Pakistan?
Sam: altantic
Zup: red
Gharlane: indian
Eric: india
Sam: indian
LuckyWizard: indian
Grishny: indian
Jumpman: Indian
Gharlane: black
ThePhan: atlantic
gremlinn: Actually, only in /b games.
Kysle: baltic
Gharlane: ral
Zup: white
Eric: bay of bengal
Sam: red
Ticia: red
LuckyWizard: arabian
Zup: persian
Gabe: Indian Ocean
Gharlane: aral
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Arabian Sea.
Kysle: sea
Eric: Oh, whoops.
Sam: Yeah, this isn't a /b game.
CountryBot: Question: What is the largest city in Brazil?
Sam: brasilia
Gabe: sao paulo
Chrysanthemum: rio
Randy: Rio
Jumpman: Rio
LuckyWizard: sao paulo
Gharlane: sao paolo
Chrysanthemum: rio di janeiro
Jumpman: Rio de Janeiro
Eric: rio de janeiro
ThePhan: rio de janeiro
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer Sao Paolo.
Sam: sao paulo
Zup: rio de janeiro
LuckyWizard: rio de janeiro
Sam: sao paulo
Nyperold: rio de janeirp
CountryBot: Question: What languages are commonly spoken in Slovakia?
Kysle: english
TimTheEnchanter: russian
Crystal109: english
Jumpman: Slovakian
Sam: czeck
LuckyWizard: slovak
Eric: slovak
Gharlane: slovene
Kysle: russian
Sam: czech
Nyperold: czech
Zup: russian
ThePhan: slovakian
Sam: slovenia
Randy: Slovakian
Grishny: russian
Sam: slovenian
Sam: french
Sam: german
Sam: spanish
Randy: frenc
Kysle: german
Sam: romanian
Zup: german
Jumpman: Hungarian
Gharlane: czech
Kysle: dutch
Sam: polish
Gabe: english
Sam: russian
Randy: Indian
Kysle: turkish
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Slovak.
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Hungarian.
Sam: slovakian
Sam: Nice.
CountryBot: Question: What is the largest city in Guinea?
Gharlane: guinea
Gabe: guines
Chrysanthemum: new guinea
Kysle: new guinea
Randy: Paypa
Gabe: guinea
Zup: guineatown
Chrysanthemum: papaya
Kysle: burmingham
Sam: georgetown
Grishny: new london
Eric: conakry
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Conakry.
Chrysanthemum: that place...
Zup: new guineasburg
Eric: kankan
Zup: white
Randy: Holy Crap
Sam: I don't know how you guys know African cities.
CountryBot: Question: The following is the flag of what nation(s)?
gremlinn: All right, who studied?
Sam: romania
Jumpman: Romania
Kysle: chile
Chrysanthemum: brazil
Sam: estonia
TimTheEnchanter: rwanda
Sam: latvia
Gharlane: buruni
Chrysanthemum: nigeria
Sam: lithuania
Randy: Belaruse
Zup: ukraine
Gharlane: burubdi
Chrysanthemum: africa
Sam: belarus
Gabe: slovakia
Gharlane: burundi
Sam: morocco
Zup: poland
Randy: Latvia
Jumpman: usa
Kysle: niger
Sam: rwanda
Chrysanthemum: burundi
Nyperold: ghana
Sam: ghanda
Sam: bosnia
Crystal109: I should really go to MUN club more.
Gabe: czech republic
Sam: fyrom
Jumpman: lithuania
Eric: bulgaria
Chrysanthemum: Germany
Randy: chad
Eric: ukraine
Sam: czech republic
Chrysanthemum: uzbekistan
Jumpman: hungary
Zup: iceland
Sam: slovakia
Chrysanthemum: russia
Jumpman: georgia
Sam: slovenia
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Armenia.
Eric: uzbekistan
Sam: ukraine
Kysle: D'oh.
Zup: norway
Sam: I was working my way toward there.
Eric: Norway??
Randy: I dated a girl from there.
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Trinidad and Tobago has what colors?
Zup: white
Crystal109: green
Gharlane: white
ThePhan: green
Sam: red
Crystal109: red
Jumpman: green
Sam: yellow
Gabe: green
Zup: black
Randy: green
Eric: blue
Gharlane: black
Crystal109: yellow
CountryBot: Zup wins a point with answer White.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Red.
CountryBot: Zup wins a point with answer Black.
Sam: black
Chrysanthemum: yello
ThePhan: red
Jumpman: red
Gabe: yellow
LuckyWizard: blue
Sam: range
Sam: orange
Chrysanthemum: black
Zup: red
Gharlane: purge
CountryBot: Question: What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Costa Rica?
Sam: atlantic
Jumpman: Pacific
Grishny: nicaragua
Crystal109: atlantic
Kysle: atlantic
Sam: gulf of mexico
Eric: panama
LuckyWizard: pacific
Randy: Pacific
Jumpman: Atlantic
Sam: caribbean
ThePhan: pacific
LuckyWizard: caribbean
Jumpman: Caribbean Sea
TimTheEnchanter: pacific
Zup: pacific
Chrysanthemum: panama canal
Randy: baltic
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Pacific Ocean.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Caribbean Sea.
Sam: pacific
Gharlane: pacific
Kysle: gulf of mexico
Kysle: Long transcript.
Eric: Dude, I always do that.
Gharlane: text box froze on me.
CountryBot: Question: What is the largest city in San Marino?
Gharlane: san marino
Sam: san marino
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer San Marino.
Jumpman: San Marino
Gabe: San marino
Eric: san marino
Sam: monaco
Zup: San paulo
Nyperold: san marino
Crystal109: marino
Nyperold: san marino city
Gabe: Marino
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Switzerland has what colors?
Zup: white
Sam: red
Randy: red
Sam: white
Jumpman: red
Kysle: white
Grishny: green
Chrysanthemum: blue
LuckyWizard: red
Gharlane: white
Sam: green
TimTheEnchanter: white
Sam: blue
Kysle: black
CountryBot: Zup wins a point with answer White.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Red.
Gharlane: blue
Kysle: blue
LuckyWizard: white
Chrysanthemum: black
Sam: purple
Zup: black
Sam: orange
Zup: I love this game!
Gabe: Purple? Heh heh!
Kysle: Why the heck does firefox keep doing that?
CountryBot: Question: What languages are commonly spoken in Panama?
gremlinn: english
Sam: englihs
Eric: spanish
LuckyWizard: spanish
Gharlane: spanish
Grishny: spanish
Crystal109: spanish
Jumpman: spanish
Sam: spanish
CountryBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer English.
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Spanish.
Grishny: portugeuse
Randy: portugese
Eric: I ought to know that. My stepmom is from Panama.
Sam: grem has "english" queued up all the time, I think.
CountryBot: Question: What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Comoros?
Sam: atlantic
Crystal109: atlantic
Sam: pacific
Gharlane: indian
Kysle: atlantic
Jumpman: Atlantic
TimTheEnchanter: pacific
Grishny: indian
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer Indian Ocean.
LuckyWizard: indian
Kysle: red
Crystal109: pacific
Sam: gulf of mexico
Randy: baltic
Eric: indian
Zup: pacific
gremlinn: Sam: amazingly, only on the two rounds where I guessed it.
Sam: LOL
Zup: white
CountryBot: Question: What languages are commonly spoken in Malta?
Crystal109: english
Sam: english
Jumpman: english
Gabe: arabic
TimTheEnchanter: english
Zup: english
LuckyWizard: maltese
Gharlane: maltese
Sam: spanish
Gabe: english
CountryBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer English.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Maltese.
Randy: spanish
Grishny: portugese
Crystal109: spanish
Eric: spanish
Kysle: spanish
Sam: greek
Nyperold: maltese
TimTheEnchanter: french
Crystal109: Oh yay!
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Belarus?
Zup: white
Sam: estonia
LuckyWizard: russia
Jumpman: russia
Gharlane: armenia
Sam: lithuania
Gharlane: kraine
Eric: ukraine
Crystal109: LOL Zup
Gabe: ukraine
Sam: ukraine
Eric: lithuania
LuckyWizard: poland
Jumpman: poland
Randy: Sweden
Sam: latvia
Eric: latvia
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Russia.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Lithuania.
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Ukraine.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Poland.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Latvia.
Zup: armenia
Eric: russia
Kysle: zup: lol
Gharlane: romania
Sam: poland
Gabe: lithuania
Sam: hungary
Gharlane: hungary
Zup: white
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Eritrea has what colors?
Kysle: red
Crystal109: red
Jumpman: white
Eric: black
Kysle: white
Gharlane: black
Gabe: red
Zup: white
Randy: red
TimTheEnchanter: white
Sam: blue
Kysle: orange
Crystal109: green
Jumpman: blue
Nyperold: greem
Eric: green
LuckyWizard: red
Sam: orange
Kysle: maroon
Crystal109: yellow
Randy: green
Jumpman: yellow
Gharlane: red
Kysle: blue
Sam: black
TimTheEnchanter: black
Sam: white
Jumpman: orange
Kysle: greeen
Nyperold: green
Sam: yellow
Gabe: baige
CountryBot: Kysle wins a point with answer Red.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Blue.
CountryBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer Green.
Crystal109: white
CountryBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer Yellow.
Kysle: green
Randy: white
Sam: purple
Gharlane: mauve
Gharlane: chartreuse
Zup: The only way for me to even compete is to "cheat".
Sam: Got all fumbly that time.
Crystal109: Yes finally.
Randy: offehite
CountryBot: Question: What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Yemen?
TimTheEnchanter: pacific
Crystal109: atlantic
Kysle: atlantic
Randy: baltic
LuckyWizard: arabian
Jumpman: Gulf of Yemen
Gharlane: arabian
Gabe: indian
Eric: arabian
Crystal109: pacific
Gharlane: oman
Sam: arabian
LuckyWizard: red
Sam: red
Randy: black
Zup: indian
Gharlane: red
Kysle: red
Crystal109: indian
Nyperold: golf of yemen
Eric: gulf of aden
Jumpman: persian gulf
Sam: gulf of aqaba
Kysle: meditterrania
LuckyWizard: indian
Randy: yellow
Gharlane: indian
Zup: white
Gabe: persian
Crystal109: black
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Arabian Sea.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Red Sea.
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Gulf of Aden.
Sam: yemen sea
Nyperold: FORE!!]'
Zup: persian
Sam: Fumbly that time, too.
CountryBot: Question: The following is the flag of what nation(s)?
Jumpman: pakistan
Sam: rwanda
Zup: white
Kysle: chile
Sam: uganda
Gabe: saudi arabia
Randy: Iran
Sam: sudan
Gharlane: armenia
Sam: somalia
Eric: turkey
Zup: uzbekistan
Sam: colores
Gharlane: georgia
Sam: malta
Kysle: kenya
Zup: iran
Randy: chad
Sam: fiji
Eric: syria
Gabe: yemen
Jumpman: turkey
Eric: jordan
Nyperold: that islamic one
Sam: solomon islands
Zup: morroco
Kysle: poland
Eric: libya
Gabe: united arab emirates
Gharlane: oman
Crystal109: sierra leone
Sam: bosnia
Gabe: brunei
Zup: turkey
Eric: niger
Sam: azerbaijan
Eric: algeria
Jumpman: yemen
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Algeria.
Eric: tunisia
Crystal109: liberia
Sam: kyrgyzstan
Gharlane: pakistan
Sam: Nice.
CountryBot: Question: What languages are commonly spoken in East Timor?
Crystal109: english
Sam: english
Kysle: english
Jumpman: english
TimTheEnchanter: english
LuckyWizard: timorese
Gharlane: portugese
Randy: French
Gabe: timorese
Eric: spanish
Zup: english
Jumpman: french
TimTheEnchanter: french
ThePhan: timorian
Nyperold: timorese
Crystal109: spanish
TimTheEnchanter: spanish
Sam: chinese
Kysle: spanish
Eric: portuguese
Jumpman: portugese
Sam: japanese
Zup: timoran
Randy: portuguese
Gabe: Timidity
Nyperold: timorian
Sam: indonesian
Jumpman: australian
Kysle: timoriat
Gharlane: chinese
Eric: tuvalese
Sam: korean
TimTheEnchanter: swahili
Gharlane: mandarin
Sam: french
LuckyWizard: dutch
Eric: hawaiian
Gabe: arabic
Eric: maori
gremlinn: c
Eric: russian
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Portuguese.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Tetun.
TimTheEnchanter: mandarin
Eric: Klingon
Randy: that clicking language
Sam: Huh, I didn't know that.
Nyperold: "C". Hee. :)
CountryBot: Question: What is the largest city in Mauritius?
Sam: Wrong continent. :-)
Zup: white
Grishny: mauritania
Gharlane: mauritius
Kysle: mauritius
Gabe: mauritia
Sam: georgetown
Zup: mauritius
Kysle: mauritius city
Zup: mauritana
Jumpman: Timbuktu
Eric: suname
Gabe: ambitious
gremlinn: mauruscecilglalet
Grishny: maury povitchton
Kysle: duh, duh Mauri
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Port Louis.
Gharlane: somethingorotherville
Randy: LOL
CountryBot: Question: The following is the flag of what nation(s)?
Zup: white
Sam: estonia
Sam: latvia
Eric: chad
Gabe: lesotho
Randy: chad
Sam: ukraine
Eric: libya
Zup: uzbekistan
Jumpman: haiti
TimTheEnchanter: uganda
Sam: belarus
Eric: nigeria
Gharlane: belarus
Sam: rwanda
CountryBot: TimTheEnchanter wins a point with answer Uganda.
Sam: sudan
Zup: slovenia
Eric: central african republic
Sam: OH MAN.
TimTheEnchanter: WOAH!
* ThePhan liked how Zup immediately started answering with colors
Sam: I usually start with rwanda/uganda, AND THIS TIME I DIDN'T.
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Serbia has what colors?
Zup: white
Sam: Zup: LOL
Kysle: red
Sam: white
Jumpman: red
Randy: red
Kysle: white
Sam: red
LuckyWizard: red
Gharlane: red
TimTheEnchanter: black
Jumpman: green
Eric: red
Sam: blue
CountryBot: Zup wins a point with answer White.
CountryBot: Kysle wins a point with answer Red.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Blue.
LuckyWizard: blue
Sam: purple
Kysle: blue
Eric: black
Randy: yellow
Gharlane: black
Sam: orange
Kysle: green
Sam: yellow
Zup: That's how I get it.
Gabe: blue
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Egypt?
Gabe: red
LuckyWizard: Slavic countries are easy for flag questions too.
Eric: libya
Sam: libya
Gharlane: sudan
Zup: I can't compete any other way.
ThePhan: libya
Eric: an
LuckyWizard: black
Sam: israel
Gharlane: lybia
Nyperold: sudan
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Libya.
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer Sudan.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Israel.
Gabe: tunisia
Eric: israel
Sam: lebanon
LuckyWizard: OOPS
ThePhan: I KNEW one but didn't say it on time
Zup: white
* LuckyWizard's mind was on flags, he guesses...
Zup: white
Eric: Man, the Central African REpublic didn't really put much effort into coming up with their name, di dhtey?
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Mongolia has what colors?
Gabe: red
Gharlane: red
Crystal109: red
Randy: red
Zup: white
Sam: red
TimTheEnchanter: white
Crystal109: green
ThePhan: red
Kysle: red
Sam: blue
ThePhan: white
Kysle: hite
Randy: black
Crystal109: yellow
Sam: green
Gharlane: white
LuckyWizard: blue
Zup: black
ThePhan: green
Eric: black
Sam: black
Gharlane: green
Randy: greend
Sam: yellow
Sam: orange
Gharlane: blue
Sam: pruple
CountryBot: Gabe wins a point with answer Red.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Blue.
CountryBot: Crystal109 wins a point with answer Yellow.
TimTheEnchanter: purple
Sam: purple
ThePhan: yellow
Randy: white
Sam: gold
Nyperold: chartreuse
Gabe: Yeah!
Nyperold: burgundy
Zup: Aw, it didn't work that time.
Kysle: Stupid browser
Gharlane: Infrared
Sam: pink
gremlinn: Reuse your own chart.
CountryBot: Question: The following is the flag of what nation(s)?
Gabe: red
Sam: rwanda
Zup: white
TimTheEnchanter: rwanda
Sam: uzbekistan
Grishny: bulgaria
Randy: sweden
Kysle: chartruse land
Eric: malaysia
Sam: east timor
Zup: china
Gharlane: burundi
Sam: nepal
Randy: East timor
Sam: mongolia
Zup: chad
Crystal109: brunei
Eric: myanmar
Sam: myanmar
Grishny: luxemburg
Randy: chad
Eric: thailand
Kysle: east lithuatia
Sam: bangladesh
Gharlane: bangladesh
Eric: cambodia
Zup: indonesia
Eric: indonesia
Sam: india
Jumpman: papua new guinea
Randy: latvia
Nyperold: belarus
Gharlane: laos
Eric: papua new guinea
Grishny: papua new guinea
Sam: lithuania
Crystal109: lithuania
Sam: latvia
CountryBot: Randy wins a point with answer Latvia.
Eric: cuba
Sam: belarus
Kysle: maltose
Eric: haiti
Crystal109: georgia
Sam: ukraine
Eric: Huh.
Randy: wooT!
Sam: I was two seconds behind you on Latvia.
Nyperold: latervia
Zup: white
CountryBot: Question: What is the largest city in Botswana?
Crystal109: botswana city
Gharlane: botswana
TimTheEnchanter: botswanaville
gremlinn: english
Eric: ghanzi
Kysle: botswana city
Eric: gaborone
Gabe: Botswity
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Gaborone.
Sam: umbukala
Gabe: Botcity
Sam: You've been studying, haven't you?
Kysle: wow, Eric.
gremlinn: Bots...wanna?
ThePhan: Dang! I knew Gaborone too, actually.
Eric: Maybe.
Sam: LOL
CountryBot: Question: What languages are commonly spoken in Lebanon?
Sam: english
Zup: white
Gharlane: english
Gabe: arabic
TimTheEnchanter: english
LuckyWizard: arabic
Jumpman: arab
Gharlane: rabicc
ThePhan: Thanks to the Alexander McCall Smith series.
Gabe: lebanese
Sam: arabic
Eric: lebanese
Randy: Arabic
Kysle: spanish
Gharlane: arabic
Zup: english
Sam: spanish
Crystal109: spanish
Nyperold: lebanese
Kysle: german
TimTheEnchanter: french
Sam: lebanese
Randy: french
TimTheEnchanter: spanish
Kysle: canadian
Sam: russian
Sam: greek
Gharlane: aramaic
Eric: persian
Nyperold: aramaic
Sam: turkish
Crystal109: japanese
Randy: clicking language
Eric: farsi
Sam: latin
Eric: hebrew
Kysle: swahili
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer English.
CountryBot: Gabe wins a point with answer Arabic.
CountryBot: TimTheEnchanter wins a point with answer French.
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Armenian.
Zup: tetun
Gharlane: klingonese
Crystal109: korean
Eric: coptic
TimTheEnchanter: dangit, my textbox froze again
Sam: I was first to English? Huh.
TimTheEnchanter has left.
TimTheEnchanter has entered.
Zup: white
Gabe: Screen's gone twitchy.
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Netherlands?
Zup: white
Kysle: red
Crystal109: Purgepurgepurge
Eric: germanyh
Sam: germany
Jumpman: belgium
Grishny: englan
LuckyWizard: germany
Gabe: belgium
Randy: sweden
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Germany.
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Belgium.
Sam: belgium
Gharlane: belgium
Zup: denmark
Eric: I've been there!
Gharlane: I couldn't type at all there.
Sam: Too slow to switch continents in my brain.
Gharlane: Eric: So have I!
CountryBot: Question: What is the capital of Bangladesh?
Zup: white
Gabe: bangladeshi
Sam: bangal
TimTheEnchanter: bangladesh city
Zup: bengal
Kysle: bangladesh city
Gharlane: bangalore
gremlinn: boulderdash
Sam: bangladesh
Kysle: bangla city
Eric: Where IS Bangladesh?
Sam: bangadore
Crystal109: bendla
Kysle: banglad
Randy: tibet
Eric: bougala
Gabe: bangalora
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Dhaka.
Zup: San Bangla
Gharlane: DOH
Eric: Well now.
Sam: Randy: South Asia.
Crystal109: Nowhere close.
Randy: DHAKA!
Sam: *Eric:
Zup: white
Gharlane: Next to India
Randy: I know. just trying.
Gabe: red
CountryBot: Question: The following is the flag of what nation(s)?
Sam: rwanda
TimTheEnchanter: rwanda
Eric: kenya
Sam: east timor
Eric: nigeria
Sam: fiji
Gharlane: burundi
Kysle: uganda
Randy: ugnada
Eric: ethiopia
Sam: solomon islands
TimTheEnchanter: uzbekistan
Crystal109: liberia
Zup: denmark
Sam: botswana
Eric: somalia
Kysle: niger
Randy: egypt
Eric: eritrea
Crystal109: south africa
Sam: tanzania
Eric: chad
Nyperold: mozambique
Randy: chad
Sam: libya
Zup: liberia
Kysle: mahli
Sam: egypt
Eric: mali
Gabe: nigeria
Gharlane: burkina faso
Sam: morocco
Zup: chad
Gabe: niger
Crystal109: timbuktoo
Kysle: malhi
Sam: algeria
Nyperold: latervia
Randy: niger
Gabe: lesotho
Sam: burundi
Eric: cameroon
LuckyWizard: central african republic
Sam: malta
CountryBot: Unclaimed answer: Zimbabwe.
Gabe: tunisia
Gharlane: democratic republic of congo
Eric: tanzania
Zup: democratic republic of the congo
Nyperold: cote d'ivoire
Kysle: COOL
Zup: white
Eric: ?
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Swaziland?
Zup: white
Sam: lOL
Gharlane: botswana
Jumpman: South Africa
Sam: tanzania
Gabe: zimbabwe
Sam: sudan
Randy: chad
LuckyWizard: south africa
TimTheEnchanter: zimbabwe
Sam: somalia
Sam: kenya
LuckyWizard: mozambique
Jumpman: Mozambique
Sam: uganda
Kysle: poland
Gharlane: tanzania
Zup: ghana
Sam: south africa
Kysle: normandy
Randy: Aire
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer South Africa.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Mozambique.
Crystal109: If an answer is cote d'ivoire, does it want the ^ on top?
TimTheEnchanter: rwanda
Sam: mozamiqbue
CountryBot: Question: What is the capital of Cambodia?
Crystal109: Or does it accept ivory coast?
Zup: white
LuckyWizard: phnom penh
Sam: bogota
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Phnom Penh.
TimTheEnchanter: cambodia city
Jumpman: kampuchea
Gharlane: pnom penh
Eric: phnom penh
Sam: Oh, wrong continent.
Gabe: Mozambarbeque
gremlinn: Hey, could you string together about 50 country names and have it ready each turn?
Kysle: Woa
Sam: VERY wrong continent.
Zup: white
CountryBot: Question: The flag of Hungary has what colors?
Crystal109: yellow
Zup: white
Kysle: white
Eric: red
gremlinn: Like "usamexicobelgium..."
Jumpman: greem
Gabe: red
Sam: blue
Gharlane: white
Crystal109: red
Randy: red
Kysle: red
ThePhan: blue
Gharlane: d
TimTheEnchanter: red
LuckyWizard: blue
ThePhan: green
Sam: green
Jumpman: green
Crystal109: blue
Kysle: blue
ThePhan: yellow
TimTheEnchanter: black
Gharlane: blue
Sam: yellow
Zup: black
Gabe: yellow
Sam: white
Sam: red
CountryBot: Zup wins a point with answer White.
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Red.
Sam: orange
CountryBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer Green.
Gabe: orange
Sam: purple
Zup: grey
Gharlane: black
Gabe: purple
Crystal109: green
Sam: black
Zup: brown
Sam: BAH. I wasn't ready.
Eric: grem: It looks like it.
Kysle: Niether was I
Zup: Again, the strategy works.
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Tajikistan?
Zup: white
Sam: uzbekistan
Gharlane: armenia
LuckyWizard: afghanistan
Jumpman: georgia
Sam: kazakhstan
Crystal109: uzbekistan
Randy: pakistan
Eric: turmnekistan
Sam: kyrgyzstan
Gabe: russia
Sam: china
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Uzbekistan.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Afghanistan.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Kyrgyzstan.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer China.
Sam: russia
Eric: kyrgyzstan
Sam: mongolia
Randy: urktuz
Kysle: Wow
Crystal109: How can you type those without typos???
Crystal109: That's amazing.
Zup: white
Sam: Let's call that illegal, though, to string a bunch of countries together.
CountryBot: Question: What is the largest city in Kenya?
Eric: Crystal: I made a typo.
Zup: white
Sam: kenya
Kysle: kenya
Gharlane: nairobi
LuckyWizard: nairobi
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer Nairobi.
gremlinn: Studiers!
Nyperold: onlyin
Crystal109: Eric: Sam didn't, though. =)
Randy: Zup: Thats kind of annoying
CountryBot: Question: What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Equatorial Guinea?
Gabe: red
Zup: white
Gharlane: guinea
Sam: gulf of guinea
TimTheEnchanter: atlantic
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Gulf of Guinea.
Jumpman: atlantic
Eric: atlantic
Sam: atlantic
Randy: baltic
LuckyWizard: atlantic
Gharlane: OH, so SOME require the EXTRA, not just the NAME
CountryBot: Question: What languages are commonly spoken in Bahrain?
gremlinn: english
Sam: english
Crystal109: english
Zup: Randy: Sorry, I'll stop. I've got 6 more points than I expected, so I'll just quit.
LuckyWizard: arabic
Gharlane: english
Gabe: arabic
Sam: arabic
TimTheEnchanter: french
Randy: arab
Eric: arabic
Gharlane: aic
Sam: french
Crystal109: spanish
Eric: farsi
Jumpman: sherpa
Sam: portuguese
Gharlane: arabic
Kysle: spanish
TimTheEnchanter: spanish
Eric: persian
Sam: russian
Kysle: french
Sam: greek
TimTheEnchanter: swahili
Kysle: german
Sam: spanish
TimTheEnchanter: japanese
Jumpman: hindi
Kysle: slavik
Sam: german
Zup: tetun
Randy: armenian
Eric: hindi
Kysle: polish
Crystal109: romanian
Eric: urdu
TimTheEnchanter: swiss
Kysle: turkish
Nyperold: tagalog
Kysle: russian
Gabe: bahrainian
Jumpman: ugro
CountryBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer English.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Arabic.
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Farsi.
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Urdu.
Sam: Crystal: "Sam didn't, though." -- I didn't what?
gremlinn: I'm 3 for 3 on pre-typing it.
Eric: Hells yeah.
Gharlane: URDU
Crystal109: Make a typo on Krygaswhatever.
Kysle: red
CountryBot: Question: What is the largest city in Lebanon?
Sam: Oh.
Eric: I ROCK.
Sam: lebanon
Jumpman: Beirut
ThePhan: lebanon city
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Beirut.
Eric: beirut
Eric: I went to middle school with someone from Lebanon.
CountryBot: Question: The following is the flag of what nation(s)?
TimTheEnchanter: red
Sam: rwanda
Jumpman: argentina
Sam: uganda
Grishny: mexico
Randy: chad
TimTheEnchanter: rwanda
Eric: chile
Sam: tanzania
Sam: chad
Gabe: denmark
Sam: benin
Eric: bolivia
Nyperold: san marino
Sam: togo
Gharlane: belize
Eric: paraguay
LuckyWizard: argentina
Grishny: brazil
Sam: ghana
Crystal109: norway
Randy: brazil
Zup: liberia
Kysle: finland
Sam: gabon
Eric: venezuela
Sam: cameroon
Eric: guyana
Crystal109: switzerland
Grishny: ecuador
Sam: kenya
Gharlane: guatemala
Sam: sudan
Crystal109: romania
Eric: suriname
Zup: ethiopia
Sam: somalia
Randy: paraguy
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer Guatemala.
Sam: egypt
Eric: peru
Crystal109: south africa
Jumpman: uruguay
Crystal109: That's a nice flag.
Eric: I have a coworker from Guatemala.
Randy: Dated a chick from there, too.
CountryBot: Question: What languages are commonly spoken in Serbia?
TimTheEnchanter: oh, i should've known that one
Jumpman: serbian
Crystal109: english
Gabe: serbian
Gharlane: My cousin married a girl from there
Sam: french
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Serbian.
Eric: serbian
LuckyWizard: serbian
TimTheEnchanter: french
Jumpman: english
Gharlane: serbian
Zup: serbian
Grishny: hungarian
Randy: serbian
Gabe: serb
Gharlane: slavic
Eric: slovak
Crystal109: spanish
Sam: Nice.
Jumpman: romanian
Nyperold: german
Gharlane: russian
Jumpman: polish
Gabe: red
Nyperold: czech
CountryBot: Question: The following is the flag of what nation(s)?
TimTheEnchanter: rwanda
Sam: guyana
Grishny: mexico
Randy: chad
Zup: white
Eric: nicaragua
Grishny: ecuador
Gabe: cameroon
Sam: portugal
Crystal109: south africa
Gharlane: mexico
Kysle: chile
Eric: honrudas
Sam: chili
Randy: uganda
Eric: belize
Sam: argentina
Grishny: brazil
Crystal109: egypt
Eric: costa rica
Gharlane: argentina
Jumpman: paraguay
Sam: venezuela
Gabe: belize
Randy: Zaire
Grishny: uruguay
Eric: el salvador
Kysle: norway
Sam: costa rica
Zup: ethiopia
Jumpman: ecuador
Eric: colombia
Sam: nicaragua
Eric: venezuela
Sam: belize
Gharlane: belize
Gabe: tunisia
Eric: malta
Zup: bolivia
Grishny: nicaragua
Randy: east timor
Sam: sudan
Gabe: lesotho
Eric: portugal
Jumpman: sierra leone
Sam: benin
Sam: togo
Eric: ussr
Kysle: malhi
Sam: fiji
Jumpman: senegal
Gharlane: peru
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer Peru.
Eric: chile
Grishny: galapagos islands
Kysle: mahli
Sam: solomon islands
Zup: french guinea
Sam: I scoured South America, and missed that.
Crystal109: THAT was what I was thinking of.
Sam: And a few others, really.
CountryBot: Question: What languages are commonly spoken in Honduras?
Gharlane: Double digit score, yes!
Jumpman: spanish
Sam: english
Gabe: spanish
LuckyWizard: spanish
TimTheEnchanter: french
Gharlane: english
Kysle: englsih
Sam: french
Grishny: spanish
Crystal109: enlgish
CountryBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer Spanish.
Jumpman: english
Randy: spanish
Kysle: spanish
Sam: spanish
Eric: spanish
Zup: english
Gharlane: spanish
Zup: french
Eric: slovak
gremlinn: NO ENGLISH?
Nyperold: esperanto
Randy: nope
CountryBot: Question: What nation(s) border Kazakhstan?
Zup: sign languag
Gabe: aymara
LuckyWizard: russia
Jumpman: tajikistan
Sam: uzbekistan
Randy: ukraine
Grishny: uzbekistan
TimTheEnchanter: uzbekistan
Jumpman: georgia
Gharlane: tajikstan
Sam: tajikistan
Crystal109: uzbekistan
Sam: russia
Nyperold: georgia
Jumpman: azerbaijan
Kysle: uzbekistan
Sam: china
Gharlane: china
Eric: kyrgyzstan
Grishny: romania
Gharlane: india
Zup: iran
TimTheEnchanter: pakistan
LuckyWizard: turkmenistan
Sam: kyrgyzstan
Grishny: pakistan
Gharlane: istan
Gabe: russia
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Russia.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Uzbekistan.
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer China.
CountryBot: Eric wins a point with answer Kyrgyzstan.
CountryBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer Turkmenistan.
Jumpman: russia
Gabe: china
Randy: pakistan
Sam: kazakhstan
Kysle: china
Grishny: india
Zup: iraq
Gabe: india
Gharlane: GRRR
Crystal109: It's so hard to type those fast. -_-
Sam: Oh, I forgot about Turkmenistan.
CountryBot: Question: What oceans, seas, and gulfs border Germany?
Sam: atlantic
Sam: baltic
Gharlane: north sea
Sam: black
LuckyWizard: baltic
Eric: norths ea
CountryBot: Sam wins a point with answer Baltic Sea.
CountryBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer North Sea.
CountryBot: Sam wins!
Gabe: atlantic
Gharlane: baltic
Crystal109: red
Randy: Baltic
LuckyWizard: north
Zup: adriatic
Kysle: YAY
Eric: Damn
Sam: WHEW.
TimTheEnchanter: north sea
Gharlane: Yay Sam!
Randy: YAY SAM!
Zup: Yay Sammo!
Kysle: Go, Sam!
Jumpman: well done, Sam!
Crystal109: Dang. Go Sam!
Ticia: YAY SAM
Sam: Five minute break (at least) to calm our nerves.
* Crystal109 hugs her 4 points.
* Randy knows he now has 100 points overall. wow.
Grishny: I hate this game with the burning flame of a --- well, I hate it a lot.
Ticia: LOL
Jumpman: Did I hang on for Academic bronze?
ThePhan: I have ONE point and I'm happy with it.
Zup: Sorry everyone for the constant "Whites." I realize now that it must have been annoying.
Eric: Are you saying whites are annoying?
Eric: Please don't be racist in here.
Ticia: Racist.
Eric: Many of my friends are white, and only a couple are annoying.
Zup: Heh, I AM white, so, no, not racist.
* Gharlane did far better than expected in this game.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1
Zup: I personally may be annoying, but I'm not racist.
Crystal109: I actually don't know that many whites, considering how my school is like 70% Asian.
Sam: Zup: I thought it was funny.
Zup: Sam: Well, some seemed annoyed. It really was the only way for me to score.
gremlinn: I hate the Tour de France.
Randy: Why?
gremlinn: I'm a racist!
Eric: I hate France but I like tours.
TimTheEnchanter: So is the text not continuing to scroll a known issue, or is that something wrong with my computer?
Crystal109: Tim: Do /purge
LuckyWizard: Tim: Browsers have trouble with that when the buffer gets too full. /purge helps, as Crystal said.
Sam: Academic Class results are final.
Grishny: Well, that didn't hurt my standing in overall points, but it sure helped Gharlane increase his lead over me.
Randy: LOL
Zup: Wow, I'm in 8th now. Not for long, though.
Crystal109: I stayed in the same place.
Crystal109: I'm hoping to go up in Speed class, though.
* TalkingDog's brain leaks Kool-Aid.
* ThePhan is quite low in the academic class. Hehe. So sad.
Zup: So I broke 10th for the academics. Not bad, considering Country was the only one I scored on.
Gharlane: Grishny: That's alright; I expect to suck on the MoleBot variants.
Randy: Wow. If I do good here, and whitehelm doesn't show up, I'll probably move up in the speed class.
Grishny: Gharlane: unforunately, so do I. I usually don't even bother playing them because I'm too slow.
LuckyWizard: Speed will be finalized next.
* Nyperold will check such things later.
Grishny: But maybe I'll do better now that I have DSL instead of dial-up.
CountryBot has been dismissed by Sam.
MoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
Crystal109: I'm hoping to get some points here.
Grishny: It didn't help me in the other speed games, though
Randy: Sam: Stack is still summoned.
ThePhan: Whoa, StackBot's still in here.
Crystal109: Awesome.
* Zup waves to Stack.
Sam: Ok, remember, you type "whack Name" publicly in the chat room, where "Name" is the person you're whacking. No "/whack", no "/b whack", just type it out like "vote 1" in the voting games.
Sam: Zup: Whoops!
Crystal109: Imagine trying to whack Chrysanthemum.
Randy: Cool
StackBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Chrysanthemum: heehee
* Chrysanthemum has the edge there. Lots of practice typing her name.
TalkingDog: Uh-oh.
Nyperold: Or TimTheEnchanter.
Chrysanthemum: Sam: is it okay to type "whack" and then wait for the bot to tell us who we need to whack?
Chrysanthemum: Or is that considered dishonest play?
Gabe: Is the bot case sensitive?
Sam: We play this game to 10 points. But remember, the winner does NOT go into the tournament as the MoleBot winner. The winner of the "MoleBots" game will be the person with the highest combined score in all three MoleBot variants. It is possible, therefore, that the winner will have less than 30 points.
Gabe: Chrys: That's definitely fine.
Chrysanthemum: Cool.
Sam: Ch: Yeah, that's naturally fine.
* Gharlane senses that TimTheEnchanter and Chrysanthemum may have an advantage here.
Sam: You can also put whatever you want in your clipboard buffer.
Crystal109: Sam: Clipboard buffer?
Sam: See, the long names, you must just copy and paste.
Zup: Doesn't help me.
Sam: Cry: Copy/paste.
Crystal109: Ah.
* Crystal109 will just keep practicing for now.
Sam: This is the last speed event of the tournament, thankfully.
Crystal109: Sam: What about case sensitivity?
* Zup still hopes to receive 1 point at least.
Sam: It's not case-sensitive. "timtheenchanter" is fine.
* Randy is surprisingly good in the speed games
Crystal109: Ack too many T's in the beginning of Tim's name.
Randy: Considering I'm on dial-up.
Sam: Starting in 30 seconds...
MoleBot: FAQBot has popped out of the ground.
Sam: whack faqbot
ThePhan: whack faqbot
TalkingDog: whack faqbot
Gabe: whack faqbot
Grishny: whack Faqbot
Jumpman: whack faqbot
Crystal109: whack Faqbot
TimTheEnchanter: whack faqbot
MoleBot: Sam whonks FAQBot with a steam engine. Score!
Chrysanthemum: whack faqbot
LuckyWizard: whack faqbot
Ticia: whack FAQbot
Gharlane: whack faqbit
Randy: whack faqbot
Zup: whack faqbot
Sam: LOL
MoleBot: Ticia has popped out of the ground.
Sam: I forgot bots could pop up.
Crystal109: whack ticia
Grishny: whack ticia
Gabe: whack ticia
Eric: whack ticia
MoleBot: Crystal109 beats up Ticia with a pot of hot coffee. Score!
TimTheEnchanter: whack ticia
Jumpman: whack ticia
ThePhan: whack tiia
Gharlane: whack ticia
Chrysanthemum: whack ticia
Sam: whack ticia
TalkingDog: whack ticia
LuckyWizard: whack ticia
Ticia: whack Ticfia
Randy: whack ticoa
Ticia: gahgahagha
Randy: gah
Chrysanthemum: LOL
Gabe: whack crystal109
Chrysanthemum: the typos are great.
MoleBot: FAQBot has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack faqbot
MoleBot: ThePhan beats up FAQBot in the face with a sofa. Score!
Sam: whack faqbot
Crystal109: whack faqbot
Grishny: whack faqbot
TalkingDog: whack faqbot
Jumpman: whack faqbot
LuckyWizard: whack faqbot
TimTheEnchanter: whack faqbot
Ticia: whack faqbot
Randy: whack faqbot
Gharlane: whack faqwbot
Crystal109: Whoa.
Gabe: whack faqbot
MoleBot: Gabe has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack gabe
Sam: whack gabe
Grishny: whack gabwe
Chrysanthemum: whack gabe
Jumpman: whack gabe
TalkingDog: whack gabe
Randy: whack gabe
Gharlane: whack gabe
MoleBot: ThePhan bashes Gabe with a straight razor. Score!
Ticia: whack gabe
Gabe: whack gabe
Crystal109: whack gabe
LuckyWizard: whack gabe
MoleBot: Nyperold has popped out of the ground.
MoleBot: Nyperold escapes safely underground.
Zup: I'm sitting out of these ones. I'm screwed.
ThePhan: whack nyperold
Sam: whack nyeprodl
Grishny: whack nyperold
TalkingDog: whack nyperold
Crystal109: whack nyperold
Gabe: whack nyperold
Jumpman: whack nyperold
Chrysanthemum: whack nyperold
LuckyWizard: whack nyperold
Gharlane: whack nyperold
TimTheEnchanter: whack nyperold
Ticia: whack nyperold
Randy: whack nyperold
Crystal109: Too fast!!!
Zup is away.
Randy: yikes
MoleBot: Eric has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack eric
Gabe: whack eric
MoleBot: ThePhan slams Eric with a lawnmower. Score!
Crystal109: whack eric
Sam: whack eric
Grishny: whack eric
TalkingDog: whack eric
Chrysanthemum: I think that this may come down to who has the fastest connection...
TimTheEnchanter: whack eric
Ticia: whack eric
Jumpman: whack eric
LuckyWizard: whack eric
Gharlane: whack erid
Randy: whack erci
Grishny: Moreso who reacts and types fastest.
MoleBot: TalkingDog has popped out of the ground.
Eric: whack timtheenchanter
MoleBot: TalkingDog escapes safely underground.
ThePhan: whack talkingdog
Sam: whack talkigndog
Crystal109: whack talkingdog
TalkingDog: whack talkingdog
Grishny: whack talkingdog
Jumpman: whack talkingdog
Ticia: whack talkindong
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdog
Gharlane: whack talkingdog
Randy: whack talkingdog
TimTheEnchanter: whack talkingdog
LuckyWizard: whack talkingdog
Gabe: whack talkingdog
MoleBot: Eric has popped out of the ground.
Grishny: whack eric
Crystal109: whack eric
Sam: whack eric
Gabe: whack eric
TalkingDog: whack eric
Jumpman: whack eric
MoleBot: Grishny clobbers Eric with a bag of tacks. Score!
ThePhan: whack eric
LuckyWizard: whack eric
Randy: whack eric
Chrysanthemum: whack eric
Crystal109: I'm freezing
MoleBot: LuckyWizard has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
gremlinn: whack LuckyWizard
* Gharlane will be sruprised if he scores a single point
MoleBot: gremlinn smashes LuckyWizard in the gut with Chrysanthemum's foot. Bonus score!
Jumpman: whack luckywizard
Sam: whack gremlinn
Chrysanthemum: whack luckywizard
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
MoleBot: TimTheEnchanter has popped out of the ground.
LuckyWizard: whack luckywizard
Eric: whack timtheenchanter
Grishny: whack TimTheEnchanter
MoleBot: Eric mashes TimTheEnchanter with a tuba. Score!
Kysle: whack chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum: What?
Sam: whack tTimTheEnchante
Gabe: whack timtheenchanter
Chrysanthemum: LOL
ThePhan: whack timtheenchanter
TimTheEnchanter: whack timtheenchanter
Crystal109: whack timetheenchanter
Chrysanthemum: whack TimTheEnchanter
Gharlane: whack tim the enchanter
LuckyWizard: whack timtheenchanter
MoleBot: Gabe has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack gabe
Crystal109: whack gabve
Sam: whack gabe
Chrysanthemum: whack gabe
Jumpman: whack gabe
LuckyWizard: whack gabe
Grishny: whack gabe
MoleBot: ThePhan pops Gabe with an elephant. Score!
Kysle: whack gabe
Gharlane: whack gab
Ticia: whack gabe
Crystal109: whack gabe
Gabe: whack gabe
Nyperold: whack gabe
MoleBot: ThePhan has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack thephan
Crystal109: whack thephan
Gharlane: whack thephan
MoleBot: ThePhan flogs ThePhan in the face with a piano. Ouch!
Jumpman: whack thephan
Sam: whack thephan
Chrysanthemum: whack thephan
Gabe: whack thephan
Nyperold: whack thephan
MoleBot: FAQBot has popped out of the ground.
LuckyWizard: whack thephan
ThePhan: whack faqbot
Sam: whack faqbot
Jumpman: whack gaqbot
TimTheEnchanter: whack faqbot
MoleBot: ThePhan bonks FAQBot in the neck with Randy's face. Score!
Grishny: whack fqbot
TalkingDog: whack faqbot
Randy: whack faqbot
Gabe: whack faqbot
LuckyWizard: whack faqbot
Grishny: whack fhqwgads
MoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground.
Sam: whack sam
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Jumpman: whack sam
TalkingDog: whack sam
Gabe: whack sam
Chrysanthemum: whack sam
Grishny: whack sam
MoleBot: Sam smacks Sam with a telephone pole. Ouch!
Randy: whack sam
Crystal109: ThePhan must have the best connection ever.
Ticia: whack sam
ThePhan: whack sam
Kysle: whack sam
Gharlane: whack sam
Nyperold: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack sam
MoleBot: Randy has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Crystal109: whack randy
Kysle: whack randy
ThePhan: whack randy
TimTheEnchanter: whack randy
TalkingDog: whack randy
LuckyWizard: whack randy
Chrysanthemum: whack randhy
Jumpman: whack randy
Gabe: whack randy
Sam: whack randy
Grishny: whack randy
Nyperold: whack randy
Randy: whack randy
MoleBot: Crystal109 whacks Randy with biosolids. Bonus score!
Gharlane: whack randy
Ticia: My connection is too slow.
Randy: OW
Zup: Same here, Ticia.
MoleBot: Jumpman has popped out of the ground.
Gabe: whack ticia
Crystal109: whack jumpman
Grishny: whack jumpan
Sam: whack jumpman
ThePhan: whack jumpman
TalkingDog: whack jumpman
Chrysanthemum: whack jumpman
Nyperold: whack jumpman
MoleBot: Crystal109 thwacks Jumpman with a vat of battery acid. Score!
LuckyWizard: whack jumpman
Jumpman: OW
MoleBot: TimTheEnchanter has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Kysle: whack timtheenchanter
MoleBot: Kysle skins TimTheEnchanter with a steel girder. Bonus score!
Eric: whack chrysanthemum
Grishny: whack TimTheEnchanter
Sam: whack TimTheEnchanter
Eric: whack timtheenchanter
Chrysanthemum: whack TimTheEnchanter
Crystal109: whack timtheenchanter
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
LuckyWizard: whack timtheenchanter
ThePhan: whack timtheenchanter
MoleBot: Randy has popped out of the ground.
gremlinn: Kysle: heheh.
Crystal109: whack randy
Chrysanthemum: whack randy
ThePhan: whack randy
Grishny: whack randy
LuckyWizard: whack randy
MoleBot: Crystal109 beats up Randy in the head with a Sumo wrestler. Score!
Sam: LOL!!! You know EXACTLY who has him copy and pasted.
MoleBot: ThePhan has popped out of the ground.
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
MoleBot: ThePhan escapes safely underground.
Chrysanthemum: whack thephan
Gharlane: whack thephan
Jumpman: whack thephan
TalkingDog: How am I supposed to copy/paste *that* fast??
ThePhan: whack thephan
Grishny: whack thepahnb
LuckyWizard: whack thephan
ThePhan: I escaped! Hahaha!
Chrysanthemum: aww man...
TimTheEnchanter: i've got cable, and i"m seeing other's responses at the same time as the question.
MoleBot: Kysle has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack kysle
Sam: whack kysle
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Jumpman: whack kysle
TalkingDog: whack kysle
Crystal109: whack kysle
Chrysanthemum: whack kysle
MoleBot: ThePhan smashes Kysle with a lawnmower. Score!
Grishny: whack kysle
Randy: whack kylst
Gabe: whack kysle
Sam: TD: YOu copy in advance, then slam ctrl-v.
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
MoleBot: Zup has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Sam: whack zup
ThePhan: whack zup
Chrysanthemum: whack zup
Grishny: whack zu[p
TimTheEnchanter: whack zup
MoleBot: Sam pummels Zup with a power line. Bonus score!
Crystal109: whack zup
Gharlane: whack zup
MoleBot: gremlinn has popped out of the ground.
Gabe: whack zup
Sam: whack gremlinn
ThePhan: whack gremlin
Jumpman: whack gremlinn
Crystal109: whack gremlinn
Grishny: whack gremlinn
Gabe: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: Sam clocks gremlinn in the jaw with a tuba. Score!
LuckyWizard: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: TimTheEnchanter has popped out of the ground.
Gharlane: whack gremlinn
TalkingDog: Yes, because I'm precognitive, of course.
Sam: whack TimTheEnchanter
Grishny: whack TimTheEnchanter
MoleBot: Sam pummels TimTheEnchanter with an oven. Score!
ThePhan: whack timtheenchanter
Gharlane: whack timtheenchanter
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
MoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground.
MoleBot: Sam escapes safely underground.
TimTheEnchanter: whack sam
Chrysanthemum: whack sam
Randy: whack sam
Crystal109: Whoa.
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: whack ....sam.
MoleBot: TimTheEnchanter has popped out of the ground.
Grishny: whack TimTheEnchanter
Kysle: whack chrysantemum
Ticia: I am going to go to bed... Goodnight!
Chrysanthemum: whack TimTheEnchanter
gremlinn: whack TalkingDog
Sam: whack TimTheEnchanter
MoleBot: Grishny pummels TimTheEnchanter with a steel girder. Score!
ThePhan: whack timtheenchatner
Crystal109: whack timtheenchanter
Gabe: whack timtheenchanter
Kysle: So violent
* Ticia goes to bed now.
MoleBot: LuckyWizard has popped out of the ground.
Crystal109: Night ticia
LuckyWizard: whack timtheenchanter
gremlinn: whack LuckyWizard
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Chrysanthemum: whack luckywizar
Sam: whack luckywizard
ThePhan: whack luckywizard
MoleBot: gremlinn whomps LuckyWizard with a Sumo wrestler. Score!
Crystal109: whack luckywizard
Ticia has left.
LuckyWizard: whack luckywizard
Gabe: whack luckywizard
Gharlane: whack luckywizard
MoleBot: Nyperold has popped out of the ground.
Grishny: whack grishny
Sam: whack nyperodl
Chrysanthemum: whack nyperold
TalkingDog: whack nyperold
MoleBot: Chrysanthemum hammers Nyperold with a sack of wet mice. Score!
ThePhan: whack nyperold
Jumpman: whack nyperold
Crystal109: whack nyperold
Gabe: whack nyperold
Gharlane: whack nyperol;d
Kysle: whack crysanthemum
MoleBot: ThePhan has popped out of the ground.
Chrysanthemum: WOOOO
Crystal109: whack thephan
ThePhan: whack thephan
Randy: whack randy
MoleBot: Crystal109 smashes ThePhan in the neck with an axe. Score!
Gabe: whack thephan
Grishny: whack thephan
Sam: whack thephan
Gharlane: whack thephan
Zup: whack Jumpman
LuckyWizard: whack thephan
Chrysanthemum: whack thephan
Randy: oops
MoleBot: Randy has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Nyperold: Sharp.
MoleBot: Randy escapes safely underground.
Crystal109: W00t.
Grishny: whack rnadh
Chrysanthemum: whack randy
Sam: whack randy
LuckyWizard: whack randy
Jumpman: whack rnady
ThePhan: whack randy
TimTheEnchanter: Yeah, I'm gonna get some sleep, too.
Chrysanthemum: Thank god for typos.
Zup: whack Jumpman
Chrysanthemum: LOL
MoleBot: Zup has popped out of the ground.
Gabe: whack grishny
Zup: whack gabe
Chrysanthemum: whack uzp
Grishny: whack zup
Sam: whack zup
TalkingDog: whack zup
Crystal109: whack zup
MoleBot: Grishny blasts Zup with a golf club. Score!
Jumpman: whack zup
ThePhan: whack zup
LuckyWizard: whack zup
Chrysanthemum: whack zup
Gharlane: whack zup
* ThePhan is lagging now
MoleBot: FAQBot has popped out of the ground.
TalkingDog: whack faqbot
LuckyWizard: whack faqbgot
Crystal109: whack faqbot
Gharlane: whack gharlane
Nyperold: whack fhqwghads
Grishny: whack faqbot
Chrysanthemum: whack faqbot
MoleBot: TalkingDog bashes FAQBot in the jaw with a fishing hook. Score!
ThePhan: Erm, the chat's not lagging. I personally am.
MoleBot: Game is paused.
TalkingDog: Hey, I got one!
Crystal109: Purge.
TalkingDog: ?
Sam: My server load is going up a bit.
TalkingDog: Ahh.
* TimTheEnchanter makes the game easier for everyone else!
Gabe: whack spammers
Kysle: Huh. Wonder why
TimTheEnchanter has left.
Sam: I'm going to see if I can tweak things and speed us up a bit.
Crystal109: Yay for Tim!
Gabe: whack server
ThePhan: Heh. I just tried to purge and ended up typing "/pure"... The command that can purify me!
TalkingDog: I get one character typed, and everyone answers already...
Jumpman: whack internet
* Zup wishes he could whack Homestarmy.
Randy: That would RULE
Sam: Ok, restarting...
Crystal109: TD: Did you copy-paste whack?
TalkingDog: Yes.
MoleBot: Grishny has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Gabe: whack grishny
ThePhan: whack grishny
Chrysanthemum: whack grishny
Crystal109: whack grishny
TalkingDog: whack grishny
LuckyWizard: whack grishny
MoleBot: Gabe wallops Grishny with a whip. Bonus score!
Gharlane: whack grishny
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
MoleBot: Randy has popped out of the ground.
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Grishny: whack randy
TalkingDog: whack randy
Chrysanthemum: whack randy
LuckyWizard: whack randy
ThePhan: whack randy
MoleBot: Grishny slaps Randy with some rotten meat. Score!
Crystal109: whack randy
Gharlane: whack gharlane
Nyperold: It just registers in my mind who the mole is, and somebody's got him.
Gharlane: hack randy
MoleBot: gremlinn has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack gremlinn
Sam: whack gremlin
MoleBot: ThePhan slugs gremlinn with a brick. Score!
Grishny: whack gremlin
Jumpman: whack gremlinn
TalkingDog: whack gremlinn
Crystal109: whack gremlinn
LuckyWizard: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: Gharlane has popped out of the ground.
Chrysanthemum: whack gremlinn
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Gharlane: whack gremlinn
Sam: whack gharlane
ThePhan: whack gharlane
gremlinn: SAM!
MoleBot: Sam slaps Gharlane with a hot poker. Score!
Crystal109: whack gharnlan
Chrysanthemum: whack gharlane
Grishny: whack gharlane
Gharlane: whack thephan
LuckyWizard: whack gharlane
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Gharlane: whack sam
Gharlane: whack luckywizard
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
gremlinn: I can't believe you misspelled my name.
MoleBot: Gabe has popped out of the ground.
Gharlane: whack jumpman
Jumpman: whack gabe
Chrysanthemum: whack gab
TalkingDog: whack gabe
Grishny: whack game
MoleBot: Jumpman whacks Gabe with a tombstone. Score!
Nyperold: whack gabe
Crystal109: whack gabe
LuckyWizard: whack gabe
Sam: whack gabe
ThePhan: whack gabe
Randy: whack gabe
MoleBot: Kysle has popped out of the ground.
Gharlane: whack gabe
ThePhan: whack ksle
MoleBot: Kysle escapes safely underground.
Grishny: whack kysle
Chrysanthemum: whack kysle
Jumpman: whack kysle
ThePhan: whack kysle
Zup: whack Zup
Crystal109: whack kysle
Gharlane: whack grishny
Sam: gremlin: I know. BIG typo.
LuckyWizard: whack kysle
MoleBot: gremlinn has popped out of the ground.
Gharlane: whack kysle
ThePhan: whack gremlinn
TalkingDog: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: ThePhan slugs gremlinn with a porcupine. Score!
Zup: whack Zup
Crystal109: whack gremlinn
Chrysanthemum: whack gremlinn
Jumpman: whack gremlinn
Grishny: whack grmelinn
Gharlane: whack gharlane
LuckyWizard: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: Jumpman has popped out of the ground.
Sam: *gremlinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn AARGH
Gharlane: whack thephan
Grishny: whack jumpman
Jumpman: whack jumpman
Chrysanthemum: whack jumpman
TalkingDog: whack jumpman
Nyperold: whack jumpman
Zup: whack Zup
Crystal109: whack jumpamn
MoleBot: Grishny bashes Jumpman with a giant evil space bug. Score!
LuckyWizard: whack jupmna
Sam: whack jumpman
Gharlane: whack nyperold
MoleBot: Eric has popped out of the ground.
Crystal109: whack eric
MoleBot: Crystal109 wallops Eric with a ball and chain. Score!
Gharlane: whack eric
LuckyWizard: whack eric
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Chrysanthemum: Woah.
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Gharlane: whack crystal109
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Gharlane: whack sam
MoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground.
Sam: whack sam
Crystal109: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack sma
Jumpman: whack sam
ThePhan: whack sam
Gharlane: whack sam
Grishny: whack sam
MoleBot: Sam mashes Sam with a vat of battery acid. Ouch!
TalkingDog: whack sam
Nyperold: whack sam
Chrysanthemum: MoleBot and Crystal109 hitting Eric appeared at the same time on my screen...
Zup: whack Sam
Chrysanthemum: Grr.
Gharlane: whack grishny
MoleBot: Crystal109 has popped out of the ground.
Zup: whack Zup
Gabe: whack crystal109
gremlinn: TD: have it pre-typed and wait for it.
Crystal109: whack crysatl109
Sam: whack crystal109
MoleBot: Gabe slams Crystal109 with a rose bush. Score!
Grishny: whack crystal109
ThePhan: whack crystal109
Gharlane: whack jumpman
Chrysanthemum: whack crystal109
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
Jumpman: whack Crystal109
Gharlane: whack eric
Crystal109: Dangit I misspelled my own name.
Zup: whack Zup
MoleBot: gremlinn has popped out of the ground.
Sam: whack gremlinn
Jumpman: whack gremlinn
Grishny: whack gtremlin
Crystal109: whack gremlinn
MoleBot: Sam slams gremlinn in the jaw with a lead pipe. Score!
Gharlane: whack gremlinn
Chrysanthemum: whack gremlinn
Randy: whack gremlinn
ThePhan: whack gremlinn
Gharlane: whack sam
Zup: whack Kysle
Gharlane: whack crystal109
Zup: whack Zup
MoleBot: Gharlane has popped out of the ground.
Gharlane: whack faqbot
Grishny: whack gharlane
Sam: whack gharlane
Jumpman: whack gharlane
ThePhan: whack gharlane
LuckyWizard: whack gharlnae
Crystal109: whack gharlane
MoleBot: Grishny smashes Gharlane with a tree. Score!
Zup: whack gharlane
Chrysanthemum: whack gharlane
Gharlane: whack gharlane
Zup: whack Zup
* Gharlane gives UP
Zup: whack Zup
MoleBot: Nyperold has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack nyperold
Sam: whack nyeprold
Crystal109: whack nyperold
LuckyWizard: whack nyperold
Jumpman: whack nyperold
MoleBot: ThePhan crunches Nyperold with a manhole cover. Score!
Grishny: whack nyperold
Gharlane: whack zup
Crystal109: Crunches?
Zup: whack Gharlane
MoleBot: Randy has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Gharlane: whack thephan
Chrysanthemum: whack randy
TalkingDog: whack randy
ThePhan: whack randy
Grishny: whack randy
Sam: whack randy
Crystal109: whack randy
MoleBot: Chrysanthemum smooshes Randy in the gut with a hot poker. Bonus score!
Zup: whack Jumpman
LuckyWizard: whack randy
Jumpman: whack randy
Randy: whack randy
Gharlane: whack randy
Nyperold: whack randy
Kysle: whack chrysanthemum
Randy: dude
Eric: Skull injuries go "crunch"
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
MoleBot: FAQBot has popped out of the ground.
Sam: whack faqbot
Crystal109: whack faqbot
MoleBot: Sam bashes FAQBot with a sack of wet rice. Score!
Gharlane: whack chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: whack faqbot
Grishny: whack faqbot
Nyperold: whack grishny
ThePhan: whack faqbot
LuckyWizard: whack faqbot
Gharlane: whack faqbot
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Nyperold: whack faqbot
Grishny: Isn't it more fo a "grunch"
Zup is back.
MoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground.
Gharlane: whack chrysanthemum
TalkingDog: whack sam
Jumpman: whack sam
ThePhan: whack sam
Grishny: whack sam
Sam: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack sam
MoleBot: TalkingDog clocks Sam in the gut with a signpost. Score!
Gharlane: whack sam
Crystal109: whack sam
Randy: whack sam
Nyperold: whacksam
Randy: dang
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Gharlane: whack sam
Zup: whack LuckyWizard
Randy: I blinked
MoleBot: Grishny has popped out of the ground.
Gabe: It's more of a crack-squish.
Gharlane: whack gharlane
Chrysanthemum: whack grishny
MoleBot: Chrysanthemum punches Grishny in the face with an ugly stick. Score!
Crystal109: whack grishny
TalkingDog: whack grishny
ThePhan: whack grishny
Grishny: whack grishny
Sam: whack grishny
LuckyWizard: whack grishny
Jumpman: whack grishny
Gharlane: whack grishny
MoleBot: Nyperold has popped out of the ground.
Zup: whack Crystal109
Grishny: Is my name that easy to type?
ThePhan: whack nyperold
Gharlane: whack molebot
TalkingDog: whack nyperod
MoleBot: ThePhan slaps Nyperold with a knitting needle. Score!
MoleBot: ThePhan wins!
Sam: whack nyeprold
Chrysanthemum: whack nyperolad
Jumpman: whack nyperold
Crystal109: whack nyperold
Chrysanthemum: whack nyperold
Gharlane: whack molebot
Grishny: woosh.
Eric: DUDE
Sam: I just can't spell that.
Kysle: YAY
Gharlane: whack molebot
Crystal109: Geesh.
Zup: Yay ThePhan.
Randy: Yay!
Eric: Chrysanthemum popped up ONCE
Crystal109: whack ThePhan XD
Sam: Short break while I note the scores.
Chrysanthemum: I did?
Eric: I was waiting the WHOLE GAME for her to pop up.
Grishny: That went better than expected
Chrysanthemum: I don't recall ever poppiing up.
Chrysanthemum: Heehee.
Gharlane: whack molebot whack molebot whack molebot whack molebot
Crystal109: I misspelled my own name! How sad is that?
Grishny: whack chrysanthemum
Eric: Freaking FAQBot came up more than her.
Eric: whack chrysanthemum whack chrysanthemum whack chrysanthemum whack chrysanthemum whack chrysanthemum
Randy: Totally did
Crystal109: I hate FAQBot. That Q is so hard to reach.
Zup: whack EVARYBODY
Sam: Yeah, I don't think Chrysanth ever came up.
* Gharlane hates this game with a fiery passion
* Zup is with Gharlane.
Nyperold: Then you'll love this version.
MoleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
KickMoleBot has been summoned by Sam.
Crystal109: Chrys came up once, I think.
Crystal109: uh-oh.
* Sam grins evilly.
TalkingDog: Uh-oh.
ThePhan: I personally had trouble with "Jumpman". That "mpm" kept throwing me.
TalkingDog: LOL
Gabe: Oh, sheesh.
Zup is away.
* Crystal109 is very very scared.
* Zup gives up and will watch the chaos instead of blindly trying to guess.
ThePhan: I've only ever played this version like once. Heh.
Sam: Part 2 of 3. The same rules as MoleBot. Use "whack Name". If you're /away, you won't be picked and cannot be kicked, but you will also be ignored if you whack somebody, so you can't score.
Nyperold: With a passion rivaling that of a thousand blazing suns.
Gabe: Zup: Pick somebody's name and wait to pounce on them.
gremlinn: Unless you can type "/back" as well as the whack fast enough.
Crystal109: Nyperold: Heh. I always think of Ten Things I Hate About You when I see that.
Zup: Gabe: I'll be kicked too often for that to work in my favor, heh.
Crystal109: Zup: I don't remember you popping up very much last time.
Sam: Starting in 1 minute...
Zup: Crys: I went away halfway through.
Chrysanthemum: Okay, cool.
Sam: Oh, by the way. If I get kicked, do NOT swipe the bot!
Gabe: Heh heh.
Sam: That just won't be cool, and I'll have to dock you a skillion points.
Randy: okay
Randy: hehe
Zup: Ay ay, Capitan!
Crystal109: I don't even know how to, so. Yay for me.
Sam: Ok, starting...
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack talkingdog
[RinkChat] User TalkingDog has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan whacks TalkingDog with a telephone pole. Score!
TalkingDog has left.
LuckyWizard: whack talkingdog
Kysle: whack talkingdog
Chrysanthemum: whack talkingdog
Jumpman: whack talkingdog
Grishny: whack talkingdog
Crystal109: whack talkindgod
TalkingDog has entered.
KickMoleBot: LuckyWizard has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Gabe: whack nyperold
ThePhan: whack luckywizard
Sam: whack TalkingDog
[RinkChat] User LuckyWizard has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan bats LuckyWizard with Nyperold's head. Bonus score!
Jumpman: whack luckywizard
Chrysanthemum: whack lucikywizard
Crystal109: whack luckywizard
LuckyWizard has left.
LuckyWizard has entered.
KickMoleBot: Chrysanthemum has popped out of the ground.
Kysle: whack chrysanthemum
[RinkChat] User Chrysanthemum has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Chrysanthemum: whack chrysanthemum
KickMoleBot: Kysle slugs Chrysanthemum with an anvil. Score!
Crystal109: whack chrysantehmum
ThePhan: whack chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum has left.
LuckyWizard: whack chrysanthemum
Sam: whack chrysanthemumNOW SHE SHOWS UP
gremlinn: Kysle: nice.
Chrysanthemum has entered.
KickMoleBot: Nyperold has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack nyperold
Sam: whack nyperodl
TalkingDog: whack nyperold
Crystal109: whack nyerpold
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan slaps Nyperold in the neck with an ugly stick. Score!
Grishny: whack nyperold
LuckyWizard: whack nyperold
Nyperold has left.
Randy: whack nyperold
KickMoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground.
Sam: whack sam
Crystal109: whack sam
Jumpman: whack sam
Grishny: whack sam
TalkingDog: whack sam
LuckyWizard: whack sam
KickMoleBot: Sam slams Sam with a letter opener. Ouch!
Randy: whack sam
ThePhan: whack sam
Chrysanthemum: whack sam
Sam: Phew.
Nyperold has entered.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 has popped out of the ground.
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
Crystal109: whack crystal109
[RinkChat] User Crystal109 has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog bonks Crystal109 in the gut with noodly glop. Score!
Jumpman: whack Crystal109
ThePhan: whack crystal109
Grishny: whack crystal109
Sam: whack crystal109
LuckyWizard: whack crystal109
Crystal109 has left.
Crystal109 has entered.
Crystal109: I'm totally freezing.
Zup: I love the descriptions.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 has popped out of the ground.
Crystal109: whack crystal109
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 wallops Crystal109 with a frozen side of beef. Ouch!
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
Sam: whack crystal109
ThePhan: whack crystal109
Grishny: whack crystal109
LuckyWizard is away.
Crystal109: Phew.
Gahalyn has entered.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 has popped out of the ground.
gremlinn: Hey Gaha.
Crystal109: whack crysatl109
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 escapes safely underground.
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
Grishny: whack crystal109
Chrysanthemum: whack crystal109
ThePhan: whack crystal109
Crystal109: whack crystal09
Gabe: I sense a theme
Crystal109: DUDE.
Zup: Hey Gaha!
KickMoleBot: Randy has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack randy
Sam: whack randy
Gahalyn: whack randy
Grishny: whack randy
Jumpman: whack randy
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan swats Randy with a thighmaster. Score!
Chrysanthemum: whack randy
TalkingDog: whack randy
Randy has left.
Randy has entered.
Crystal109: whack THIGHMASTER LOL
Randy: dang
KickMoleBot: Sam has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
TalkingDog: whack sam
ThePhan: whack sam
Sam: whack sam
Grishny: whack sam
Gahalyn: whack sam
[RinkChat] User Sam has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog crunches Sam with sheet rock. Bonus score!
Chrysanthemum: whack sam
Crystal109: whack sam
Randy: GAHA
Sam has left.
Sam has entered.
Gahalyn: HI ALL
Gahalyn: SLOW
KickMoleBot: Gabe has popped out of the ground.
Sam: whack gabe
Gharlane: Hi Gahalyn!
[RinkChat] User Gabe has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Gabe: whack gabe
KickMoleBot: Sam flogs Gabe in the face with a crowbar. Score!
TalkingDog: whack gabe
Kysle: whack gabe
ThePhan: whack gabe
Gahalyn: whack gabe
Gabe has left.
Grishny: whack gabe
Crystal109: whack gabe
Jumpman: whack gabe
LuckyWizard: whack gabe
Gabe has entered.
[RinkChat] User Zup has been labeled 'Ain't Playin' Today-n.' by Zup.
KickMoleBot: Jumpman has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack jumpman
TalkingDog: whack jumpman
Crystal109: whack jumpman
[RinkChat] User Jumpman has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
LuckyWizard: whack jumpmna
KickMoleBot: ThePhan belts Jumpman with a whip. Score!
Chrysanthemum: whack jumpman
Sam: whack jumpman
Grishny: whack jumpman
Jumpman has left.
Gahalyn: whack jumpman
Jumpman has entered.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan has popped out of the ground.
Nyperold: whack thephan
TalkingDog: whack thephan
Gahalyn: whack thephan
Chrysanthemum: whack thephan
[RinkChat] User ThePhan has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Nyperold bashes ThePhan with a telephone pole. Score!
Sam: whack thephan
ThePhan has left.
Crystal109: whack thephan
Grishny: whack thephan
LuckyWizard: whack thephan
ThePhan has entered.
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 has popped out of the ground.
Kysle: whack nyperold
Crystal109: whack crysatl109
Sam: whack crystal109
ThePhan: whack crystal109
[RinkChat] User Crystal109 has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
Chrysanthemum: whack crystal109
KickMoleBot: Sam belts Crystal109 in the jaw with a baseball bat. Score!
LuckyWizard: whack crystal109
TalkingDog: whack crystal109
Crystal109 has left.
Gahalyn: whack crystal0.v.dsjf.
Crystal109 has entered.
Sam: WHAT? I was WAY slow that time.
KickMoleBot: Nyperold has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Grishny: whack nyperold
Gahalyn: whack nyperold
Sam: whack nyeprold
Chrysanthemum: whack nyperold
Jumpman: whack nyperold
Kysle: whack nyperold
Crystal109: whack nyperold
ThePhan: whack nyperold
LuckyWizard: whack nyperold
[RinkChat] User Nyperold has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Grishny whacks Nyperold with noodly glop. Bonus score!
Nyperold has left.
Sam: I have never spelled Nyperold right.
Jumpman: whack Grishny
Nyperold has entered.
KickMoleBot: Kysle has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Kysle: whack kysle
Chrysanthemum: whack ksyle
TalkingDog: whack ksyel
ThePhan: whack kysle
KickMoleBot: Kysle whacks Kysle with a rose bush. Bonus ouch!
Sam: whack kysle
Gahalyn: whack kysle
Jumpman: whack kysle
Grishny: whack kysle
Crystal109: whack kysle
LuckyWizard: whack kysle
Nyperold: Hey! There's CORN in here!1
KickMoleBot: Chrysanthemum has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack chrysanthemum
Crystal109: whack chrysanthemum
LuckyWizard: whack chrysanthemum
Grishny: whack chysanthemum
[RinkChat] User Chrysanthemum has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan skins Chrysanthemum in the face with TalkingDog. Score!
Chrysanthemum has left.
Sam: whack chryasthnantyj
Gahalyn: whack chryssdlfkjdood.
Chrysanthemum has entered.
Sam: LOL
Crystal109: ROFL
KickMoleBot: Jumpman has popped out of the ground.
Kysle: whack gabe
ThePhan: whack jumpman
Crystal109: whack jumpman
Jumpman: whack Grishny
Sam: whack jumpman
[RinkChat] User Jumpman has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan crunches Jumpman with a sink. Score!
Grishny: whack jumpman
TalkingDog: whack jumpman
Jumpman has left.
LuckyWizard: whack jumpman
Jumpman has entered.
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn has popped out of the ground.
Grishny: whack grishny
Sam: whack gahalyn
LuckyWizard: whack gahalyn
TalkingDog: whack gahahlyn
ThePhan: whack gahalyn
Randy: whack gahalyn
Crystal109: whack gahalyn
[RinkChat] User Gahalyn has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sam whacks Gahalyn with a wheelbarrow. Score!
Chrysanthemum: whack gahalyn
Grishny: whack gahalyn
Gahalyn has left.
Gahalyn has entered.
Gahalyn: ACK NO
KickMoleBot: Jumpman has popped out of the ground.
KickMoleBot: Jumpman escapes safely underground.
Sam: whack jupman
Crystal109: whack jumpmna
ThePhan: whack jumpman
LuckyWizard: whack jumpman
Grishny: whack jumpman
Chrysanthemum: whack jumpman
Jumpman: whack doh
TalkingDog: whack jumpman
KickMoleBot: Kysle has popped out of the ground.
TalkingDog: whack kysle
ThePhan: whack kysle
Sam: whack kysle
Crystal109: whack kysle
Chrysanthemum: whack kysle
Gahalyn: whack kysle
Grishny: whack kysl
[RinkChat] User Kysle has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog socks Kysle with a belt sander. Score!
Kysle has left.
LuckyWizard: whack kysle
Kysle has entered.
Crystal109: I'm so slow this round.
Gahalyn: I am beginning to realize that I honestly have no chance.
KickMoleBot: Kysle has popped out of the ground.
Grishny: whack me too
Sam: whack kysle
Crystal109: whack kysle
Chrysanthemum: whack kysle
Jumpman: whack kysle
ThePhan: whack kysle
[RinkChat] User Kysle has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sam smooshes Kysle with Kysle's face. Score!
Kysle has left.
Grishny: whack kysle
TalkingDog: whack ksyel
LuckyWizard: whack kysle
Kysle has entered.
Gahalyn: Which makes me laugh because I'm still trying
Crystal109: LOL
KickMoleBot: TalkingDog has popped out of the ground.
Gabe: whack talkingdog
[RinkChat] User TalkingDog has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Gabe smooshes TalkingDog with a boom chain. Score!
Randy: whack Crystal109
Sam: whack talkingdog
TalkingDog has left.
Jumpman: whack talkingdog
Zup: Gaha: Join the crowd.
ThePhan: whack talkingdog
KickMoleBot: Jumpman has popped out of the ground. Bonus round!
Grishny: whack talkindgdodaf
LuckyWizard: whack talkingdog
Crystal109: whack jumpman
KickMoleBot: Jumpman escapes safely underground.
ThePhan: whack jumpman
Sam: whack jumpman
TalkingDog has entered.
Chrysanthemum: whack jumpman
Grishny: whack jumplana
* Gahalyn thought that said Sam smooches Kysle's face.
KickMoleBot: Kysle has popped out of the ground.
Jumpman: two in a row, oh yeah! :)
TalkingDog: whack ksye
LuckyWizard: whack kkysle
Sam: whack kysle
ThePhan: whack kysle
Chrysanthemum: whack kysle
Grishny: whack kylse
[RinkChat] User Kysle has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sam beats Kysle with mud. Score!
Jumpman: whack kysle
Kysle has left.
Kysle has entered.
KickMoleBot: Gahalyn has popped out of the ground.
Gabe: whack gharlane
ThePhan: whack gahalyn
TalkingDog: whack gahalyn
Jumpman: whack gahalyn
[RinkChat] User Gahalyn has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
LuckyWizard: whack gahalyn
KickMoleBot: ThePhan whomps Gahalyn with a signpost. Score!
Sam: whack gahalyn
Crystal109: whack gahalyn
Gahalyn has left.
Chrysanthemum: whack gahalyn
Grishny: whack halayasdfn
Gahalyn has entered.
KickMoleBot: Grishny has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack grishyn
Grishny: whack grishny
KickMoleBot: Grishny whonks Grishny with a cement mixer. Ouch!
Jumpman: whack Grishny
Crystal109: whack grishny
Chrysanthemum: whack grishny
Gahalyn: whack grishny
LuckyWizard: whack grishny
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 has popped out of the ground.
Crystal109: whack crysatl109
Sam: whack crysstal109
KickMoleBot: Crystal109 escapes safely underground.
Chrysanthemum: whack crystal109
Jumpman: whack Crystal109
Gahalyn: whack crystal02
ThePhan: whack crystal109
Crystal109: whack crystal109
LuckyWizard: whack crystal109
Grishny: whack crystal109
Gahalyn: 2?
[RinkChat] User Gharlane has been labeled 'Not even trying.' by Gharlane.
Crystal109: DUDE. NO FAIR.
KickMoleBot: Kysle has popped out of the ground.
Sam: whack kysle
Chrysanthemum: whack kysle
ThePhan: whack kysle
LuckyWizard: whack kysle
[RinkChat] User Kysle has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sam punches Kysle with a fish tank. Score!
Crystal109: whack kysle
TalkingDog: Grar.
TalkingDog has left.
KickMoleBot: Randy has popped out of the ground.
Crystal109: I always always misspell my name.
Sam: whack randy
Chrysanthemum: whack randy
ThePhan: whack randy
Gahalyn: whack randy
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Sam busts Randy with a wheelbarrow. Score!
Randy has left.
Grishny: whack randy
LuckyWizard is back.
KickMoleBot: Jumpman has popped out of the ground.
Randy has entered.
Jumpman: whack jumpman
ThePhan: whack umpman
Crystal109: whack jumpman
LuckyWizard: whack jumpman
Sam: whack jumpman
Gahalyn: whack jumpman
Chrysanthemum: whack jumpman
KickMoleBot: Jumpman pounds Jumpman with a fishing hook. Ouch!
Randy: dang
[RinkChat] User Zup has been labeled 'So gave up, it's not even funny.' by Zup.
KickMoleBot: Gharlane has popped out of the ground.
Gabe: whack gharlane
[RinkChat] User Gharlane has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: Gabe hits Gharlane with a chainsaw. Score!
ThePhan: whack gharlane
Grishny: whack gharlane
Jumpman: whack gharlane
Chrysanthemum: whack gharlane
Sam: whack gharlane
Gharlane has left.
Gahalyn: whack gharlna
Crystal109: whack gharlane
LuckyWizard: whack gharlane
Gharlane has entered.
Gahalyn: GHARLNA.
[RinkChat] User Gharlane has been labeled 'Still not trying.' by Gharlane.
KickMoleBot: Randy has popped out of the ground.
ThePhan: whack randy
Randy: whack Crystal109
Grishny: whack randy
gremlinn: Gaharlane.
LuckyWizard: whack randy
Gahalyn: whack randy
Jumpman: whack randy
Sam: whack randy
Crystal109: whack randy
Chrysanthemum: whack randy
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by KickMoleBot.
KickMoleBot: ThePhan whacks Randy in the neck with a golf club. Score!
KickMoleBot: ThePhan wins!
Randy has left.
Sam: Nice, Phan.
Randy has entered.
Crystal109: ...... Wow.
Kysle: YAY
Crystal109: Go ThePhan.
Chrysanthemum has left.
Randy: NOOOO
Grishny: That round went as poorly as expected.
ThePhan: Thanks.
Zup: Woo ThePhan!
Gabe: whack KickMoleBot
Sam: Another quickie break, then we'll finish off the night.
Nyperold: Well. I got a point out of it.
Gharlane: Heh. One more to go.
Jumpman: g'night, all!
Chrysanthemum has entered.
Randy: Whats the last one?
Jumpman has left.
Gahalyn: What is next?
Crystal109: Lol I got 0 points this round, which is really silly.
Crystal109: SinbadBot
LuckyWizard: SinbadBot
Gahalyn: Oh dear.
Nyperold: BUDGE
Randy: Oh crap
KickMoleBot has been dismissed by Sam.
Gahalyn: I.... will have to review the rules.
Gabe: SinbadlyBot
SinbadBot has been summoned by Sam.
* Crystal109 turns on her fan.
Gahalyn: oh um. That is easy.
Sam: Part 3 of 3. No more kicking, just regular MoleBot, except now the verb is "budge".
gremlinn: SinBadBot!
ThePhan: Oh, that is easy.
Nyperold: In the name of all that is Advil...
Gahalyn: WAFFLE
Gahalyn: Advilwaffle!
Sam: So, you do "budge Name" instead. The entire bot, and everything it says, is a reference to the Official RinkWorks Bad Movie, "Sinbad of the Seven Seas" without hero LOU FERRIGNO, and the man who hates more than hate itself, JOHN STEINER.
Chrysanthemum: I think I'm missing the in-joke with "budge..."
Sam: HA!
Crystal109: I haven't seen the movie yet.
Gahalyn: Without hero?!
Gahalyn: LOL
Grishny: without hero? What happened to him?
Chrysanthemum: I should probably go back and read that review again.
LuckyWizard: I haven't seen it either.
Sam: Let me hear you all say, HA!!!
Gahalyn: HAAAA
gremlinn: DOG
Gahalyn: HA!
Randy: HA!!!
Chrysanthemum: HA!!!
Grishny: HA!
ThePhan: HA!
Gahalyn: HAHAHA !
Crystal109: HA!!!
Gahalyn: HA!
Nyperold: HA!!!
Zup: Ho?
Gharlane: HA!!!
Kysle: ha
Randy: DOG
LuckyWizard: HA!
Crystal109: HOOHAA!!!
Gahalyn: HAHAHAAAAAAADSLFJsplutter pff
Sam: ...and...that's "with our hero"...not "without hero"...stupid phonetic typopos.
Gharlane: I throw my sword on the ground and challenge you!
Grishny: Twice! Three times!
Nyperold: Have you taken your medication today?
Sam: Starting in 1 minute...
Gahalyn: Who what huh medication?
Nyperold: Soukra asks that.
Gahalyn: Ah! Ha!
Nyperold: Or something close.
ThePhan: Oh. That reminds me, I HAVEN'T taken my medication today. Heh. I need to.
Randy: I have got to find my copy of that.
Gabe: budge overabit
Gahalyn: budge sma
Sam: TP: Go do it. I can wait if it's just a minute or so.
ThePhan: Oh, that'd be great. Thanks.
Sam: Sure.
Gabe: budge timetable
* Crystal109 practices typing her name.
Sam: Thanks to Soukra, ThePhan will have her medication.
Nyperold: "There's nobody here" is definitely untrue. :)
Randy: It'd be great if you could "budge /me"
Sam: Just think. If Soukra hadn't said that in the movie, ThePhan would have missed taking it!
gremlinn: What a life saver.
Gabe: You'd almost think there really were no coincidences, like in the movie Signs.
Zup: It deserves a medal.
Gharlane: See, it's not just a fun movie, hehe.
Gharlane: It saves LIVES!
Randy: I think that if we ever meet ThePhan, we should all call ThePhan, ThePhan, kind of like TheCheat.
ThePhan: "My very own The Cheat!"
Gahalyn: Randy: LOL
ThePhan: Okay, I'm set.
Sam: Soukra, by the way, is barely even a 2.
Randy: Totally
Sam: Starting in 30 seconds...
Zup: Sam: LOL
Gharlane: Sam's generous tonight, hehe.
Nyperold: Yeah, that's true.
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises.
Grishny: budge sam
SinbadBot: Grishny nudges Sam with glaring eyes. Grishny is WINNING!
Crystal109: budge sam
Sam: budge sam
LuckyWizard: budge sam
Nyperold: budge sam
Gahalyn: budge sam
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge sam
SinbadBot: gremlinn remains safely in place.
Grishny: budge gremliinn
ThePhan: budge gremlinn
LuckyWizard: budge gremlinn
Crystal109: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: Gahalyn glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: budge gahalyn
SinbadBot: Sam propels Gahalyn with wild gesticulations. Sam is WINNING!
Crystal109: budge gahalyn
LuckyWizard: budge gahalyn
Grishny: budge gahalyn
Gahalyn: budge gahalyj
Chrysanthemum: budge gahalyn
ThePhan: budge gahalyn
Nyperold: budge gahalyn
Gahalyn: fjskf.
* ThePhan cannot type all of a sudden. Weird.
SinbadBot: Grishny glitters and makes weird noises.
LuckyWizard: budge grishny
Crystal109: budge grishny
Grishny: budge grihsny
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard nudges Grishny with a devastating act of magical madness. LuckyWizard is WINNING!
Sam: budge grishny
Chrysanthemum: budge grishny
ThePhan: budge grishny
Nyperold: budge grishny
LuckyWizard: FIRST PONT
LuckyWizard: *POINT
SinbadBot: ThePhan glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge thephan
SinbadBot: ThePhan propels ThePhan with a yell. HA!
Crystal109: budge thephan
Chrysanthemum: budge thephan
Grishny: budge thepahn
Gahalyn: budge thephan
LuckyWizard: budge thephan
SinbadBot: Gahalyn glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge gahalny
Crystal109: budge gahalyn
LuckyWizard: budge gahalyn
Gahalyn: budge gahalyn
SinbadBot: Crystal109 dislodges Gahalyn with mental powers. Crystal109 is WINNING!
Chrysanthemum: budge gahalny
Sam: budge gahalyn
ThePhan: budge gahalyn
Crystal109: W00t mental powers.
SinbadBot: ThePhan glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge thephan
Crystal109: budge thephan
SinbadBot: ThePhan pushes ThePhan with a shout. HA!
Sam: budge thephan
Grishny: budge thephan
Gahalyn: budge thephan
LuckyWizard: budge thephan
Crystal109: I'm always second....
SinbadBot: ThePhan glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge thephan
Crystal109: budge thephan
SinbadBot: ThePhan propels ThePhan with a wave of the hand. HA!
Nyperold: budge thephan
Sam: budge thephan
LuckyWizard: budge thephan
Grishny: budge thephan
Chrysanthemum: budge thephan
Gahalyn: budge thephan
ThePhan: I keep having to save myself.
SinbadBot: Gahalyn glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge gahalyn
Sam: budge gahalyn
Crystal109: budge gahalyn
SinbadBot: ThePhan pushes Gahalyn with a shout. ThePhan is WINNING!
Gahalyn: budge gahalyn
Nyperold: budge gahalyn
SinbadBot: Kysle glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge kysle
Crystal109: budge kysle
Sam: budge kysle
Gahalyn: budge kysle
SinbadBot: ThePhan budges Kysle with a spell. ThePhan is WINNING!
Chrysanthemum: budge kysle
Grishny: budge kysle
LuckyWizard: budge kysle
Gabe: budge kysle
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: Nyperold remains safely in place.
Crystal109: Whoa.
ThePhan: budge n....
SinbadBot: Crystal109 glitters and makes weird noises.
Grishny: budge Crystal109
SinbadBot: Grishny displaces Crystal109 with a yell. Grishny is WINNING!
Sam: budge crystal109
Chrysanthemum: budge crystal109
Crystal109: budge crystal109
ThePhan: budge crystal109
LuckyWizard: budge crystal109
Gahalyn: budge crystal109
SinbadBot: Eric glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge eric
Sam: budge eric
Grishny: budge eric
Crystal109: budge eric
LuckyWizard: budge eric
Gahalyn: budge er5ic
SinbadBot: ThePhan removes Eric with wild gesticulations. ThePhan is WINNING!
Randy: budge eric
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Kysle: budge chrysanthemum
Nyperold: budge chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Kysle transports Chrysanthemum with a yell. Kysle is bonusly WINNING!
Crystal109: budge chrysanthemum
LuckyWizard: budge chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum: budge chrysanthemum
ThePhan: budge chrysanthemum
Grishny: budge chrysanthemum
Gahalyn: budge chrysanthemeumumhfhd
Crystal109: It figures she's the bonus.
SinbadBot: Nyperold glitters and makes weird noises.
Grishny: budge fqhgwgads
ThePhan: budge nyperold
SinbadBot: ThePhan displaces Nyperold with evil. ThePhan is WINNING!
Crystal109: budge nyperold
Chrysanthemum: budge nyperodl
LuckyWizard: budge nyperold
Sam: budge nyeprold
Gahalyn: budge nyperol.d
Grishny: budge nyperold
Gahalyn: LOL Grish
SinbadBot: Eric glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: budge eric
ThePhan: budge eric
Crystal109: budge eric
LuckyWizard: budge eric
Grishny: budge eric
Chrysanthemum: budge eric
SinbadBot: Sam relocates Eric with an electronic whirr. Sam is WINNING!
Gahalyn: budge eric
Grishny: budge fooboomagoo
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum remains safely in place.
Kysle: budge randy
Crystal109: budge chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum: budge chrysanthemum
ThePhan: budge chrysanthemum
Grishny: budge chrysanthemum
Gahalyn: budge chrysanthemumum.
Sam: budge chrysttnaytame
* Zup looks around for fooboomagoo.
SinbadBot: Gahalyn glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge gahalyn
Gahalyn: budge gahaly
Chrysanthemum: budge gahalny
Grishny: budge gahalayn
Sam: budge gahalyn
LuckyWizard: budge gahalyn
Crystal109: budge gahalyn
Gahalyn: n
SinbadBot: ThePhan removes Gahalyn with no help from Soukra. ThePhan is WINNING!
gremlinn: I think the game's winner is already set in stone.
ThePhan: LOL!
ThePhan: Soukra didn't help me out this time.
Crystal109: Yeah.
Grishny: Wow ThePhan. You rock at this.
SinbadBot: Gharlane glitters and makes weird noises.
Gharlane: budge gharlane
Chrysanthemum: budge gharlna
Sam: whack gharlane
Grishny: budge gharlane
ThePhan: budge ghalrane
SinbadBot: Gharlane displaces Gharlane with a wave of the hand. HA!
Gahalyn: budge gharlane
Crystal109: What connection do you have?
SinbadBot: Eric glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: budge eric
Sam: whack eric
SinbadBot: Crystal109 moves Eric with mental powers. Crystal109 is WINNING!
ThePhan: budge eric
Grishny: budge eric
Chrysanthemum: budge eric
Kysle: budge erifc
Gahalyn: budge eruc
Randy: budge erc
ThePhan: Crystal: Cable.
Crystal109: Mental powers again w00t.
Grishny: budge grishny
SinbadBot: Crystal109 glitters and makes weird noises.
Randy: budge Crystal109
Grishny: budge Crystal109
Chrysanthemum: budge crystal109
LuckyWizard: budge crystal109
ThePhan: budge crystal109
Crystal109: budge crystal109
Gahalyn: budge crystal109
SinbadBot: Randy displaces Crystal109 with a shout. Randy is WINNING!
SinbadBot: Randy glitters and makes weird noises.
Randy: YAY
Sam: budge randy
ThePhan: budge randy
SinbadBot: Sam moves Randy with long fingernails. Sam is WINNING!
Zup: Sam: Whack is not the correct term. ;)
Crystal109: budge randy
Grishny: budge randy
SinbadBot: Randy glitters and makes weird noises.
ThePhan: budge randy
Sam: budge randy
Grishny: budge rabdyt'
Gahalyn: budge randy]
Chrysanthemum: randy
Crystal109: budge randy
SinbadBot: ThePhan pushes Randy with a yell. ThePhan is WINNING!
Chrysanthemum: budge
Gahalyn: budge THEPHAN
SinbadBot: Grishny glitters and makes weird noises.
Randy: budge gahalyn
Sam: budge grishny
Grishny: budge grishnyhg
ThePhan: budge grishny
Crystal109: budge grishny
LuckyWizard: budge grishny
Chrysanthemum: budge grush
Gahalyn: budge grishny
SinbadBot: Sam dislodges Grishny with long fingernails. Sam is WINNING!
SinbadBot: Kysle glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: budge kysle
Chrysanthemum: budge kysle
Gahalyn: budge kysle
SinbadBot: Sam moves Kysle with luck. Sam is WINNING!
LuckyWizard: budge kysle
Crystal109: budge kysle
ThePhan: budge kysle
Grishny: budge kysse
Grishny: budge kissyface
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum glitters and makes weird noises.
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum remains safely in place.
Nyperold: budge chrysanthemum
Kysle: budge chrysanthemum
Crystal109: budge chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum: budge chrysanthmeum
Sam: budge Chrysanthemum
Gahalyn: budge chrysanthemum
ThePhan: budge chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: LuckyWizard glitters and makes weird noises.
LuckyWizard: budge chrysanthemum
ThePhan: budge luckywizard
Grishny: budge chrystalthe mom
Sam: whack luckywizard
Gharlane: budge luckywizard
Crystal109: budge luckywizard
Gahalyn: budge luckywizard
SinbadBot: ThePhan propels LuckyWizard with luck. ThePhan is WINNING!
Chrysanthemum: budge luckywizard
LuckyWizard: budge luckywizard
Randy: budge luckywizard
Gabe: budge thephan
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises. Bonus round!
Sam: budge sam
ThePhan: budge sam
Gharlane: budge thephan
SinbadBot: Sam moves Sam with all that is evil. Bonus HA!
Randy: budge sam
Grishny: budge sam
Crystal109: budge sam
Chrysanthemum: budge sam
Gahalyn: budge sam
LuckyWizard: budge asm
Crystal109: Evil Sam.
SinbadBot: Randy glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: budge randy
Kysle: budge randy
Chrysanthemum: budge randy
Crystal109: budge randy
ThePhan: budge randy
LuckyWizard: budge randy
SinbadBot: Sam transports Randy with a curse. Sam is WINNING!
Randy: dang
SinbadBot: Crystal109 glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: budge crystal109
Chrysanthemum: budge crystal109
Grishny: budge Crystal109
ThePhan: budge crystal109
Randy: budge Crystal109
SinbadBot: Sam relocates Crystal109 with an electronic whirr. Sam is WINNING!
Crystal109: budge crystal109
LuckyWizard: budge crystal109
SinbadBot: Sam glitters and makes weird noises.
Gahalyn: budge crystal0191209233524
ThePhan: budge sam
Crystal109: budge sam
Chrysanthemum: sam
LuckyWizard: budge sam
SinbadBot: ThePhan moves Sam with all that is evil. ThePhan is WINNING!
Chrysanthemum: budge sam
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: budge Chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Sam transports Chrysanthemum with all that is evil. Sam is WINNING!
ThePhan: budge chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum: budge chrysanthemum
Grishny: budge chrystanthemeum
Gahalyn: budge chrystantehefjsdfkj i should just give up
Gahalyn: LOL
SinbadBot: Gahalyn glitters and makes weird noises.
Sam: budge ghaalyh
ThePhan: budge gahalyn
Crystal109: budge gahalyn
LuckyWizard: budge gahalyn
SinbadBot: ThePhan displaces Gahalyn with wild gesticulations. ThePhan is WINNING!
Grishny: budge gahalyn
Chrysanthemum: budge gahalynh
Chrysanthemum: hkidsfdfsjiofdjifdlijjgsdjilfsd
Gahalyn: budge cgahalydsfsd >.<
SinbadBot: Chrysanthemum glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: It's like a power struggle!
Grishny: budge by the time I see the mole there's fifteen budges on the log already
Sam: budge Chrysanthemum
Nyperold: budge chrysanthemum
SinbadBot: Sam dislodges Chrysanthemum with luck. Sam is WINNING!
Chrysanthemum: budge chrysnahtmeum
ThePhan: budge chrysanthemum
LuckyWizard: budge chrysanthemum
Gahalyn: I am sucking so much but having SO much fun.
Randy: wow
Grishny: budge Crystal109
SinbadBot: gremlinn glitters and makes weird noises.
Crystal109: It's seriously alternating between them.
Gharlane: budge thephan
ThePhan: budge gremlinn
Kysle: budge gabe
Crystal109: budge gremlinn
Sam: budge gremlin
Gahalyn: budge gremlinn
Grishny: budge germlinn
LuckyWizard: budge grishny
Randy: budge gremlinn
SinbadBot: ThePhan pushes gremlinn with no help from Soukra. ThePhan is WINNING!
SinbadBot: ThePhan wins!
Kysle: YAY
Sam: Man. I typoed AGAIN.
Grishny: budge crapforcrap
Sam: Anyway, Phan, you ROCK at this. Great competition.
Crystal109: Dang. Go ThePhan with no help from Soukra again!
* Chrysanthemum dies.
Randy: ThePhan did a freaking sweep.
Kysle is away.
Chrysanthemum has left.
Crystal109: That was insane.
Sam: Botting for tonight is officially over! Stick around another couple minutes if you want to see the scores.
* Randy now has 101 points overall.
* ThePhan types too fast. Heh.
Sam: Otherwise, see you Wednesday night.
* gremlinn clinches at least a playoff for the championship.
ThePhan: But whee.
* Crystal109 doesn't see a problem with typing too fast.
Gabe: MoleBot --> KickMoleBot --> "MoleKickBot", where all "whack X" kick X but only score if that person is the mole.
* Zup is glad that rthe speed games are over.
Randy: Wow Its 1 a.m.
* Gharlane wants to see how much Grishny and ThePhan caught up.
Grishny: I didn't do as bad as I thought I would tonight. I almost decided not to show up and I'm glad I didn't.
* Gahalyn dances.
Grishny: It's 2AM for me, Randy.
Randy: You win
Crystal109: It's 2 minutes to 11 PM for me.
Randy: But, I don't work tomorrow.
Grishny: I do.
Zup: Crys: Same here.
Gahalyn: I work tomorrow FROM HOME.
Grishny: I'm going to work unshaven tomorrow.
Gharlane: I don't like these because I really don't stand a chance at them ,heh.
Gharlane: But the descriptions for SinbadBot are pretty fun - it's the only one worth it.
Nyperold: Heh. I tried solo SinbadBot. I thought it was going to tell me "There's nobody here!"
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1
Sam: Speed Class results are FINAL.
Crystal109: Cool! I moved up 4 places.
Crystal109: In Speed, that is.
Grishny: I'm only ten points behind you again in overal score, Gharlane... better watch out!
[Sam->ThePhan] Congratulations on winning the Speed category. That was a GREAT competition.
FAQBot has been dismissed by Sam.
SinbadBot has been dismissed by Sam.
* ThePhan, Gharlane, and Grishny are all only like 20 points apart
Gharlane: Wednesday night's bots are all good ones for me, though, so I feel good. :)
[ThePhan->Sam] Thanks. That was a ton of fun. Heh.
Crystal109: Wow ThePhan congratulations on dominating Speed!
ThePhan: Thanks. :-)
Zup: Congrats to all of tonight's winners!
Gharlane: Way to go, I'd never be able to out-type people here.
[Sam->ThePhan] I'm just astonished at how fast you type. I totally didn't see you as the winner of this.
Grishny: I'm still surprised at how high I am in the rankings and yet still haven't won a single game.
Zup: I'm looking forward to Wednesday myself.
[ThePhan->Sam] Heh. Yeah, I'm a pretty speedy typist. And being allowed to copy/paste "whack/budge" was definitely nice.
Zup: Alright, well time for bed. Night y'all. Night recording devices.
Zup has left.
Randy: What is countbot?
Gharlane: Make up sentences with words of specific lengths.
Crystal109: Randy: http://rinkworks.com/rinkchat/bots/CountBot.cgi
LuckyWizard: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/bots/CountBot.cgi
gremlinn: http://www.www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/bots/CountBot.cgi
Randy: Ahh
Crystal109: Look, it's a pyramid!
[ThePhan->Sam] But most of the people around here type pretty fast.
[Sam->ThePhan] Wait, THAT'S what you used your copy/paste buffer for? That's EASY. You can type that between rounds, when it's not speed critical.
[Sam->ThePhan] I figure the best strategy is just to pick a random name, so you can at least paste one name fast.
ThePhan: CountBot looks fun. I'm sad I'm going to miss it.
Grishny: Good night all. See you Wed.
Grishny has left.
[Sam->ThePhan] I've never not had "whack" or "budge" in my text box and ready to go when I needed it.
Gahalyn: Anybody up for another (but slow) bot?
[ThePhan->Sam] Whoa. You know, I didn't even think about that. LOL. Man. I can type fast, but I think slooooow.
[Sam->ThePhan] LOL LOL LOL. Oh geez, you won at a handicap.
gremlinn: I think the two lowest ranked players should have to have a StoryBot playoff.
Randy: Totally.
Sam: grem: LOL
gremlinn: Disregarding 0s. So, Jumpman vs. DF.
Gahalyn: Nobody has any botting left in them?
Crystal109: I'm working on my resume thing, so I'm up for procrastination.
Gharlane: Gahalyn: What did you have in mind?
Gabe: Gah: I'd play something not speedy.
ThePhan: Gaha: I'm up for another bot.
Nyperold: I can bot, depending on what it is.
Gahalyn: Ooo. Everyone must have missed when I said another (slow) bot, before :-)
Crystal109: Buzz? I haven't played that in a while.
Gahalyn: BUZZZZZ
Crystal109: Non-tournament wise, that is.
Gahalyn: Ys plz.
gremlinn: YsBot!
Gahalyn: I have made another room
Gabe has left.
gremlinn has left.
Gharlane has left.
Crystal109 has left.
ThePhan has left.
Nyperold has left.
Kysle has left.
LuckyWizard has left.
TalkingDog has left.