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Sam: OK, I hope you can all be patient with tonight, because both Caption and Who are going to be pretty unwieldy with this many people. But we're troopers! We can do it!
* Grishny is a SUPA KOOPA TROOPA
[RinkChat] User Zup has been labeled 'is unwieldy' by Zup.
Sam: Remember that CaptionBot is in progress; when I start it, it'll remember the partial scores from Monday night. The time you get to vote is longer with a lot of submissions, probably at least 90 seconds usually. Note, by the way, that often short captions work best, especially with this much competition.
FAQBot has been summoned by Sam.
CaptionBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Note the CaptionBot-related questions in FAQBot.
Sam: Starting in 1 minute...
* Nyperold makes sure his /b is ready...
Ticia: Well, I hope Joseph lets me play, but I wouldn't really count on it.
Grishny: Set him on your lap and let his head loll on the keyboard. Maybe he'll come up wiht something intersting.
Ticia: All of my entries would be "Waaaaaa! Whaaaa waaaa waaaa!"
Nyperold: Perhaps!
* TalkingDog groans a reply of some kind.
* Grishny is PSYCHO'D
CaptionBot: goosey chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Ticia: That's a great picture.
Mollie: Ugg. I suck at CaptionBot. There's hardly any point in me even playing.
Homestarmy: LOL
Homestarmy: theres a fall-out sign on the barn
Grishny: Mollie, just type the first thing that pops into your head!
LaZorra: It deserves a better caption than I gave it, heh.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Roo the Rooster's prize-winning human.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for H'yup-h'yup, we don't grow no no ordinary roosters down in Keentuhkee.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for The world's giant turkey farm had many opponents, mostly because of the radioactivity.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Giant Rooster = BIG LAUGHS HYUK
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for "For most people, the choice is obvious."
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Sheriff Tate relaxed, knowing there was no way the killer mutant chicken could sneak up on him in the open.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for of course, Area 51s greatest discovery was the poultry growth hormone...
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for The man prepares his giant chicken to attack.. KAMIKAZEE!!
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for "This boy, ah say, this boy's as sharp as a sack of wet rice."
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Does the chicken have large talons?
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for The genetic engineering experiments on chickens had slightly more freakish results when expected.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for The breeding experiments at KFC had taken a disturbing turn.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for And... VOIP! The matter transmission was a success! Wha - Mr. Smith?
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Dude. Dude? DUDE! Why aren't you RUNNING LIKE HELL???
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for "This city need no longer fear The Rooster of Doom."
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for And this is Filbert, with his prize-winning uber-rooster.
CaptionBot: Vote 18 for "The giant chicken had always wanted to be a faithful pet, and now he had his chance! They were going butterfly catching!"
Homestarmy: Evolved chicken man from fall-out
Mollie: Things that pop into my head are rarely funny.
GrimbleGromble: vote 15
Zup: vote 2
Grishny: vote 11
Xom: vote 1
zK: vote 11
TalkingDog: vote 1
Mollie: vote 1
Homestarmy: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 16
LaZorra: vote 13
Sam: vote 7
Gharlane: vote 15
Grishny: Awesome Napoleon ref, whoever subitted that.
Ticia: vote 10
zK: I enjoy Napoleon references, even if the movie was unfunny.
Jumpman: vote 13
Kysle: vote 7
Nyperold: vote 10
goosey: vote 2
LuckyWizard: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 11
Gharlane: 7 is SO like a lot of bad movies.
Mollie: And actually, things seem to rarely pop into my head at all in CaptionBot.
goosey: It's so hard to read them all with everyone voting . . . sigh
* ThePhan copies all the captions over to a word document so she can browse them without the screen scrolling down
Gharlane: goosey: That is the major problem with this many people.
Sam: If you're having trouble reading the captions in time, try shrinking your font size. In Firefox, you do this by hitting ctrl-minus.
LaZorra: Could we /b votes?
* Grishny is going to try something during next round's voting...
gremlinn: TP: good idea.
Sam: LaZ: Won't work. The bot will echo them.
goosey: Thanks Sam . . . but's it's already down to teeny-weeny
LaZorra: Ah.
Nyperold: Ooh!
Counterpoint: Keep your mouse held on the vertical scroll bar. That way, every time it drops down, twitch the mouse and it'll jump back.
Sam: goosey: You must have a crazy-low screen resolution, then.
Nyperold: Didn't know that shortcut.
gremlinn: Cp: it's still distracting, though.
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 4 points for Does the chicken have large talons?
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Sheriff Tate relaxed, knowing there was no way the killer mutant chicken could sneak up on him in the open.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 2 points for Dude. Dude? DUDE! Why aren't you RUNNING LIKE HELL???
CaptionBot: Sam wins 2 points for Roo the Rooster's prize-winning human.
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for "This boy, ah say, this boy's as sharp as a sack of wet rice."
CaptionBot: Xom wins 2 points for The breeding experiments at KFC had taken a disturbing turn.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for H'yup-h'yup, we don't grow no no ordinary roosters down in Keentuhkee.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for "This city need no longer fear The Rooster of Doom."
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for of course, Area 51s greatest discovery was the poultry growth hormone...
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for The man prepares his giant chicken to attack.. KAMIKAZEE!!
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for "The giant chicken had always wanted to be a faithful pet, and now he had his chance! They were going butterfly catching!"
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for The genetic engineering experiments on chickens had slightly more freakish results when expected.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for "For most people, the choice is obvious."
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 0 points for The world's giant turkey farm had many opponents, mostly because of the radioactivity.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Giant Rooster = BIG LAUGHS HYUK
CaptionBot: goosey wins 0 points for And this is Filbert, with his prize-winning uber-rooster.
CaptionBot: zK wins 0 points for And... VOIP! The matter transmission was a success! Wha - Mr. Smith?
CaptionBot: The search keyword was funny animals.
Grishny: Whoa, the list is already out of the buffer.
zK: Cp: That's what I do.
goosey: I have a teeny-tiny screen
goosey: 12-inch
Mollie: I have 12" too.
Ticia: I shall also.
LaZorra: Firefox pwns j00.
goosey: Maybe 10 . . . it's really small and I don't have a ruler
CaptionBot: CaptionBot chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Mollie: Yeah, Firefox 0wnz.
Zup: Mine is 13.5. Heh.
LaZorra: Uh, how do you re-enlarge the font? I shrunk it too much.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for I took this photo to prove I'd been to the Taj Mahal, but it just looks like someone photoshopped it in.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Come see scenic Istanbul and its famous Mustached Man In Front Of Building!
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for And this is our Arabian Defense System. This building is made entirely out of asbestos and nuclear cruise missiles. No tourists allowed.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Oh, no, no Photoshop used here!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Isn't that the Taj Mahal?
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for INS was not fooled by Pedro's claims that he was in fact, from India, and not Mexico.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Boy, The Price Is Right is really getting lax on its standards for prize presentation girls.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for "Guess I shoulda made that left turn at Albuquerque."
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Liface, back when he was a 37 year old Arab.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for This man simply doesn't belong.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for You get tourists everwhere.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for And here we have a mug shot of a guy in front of the palace....
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for The invasion of the U.S. was so fast, that in the time Pablo spent admiring the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument was completely demolished, cleared, and rebuilt from the ground up.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Good job, gumshoe! You've found one of Carmen Sandiego's henchmen!
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Ahmed is about to discover water is wet when he backs up for a better picture.
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for Fidel Castro had always wanted to live at the Taj Mahal.
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for And now to Ali, who is standing at the possible site of the fabled Forty Thieve's Mansion. Ali?
CaptionBot: Vote 18 for Andrew Sachs' solo project, Manuel: International waitstaff was a cult hit to put it politely.
Mollie: LZ: Command plus.
Mollie: Or, umm... whatever you did and plus.
zK: vote 1
GrimbleGromble: vote 14
TalkingDog: vote 14
Homestarmy: vote 3
Xom: vote 6
Zup: vote 7
Ticia: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 15
Mollie: vote 8
goosey: vote 14
Nyperold: vote 14
Sam: vote 7
Jumpman: vote 14
ThePhan: vote 14
LuckyWizard: vote 7
LaZorra: vote 17
Gharlane: vote 14
Kysle: vote 14
goosey: LAZ: CNTL-+!!
Grishny: vote 15
Gharlane: vote 7
LaZorra: Thanks! Thought I tried that, heh.
Grishny: It worked... when the list of captions popped up, I did a screen grab and opened it in PS and read them there.
Ticia: Good idea.
Zup: Grish: Good idea.
gremlinn: I copied/pasted into EditPad.
Ticia: grem: Me, too.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 7 points for Good job, gumshoe! You've found one of Carmen Sandiego's henchmen!
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for Boy, The Price Is Right is really getting lax on its standards for prize presentation girls.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Ahmed is about to discover water is wet when he backs up for a better picture.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 2 points for INS was not fooled by Pedro's claims that he was in fact, from India, and not Mexico.
CaptionBot: Mollie wins 1 point for I took this photo to prove I'd been to the Taj Mahal, but it just looks like someone photoshopped it in.
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for "Guess I shoulda made that left turn at Albuquerque."
CaptionBot: goosey wins 1 point for And now to Ali, who is standing at the possible site of the fabled Forty Thieve's Mansion. Ali?
CaptionBot: zK wins 1 point for And this is our Arabian Defense System. This building is made entirely out of asbestos and nuclear cruise missiles. No tourists allowed.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for Andrew Sachs' solo project, Manuel: International waitstaff was a cult hit to put it politely.
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for And here we have a mug shot of a guy in front of the palace....
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for Isn't that the Taj Mahal?
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for This man simply doesn't belong.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Liface, back when he was a 37 year old Arab.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Oh, no, no Photoshop used here!
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 0 points for You get tourists everwhere.
CaptionBot: Xom wins 0 points for Come see scenic Istanbul and its famous Mustached Man In Front Of Building!
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Fidel Castro had always wanted to live at the Taj Mahal.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for The invasion of the U.S. was so fast, that in the time Pablo spent admiring the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument was completely demolished, cleared, and rebuilt from the ground up.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was facial expressions.
* LaZorra LOVED Carmen Sandiego as a kid.
* TalkingDog too.
Sam: LaZ: That was great.
Mollie: pick 1
Zup: That was a fun game/game show/television show
CaptionBot: Mollie chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Grishny: Somebody correct me if I'm wrong... didn't TMBG do songs for that Carmen Sandiego show?
* GrimbleGromble proposed to Carmen Sandiego before he brought the heat down on her.
GrimbleGromble: THAT'S how much I loved her.
Gharlane: Grishny - Rockapella did the theme song.
Grishny: I thought I remmebered hearing "Istanbul not Constantinople" once on that show.
Ticia: I ♥ That song.
goosey: me too
GrimbleGromble: Best song EVAR...
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The new clown-model cross breed. Make your diets funny again!
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for "This is my girlfriend. I took her to get some glamour shots for her birthday. She's pretty hot."
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for ...And then the zombies took Dolly Parton...
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for And now, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Naturals, the world's first clown to use her own hair!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for The Halloween costume scared a lot more people than anticipated.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Hi! I'm Barbie. Welcome to my new workout video! Ready? Okay! And one, and two . . .
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Bozette the Clown never quite achieved the same level of popularity.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Her last moments before being swallowed alive by the giant hair monster.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Nancy: soap star by day, space action heroine by night. On weekends she goes to beauty school as shown here.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Kathy Lee Gifford's career took a nose dive after she broke up with Regis.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Every day I thank the fates the 80s only lasted ten years.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Next time on HOrN bot, we take a look at bleached models!
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for /b a2.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for What do you think Sam rated this one?
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for KISS's attempts to update their costuming didn't work as well as they hoped.
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for In the 80s, even the undead had horrible hair.
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for This, my friends, is the prime example of an uncooked pig.
Grishny: It's my son's favorite song at the moment.
GrimbleGromble: vote 15
zK: vote 14
ThePhan: vote 14
Zup: vote 3
LaZorra: vote 6
Homestarmy: vote 15
TalkingDog: vote 11
Mollie: vote 4
Xom: vote 27
gremlinn: vote 16
Xom: vote 7
Kysle: vote 2
Ticia: vote 13
Sam: vote 1
LuckyWizard: vote 12
GrimbleGromble: Grish: He has good taste. Buy him "No!" for some holiday.
goosey: vote 3
Grishny: vote 13
Gharlane: vote 13
Nyperold: vote 5
Jumpman: vote 11
GrimbleGromble: Or one of their other wonderful releases.
Grishny: Ewww, there's a gnat in my drink.
LaZorra: Is that like a tear in your beer?
CaptionBot: Zup wins 3 points for /b a2.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 2 points for Every day I thank the fates the 80s only lasted ten years.
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 2 points for What do you think Sam rated this one?
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for KISS's attempts to update their costuming didn't work as well as they hoped.
CaptionBot: zK wins 2 points for ...And then the zombies took Dolly Parton...
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 1 point for "This is my girlfriend. I took her to get some glamour shots for her birthday. She's pretty hot."
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 1 point for Next time on HOrN bot, we take a look at bleached models!
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for The Halloween costume scared a lot more people than anticipated.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for And now, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Naturals, the world's first clown to use her own hair!
CaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Bozette the Clown never quite achieved the same level of popularity.
CaptionBot: Xom wins 1 point for In the 80s, even the undead had horrible hair.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 1 point for Hi! I'm Barbie. Welcome to my new workout video! Ready? Okay! And one, and two . . .
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for The new clown-model cross breed. Make your diets funny again!
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Nancy: soap star by day, space action heroine by night. On weekends she goes to beauty school as shown here.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for This, my friends, is the prime example of an uncooked pig.
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 0 points for Her last moments before being swallowed alive by the giant hair monster.
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Kathy Lee Gifford's career took a nose dive after she broke up with Regis.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was bellydancer.
Ticia: Grishny: Gno there's Gnot.
Grishny: bellydancer?
CaptionBot: Jumpman chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Grishny: Apparently modren bellydancers don't need bellies.
Nyperold: Well, it's not like we can say she isn't...
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for A publicity shot of the next James Bond archvillain.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Sorry, bad hair day. Anyway, gentlemen, how are the mouse-catching revenue estimates this month?
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Master Fluffy prepares to unleash terror on wrongdoers in "Furry Fists of Fury", now opening everywhere.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Yoda's lesser-known cousin, Hairdo.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for EXPLOSIONS!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for as the alien cats invaded.. they found out that the moisture in the atmosphere made them get frizzy hair.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for "Not complete, your training is."
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for News coorespondant: "Next find out how to ninja-up your cat so that it will scar all the witches away."
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for The question is, are there any ears? Or is that all hair?
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for I was sentenced to death by hair-pulling. But they didn't make sure I was really dead. A mistake they will not live to regret.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for I *definitely* don't do mornings.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Some pictures got old years ago.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Fear the kitty.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Fluffy began his attempt to live a human-like lifestyle by getting a mustache. Then he learned about hippies and got long hair...
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Here we see the Jones's cat after they electrocuted him while they attempted to get free cable. He has never been the save since.
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for Presenting: Yoda's CAT!
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for It was obvious George Lucas had lost it when he revealed there would be another StarWars -- but Yoda would be plaed by a kitty.
CaptionBot: Vote 18 for Garfield vs. the Van de Graaff generator.
LaZorra: vote 18
GrimbleGromble: vote 16
Xom: vote 18
Ticia: vote 18
Homestarmy: vote 16
zK: vote 11
Zup: vote 11
TalkingDog: vote 10
Sam: vote 7
goosey: vote 13
Jumpman: vote 16
Kysle: vote 18
Nyperold: vote 4
Grishny: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 17
gremlinn: vote 18
LuckyWizard: vote 2
goosey: Wow . . . all the Yoda references . . .
LaZorra is away.
Gharlane: vote 17
gremlinn: Mine wasn't a Yoda reference, but I almost did one.
goosey: The cat just looks like Yoda . . . it's so true . . . lol
Gharlane: Mine isn't either - looking at the votes, maybe I should have.
Zup: It was way too easy to do Yoda. I should have gone with something else.
Mollie: vote 11
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 5 points for Garfield vs. the Van de Graaff generator.
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 3 points for I *definitely* don't do mornings.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 3 points for Presenting: Yoda's CAT!
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for It was obvious George Lucas had lost it when he revealed there would be another StarWars -- but Yoda would be plaed by a kitty.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for "Not complete, your training is."
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 1 point for I was sentenced to death by hair-pulling. But they didn't make sure I was really dead. A mistake they will not live to regret.
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Fear the kitty.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for Yoda's lesser-known cousin, Hairdo.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Sorry, bad hair day. Anyway, gentlemen, how are the mouse-catching revenue estimates this month?
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Master Fluffy prepares to unleash terror on wrongdoers in "Furry Fists of Fury", now opening everywhere.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for EXPLOSIONS!
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for as the alien cats invaded.. they found out that the moisture in the atmosphere made them get frizzy hair.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for News coorespondant: "Next find out how to ninja-up your cat so that it will scar all the witches away."
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Fluffy began his attempt to live a human-like lifestyle by getting a mustache. Then he learned about hippies and got long hair...
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for A publicity shot of the next James Bond archvillain.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for The question is, are there any ears? Or is that all hair?
CaptionBot: Xom wins 0 points for Some pictures got old years ago.
CaptionBot: zK wins 0 points for Here we see the Jones's cat after they electrocuted him while they attempted to get free cable. He has never been the save since.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was bad hair.
Ticia: Yay a point!
* Kysle takes a creative pill
* Zup high fives Ticia.
CaptionBot: Kysle chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Zup: You can't edit yours by re-entering ,can you?
Sam: No.
GrimbleGromble: clearly she is speeching to the dust mites.
GrimbleGromble: Her only friends...
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Little Janie tries to headbutt the carpeting.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Everything's upside-down from here!
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for The model for the new drawbridge wouldn't stay still; it kept trying to stand on its head.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for At the midget try-outs, somersaults were the first test.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for This was to be the first member of a mutant race of tunnel-digging humans.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for When Ticia's back is turned...
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Reason #55 why glue is not the best stocking stuffer for children
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Therapy didn't help. The poor girl believed she was an ostrich until the age of 23.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Can't... Stretch.. Much... Longer...
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for I can't move!
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for This is what Abby does when the crazy bees in her head take over.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for The last part of the hokey-pokey is always the hardest: You put your head in, you put your head out...
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for As requested. even the children bowed down before General Zod.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Little Johnny was very near-sighted when his contacts fell out, which made looking for them tough.
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Here at Bloodfist Football Academy, we train 'em hard, we train 'em early! Okay, Freddy, HIKE IT!
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for After the doctors put the plate in Little Ticia's head, the Tesla family who lived on the second story had lots of fun with their new electromagnet.
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for Carpet inspector. Yep, that vacuum is just not doin' its job. I'll repair it, but it'll cost ya.
Randy has entered.
Homestarmy: Hey, Randy!
Zup: vote 14
Randy: Greetings
Ticia: vote 6
Grishny: vote 13
Sam: vote 7
zK: vote 1
TalkingDog: vote 11
Xom: vote 8
GrimbleGromble: vote 6
Jumpman: vote 17
Homestarmy: vote 16
gremlinn: A lot of good ones.
zK: Hiya, Randy.
gremlinn: vote 11
goosey: vote 12
Grishny: Whoever submitted #13, I salute you. You made me laugh.
Kysle: vote 8
Nyperold: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 12
* TalkingDog thinks he's missing a reference.
Randy: vote 13
GrimbleGromble: td: Superman II, I believe.
Randy: TD: Superman II
TalkingDog: Ahh, yep. Haven't seen it.
zK: Yep.
Grishny: I pity you, TD.
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 3 points for This is what Abby does when the crazy bees in her head take over.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 3 points for Therapy didn't help. The poor girl believed she was an ostrich until the age of 23.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 2 points for Reason #55 why glue is not the best stocking stuffer for children
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 2 points for When Ticia's back is turned...
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for The last part of the hokey-pokey is always the hardest: You put your head in, you put your head out...
CaptionBot: Xom wins 2 points for As requested. even the children bowed down before General Zod.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Little Janie tries to headbutt the carpeting.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Little Johnny was very near-sighted when his contacts fell out, which made looking for them tough.
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Carpet inspector. Yep, that vacuum is just not doin' its job. I'll repair it, but it'll cost ya.
CaptionBot: zK wins 1 point for After the doctors put the plate in Little Ticia's head, the Tesla family who lived on the second story had lots of fun with their new electromagnet.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for The model for the new drawbridge wouldn't stay still; it kept trying to stand on its head.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 0 points for I can't move!
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for Can't... Stretch.. Much... Longer...
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for Everything's upside-down from here!
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for This was to be the first member of a mutant race of tunnel-digging humans.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for At the midget try-outs, somersaults were the first test.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for Here at Bloodfist Football Academy, we train 'em hard, we train 'em early! Okay, Freddy, HIKE IT!
CaptionBot: The search keyword was puppy.
TalkingDog: Puppy? Huh.
Xom: Puppy!?
Homestarmy: Puppy?!
Ticia: Yay three points!
goosey: okies . . .
Mollie: puppy?
Counterpoint: Imitation, maybe.
Gharlane: Is the puppy under the baby?
GrimbleGromble: She's looking for a TIINY puppy!
Randy: Maybe they called her puppy.
CaptionBot: CaptionBot chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Gharlane: DEATHDOG
goosey: Baby yoga: downward puppy
Nyperold: Or something.
Sam: That dog's name is Sam. (Really.)
Counterpoint: Have you seen the photo before?
Sam: I know the dog.
Sam: Look up "world's ugliest dog" on snopes.com.
Zup: It died, didn't it?
Randy: Yeah, seen it before.
Sam: Yeah, last year.
Ticia: Yeah, it's dead.
Randy: And he's dead.
Homestarmy: Lol
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Possibly the first canine internet celebrity.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Patients continued to die under mysterious circumsances... then they caught Buster red- er, pawed.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Cerebrus's offspring poses for a rare photo out of his element..
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for The mad scotish scientist tried to cross-bread rats and small dogs. Unfortunetly, he succeeded.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for "Tales from the crypt!"
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Everyone knew that one of those in the room was about to be possessed by a demon, but none expected it to be the dog.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for A face only a mother could...well...maybe not!
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Salacious Crumb gives a one on one interview with Dan Rather.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Sam was unhappy with his latest haircut. That pet groomer would rue the day...
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for It's Lil' Brudder! I can make it on my own!
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for What did you DO TO ME?? GET OUT OF HERE!! *becomes a recluse*
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Ratbert lived a life of luxery untill he died of old age.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Um, guys, a little help here please?
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for /b a1
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for The search keyword for this one was "baby."
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for Glue is not a good stocking-stuffer for puppies, either . . .
Xom: vote 14
GrimbleGromble: vote 16
gremlinn: vote 7
Randy: vote 4
Ticia: vote 14
Zup: vote 7
TalkingDog: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 4
Homestarmy: vote 15
ThePhan: vote 6
zK: vote 16
Sam: vote 9
Homestarmy: Dangit, mines not there.
Jumpman: vote 3
Randy: 14? There's nothing there
Grishny: vote 10
GrimbleGromble: YAY FOR RETURN OF THE JEDI reference.
Ticia: Petbot, Randy.
LuckyWizard: vote 16
Kysle: vote 9
goosey: vote 10
Gharlane: vote 15
Randy: oooohhh...ok
Homestarmy: ohh yeah.. my window crashed when i submitted it.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 3 points for Glue is not a good stocking-stuffer for puppies, either . . .
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 2 points for Sam was unhappy with his latest haircut. That pet groomer would rue the day...
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 2 points for The mad scotish scientist tried to cross-bread rats and small dogs. Unfortunetly, he succeeded.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Cerebrus's offspring poses for a rare photo out of his element..
CaptionBot: Sam wins 2 points for A face only a mother could...well...maybe not!
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for The search keyword for this one was "baby."
CaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for /b a1
CaptionBot: zK wins 2 points for It's Lil' Brudder! I can make it on my own!
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 1 point for Everyone knew that one of those in the room was about to be possessed by a demon, but none expected it to be the dog.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 0 points for Patients continued to die under mysterious circumsances... then they caught Buster red- er, pawed.
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for Um, guys, a little help here please?
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for Salacious Crumb gives a one on one interview with Dan Rather.
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 0 points for What did you DO TO ME?? GET OUT OF HERE!! *becomes a recluse*
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Ratbert lived a life of luxery untill he died of old age.
CaptionBot: Xom wins 0 points for Possibly the first canine internet celebrity.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for "Tales from the crypt!"
CaptionBot: The search keyword was ugliest.
Counterpoint: Kind of sad that it'd be put in an "Ugliest Dog" contest.
Ticia: My old eyes...
* Homestarmy predicts somebody will get a lot of points
Randy: I didnah
goosey: Yay!!
Kysle: Good Job, goosey!
CaptionBot: ThePhan chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
goosey: ty!
Sam: If LaZ gets back from dinner, she'll be shocked to know she's still winning.
zK: Has Joseph come up with any interesting answers yet?
ThePhan: Man, those were sucky pictures.
Ticia: zK: No
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The Circe de Soleil was, unfortunately, interrupted by the arrival of the Doomsday Machine.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for In Soviet Russia, KGB forces acrobats to perform at gunpoint!
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for The ring of fire.. the ring of fire..
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for We were bored.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Moments later, tragedy occurred.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Jaffar's tower room, while it was still under construction.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Its Small people with things on thier heads! I love this show!
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Ninja school is NOT for wimps.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Years later, the children performers would have nightmares about the "Rings of Death".
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for The amazing "Ticia and Don" routine. Obviously, that's Ticia on top.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for How many tiny people does it take to screw in a lightbulb in the room with a fiery floor?
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for The acrobatic performance was a sight to behold. Too bad everyone's attention was on the loud carpeting.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Good news: the acrobats are well-trained. Bad news: The chairs are from Salvation Army.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for The Cult of the Divine Scissors was less successful than initial market research had promised.
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Kathy Lee's career *REALLY* took a nose dive after she broke up with Regis.
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for Oh no, those two tax collectors are back! Quick, the human skyscraper disguise!
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for After the genetic engineering experiments resulted in the creation of the world's first 6-meter-wide flower, people debated what it could be used for. This was what they eventually settled on.
CaptionBot: Vote 18 for Isn't it illegal to take pictures at these shows?
Nyperold: Hmm
Kysle: vote 13
zK: vote 18
Ticia: vote 10
Zup: vote 18
Sam: vote 2
Xom: vote 4
TalkingDog: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 2
GrimbleGromble: vote 14
Gharlane: vote 11
Grishny: vote 6
Homestarmy: vote 7
Jumpman: vote 1
Randy: vote 15
LuckyWizard: vote 16
goosey: vote 12
Nyperold: vote 12
ThePhan: vote 14
goosey: vote 4
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 2 points for In Soviet Russia, KGB forces acrobats to perform at gunpoint!
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 2 points for Isn't it illegal to take pictures at these shows?
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for We were bored.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for How many tiny people does it take to screw in a lightbulb in the room with a fiery floor?
CaptionBot: Xom wins 2 points for The Cult of the Divine Scissors was less successful than initial market research had promised.
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for The amazing "Ticia and Don" routine. Obviously, that's Ticia on top.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for The Circe de Soleil was, unfortunately, interrupted by the arrival of the Doomsday Machine.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for Its Small people with things on thier heads! I love this show!
CaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Jaffar's tower room, while it was still under construction.
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Kathy Lee's career *REALLY* took a nose dive after she broke up with Regis.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 1 point for Good news: the acrobats are well-trained. Bad news: The chairs are from Salvation Army.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Oh no, those two tax collectors are back! Quick, the human skyscraper disguise!
CaptionBot: zK wins 1 point for The acrobatic performance was a sight to behold. Too bad everyone's attention was on the loud carpeting.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Years later, the children performers would have nightmares about the "Rings of Death".
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for Ninja school is NOT for wimps.
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for The ring of fire.. the ring of fire..
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for After the genetic engineering experiments resulted in the creation of the world's first 6-meter-wide flower, people debated what it could be used for. This was what they eventually settled on.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Moments later, tragedy occurred.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was acrobats.
Sam: Too many of you have not seen the Official RinkWorks Bad Movie.
Grishny: I voted for you, Sam.
Homestarmy: Yeah.
* Nyperold combines Cirque de Soleil with ST:TOS.
Sam: Grish: Yeah, thanks. :-)
Ticia: pick 1
CaptionBot: Ticia chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
zK: I got points??
Mollie: I have seen the Official RinkWorks Bad Movie.
GrimbleGromble: That's the Sinbad one, right?
Randy: I owned it for a while. I have no idea where it is anymore.
Sam: Sinbad of the Seven Seas. Jaffar, the villain in that, had a tower room lair that looked basically like that stage, just with more construction in the middle of it.
GrimbleGromble: LOL
Sam: So I submitted that caption, then realized that only about 5/20 of you have seen it.
gremlinn: I saw it and didn't remember enough to get it anyway.
Gharlane: I'd seen it, but I liked the light bulb joke, heh.
Nyperold: I've seen it, but liked the other caption better. :)
For clarification, I wasn't complaining about a lack of votes, just remarking how making such an exclusive inside joke probably wasn't such a great strategy.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The camera is about to be hued similar to that bib.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Abby was NOT amused when her daddy decided it was time for her to taste lemons.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for "Oh, yay. Dinner. Let me guess, banana mush again. Get your mop out now, lady."
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Master Fred was ineffectually swiping away at the hated green bib. It's not like he was eating lobster.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for hurray for green bibs with frogs and flowers on them!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for And here's Greg "Little Sailor" Thompson, as he prepares to exhibit the new "F" word he learned while Daddy was fixing the plumbing.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for "Hi to everyone looking at me! Wait... why am I wearing this ridiculous bib?"
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Moments later, spewing ensued.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for The great spit-uppers always warm up.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Babies are people too! EQUAL RIGHTS FOR BABIES!
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for You think I'm eating that orange crap, you've got another think coming. And I hate this bib. Where's my BLUE one?
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Broccoli makes me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Jean-Luc Picard in his younger years.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Uh oh, we shouldn't have fed him that third Big Mac...
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Dr. Evil was evil even as a baby.
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for Forget the baby food, I want fudge. BRING ME FUDGE!
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .
Homestarmy: vote 6
zK: vote 16
TalkingDog: vote 1
Ticia: vote 11
gremlinn: vote 12
Randy: vote 16
Xom: vote 12
GrimbleGromble: vote 13
Kysle: vote 10
Grishny: vote 12
Sam: vote 9
Zup: vote 6
ThePhan: vote 13
goosey: vote 6
Sam: HM14
Jumpman: vote 1
* Grishny almost spewed upon reading #12. Good jorb, whoever.
Gharlane: vote 17
Nyperold: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 15
LuckyWizard: vote 16
Sam: /b Grishny, upon reading #12.
Ticia: H: Then vote for it. :P
TalkingDog: LOL
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 3 points for Forget the baby food, I want fudge. BRING ME FUDGE!
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 3 points for Broccoli makes me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry.
CaptionBot: zK wins 3 points for And here's Greg "Little Sailor" Thompson, as he prepares to exhibit the new "F" word he learned while Daddy was fixing the plumbing.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for The camera is about to be hued similar to that bib.
CaptionBot: Xom wins 2 points for Jean-Luc Picard in his younger years.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 1 point for The great spit-uppers always warm up.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 1 point for You think I'm eating that orange crap, you've got another think coming. And I hate this bib. Where's my BLUE one?
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 1 point for Master Fred was ineffectually swiping away at the hated green bib. It's not like he was eating lobster.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for Babies are people too! EQUAL RIGHTS FOR BABIES!
CaptionBot: goosey wins 1 point for 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for hurray for green bibs with frogs and flowers on them!
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for Uh oh, we shouldn't have fed him that third Big Mac...
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for "Hi to everyone looking at me! Wait... why am I wearing this ridiculous bib?"
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for Moments later, spewing ensued.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Dr. Evil was evil even as a baby.
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Abby was NOT amused when her daddy decided it was time for her to taste lemons.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for "Oh, yay. Dinner. Let me guess, banana mush again. Get your mop out now, lady."
CaptionBot: The search keyword was funny pictures.
LuckyWizard: HM?
Sam: Wow, we're 45 minutes into this game already, and we had a one-round head start.
goosey: Okay, this is my new favorite bot
Nyperold: Honorable Mention
Randy: Fudge=funny.
gremlinn: About 41, I think.
Kysle: Sam: At what point do we stop?
CaptionBot: CaptionBot chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Randy: pick 3
Ticia: We stop when someone wins
Randy: gah
Kysle: Sam adjusted the scores? I missed that, I guess.
* Randy chose a different one, but was late.
Sam: The bot remembered the scores from before.
Kysle: Ah. Sorry.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Following in the footsteps of Equine therapy, some people tried Bovine therapy, figuring the fresh milk would do their bines good, too.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Geoffery's phobia for ponies started early, with the garish umbrella accident.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Even when she was young, LaZorra love to ride down strangers on her pony.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for And this is Leen Horse Tack #7599786237273.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for The image I picked was MUCH better. Honest!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Bob relaxed, confident the cute little pony with the cute little kid couldn't sneak up on him out in the open.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for This caption sucks.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Moments later, tragedy occurred.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for "One more time," the pony thought. "One more good leap into that fence after it's dark and it'll TOPPLE! FREEEE!"
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Moni Moni Rides the Pony
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for "Don't worry, son. The horse is supposed to tilt like that. It's all part of learning to ride."
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for I'm NACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Leen's first pony ride set the course of her life.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Methinks this fence was built for a taller horse . . .
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for ummm...something funny about horses.
Xom: Crud.
Ticia: vote 3
TalkingDog: vote 9
Randy: vote 4
zK: vote 3
Homestarmy: vote 3
Zup: vote 11
Sam: vote 4
LuckyWizard: vote 6
goosey: vote 4
Kysle: vote 11
GrimbleGromble: vote 13
ThePhan: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 9
Xom: vote 3
Grishny: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 5
* TalkingDog can't think straight with a song from SA2 running through his head. Grar.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 5 points for Even when she was young, LaZorra love to ride down strangers on her pony.
CaptionBot: zK wins 3 points for And this is Leen Horse Tack #7599786237273.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 2 points for Bob relaxed, confident the cute little pony with the cute little kid couldn't sneak up on him out in the open.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 2 points for "Don't worry, son. The horse is supposed to tilt like that. It's all part of learning to ride."
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for "One more time," the pony thought. "One more good leap into that fence after it's dark and it'll TOPPLE! FREEEE!"
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 1 point for The image I picked was MUCH better. Honest!
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Leen's first pony ride set the course of her life.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for Moments later, tragedy occurred.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for Geoffery's phobia for ponies started early, with the garish umbrella accident.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 0 points for Moni Moni Rides the Pony
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for I'm NACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Following in the footsteps of Equine therapy, some people tried Bovine therapy, figuring the fresh milk would do their bines good, too.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for ummm...something funny about horses.
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 0 points for This caption sucks.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 0 points for Methinks this fence was built for a taller horse . . .
CaptionBot: The search keyword was funny animals.
goosey: THAT was a funny animal??
GrimbleGromble: it resembled a loud picnic umbrella.
Homestarmy: Funny?
Zup: Grish: Thanks for voting!
* zK applauds Gharlane.
Nyperold: That was supposed to be "bones", if it wasn't obvious.
zK: I have a chance at this game?? O.o
Zup: pick 2
Gharlane: Sam: If I'd managed a decent number of votes for my entry like that, I'd totally have voted for yours.
CaptionBot: Zup chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Zup: Cruddy choices.
Gharlane: In fact, I'd have voted for it if I'd actually seen it, hehe.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The earth from the perspective of somebody on acid.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Ugh. That's the last time I eat Taco Bell before bed.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Picasso's lesser known painting... "Girl in a vortex of DOOM"
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for And this, class, is an artist's rendering of how the planet Earth was destroyed when a black hole formed right under Australia.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for "Mm, but is it truly art?"
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for and as the Infernal from Warcraft 3 began to reassemble....
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for cruddy child art OR a preschool plot to melt the sun using ladybugs? Next DATELINE!
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Link's great-great-great grandson is about to embark on a grand adventure through the portable hole...
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Wait a sec -- is that ketchup? And mustard? On my priceless work of art!?!?!?
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for It was a masterpiece before the cat walked through the still-wet yellow paint.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Pangea. And a crab.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Come to Chestnut Lake and swim in our beautiful blue-and-slightly-green-and-yellow waters!
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for No sooner did Lina hop into the pool with her giant golden pet cockroach when they were surrounded by the KILLER PAINT.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for And this is one of Van Gogh's less widely-known pieces, entitled "Giraffe Disintegrating Into A Crushed Ladybug."
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Later, Lila realized that the entire thing was all in her mind. And that she was a cartoon character. She also realized that.
zK: vote 1
Ticia: vote 14
TalkingDog: vote 1
GrimbleGromble: vote 2
Homestarmy: vote 1
Zup: vote 8
Xom: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 1
Nyperold: vote 14
Xom: vote 14
Kysle: vote 14
Grishny: vote 14
LuckyWizard: vote 14
gremlinn: vote 3
goosey: vote 14
Jumpman: vote 2
Homestarmy: whoo, somebodys gonna get a lot of points.
Gharlane: vote 2
goosey: Yeah, not me :(
GrimbleGromble: It is a very cute expression of man's struggle with nature...
Gharlane: VanGogh wasn't a surrealist - they should have picked Dali
CaptionBot: zK wins 7 points for And this is one of Van Gogh's less widely-known pieces, entitled "Giraffe Disintegrating Into A Crushed Ladybug."
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for The earth from the perspective of somebody on acid.
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 3 points for Ugh. That's the last time I eat Taco Bell before bed.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Link's great-great-great grandson is about to embark on a grand adventure through the portable hole...
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Picasso's lesser known painting... "Girl in a vortex of DOOM"
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for cruddy child art OR a preschool plot to melt the sun using ladybugs? Next DATELINE!
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 0 points for And this, class, is an artist's rendering of how the planet Earth was destroyed when a black hole formed right under Australia.
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for and as the Infernal from Warcraft 3 began to reassemble....
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for Wait a sec -- is that ketchup? And mustard? On my priceless work of art!?!?!?
CaptionBot: Kysle wins 0 points for Pangea. And a crab.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for Come to Chestnut Lake and swim in our beautiful blue-and-slightly-green-and-yellow waters!
CaptionBot: Xom wins 0 points for "Mm, but is it truly art?"
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Later, Lila realized that the entire thing was all in her mind. And that she was a cartoon character. She also realized that.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 0 points for It was a masterpiece before the cat walked through the still-wet yellow paint.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for No sooner did Lina hop into the pool with her giant golden pet cockroach when they were surrounded by the KILLER PAINT.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was badart.
Homestarmy: badart?
Xom: Gharlane, that's why I liked #14. Don't think I'd have voted for it if it had said Dali.
TalkingDog: Dang.
Nyperold: I was going to make a 2001 reference but I realized I couldn't remember that Dave's surname. Possibly a good thing,
Homestarmy: Go zk!!!
Grishny: Go zeKe!
* Zup congratulates zK.
zK: Thanks, people who voted for me!
Ticia: Hmph
Xom: pick 5
CaptionBot: Xom chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
goosey: badart, badart, badartbadartbadartbadart badaaaaaart . . .
* zK draws a blank.
GrimbleGromble: sam: Where'd you get that? I never remebered taking a close up of my lips...
Ticia: /b I love my lips! WOOSTA!
Nyperold: It's a masterpiece. It looks just like a blank.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Your lips keep moving, but all I hear is "Do you like my facial hair? Do you? Blahblahblah..."
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Randy's manly gotee...SNORT
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Try as he might, Nevin could never grow a proper beard and was ultimately abandoned by his Scottish family.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Yes, this is the part I can never quite shave. Do you see it? Right there!
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Why the Johnsons now go elsewhere to get their family pictures taken.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for OH NOES THEY ARE SPyING ON MY CHIN...
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for This guy could use some of that Edge Active Care stuff.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for "RUN! It's too late for me..." he said to his companions as the alien fungus choked away the last few seconds of his life.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for LaZorra: He has weird hair.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Let's zoom the camera on a mighty fine specimen of whatever that beard is called...
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Richard documents testing of the new Chia Pet Body Spray.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Nobody would have guessed that this was Gandalf as a teenager.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Still life: Androgynous
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Gahh! the horror! somebody trim it fast!
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for "Before electrolysis with the Lovely Lady Depillator<tm>"
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for "Hey, LOOK, dad! I have a BEARD! See? It's right there!"
Ticia: And if any of you were veggietales fans, that's what I would have submitted.
* ThePhan is a VeggieTales fan!
LuckyWizard: vote 1
zK: vote 12
TalkingDog: vote 12
* ThePhan would have voted for that! But, ah well.
Ticia: vote 16
Randy: I love the Veggies
LuckyWizard: vote 5
Zup: vote 1
gremlinn: vote 4
Xom: vote 9
Grishny: vote 6
Sam: vote 5
GrimbleGromble: vote 3
Homestarmy: vote 6
Randy: vote 16
Nyperold: vote 12
Gharlane: vote 11
goosey: vote 11
Jumpman: vote 5
ThePhan: vote 1
Xom: vote12
Xom: vote 12
Grishny: Ticia: I totally would have voted for that.
Randy: Ticia: Did I ever tell you about my nose?
Ticia: Uhhhh...
zK: Interesting conversation starter...
Ticia: No.
ThePhan: Randy: Oh, look at the time!
Randy: Its from the same veggieTales song.
Ticia: Randy: Oh! LOL.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 4 points for Nobody would have guessed that this was Gandalf as a teenager.
Ticia: Grishny: Heh, I thought most people wouldn't get the reference.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 3 points for Why the Johnsons now go elsewhere to get their family pictures taken.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 2 points for OH NOES THEY ARE SPyING ON MY CHIN...
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for "Hey, LOOK, dad! I have a BEARD! See? It's right there!"
CaptionBot: Sam wins 2 points for Richard documents testing of the new Chia Pet Body Spray.
CaptionBot: zK wins 2 points for Your lips keep moving, but all I hear is "Do you like my facial hair? Do you? Blahblahblah..."
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Yes, this is the part I can never quite shave. Do you see it? Right there!
CaptionBot: Xom wins 1 point for Try as he might, Nevin could never grow a proper beard and was ultimately abandoned by his Scottish family.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for "Before electrolysis with the Lovely Lady Depillator<tm>"
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for Gahh! the horror! somebody trim it fast!
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for This guy could use some of that Edge Active Care stuff.
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Let's zoom the camera on a mighty fine specimen of whatever that beard is called...
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for Randy's manly gotee...SNORT
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for LaZorra: He has weird hair.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 0 points for Still life: Androgynous
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for "RUN! It's too late for me..." he said to his companions as the alien fungus choked away the last few seconds of his life.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was beard.
zK: I cannot believe I got points for that.
GrimbleGromble: "I don't suppose you have 6 fingers on your right nostril." "Do you AlWAYS begin conversations this way?"
TalkingDog: pick 2
CaptionBot: TalkingDog chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Randy: zK: If i had seen it, I would have voted for it.
zK: I hope I keep drawing blanks and get tons of points for them. ^_^
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The latest craze in Japan: Mummy Robot Rangers.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto!
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for "Look, sinister cyborg armor is all well and good for an evil overlord, but I was trying to go for something gentler..."
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for And here we have a bad spin-off of robo-cop..
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Terminator: The Action-Packed Animated Series!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for It's only a flesh wound!
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Goliath online! I hope we don't get totally PWNED by the Zerg again.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for In an outtake of Return of the King, the Eye of Sauron implanted itself in Gimli's forehead.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for Zargoz was never quite sure if his henchmen were laughing at his jokes or his new "Evil Overlord" suit.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for And this trendy supervillain outfit, complete with glowing red eyes on the helmet, will only cost you $29.95!
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Early concept shot from Tron 2, abandoned due to severe budget constraints.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Tron II: Deathmatch
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Bring it on. I dare you.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Mister Roboto's dating site profile pic.
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Oh, no, not ANOTHER live-action show with teenagers who have supervehicles that combine into a giant robot to fight evil...
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for A rogue decepticon, using the usual dim light and voice distortion gimmicks, testifies against his employers on National TV.
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for Try as he might, the Decepticons' spokesbot couldn't explain how the "s-word" found its way into the Transformers movie...
Zup: I almost said: Bender gets an upgrade, but I figured too few people would get the Futurama reference.
GrimbleGromble: vote 6
zK: vote 10
Zup: vote 6
Ticia: vote 11
Sam: vote 2
TalkingDog: vote 8
Xom: vote 6
TalkingDog: But Bender rules.
Grishny: vote 8
Randy: vote 12
LuckyWizard: vote 9
ThePhan: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 16
Jumpman: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 16
Homestarmy: vote 15
Zup: He does indeed.
Randy: Futurama rules.
goosey: vote 8
Gharlane: vote 3
goosey: sigh
Zup: I have all four DVD collections. I'm a nerd, and I love it.
TalkingDog: Any idea if there's any truth to those Futurama movie rumors?
Zup: As far I as know, they're still in the planning stages.
Randy: TRUTH
Ticia: No idea
TalkingDog: Coolness.
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 3 points for It's only a flesh wound!
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 3 points for "Look, sinister cyborg armor is all well and good for an evil overlord, but I was trying to go for something gentler..."
CaptionBot: Sam wins 3 points for In an outtake of Return of the King, the Eye of Sauron implanted itself in Gimli's forehead.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 2 points for A rogue decepticon, using the usual dim light and voice distortion gimmicks, testifies against his employers on National TV.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 1 point for Zargoz was never quite sure if his henchmen were laughing at his jokes or his new "Evil Overlord" suit.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 1 point for Oh, no, not ANOTHER live-action show with teenagers who have supervehicles that combine into a giant robot to fight evil...
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto!
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for And this trendy supervillain outfit, complete with glowing red eyes on the helmet, will only cost you $29.95!
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Tron II: Deathmatch
CaptionBot: Xom wins 1 point for Early concept shot from Tron 2, abandoned due to severe budget constraints.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 0 points for Try as he might, the Decepticons' spokesbot couldn't explain how the "s-word" found its way into the Transformers movie...
CaptionBot: Homestarmy wins 0 points for And here we have a bad spin-off of robo-cop..
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 0 points for Bring it on. I dare you.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for Terminator: The Action-Packed Animated Series!
CaptionBot: goosey wins 0 points for Mister Roboto's dating site profile pic.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 0 points for The latest craze in Japan: Mummy Robot Rangers.
CaptionBot: zK wins 0 points for Goliath online! I hope we don't get totally PWNED by the Zerg again.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was performance art.
Zup: I hope they do.
gremlinn: How many rounds have we played today?
Zup: I just want 2 more points. A nice even 10.
* zK is just curious if anyone got the SC reference.
Grishny: pick 5
gremlinn: I've gotten only 5 points, not counting the first. Yikes.
CaptionBot: Grishny chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Sam: About 60 minutes into the game now. Looks like this will go to 90.
Jumpman: zK: Yeah, I got it
Randy: Thanks Sam
zK: Yay!
GrimbleGromble: Aww, we never get Mecha-performance art here in Minneapolis.
Gharlane: zK Yes, it was pretty obvious, heh.
zK: Yes, but I didn't know if anyone else here played it.
GrimbleGromble: Level 7 masters learn psychokinetics to hover logos over their heads.!
GrimbleGromble: darn it...
zK: :(
TalkingDog: ...
Ticia: That looks so painful
Zup: vote...
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for In just two weeks, you too can turn into Gumby!
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for If you squint your eyes, the dancer looks like a squishy backwards "K"
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for In our latest book, learn how to perform the brilliant 'brokeback' technique and many others! Only $9.95 while supplies last.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for This book changed my life -- LaZorra
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Instructor: Mr. Fantastic.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Don't look at the black silhouette. Look at the gray surrounding it. Can you see a face?
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for Asymptotic transformations: mad mathematicians' murder weapons of choice.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Butterfly in the sky -- I can go twice as high!
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for "Fig. 1A - The first thing an aspiring ballet artist must learn is to duck at the appropriate time."
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Ballet is way easier once you remove your skeletal system.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Today, we'll be learning how to make our vertebrae scream for mercy!
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Inside Ballet Technique. Outside: Trees and grass and stuff.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for And here we have Betsy, demonstrating the letter T for us.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for As opposed to "Outside Ballet Technique."
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Apparently, "Inside Ballet Technique" involves being really thin...
Gharlane: Starcraft is excellent, but didn't seem to fit the picture I thought.
zK: GG: Just copy /b and just ctrl-v , and eventually you get used to the routine.
Xom: vote 7
Ticia: vote 8
goosey: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 9
zK: vote 6
TalkingDog: vote 10
Randy: vote 8
ThePhan: vote 10
Grishny: vote 4
Zup: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 9
Sam: vote 5
Nyperold: vote 1
GrimbleGromble: vote 7
Jumpman: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 10
Ticia: Yay Don is home!
zK: YAY!
* Gharlane waves hello to Don!
Randy: DOM
Randy: er..
Zup: /b makes the window blue too, so you know if you've screwed up.
GrimbleGromble: HELLO DON!
Randy: DON
Nyperold: DELUISE
Zup: Hey DON!
GrimbleGromble: AS PIZZA THE HUT
CaptionBot: Sam wins 4 points for Ballet is way easier once you remove your skeletal system.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 2 points for "Fig. 1A - The first thing an aspiring ballet artist must learn is to duck at the appropriate time."
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 2 points for Butterfly in the sky -- I can go twice as high!
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for Instructor: Mr. Fantastic.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Asymptotic transformations: mad mathematicians' murder weapons of choice.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for This book changed my life -- LaZorra
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for In just two weeks, you too can turn into Gumby!
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Don't look at the black silhouette. Look at the gray surrounding it. Can you see a face?
CaptionBot: zK wins 1 point for Today, we'll be learning how to make our vertebrae scream for mercy!
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for In our latest book, learn how to perform the brilliant 'brokeback' technique and many others! Only $9.95 while supplies last.
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Apparently, "Inside Ballet Technique" involves being really thin...
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 0 points for Inside Ballet Technique. Outside: Trees and grass and stuff.
CaptionBot: Xom wins 0 points for And here we have Betsy, demonstrating the letter T for us.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for As opposed to "Outside Ballet Technique."
CaptionBot: goosey wins 0 points for If you squint your eyes, the dancer looks like a squishy backwards "K"
CaptionBot: The search keyword was ballet.
* TalkingDog sticks his DS stylus in his lips a bit to do the Elvis lip thing.
Grishny: Foo. I was hopin' for more points on that one.
Zup: TD: The newer or older stylus?
TalkingDog: Older.
GrimbleGromble: pick 3
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
Zup: Those are a bit better I think.
* TalkingDog prefers the new ones.
Zup: bmoments later, Tragedy occurred.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for THIS is what your dry, frizzy hair looks like underneath a microscope. Not that you really care. Um, buy our product or die!
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Hey! Somebody hid my M&M's in the stone wall!
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for "Today on Totally Hidden Video, we'll watch as this climber is startled by a swarm of bats emerging from that cave and falls to his death! HILARITY!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for George won the contest, so he was now climbing his way up mount Fudgetastic.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Sam didn't know how they talked him into doing this for RU VII
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for "Look! A cave! Let's rest. I'm sure the legends aren't true."
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for You want sandwiches? I got tuna, I got peanut butter...
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Extreme Fossil Hunting, the lowest rated of this season's new "hip" sports shows.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for On Giant TLC: . . . and you can use lilliputians as a cheap source of spackle for those nasty cracks in the wall!
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for The one thing Randy hated about his new job was the daily commute.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for These days, Captain James Tiberius Kirk prefers to have a climbing buddy.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for This looks impresive, but it was really like 5 feet off the ground.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for New to the whole fugitive thing, Walter tried to test himself in every way, even in finding a hide out.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for We've secretly replaced Jason's safety rope with Folger's Crystals. Let's see if he can tell the difference.
* zK prays for victory. A win would be nice.
Grishny: I wish I could word things better under pressure.
Randy: vote 10
zK: vote 14
Zup: vote 10
GrimbleGromble: vote 14
Xom: vote 8
gremlinn: vote 14
Ticia: vote 10
Randy: Which is totally true in reall life.
zK: I don't know why, but 14 made me giggle.
TalkingDog: vote 10
Randy: *real
Grishny: vote 14
Grishny: Me too.
Nyperold: vote 1
Sam: vote 5
LuckyWizard: vote 9
goosey has left.
Gharlane: vote 14
ThePhan: vote 10
Zup: Randy: You climb a rock wall to work?
Jumpman: vote 5
GrimbleGromble: zK: even though I never grew up in that era, I LOVE Folger's Crystal's references.
Randy: No, the only thing I hate about my job is the commute. It's like an hour.
Grishny: Reminded me of the SNL short with Chris Farley going berserk when they tell him they replaced his coffee with deluxe crystals...
zK: Heh!
TalkingDog: That's the only way I know about all that. heh.
TalkingDog: *H
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 5 points for The one thing Randy hated about his new job was the daily commute.
CaptionBot: Xom wins 5 points for We've secretly replaced Jason's safety rope with Folger's Crystals. Let's see if he can tell the difference.
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 2 points for Sam didn't know how they talked him into doing this for RU VII
CaptionBot: goosey wins 1 point for On Giant TLC: . . . and you can use lilliputians as a cheap source of spackle for those nasty cracks in the wall!
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 1 point for Extreme Fossil Hunting, the lowest rated of this season's new "hip" sports shows.
CaptionBot: zK wins 1 point for THIS is what your dry, frizzy hair looks like underneath a microscope. Not that you really care. Um, buy our product or die!
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for New to the whole fugitive thing, Walter tried to test himself in every way, even in finding a hide out.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 0 points for "Today on Totally Hidden Video, we'll watch as this climber is startled by a swarm of bats emerging from that cave and falls to his death! HILARITY!
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for You want sandwiches? I got tuna, I got peanut butter...
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for These days, Captain James Tiberius Kirk prefers to have a climbing buddy.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for This looks impresive, but it was really like 5 feet off the ground.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Hey! Somebody hid my M&M's in the stone wall!
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for "Look! A cave! Let's rest. I'm sure the legends aren't true."
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for George won the contest, so he was now climbing his way up mount Fudgetastic.
CaptionBot: goosey loses a point for submitting and not voting.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was rock climbing.
Ticia: Yay Points!
Ticia: And Yay RU!
* TalkingDog's brain has run dry.
CaptionBot: gremlinn chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
* zK lends TalkingDog some brain juice.
goosey has entered.
* ThePhan dances. One of her favorite songs ever just began playing on her radio station. Life is good to her.
goosey: ack!
* GrimbleGromble helps in juicings.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for "Listen, pal, just hold still, and I won't shoot you... just that ridiculous hairdo!"
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Marty gets angry in 1955 after one more person makes fun of his vest.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Give me your money, or I'll... I'll make your hair wet! Yeah, it's a water pistol. No, Mom won't let me play with real guns. She said I'm gonna get a SuperSoaker for my birthday though!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for We've secretly replaced the muggers victim with a mannequuin. Lets see if he notices.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Jason absolutely hated it when people refused to listen to his AGL stories.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for "You are under arrest for spying on our country. Now take off that stupid mask you've been using to convince us you're one of us."
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for It's never a good day to pick on Charles Bronson.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Man, I hope he doesn't notice my gun is plastic... "Wow, nice face, it looks totally real!"
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for "You mind if I, uh, adjust your face a little bit there?"
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for I SHOOT YOUR HEAD
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Teach me your cool fashion sense, or I'll shoot.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for "Gimme the loot, or the hairdo gets it!"
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Kevin was so psyched to be on his first bank robbery that he threatened everybody and anything that looked like a person.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for HS holds Tom Neyman at gunpoint in the thrilling new John Woo Masterpiece.
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Mime crime rates in Detroit have skyrocketed; sadly, most of them go unsolved, as the victims are unable to communicate.
zK: Man, it takes like fifteen brains to make ten ounces.
goosey: Phoo . . .
GrimbleGromble: vote 12
TalkingDog: vote 2
goosey: My router hiccupped . . . I had to go unplug it, replug it, and repair my connection
Ticia: vote 12
zK: vote 4
Xom: vote 11
LuckyWizard: vote 15
Sam: vote 1
ThePhan: vote 13
Grishny: vote 10
gremlinn: vote 13
Zup: vote 4
Nyperold: vote 3
Jumpman: vote 1
Randy: vote 15
Gharlane: vote 3
* GrimbleGromble's is doomed once again by being Just Too Obscure...
LaZorra is back.
Counterpoint: Hi, LZ.
Zup: vote 2
Zup: Hey LaZ.
LaZorra: Hey.
gremlinn: I think I doom myself by being too wordy.
GrimbleGromble: His LZ
zK: Obscurity is the awesome.
Randy: Lazzzzooorraaa!
Xom: Greetings, Miss Vixen.
Grishny: I do the same sometimes.
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 2 points for Marty gets angry in 1955 after one more person makes fun of his vest.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 2 points for "Listen, pal, just hold still, and I won't shoot you... just that ridiculous hairdo!"
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 2 points for Give me your money, or I'll... I'll make your hair wet! Yeah, it's a water pistol. No, Mom won't let me play with real guns. She said I'm gonna get a SuperSoaker for my birthday though!
CaptionBot: Xom wins 2 points for Mime crime rates in Detroit have skyrocketed; sadly, most of them go unsolved, as the victims are unable to communicate.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 2 points for Kevin was so psyched to be on his first bank robbery that he threatened everybody and anything that looked like a person.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for "Gimme the loot, or the hairdo gets it!"
CaptionBot: Randy wins 1 point for We've secretly replaced the muggers victim with a mannequuin. Lets see if he notices.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 1 point for Teach me your cool fashion sense, or I'll shoot.
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 1 point for I SHOOT YOUR HEAD
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for Jason absolutely hated it when people refused to listen to his AGL stories.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 0 points for HS holds Tom Neyman at gunpoint in the thrilling new John Woo Masterpiece.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 0 points for It's never a good day to pick on Charles Bronson.
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for "You are under arrest for spying on our country. Now take off that stupid mask you've been using to convince us you're one of us."
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for "You mind if I, uh, adjust your face a little bit there?"
CaptionBot: zK wins 0 points for Man, I hope he doesn't notice my gun is plastic... "Wow, nice face, it looks totally real!"
CaptionBot: The search keyword was blooper.
LaZorra: Whose LaZ?
Grishny: Ticia, stop making me crack up.
Ticia: Sorry!
zK: Randy:
LaZorra: Cracking up is hard to do.
* Nyperold catches up to zK.
Randy: Thanks
Grishny: And stop making me vote for you!
CaptionBot: CaptionBot chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
LaZorra: Except on RW.
Gharlane: pick 3
GrimbleGromble: See, the gunman resembles my brother, and the hostage looked like the guy who plays the master in Manos
Gharlane: Grrrr
zK: It's a reference to a Folgers Crystals reference.
* TalkingDog submits the best caption ever. Maybe.
gremlinn: TD: if so, you've won.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Ah, the comforting green glow of technology.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for At Atari headquarters, employees have to make sure their boss doesn't catch them doing non-work stuff -- especially if it's a competitor's game.
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for "Aw, man! Hey Marcia! You just died of dysentery!"
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Scientests have discovered an ancient form of the computer. As they delicately booted it up, they noticed it was from the year 1995.
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Yup. This is what we do all day long in Rinkchat.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for But we can't reach the keyboard anymore!
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for The Green Screen of Death fell into disuse after users complained of headaches.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for When I was your age . . .
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for DOOD W3 AR3 3LLt HAXXORS!!!!11
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for Quark was reluctant to let on that his new job was, in fact, not in tech support but in video-game testing.
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for The radioactive computer was glowing green. Soon it would transform the unsuspecting user into... Nerd-Man!
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Attendees of the 1974 Geek Convention witness the world premiere of "1GA", the new cutting edge graphics mode.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Sam and an unidentified Enchanted Forest beta tester, April 1990.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for "Dude... the Matrix has your computer!"
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for This ET game is going to ROCK, I tell you!
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for Nolan Bushnell's secret underground lair STILL needs that Pitfall Scorpion to be really complete.
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for And see? You kill the ELETRIC EEL AND KILLING WEASEL and you win the game! Neat, huh? I'm writing another game next week!
zK: vote 3
Zup: vote 3
Xom: vote 3
Zup: vote 17
zK: ♥ Oregon Trail refs.
LaZorra: vote 5
gremlinn: vote 5
TalkingDog: vote 17
GrimbleGromble: vote 3
ThePhan: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 17
Nyperold: vote 4
GrimbleGromble: OREGON TRAIL.
Ticia: vote 13
Jumpman: vote 13
Sam: vote 17
LaZorra: Oregon Trail rocked.
TalkingDog: Okay, so maybe it's not the best. But I love it.
goosey: vote 11
Randy: vote 10
LuckyWizard: vote 15
Grishny: vote 3
gremlinn: vote 17
LaZorra: The original did, at least.
Gharlane: vote 13
Xom: vote 16
gremlinn: Someone had an idea like mine.
zK: If anyone picks up that old gem Oregon Trail 3, Take Caroline, you're bound to laugh.
Sam: 17 = gremlinn
Sam: Oh, no.
zK: Or maybe it's 4.
Sam: 13 = gremlinn
zK: Yeah, 4, nevermind.
* GrimbleGromble always started to late, and his Oxen starved and died for want of grass.
* zK uses his oxen for meat when that happens.
Zup: OT1 was the best. I remember killing all the buffalo and later starving to death. Fun times.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 4 points for And see? You kill the ELETRIC EEL AND KILLING WEASEL and you win the game! Neat, huh? I'm writing another game next week!
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 4 points for "Aw, man! Hey Marcia! You just died of dysentery!"
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 3 points for Sam and an unidentified Enchanted Forest beta tester, April 1990.
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 1 point for Nolan Bushnell's secret underground lair STILL needs that Pitfall Scorpion to be really complete.
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 1 point for Quark was reluctant to let on that his new job was, in fact, not in tech support but in video-game testing.
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for This ET game is going to ROCK, I tell you!
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for The radioactive computer was glowing green. Soon it would transform the unsuspecting user into... Nerd-Man!
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Yup. This is what we do all day long in Rinkchat.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 1 point for Scientests have discovered an ancient form of the computer. As they delicately booted it up, they noticed it was from the year 1995.
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 0 points for "Dude... the Matrix has your computer!"
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for But we can't reach the keyboard anymore!
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for At Atari headquarters, employees have to make sure their boss doesn't catch them doing non-work stuff -- especially if it's a competitor's game.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for DOOD W3 AR3 3LLt HAXXORS!!!!11
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for Attendees of the 1974 Geek Convention witness the world premiere of "1GA", the new cutting edge graphics mode.
CaptionBot: Xom wins 0 points for Ah, the comforting green glow of technology.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 0 points for When I was your age . . .
CaptionBot: zK wins 0 points for The Green Screen of Death fell into disuse after users complained of headaches.
CaptionBot: The search keyword was kick.
TalkingDog: The Atari ET game was the one that was buried under concrete out in New Mexico.
Randy: Kick?
Sam: I was proud of my "1GA" idea, but I couldn't figure out a good wording at ALL.
Grishny: I don't get it.
TalkingDog: And thanks, 'Wiz.
zK: pick 4
CaptionBot: zK chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
gremlinn: CGA, EGA, VGA, etc.
GrimbleGromble: Mine got a vote even though the game I reference was from Activision.
Sam: 1GA would be 1-color graphics.
Zup: Sam: Now I would have voted for it. It needed an explanation.
zK: Man, I got some crazy pics.
GrimbleGromble: Sam: You are brilliant. Your captions are more obscure than mine!
Sam: Zup: Yeah, there's just too little time to comprehend a caption that doesn't just smack of funny right off. *shrug* I tried to get that, but I couldn't do it with that idea.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for Eventually, the Dancing Skeleton replaced the Dancing Baby. Not that it was any improvement.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for Once you've extracted your skeletal system to do ballet, your skeleton is free to get down and boogie to the groove!
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for New, from AppleGames: Skeleton golf!
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for "Aw, man! Hey Marcia! You just died of dysentery!"
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Jaques Esqueleto takes a water break from its nearly-incessant laughter. He calls for a mop.
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was originally going to be a Disney/Pixar animated film.
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for A sneak peak development shot of "Murkon 3D" shown at E3.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for This animation is SO 1990s.
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for And here, on Tim Burton's laptop, we see the original model for Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King.
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for DANCE BONESY DANCE
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Sam tried desperatly tries to come up with new ads to draw in subscribers.
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for The 3D mannequin was ready. Soon, he would escape the box he was trapped in, and when he did, there would be a reckoning for those silly Barbie games, ohhhhh yes.
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for Early proposed design for the Lost monster.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Early experiments in computer-generated animation hit a hitch when the animated beings became self-aware and insisted on biting their fingernails.
CaptionBot: Vote 15 for Sam couldn't wait to upgrade from Poser 1 after he heard that the new versions let one put skin and hair on their models.
CaptionBot: Vote 16 for AGGGHHH! A fake looking skeleton is going to eat me!
CaptionBot: Vote 17 for Sam's hard at work designing new characters for Murkon 3: This Time It's not Murkon 1 or 2
Xom: vote 2
zK: vote 10
ThePhan: vote 4
TalkingDog: vote 4
Ticia: vote 15
LaZorra: vote 6
Zup: vote 17
goosey: vote 2
gremlinn: vote 2
GrimbleGromble: vote 1
Randy: vote 17
Nyperold: vote 7
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Grishny: vote 11
Gharlane: vote 17
Sam: vote 15
Jumpman: vote 7
GrimbleGromble: as do I
Sam: HM12
LaZorra: Misused, even.
Xom: Naughty!
gremlinn: "They" for singular indefinite gender?
GrimbleGromble: I thought my Fawlty Towers one would do a little better, but I knew the one involving my brother and Manos would flop as soon as I got it out there.
Grishny: I'll vote for a lot of things, but I draw the line at misuesd pronouns.
CaptionBot: Sam wins 4 points for Once you've extracted your skeletal system to do ballet, your skeleton is free to get down and boogie to the groove!
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 3 points for Sam's hard at work designing new characters for Murkon 3: This Time It's not Murkon 1 or 2
CaptionBot: LaZorra wins 2 points for Sam couldn't wait to upgrade from Poser 1 after he heard that the new versions let one put skin and hair on their models.
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for A sneak peak development shot of "Murkon 3D" shown at E3.
CaptionBot: zK wins 2 points for "Aw, man! Hey Marcia! You just died of dysentery!"
CaptionBot: GrimbleGromble wins 1 point for DANCE BONESY DANCE
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 1 point for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was originally going to be a Disney/Pixar animated film.
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 1 point for Sam tried desperatly tries to come up with new ads to draw in subscribers.
CaptionBot: Xom wins 1 point for Eventually, the Dancing Skeleton replaced the Dancing Baby. Not that it was any improvement.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 0 points for The 3D mannequin was ready. Soon, he would escape the box he was trapped in, and when he did, there would be a reckoning for those silly Barbie games, ohhhhh yes.
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 0 points for This animation is SO 1990s.
CaptionBot: LuckyWizard wins 0 points for Early experiments in computer-generated animation hit a hitch when the animated beings became self-aware and insisted on biting their fingernails.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 0 points for Jaques Esqueleto takes a water break from its nearly-incessant laughter. He calls for a mop.
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for AGGGHHH! A fake looking skeleton is going to eat me!
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 0 points for Early proposed design for the Lost monster.
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for And here, on Tim Burton's laptop, we see the original model for Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King.
CaptionBot: goosey wins 0 points for New, from AppleGames: Skeleton golf!
CaptionBot: The search keyword was dance.
LaZorra: grem: "Their," but yeah.
Zup: LaZ = 15
gremlinn: How about mosuied pronouns?
TalkingDog: LOL
LaZorra: heheh
Zup: heh
Sam: LaZ: The "their" could refer to the Poser developers' models.
Grishny: Oh, I would TOTALLY vote for those. TOTALLY.
Nyperold: And zK begins to close the gap anew...
CaptionBot: CaptionBot chose the next image. (1 submission per user accepted)
CaptionBot: Invent a caption for the following image:
LaZorra: pick 2
* zK sweats bullets.
Mollie has left.
LaZorra: DANG
GrimbleGromble: Cute and possessed by a serial murderer but she STILL insists on standing at an angle.
goosey: LOL
zK: GG, you'd be winning by now...
Sam: Man, this is one close game. I love it.
CaptionBot: Time's up! Vote for the best caption. (You can't vote for yourself!)
CaptionBot: Vote 1 for The eerie circle of light radiating from the doll seriously hurt sales.
CaptionBot: Vote 2 for This is the reason Chucky turned to murdering innocents. It's because this hot young blonde didn't go to the prom with him...
CaptionBot: Vote 3 for Footage cut from the opening scene of the first James Bond film.
CaptionBot: Vote 4 for Jane Bond 003.5: The Girl With the Pinkish Gum
CaptionBot: Vote 5 for Don't look at it straight in the eyes. Its Evil! EVIL!
CaptionBot: Vote 6 for Tired of your toddler climbing on the roof or under the sink? Try the new "Baby Exercise Ball"
CaptionBot: Vote 7 for The best feature of Mattel's "Sunshine Suzie" doll is that it NEVER comes to life in the dark of the night, creeps to your bedside, and strangles you in your sleep. Nope, never.
CaptionBot: Vote 8 for Oh, how I long to escape from this Atlasphere to see the world!
CaptionBot: Vote 9 for BarbieBabies, coming soon to a sucker near you!
CaptionBot: Vote 10 for The Girlfriend of Chucky
CaptionBot: Vote 11 for Sure, they look cute... but wait until they spin around to point at you and emit a piercing screech!
CaptionBot: Vote 12 for Just what I always wanted! Oh, no! HELP IT'S CHOK*urkgrahglhelthump*
CaptionBot: Vote 13 for By the time she became New Granny Barbie, she had really let herself go.
CaptionBot: Vote 14 for Mattell buys DaVinci out . . .
* zK as well.
GrimbleGromble: agggh..
Xom: vote 7
TalkingDog: vote 4
Mollie has entered.
Ticia: vote 2
LaZorra: vote 3
Nyperold: vote 7
ThePhan: vote 7
Jumpman: vote 6
zK: vote 12
goosey: vote 4
Sam: vote 3
LuckyWizard: vote 2
Grishny: vote 6
gremlinn: vote 6
GrimbleGromble: vote 4
Zup: vote 6
Gharlane: vote 8
Ticia: I shoulda done a Mia Doll reference.
Randy: vote 7
zK: Someone wins!
Sam: Ti: Yes!
LaZorra: Ticia: I tried, but it got in too late.
Gharlane: Ooooh, that would have RULED
Ticia: I didn't think of it till I'd already submitted, Sam.
CaptionBot: Gharlane wins 4 points for Tired of your toddler climbing on the roof or under the sink? Try the new "Baby Exercise Ball"
CaptionBot: Grishny wins 4 points for The best feature of Mattel's "Sunshine Suzie" doll is that it NEVER comes to life in the dark of the night, creeps to your bedside, and strangles you in your sleep. Nope, never.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins 3 points for Jane Bond 003.5: The Girl With the Pinkish Gum
CaptionBot: gremlinn wins 2 points for Footage cut from the opening scene of the first James Bond film.
CaptionBot: zK wins 2 points for This is the reason Chucky turned to murdering innocents. It's because this hot young blonde didn't go to the prom with him...
CaptionBot: Jumpman wins 1 point for Oh, how I long to escape from this Atlasphere to see the world!
CaptionBot: TalkingDog wins 1 point for Just what I always wanted! Oh, no! HELP IT'S CHOK*urkgrahglhelthump*
CaptionBot: Randy wins 0 points for Don't look at it straight in the eyes. Its Evil! EVIL!
CaptionBot: Sam wins 0 points for By the time she became New Granny Barbie, she had really let herself go.
CaptionBot: ThePhan wins 0 points for The eerie circle of light radiating from the doll seriously hurt sales.
CaptionBot: Ticia wins 0 points for The Girlfriend of Chucky
CaptionBot: Xom wins 0 points for Sure, they look cute... but wait until they spin around to point at you and emit a piercing screech!
CaptionBot: Zup wins 0 points for BarbieBabies, coming soon to a sucker near you!
CaptionBot: goosey wins 0 points for Mattell buys DaVinci out . . .
CaptionBot: The search keyword was silly.
CaptionBot: Nyperold wins!
Jumpman: Yay!
Nyperold: Huzzah!
TalkingDog: Nice job.
Zup: Yay Nyp!
gremlinn: Good job.
Sam: That was longer than Blank.
Grishny: Congratulations Nyperold.
ThePhan: Nice job, Nyp!
Randy: Yay Nyp!
Gharlane: Yay Nyperold!
* zK plots revenge.
Nyperold: Thankie, Thankie. :)
Sam: At least a 5 minute break.
* TalkingDog goes to take medicine real quick like...
Ticia: That was crazy long.
goosey: What's next?
* Zup snores.
GrimbleGromble: 5000 point.
LuckyWizard: Congrats Nyp!
* zK sneaks away real quick.
Nyperold: Woid.
Gharlane: That was as long as the BlankBot game.
Sam: Also, nobody objected to using ChainBot as the tiebreaker instead of Blitz, so unless I get about 11 people objecting now, that'll be the new rule.
* Zup objects.
* LuckyWizard doesn't object.
GrimbleGromble: Powell Fur!
* gremlinn subjects.
* Xom su.. beaten.
* GrimbleGromble imagines a shaggy former secretary of state.
* TalkingDog injects.
Randy: Thats fine with me.
* Zup interjects.
Randy: What's Chainbot?
Nyperold: It's that bot where you change from one word to another to another by adding, remove, changing, and swapping letters.
Ticia: Sam: Do you think we'll get to Statebot tonight?
* Grishny hopes not
Randy: Thanks
Kysle: Congratulations, Nyperold!
Sam: Ti: Not sure. I'll know after WhoBot, probably.
Nyperold: It's all commandless; you just wait for it to call on you, and you try to respond with a word.
* Grishny braces himself for his usual trouncing in WordBot.
zK: Meh, I shouldn't do too badly.
goosey: I really shouldn't stay up for this, but WordBot is so much fun . . .
* Zup prays for at least one or two points.
zK: I won't win, though, that can be assured.
* Zup yawns. He has been staying up FAR too late for the tourney nights. At least the next one is on a Friday.
Sam: Updated: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1
Grishny: Wooo! Jumped up a slot in overall rank
Randy: Yeah. I have to be up at 6. But we're just training right now.
* TalkingDog gets 5th in points again. Yay.
zK: Huh. 12th place isn't bad, eh?
Zup: I jumped a slot or two myself!
* Nyperold jumps to 13th in the point rankings overall.
WordBot has been summoned by Sam.
* Gharlane is totally unsurprised that his best scores so far are in CaptionBot and AcroBot.
CaptionBot has been dismissed by Sam.
* Grishny is thankful his job interview is on Friday and not tomroww.
* zK says tomroww.
Randy: Grish: Good luck!
Grishny: Huh. Something must be wrong with my keyboard.
Sam: From the tournament rules: If an answer is given that is valid, but not recognized by the bot's dictionary, no score adjustment will be made. However, the missed words may be added to the bot's dictionary at any future time, before or after the end of the game.
* TalkingDog prepares to die.
* goosey gets her dictionary ready
ThePhan: Here goes...
Sam: If you do find missing words, please do NOT tell me in chat. I'll be paying attention to the game. You can, however, memo me the words, either during or after the game.
Grishny: I hope that's a *mental* dictionary.
* Gharlane prepares for chat buffer overflow.
* Zup prepares his connection to lag horrible.
goosey: It's just for if I see a word I don't know, after the round
Sam: Starting in 1 minute...
Gharlane: That's cool then. ;)
LuckyWizard: Heh, I've done that with ChainBot before, though I didn't get one ready; I just grabbed it out of the bookcase after seeing the word.
Nyperold: Heh. You can't use a dictionary to win, anyway. By the time you get the word, the round is over. :)
zK: Stupid Floridian hurricanes.
goosey: Yeah, I like to learn new words
* Gharlane expects to gain 1-3 points this round.
WordBot: Question: Fill in the missing letters: a_is_mm_tr_c.
LaZorra: aysymettric
Grishny: anisymmetric
Sam: anisymmetric
Sam: avisymmetric
LaZorra: LOL
gremlinn: apisymmetric
ThePhan: axisymmetric
zK: anisymmetric
WordBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer axisymmetric.
Zup: atrisymmetrical
Sam: Weird!
zK: Gah!
Grishny: gophan
* ThePhan hasn't ANY clue what that means
goosey: see, like THAT word!!
Nyperold: Ooh, rotational symmetry.
WordBot: Question: Words starting with the letter sequence: princ-.
ThePhan: goosey: If you look it up, tell me
gremlinn: princes
Xom: Symmetric along an axis, rather than a point.
ThePhan: prince
Sam: principal
gremlinn: prince
Kysle: princly
ThePhan: princess
Ticia: prince
Mollie: prince
Xom: princess
Grishny: princeton
Sam: principals
gremlinn: principled
zK: principally
Kysle: princely
Gharlane: princess
ThePhan: princely
LuckyWizard: principality
goosey: princeton
Zup: priceful
Ticia: princess
* TalkingDog gives up.
Sam: princesses
Xom: princeton
Kysle: principality
ThePhan: principle
gremlinn: principals
zK: principals
LuckyWizard: principal
LaZorra: principles
Sam: princess
Grishny: pincipal
gremlinn: principally
Kysle: princes
Mollie: principally
Sam: princes
Zup: pricipally
gremlinn: princess
LuckyWizard: princely
ThePhan: principal
Xom: principle
zK: principly
Sam: principles
Kysle: princton
Ticia: princeton
gremlinn: princesses
Gharlane: principalities
Zup: pincipally
gremlinn: prince
LaZorra: principality
zK: princeton
Sam: principality
WordBot: Reminder: Words starting with the letter sequence: princ-.
goosey: princer
LuckyWizard: principle
Kysle: princept
gremlinn: principle
Randy: principality
Sam: principalities
Mollie: princy
gremlinn: principles
Zup: princpalation
Grishny: princters
gremlinn: principalities
Jumpman: pince
Sam: principles
gremlinn: principality
Nyperold: princetheartistformerlyknownas
zK: princesses
Kysle: principal
Zup: pricipalitation
Kysle: principle
Jumpman: prince
LaZorra: Principia
gremlinn: princely
Mollie: principallation
zK: principality
Grishny: prince
gremlinn: princessly
goosey: lol @ nyperold
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer princes.
WordBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer prince.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer principal.
WordBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer princess.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer principals.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer principled.
WordBot: zK wins a point with answer principally.
WordBot: Kysle wins a point with answer princely.
WordBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer principality.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer princesses.
WordBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer principle.
WordBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer principles.
WordBot: Gharlane wins a point with answer principalities.
WordBot: LaZorra wins a point with answer principia.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: princekin.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: princelet.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: princeliness.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: princeling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: princesse.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: principium.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: princox.
Sam: principly
Gharlane: princeps
GrimbleGromble: principally
Nyperold: ROUND'S OVER
ThePhan: ...Princekin?
Randy: wow
zK: I got points woo yay!
WordBot: Question: Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: pinot.
Grishny: = 0
gremlinn: pinots
ThePhan: points
Grishny: point
Grishny: points
gremlinn: tropin
Jumpman: points
Zup: pinot
Gharlane: point
Xom: pintos
gremlinn: pintos
Gharlane: pinots
gremlinn: pintop
Kysle: topins
Grishny: pintos
Randy: pintos
zK: pinos
Sam: patino
Zup: piniont
WordBot: Reminder: Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: pinot.
gremlinn: pointy
LaZorra: tpoin
ThePhan: pointy
Sam: tapino
Sam: topino
goosey: intop
Ticia: tippon
Sam: potino
Grishny: spoint
gremlinn: toping
Jumpman: toenip
Gharlane: ptoins
gremlinn: opting
LaZorra: points
Zup: apoint
Randy: spintop
zK: notpint
Kysle: pintos
Grishny: pinlot
gremlinn: potion
Gharlane: pitons
gremlinn: option
goosey: pintop
Zup: spinot
zK: appoint
Grishny: plinot
Mollie: torpin
WordBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer points.
WordBot: Xom wins a point with answer pintos.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer pointy.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer opting.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer potion.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer option.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: piston.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: pointe.
LaZorra: print...o
Zup: ponits
zK: O.o
goosey: sheesh
* Gharlane makes a note
WordBot: Question: Fill in the missing letters: _re_ix.
Sam: prefix
gremlinn: premix
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer prefix.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer premix.
LuckyWizard: prefix
gremlinn: prelix
* goosey just realized she was playing while away ..
Nyperold: aremix
goosey: drefix
WordBot: Question: Unscramble the following word: rhcenda.
gremlinn: ranched
ThePhan: chander
Sam: derach
Sam: deranch
GrimbleGromble: trefix
Kysle: chendra
Sam: charned
WordBot: Reminder: Unscramble the following word: rhcenda.
Gharlane: chandre
Ticia: Ok, I am going to go to bed. I hope statebot is pushed back till another night, because I might have a chance at that game.
LaZorra: chrenda
Mollie: ranched
Sam: narched
Gharlane: chander
Jumpman: archender
Kysle: 'Night!
Sam: Ti: I think it's a good bet.
ThePhan: handerch
LaZorra: drencha
zK: Night, Ticia!
Sam: Night!
Zup: dranch
Grishny: archend
Jumpman: archend
Gharlane: Night TIcia!
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer ranched.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: endarch.
Grishny: archend
Ticia: Goodnight!
Zup: dranche
goosey: arched
Sam: dreanch
Nyperold: dharnce
Ticia has left.
goosey: bleh
gremlinn: Huh, weird.
GrimbleGromble: darchen
gremlinn: I knew exarch.
WordBot: Question: Words with all these letters, in order: h, m, a, r, y.
Zup: End-arch? Like, monarch?
Sam: harmonary
Grishny: hailmary
goosey: huminary
Nyperold: homestarmy
zK: Homestarmy
Mollie: charmary
Zup: homarchy
WordBot: Reminder: Words with all these letters, in order: h, m, a, r, y.
gremlinn: LOL
goosey: humanarily
Randy: lol
Grishny: hosemary
Sam: humanitariany
Zup: heliomacy
Grishny: humanitariliy
zK: high-monarchy
Zup: heliomarcy
goosey: humanerly
ThePhan: ...shimmaery
GrimbleGromble: humanity
Gharlane: chieromarchy
Grishny: humidary
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: chromatography.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hamadryad.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hydrometallurgy.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hymnary.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: sphygmomanometrically.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: sphygmomanometry.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: thaumaturgy.
zK: LOL!
goosey: lol
LaZorra: shummary
Zup: lol
Xom: Thaumaturgy!
Grishny: gick
GrimbleGromble: oh crap
Sam: spyghmomanome...DARN
Mollie: wowwy
Randy: holy crap!
ThePhan: Sphygmomanometrically!
GrimbleGromble: humARNity
LuckyWizard: Heh.
Grishny: Very mynary.
gremlinn: Sam: I believe you this time, perhaps.
WordBot: Question: Words of length 2 or more made with the letters: iaflpf.
LaZorra: Sam: Oh, good one. :-p
Zup: Hydrometallurgy, so obvious!
Sam: if
gremlinn: flap
gremlinn: pilaf
Gharlane: if
gremlinn: pilaff
Xom: flap
Sam: fail
gremlinn: fail
Randy: if
Sam: pail
gremlinn: pail
ThePhan: flap
goosey: flip
Sam: lip
Gahalyn: lap
gremlinn: liff
Sam: lap
Gharlane: pail
gremlinn: pliff
Sam: pal
LaZorra: if
TalkingDog has left.
Randy: flap
Grishny: paffil
Sam: pil
Zup: flap
Nyperold: plifliff
goosey: flap
Jumpman: flapped
LuckyWizard: pal
gremlinn: flap
GrimbleGromble: pilaf
Mollie: lip
goosey: pilaf
Grishny: flap
Sam: fal
zK: flai
Randy: lif
gremlinn: flip
LaZorra: flap
Sam: fall
Mollie: flip
gremlinn: flap
Grishny: plaf
Sam: ail
Xom: flip
goosey: lip
zK: pli
Grishny: palf
Sam: li
Randy: fil
WordBot: Reminder: Words of length 2 or more made with the letters: iaflpf.
Sam: lia
goosey: ipp
Mollie: plif
gremlinn: pa
Sam: ial
Gharlane: pfal
LuckyWizard: fall
gremlinn: pi
Zup: ap
Grishny: pail
Randy: pail
gremlinn: if
Xom: paff
gremlinn: iff
Sam: flip
Grishny: fail
ThePhan: fail
Jumpman: fail
goosey: fall
Zup: ai
ThePhan: pail
GrimbleGromble: pilf
gremlinn: ail
zK: flip
goosey: pall
Grishny: flail
gremlinn: alp
Randy: flail
ThePhan: ail
Zup: fa
gremlinn: pia
Gharlane: pif
Nyperold: plifflif
Sam: lia
Mollie: pial
Gharlane: lip
Zup: fi
ThePhan: lap
gremlinn: flail
ThePhan: pal
Mollie: lap
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer if.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer flap.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer pilaf.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer pilaff.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer fail.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer pail.
WordBot: goosey wins a point with answer flip.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer lip.
WordBot: Gahalyn wins a point with answer lap.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer pal.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer ail.
Xom: paliff
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer pa.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer pi.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer alp.
WordBot: Mollie wins a point with answer pial.
Zup: pi
LaZorra: laff
Grishny: poop
Sam: grem: No, I was lying.
goosey: YAY! A POINT!!!
zK: Ooh, yay for flail.
gremlinn: Aww.
TalkingDog has entered.
WordBot: Question: Fill in the missing letters: a_lo_ed.
zK: Oh, wait, it wasn;t up there.
GrimbleGromble: agh.. I thought I had pilaf.
LaZorra: Grish: Wrong letters.
Sam: allowed
Xom: allowed
Grishny: allowed
ThePhan: allowed
Mollie: allowed
Jumpman: alloted
Gharlane: alloved
Zup: ailoned
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer allowed.
WordBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer alloted.
Grishny: allored
gremlinn: alloyed
Mollie: alloted
Sam: alloted
Zup: alloned
GrimbleGromble: Gremlinn: you are the better man...
* Grishny is embarassed by his lackluster performance
WordBot: Question: Words containing the letter sequence: -idr-.
* zK treasures his point.
gremlinn: midriff
gremlinn: midriffs
Grishny: midriff
GrimbleGromble: aloyed
Jumpman: cidra
Sam: sidrahs
Zup: midrash
* LaZorra has two points. She is impressed.
Sam: midraffis
Jumpman: midrange
gremlinn: acidrain
gremlinn: midranges
Grishny: I hate you gremlinn
zK: midriff
gremlinn: midranged
goosey: gridrat
Sam: sidry
Gharlane: midrin
WordBot: Reminder: Words containing the letter sequence: -idr-.
ThePhan: kidroom
gremlinn: aphidry
Randy: cidrean
Zup: kidring
Grishny: kidron
gremlinn: semidragon
Zup: kidry
LaZorra: kiddrs
Gharlane: griderference
gremlinn: semidry
Nyperold: kidrock
Grishny: bidroom
Mollie: bidrift
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer midriff.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer midriffs.
WordBot: Zup wins a point with answer midrash.
WordBot: Jumpman wins a point with answer midrange.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer semidry.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: fluidram.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hidrosis.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: midrashim.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: midrib.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: semidrying.
goosey: minidress
LuckyWizard: midregion
Zup: idriot
GrimbleGromble: midriff
Sam: semidrying. Nice.
GrimbleGromble: I keep showing up late
Zup: Good thing I read Umberto Eco.
WordBot: Question: Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: auto.
gremlinn: autos
Jumpman: autos
Sam: autos
* zK names his point Gork.
Randy: autos
Gharlane: autos
LuckyWizard: tauto
goosey: atour
Sam: autor
goosey: autor
Zup: outal
LuckyWizard: about
Randy: tuaos
gremlinn: outax
WordBot: Reminder: Words made by scrambling and adding one letter to: auto.
Sam: toura
Zup: routal
ThePhan: outta
gremlinn: about
Sam: arout
Jumpman: trauo
goosey: atout
Mollie: potau
Zup: roaut
Sam: autho'
Mollie: potua
GrimbleGromble: poutar
ThePhan: oatus
goosey: outat
Zup: routa
Jumpman: atovu
Mollie: topau
Sam: hauto
Nyperold: AH!! Midrash's plural? I shoulda gone for that.
Randy: aruto
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer autos.
WordBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer about.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: quota.
Zup: touta
goosey: grag
* Randy was making up words.
goosey: lol
Zup: We all do, Randy.
WordBot: Question: Words containing the letter sequence: -tuen-.
ThePhan: accentuate
Zup: Tuenfrom
goosey: attuence
ThePhan: Er, wait. Not at all.
Mollie: atueno
Sam: attuences
Zup: extentuenate
Grishny: flatuence
Jumpman: flatuence
gremlinn: constituents
WordBot: Reminder: Words containing the letter sequence: -tuen-.
Jumpman: :)
gremlinn: constituent
* GrimbleGromble totally thought poutar was the offical name for the gravy in poutine
Jumpman: atennuate
Sam: constituently
Xom: constituence
Sam: constituentness
zK: tuenty-seven!
Mollie: accentuenuates
ThePhan: constituence
Randy: constintuency
gremlinn: constituencies
Sam: constituentiality
Gharlane: constituents
Nyperold: wondertuen
Zup: constiuently
Sam: constituency
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer constituents.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer constituent.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer constituencies.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer constituency.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: substituent.
Jumpman: tuency
* goosey sighs
zK: My next point shall be Mork.
Sam: I liked "constituentiality."
WordBot: Question: Words made by replacing at most two letters of: idling.
Zup: lol
gremlinn: sidling
Randy: Totally.
Sam: sidling
ThePhan: sidling
gremlinn: gliding
Gharlane: Sam: /b entries fair?
LuckyWizard: filing
Sam: ailing
Randy: drilling
Mollie: iffing
Sam: filing
Zup: riding
goosey: lidding
gremlinn: siling
gremlinn: riling
Sam: piling
Nyperold: illing
LuckyWizard: ailing
Sam: riling
Sam: miling
Zup: idring
gremlinn: doling
Sam: hiling
goosey: dilling
gremlinn: poling
Xom: licking
Sam: iling
GrimbleGromble: illing
Gharlane: doling
ThePhan: idling
Sam: siling
WordBot: Reminder: Words made by replacing at most two letters of: idling.
gremlinn: adding
Mollie: edling
Zup: roling
ThePhan: hiding
gremlinn: odding
LuckyWizard: piling
ThePhan: siding
Sam: illing
Xom: liking
Gharlane: poling
Grishny: adding
Sam: adding
Zup: piling
zK: dialing?
Randy: shiling
ThePhan: illing
GrimbleGromble: oodling
gremlinn: illing
Grishny: edding
ThePhan: killing
Nyperold: doling
Mollie: odlong
ThePhan: filling
Grishny: isling
Zup: ireing
LuckyWizard: paling
Mollie: iblong
WordBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer filing.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer ailing.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer riling.
WordBot: Sam wins a point with answer piling.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer doling.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer poling.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer adding.
WordBot: LuckyWizard wins a point with answer paling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: baling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: edging.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: haling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: imping.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: inking.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: inline.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: inning.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: irking.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: ogling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: oiling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: puling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: ruling.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: tiling.
Gharlane: riling
gremlinn: Misread the question type.
goosey: dilling is not a word?
goosey: aw . .
Sam: Man. I should have gotten WAY more of those.
WordBot: Question: Unscramble the following word: wcmeno.
gremlinn: cowmen
Sam: women
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer cowmen.
Sam: cowmen
LuckyWizard: It doesn't fit the question.
Sam: goosey: Not valid anyway.
goosey: ah . . . true
goosey: sorry
GrimbleGromble: comwen
GrimbleGromble: wencom
WordBot: Question: Fill in the missing letters: _u_e_c_o_.
gremlinn: supercool
Zup: puerto rico baby!
ThePhan: tunescop
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer supercool.
Sam: juxezckoq
Sam: LOL
goosey: crud
zK: Yay, gremlinn!!
Mollie: lol
Zup: heh
ThePhan: I forgot, we might very well have time for StateBot because this game will be over in, you know, fifteen minutes.
GrimbleGromble: lubcrot
Gahalyn: Okay, I'm starting to think that the person I met wasn't grem. He wasn't robotic enough.
WordBot: Question: Words with all these letters, in order: f, a, g, y.
WordBot: Reminder: Words with all these letters, in order: f, a, g, y.
goosey: It will be over in about 5 minutes
Mollie: fangy
gremlinn: fangy
Jumpman: fraggly
Grishny: fagsy
gremlinn: flagrancy
zK: fangoriously!
Sam: frangy
ThePhan: flaggy
gremlinn: flagrantly
Gharlane: indefatigably
Counterpoint: Funny that's the only word that fit those letters.
Randy: fraggy
TalkingDog: Two seconds to the reminder? Goodness.
Grishny: "deep sea fangly fish"
Zup: flagrantly
ThePhan: fearguy
Sam: flagrantly
GrimbleGromble: ptophfagy
Nyperold: flaggy
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer flagrancy.
WordBot: ThePhan wins a point with answer flaggy.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer flagrantly.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: fatigability.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: fragmentary.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: fragrancy.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: fragrantly.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: frangibility.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: indefatigability.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: infrangibility.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: irrefragability.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: refrangibility.
Xom: esophagy
Sam: indefatiguably
Grishny: flagonly
Gharlane: fragrantly
zK: Aw, no fangoriously. :-p
Xom: Playing this blind isn't much fun. :(
Grishny: I'm glad this debacle will be over soon.
WordBot: Question: Words made by replacing at most two letters of: tackler.
* ThePhan votes for fangoriously
Jumpman: sackler
Sam: tacklers
Grishny: tockler
gremlinn: tickler
Sam: hackler
zK: heckler
* Gharlane makes another note
Sam: heckler
Xom: ticklers
gremlinn: tackled
Grishny: tickler
ThePhan: tickler
goosey: spackler
Sam: tackled
gremlinn: tackles
gremlinn: tackier
Zup: tackled
Sam: tackley
Nyperold: tickles
gremlinn: tickier
ThePhan: tackled
Gharlane: tickler
Randy: spackles
LuckyWizard: tickles
Zup: tickled
Jumpman: tickled
gremlinn: pickler
WordBot: Reminder: Words made by replacing at most two letters of: tackler.
Nyperold: tickled
Sam: tickler
Grishny: taciter
Sam: tickled
Gharlane: tackles
gremlinn: mackles
Mollie: tackles
Sam: tickles
gremlinn: mackled
gremlinn: rackles
Gharlane: tickles
gremlinn: rackled
* zK gets another point and names him Mork.
Mollie: tackled
Grishny: heckler
Randy: nacklers
Mollie: backles
Sam: pickler
Zup: tackpor
Mollie: hackles
Sam: sickler
Xom: tacklee
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer tickler.
WordBot: zK wins a point with answer heckler.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer tackled.
WordBot: gremlinn wins a point with answer tackles.
WordBot: Nyperold wins a point with answer tickles.
WordBot: Zup wins a point with answer tickled.
WordBot: Mollie wins a point with answer hackles.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: buckler.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: cackled.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: cackler.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: cackles.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: hackled.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: jackleg.
WordBot: Unclaimed answer: tattler.
WordBot: gremlinn wins!
* Gahalyn got one point and is so happy yay!!
Zup: trakler
Mollie: That was fast.
Randy: Yay Grem!
* ThePhan celebrates her six points
Mollie: Congrats.
goosey: Yeah . . .
* Nyperold gains a point.
Sam: Darn. One point short of my goal for this game.
GrimbleGromble: GO FOR THE GREMLIN...
Grishny: That's me, totally embarrassed.
Sam: 5 minute break.
* Zup praises God for his two glorius points.
Randy: Yay to everyone who got a point.
goosey: Okay . . . it's my bedtime . . .
Xom: I achieved my goal.
zK: Grishny, you made me laugh.
LuckyWizard: My four points is still in fourth place for this game.
goosey: Thanks for letting me play, newbie though I am
Nyperold: Night!1
Gahalyn: Goodnight!
Zup: Good job guys!
LuckyWizard: Night!
Xom: And I'm one point closer to Grishny again!
goosey has left.
gremlinn: Night.
GrimbleGromble: goodnight, all!
GrimbleGromble has left.
Grishny: Thanks for reminding me, gremlinn, why I hate this game, and why I absolutely loathe playing it when you are in the room.
gremlinn: No problem.
zK: LOL!
Leen has entered.
Zup: Grem: Thanks for that practice the other night. It definitely helped me.
LuckyWizard: Hi Leen!
Nyperold: Hello!
gremlinn: Hi Leen.
Grishny: Leen, Leen, long time, no seen.
Leen: Hello!
ThePhan: It's LEEN!
Gharlane: Leeeen!
Nyperold: And now for the Doctor Who trivia bot.
Zup: Leen is a celebrity in RinkChat.
gremlinn: Oh dear, WhoBot could be a long one.
Sam: Yeah.
Leen: I figure I can stop wroking at 12:30.
Sam: That's why I say State probably won't happen.
gremlinn: Hmm, maybe not so bad.
WordBot has been dismissed by Sam.
WhoBot has been summoned by Sam.
Sam: Everybody read the rules, if you don't already know it.
ThePhan: Yes, Who could take ages.
Nyperold: Or a short time, if somebody's a good guesser.
zK: We are planning on playing WhoBot through, huh?
zK: I believe I should go to bed. I feel sleep upon me.
zK: 'Night, everybodies!
Gahalyn: Goodnight!
Gharlane: Night!
zK has left.
Grishny: Adios.
Sam: Everybody needs to understand WhoBot's syntax. Everything is /b. Unlike most games that use a public "pick #" to select a question, in WhoBot, you do "/b #" or, alternately, just supply a question of your own in "/b" -- but remember you don't get very long to compose any question of your own to ask. So you might just want to stick to picking one of the questions you're given.
gremlinn: Dang, I forgot to think up a question in advance.
Sam: For supplying answers, use /b. For making guesses on who said what -- you guessed it -- use /b.
* Zup quickly thinks up a question.
Sam: You're on your honor to answer questions honestly and not try to impersonate other people, even though this might technically be advantageous to do.
Sam: Starting in 1 minute...
Zup: Yeah, Sam, no impersonating me this time!
Sam: hehehe
LuckyWizard: Heh.
* Gahalyn happydances.
* Randy dances a 4.
Gahalyn: Hehe!
Randy: Which will probably be my score.
* Zup dances the /purge
Gahalyn: LOL
Sam: This is going to be crazy.
WhoBot: Xom asks: What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
Grishny: I hope we have plenty of time to make our matches...
gremlinn: Let's see someone get a perfect score THIS game.
Sam: A bit of time. Can't remember how much.
Leen: hehe
Leen: Probably not enough for this many people.
Grishny: Going to need more time than usual, I would think.
Counterpoint: You can do them in increments, right? Several /b messages?
Sam: Looks like you get 120 seconds to guess.
Gharlane: gremlinn: I'd laugh sooooo hard if someone did.
Sam: CP: Yes.
Sam: You'll get 120 seconds to guess.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Reach for my glasses.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Look at the time.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Walk the dog, or go use the restroom.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Turn the alarm clock off -- because I woke up three minutes before it was supposed to wake me.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Open my eyes. I tried walking around with my eyes closed once, but I stumbled too much for it to work.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Eat some off-brand cereal--its cheaper.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: I put in my contacts.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: I turn on the computer, because it's right next to me and I like to get the bootup sequence started while I do other things.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Go to the bathroom
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Well, lately I've been staying up all night and sleeping all day. So when I wake up at five in the afternoon, I think, "My gosh, the entire day's gone."
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Go "ow".
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Check my email.
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: Put on my watch, socks, and sometimes sweatpants.
WhoBot: Answer 14 is: Stumble to somewhere I can get a drink of water.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Grishny, (B) Jumpman, (C) Sam, (D) LuckyWizard, (E) Gharlane, (F) Leen, (G) Randy, (H) Gahalyn, (I) Zup, (J) Mollie, (K) gremlinn, (L) Xom, (M) ThePhan, (N) Nyperold
Mollie: At least they're /b's, so they won't scroll off the screen.
Crystal109 has entered.
Gahalyn: Hi
Crystal109: Hi!
* Sam makes educated guesses at about 4 and wings the rest.
gremlinn: Yeah, just going on hunches mostly.
Gahalyn: Heh.....
Crystal109: I'll just watch this session for now, I think.
WhoBot: Grishny (A) answered (1) Reach for my glasses.
WhoBot: Xom (L) answered (2) Look at the time.
WhoBot: Nyperold (N) answered (3) Walk the dog, or go use the restroom.
WhoBot: Jumpman (B) answered (4) Turn the alarm clock off -- because I woke up three minutes before it was supposed to wake me.
WhoBot: Zup (I) answered (5) Open my eyes. I tried walking around with my eyes closed once, but I stumbled too much for it to work.
WhoBot: Randy (G) answered (6) Eat some off-brand cereal--its cheaper.
WhoBot: Mollie (J) answered (7) I put in my contacts.
WhoBot: gremlinn (K) answered (8) I turn on the computer, because it's right next to me and I like to get the bootup sequence started while I do other things.
WhoBot: Gharlane (E) answered (9) Go to the bathroom
WhoBot: ThePhan (M) answered (10) Well, lately I've been staying up all night and sleeping all day. So when I wake up at five in the afternoon, I think, "My gosh, the entire day's gone."
WhoBot: Gahalyn (H) answered (11) Go "ow".
WhoBot: Leen (F) answered (12) Check my email.
WhoBot: LuckyWizard (D) answered (13) Put on my watch, socks, and sometimes sweatpants.
WhoBot: Sam (C) answered (14) Stumble to somewhere I can get a drink of water.
WhoBot: gremlinn scores 3 points for guesses: A1, J2, N3, E4, M5, F6, B7, D9, L10, H11, C12, G13, I14.
WhoBot: Mollie scores 2 points for guesses: N1, A2, B3, I4, G5, E6, K8, F9, L10, H11, C12, M13, D14.
WhoBot: Randy scores 2 points for guesses: A1, H5, C7, K8, B10, M12, N13.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 1 point for guesses: C2, A4, N8, H11.
WhoBot: Grishny scores 1 point for guesses: E2, C7, D8, B10, H11, G13, F14.
WhoBot: LuckyWizard scores 1 point for guesses: C8, H11.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 1 point for guesses: A1, B2, C4, L5, D6, E7, F8, G9, H10, I11, J12, K13, M14.
WhoBot: Sam scores 1 point for guesses: A1, B2, D3, E4, G5, H6, I7, J8, N9, F10, M11, L12, K13.
WhoBot: Zup scores 1 point for guesses: E1, L2, J3, B6, N7, C8, A9, K10, D11, G12, M13, F14.
WhoBot: Jumpman scores 0 points for guesses: D1, H2, F3, K5, C6, E7, L8, A9, J10, I11, G12, M13, N14.
WhoBot: Leen scores 0 points for guesses: C1, E2, K3, H5, D9, B11, A13, G14.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 0 points for guesses: D1, F2, L3, H4, N5, C6, G7, I8, J11, K12.
WhoBot: Xom scores 0 points for guesses: C1, A3, F7, J9, N10, G11, K12.
gremlinn: Sweet.
Xom: Note to self: Guess faster.
Grishny: I didn't get in all my guesses.
Grishny: Only about half, it looks like.
Zup: I need to guess faster too.
Gharlane: Me either, I did 2 at a time, hehe.
Gahalyn: Sam: You didn't get mine?
* ThePhan is going to bomb this game. Heh.
Grishny: Hey, I'm alreayd doing better than at WordBot.
* Nyperold is guessed correctly by all of... gremlinn.
Randy: Dude. Two points. Rock on.
Leen: WOOHOO 0!
WhoBot: Gahalyn asks (custom question): For those who don't know, Monkeyman is a veteran Rinkie and my boyfriend, who likes monkeys (yep), programming, gaming, and hiding old food in his fridge. What message will you give me to tell Monkeyman the next time I talk to him?
Sam: Gahalyn, I don't think anybody doesn't know that.
Gahalyn: Kysle?
Jumpman: I didn't know that.
* ThePhan didn't, actually
Gahalyn: Yeah. I just want to be fair.
gremlinn: I knew it all.
Randy: Some of the noobs.
Gahalyn: Oh... um.
Grishny: Wait, Monkeyman is a veteran Rinkie? Since WHEN?
gremlinn: Since late 2000.
Nyperold: Hmm. I guess that counts.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: So how's QOAT going? Yeah? No excuse, buddy. WROK!
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Um, hello there, I suppose.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Uh, well, "Hi" I guess. I don't know him all that well. He sounds nice.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Come back and chat, you know you want to!
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Don't be a stranger!
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: "Hi, Monkeyman. I don't know if I've ever actually talked to you. This is a useful message, isn't it?"
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Umm... ook ook CHEE?
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Tell him, "<my name> says hi!".
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Come back to chat, you silly monkey!
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: EAT CRUD, BURN!
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Go Flames!
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: Tell him to get back in chat.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Leen, (B) Zup, (C) Jumpman, (D) Gharlane, (E) Grishny, (F) gremlinn, (G) ThePhan, (H) Sam, (I) Randy, (J) Mollie, (K) LaZorra, (L) Nyperold, (M) Xom
gremlinn: Eventually anyone here can be close to having been here 100% of the time.
ThePhan: One moment. Does that make ME a veteran Rinkie? Or does it only count if I was on the site a lot?
Grishny: e6
Grishny: dangit
Grishny: i1
Grishny: GAH!
Grishny: Sorry.
Counterpoint: LOL at 1.
* Grishny has to totally guess at every stupid answer
WhoBot: gremlinn (F) answered (1) So how's QOAT going? Yeah? No excuse, buddy. WROK!
WhoBot: LaZorra (K) answered (2) COME TO THE RU YOU SILLY MONKAY
WhoBot: Xom (M) answered (3) Um, hello there, I suppose.
WhoBot: Zup (B) answered (4) Uh, well, "Hi" I guess. I don't know him all that well. He sounds nice.
WhoBot: Gharlane (D) answered (5) Come back and chat, you know you want to!
WhoBot: Grishny (E) answered (6) Don't be a stranger!
WhoBot: ThePhan (G) answered (7) "Hi, Monkeyman. I don't know if I've ever actually talked to you. This is a useful message, isn't it?"
WhoBot: Nyperold (L) answered (8) Umm... ook ook CHEE?
WhoBot: Jumpman (C) answered (9) Tell him, "<my name> says hi!".
WhoBot: Randy (I) answered (10) Come back to chat, you silly monkey!
WhoBot: Sam (H) answered (11) EAT CRUD, BURN!
WhoBot: Mollie (J) answered (12) Go Flames!
WhoBot: Leen (A) answered (13) Tell him to get back in chat.
WhoBot: gremlinn scores 5 points for guesses: A2, D3, G4, B5, E6, C7, L8, M9, I10, H11, J12, K13.
WhoBot: Mollie scores 4 points for guesses: F1, A2, E6, G7, K10, H11.
WhoBot: Sam scores 4 points for guesses: F1, I2, D3, M4, J5, E6, G7, B8, L9, K10, C12, A13.
WhoBot: Zup scores 4 points for guesses: F1, E2, G3, M5, K6, D7, I8, C9, A10, H11, J12, L13.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 3 points for guesses: F1, J2, C3, B4, M7, G9, A10, H11, I12.
WhoBot: Leen scores 3 points for guesses: F1, K2, B3, G4, C5, D6, I7, J8, L9, E10, H11, M12.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 2 points for guesses: F1, H11, E13.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 2 points for guesses: H1, A2, B3, C4, D5, F7, G8, I9, J12.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 2 points for guesses: L1, H2, C3, M4, J5, E6, K8, D9, F10, I11, B12, A13.
WhoBot: Grishny scores 1 point for guesses: I1, M2, L3, K4, J5, H7, G8, F9, D10, C11, B12, A13.
WhoBot: Randy scores 1 point for guesses: F1, H2, C7, E11.
WhoBot: Xom scores 1 point for guesses: F1, H2, C4, A5, D6, B7, G8, I9, J10, K11, L12, E13.
WhoBot: Jumpman scores 0 points for guesses: H1, A2, J3, G4, E5, K6, D7, M8, L10, I11, B12, F13.
* ThePhan hasn't ANY idea
gremlinn: Okay, lots of people got me. Thought so.
Zup: I got 4?!?!
Mollie: I had 9c, but it was too late
* Nyperold didn't pay attention and voted incorrectly on HIS OWN ANSWER.
Sam: F1 and H1 were the only possible 1 guesses.
Zup: lol
Leen: grem: I got you and Sam easily. :)
gremlinn: I always pair my own first thing just to be safe.
Leen: The rest I guessed.
Sam: grem: So does Grishny.
Grishny: I did the same thing, Nyp, hence the panicked, outside-of-/b crap there.
gremlinn: Ohh.
ThePhan: grem: I do that as well.
WhoBot: Zup asks (custom question): Make a choice: Pastrami Sandwich or Corned Beef Hash. Life and death situation, you must choose one. Choose wisely...and explain your choice to make it interesting.
* LaZorra remembers Quark's custom WhoBot question: "Me covered in 70 stuffed rabbits."
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Seriously, I guess I'd choose Pastrami because I've had it before and quite liked it, and I haven't had the other. Interesting? Uh... "pastrami" -> "I trap Sam"?
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: I'll take the sandwich. Pastrami is the most sensuous of the salted cured meats, and anything corned and hashed doesn't sound very tasty.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Corned Beef Hash. I've never had Pastrami. And corned beef is good on St. Patrick's Day. Just FYI.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Mmmm...hard one. Both so good! Corned Beef Hash is awesome though, so it wins. I gotta make some for breakfast.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Since I've never had either, I choose the pastrami, for the simple reason that corned beef hash sounds disgusting.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Pastrami. I'm not a big fan of corned beef. I'm also not good at making things interesting, so this is all you get.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Pastrami Sandwich, because Corned Beef Hash? Ewww.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Pastrami. Because I don't like either, but "hash" scares me as a food item.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Corned beef hash. That way, I know it's cow and not pig.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Having had neither before, I'd probably flip a coin. I'm not all that keen on meat anyway.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Pastrami.... not a fan of pickled anything.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Corned Beef Hash. Because Corned Beef is kind of like CORNDOGS, the absolute best possible frozen school dinner food.
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: Pastrami sandwich because Corned beef hash reminds me of that one Red Dwarf episode where Lister is marooned on the ice planet.
WhoBot: Answer 14 is: This question sucks, and if I am subjected to another like it I shall strangle someone.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Leen, (B) LaZorra, (C) Sam, (D) Zup, (E) Gahalyn, (F) Randy, (G) ThePhan, (H) gremlinn, (I) Mollie, (J) Nyperold, (K) Gharlane, (L) Grishny, (M) Xom, (N) Jumpman
Sam: Anybody else that makes the self-guess public may not be trustworthy.
Gahalyn: I just purged and all the text in the chatting frame went away.
WhoBot: gremlinn (H) answered (1) Seriously, I guess I'd choose Pastrami because I've had it before and quite liked it, and I haven't had the other. Interesting? Uh... "pastrami" -> "I trap Sam"?
WhoBot: Jumpman (N) answered (2) I'll take the sandwich. Pastrami is the most sensuous of the salted cured meats, and anything corned and hashed doesn't sound very tasty.
WhoBot: Randy (F) answered (3) Corned Beef Hash. I've never had Pastrami. And corned beef is good on St. Patrick's Day. Just FYI.
WhoBot: Zup (D) answered (4) Mmmm...hard one. Both so good! Corned Beef Hash is awesome though, so it wins. I gotta make some for breakfast.
WhoBot: ThePhan (G) answered (5) Since I've never had either, I choose the pastrami, for the simple reason that corned beef hash sounds disgusting.
WhoBot: Mollie (I) answered (6) Pastrami. I'm not a big fan of corned beef. I'm also not good at making things interesting, so this is all you get.
WhoBot: Grishny (L) answered (7) Pastrami Sandwich, because Corned Beef Hash? Ewww.
WhoBot: Gahalyn (E) answered (8) Pastrami. Because I don't like either, but "hash" scares me as a food item.
WhoBot: Nyperold (J) answered (9) Corned beef hash. That way, I know it's cow and not pig.
WhoBot: Xom (M) answered (10) Having had neither before, I'd probably flip a coin. I'm not all that keen on meat anyway.
WhoBot: Leen (A) answered (11) Pastrami.... not a fan of pickled anything.
WhoBot: Sam (C) answered (12) Corned Beef Hash. Because Corned Beef is kind of like CORNDOGS, the absolute best possible frozen school dinner food.
WhoBot: Gharlane (K) answered (13) Pastrami sandwich because Corned beef hash reminds me of that one Red Dwarf episode where Lister is marooned on the ice planet.
WhoBot: LaZorra (B) answered (14) This question sucks, and if I am subjected to another like it I shall strangle someone.
WhoBot: Sam scores 5 points for guesses: H1, D2, F3, G5, E7, I10, A11, B14.
WhoBot: gremlinn scores 3 points for guesses: M2, F3, A4, G5, K6, E7, B8, J9, N10, C11, D12, I13, L14.
WhoBot: Grishny scores 2 points for guesses: M1, C2, B3, D4, E5, F6, G8, H9, A10, I11, J12, K13, N14.
WhoBot: Leen scores 2 points for guesses: C12, D13, B14.
WhoBot: Mollie scores 2 points for guesses: H1, L2, N3, J9, M13, D14.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 2 points for guesses: H1, F2, L3, E4, B6, N7, A8, I9, K10, J11, C12, D13, M14.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 1 point for guesses: J1, L4, E5, A7, B14.
WhoBot: Jumpman scores 1 point for guesses: F1, J3, I4, K5, A7, E8, D9, G12, H13, C14.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 1 point for guesses: H1, C2, J13.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 1 point for guesses: H1, C2, I13.
WhoBot: Randy scores 1 point for guesses: A1, E8.
WhoBot: Xom scores 1 point for guesses: H1, L2, A3, B4, C6.
WhoBot: Zup scores 1 point for guesses: J1, A2, B3, I5, C6, L7, N8, H9, E10, F11, G12, M13, K14.
Sam: Wow, I got the most and didn't finish.
gremlinn: Wow, I got mine in at the last second.
Zup: Wow.
Leen: I am too slow.
gremlinn: Nice, Sam.
Xom: Okay, I hope my monitor stops getting blurry and emitting loud whistling noises. Had to miss most of my matching turning it on and off to make it stop.
Gahalyn: And now everything only starts at the "I just purged" line. Is anyone else having this?
Sam: I had LaZorra down as a sure thing on 5, 7, *and* 8, and then I got to 14.
Xom: If it doesn't stop, I'll drop out soon.
Gharlane: Anyone remember that Red Dwarf episode?
Gharlane: Sam: I saw 14 and immediately thought "LaZorra".
Sam: Man, now I'm bummed I didn't get to finish.
gremlinn: Never seen any episodes of it.
WhoBot: Leen asks: What is your favorite computer game?
Mollie: G: Don't think I've seen that one.
Gharlane: Just a second...
Nyperold: Not the bit with the corned beef hash.
Nyperold: Marooned?
Mollie: What season is it?
Randy: I am not idle.
Jumpman: yeah, neither am I
Gharlane: It's the Black Hole episode. Lister and Rimmer are short of food.
Grishny: Heh, that's a problem with this particular game.
gremlinn: Okay, this game isn't going all that slowly, I suppose. About usual.
Gahalyn: Grish: What is?
Gharlane: Rimmer doesn't eat because he's a hologram, but Lister ends up eating dogfood
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Probably the Monkey Island series.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Although I use the computer a lot, I don't play a lot of computer games. I like The Sims, though.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: I guess I'd have to say Boggle, if that counts.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Computer? Er...do ROMS count? Nevermind. I'm not sure. I haven't played an actual computer game in a LONG time.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Hmm. Megarace was for a while...
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Rise of Nations!
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Right now, Sid Meier's Pirates!
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Homeworld.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: At the moment, Descent3.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Not counting RinkWorks games? Probably Lode Runner.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: A solitare game called "Try to Stay Awake During Botting Tournament Sessions"
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Favourite? Very difficult. Probably Wizardry 7. Right now, though, I'm addicted to World of Warcraft.
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: Riven.
WhoBot: Answer 14 is: Grim Fandango
WhoBot: Answer 15 is: Um, you should know already. REALLY, you should.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Nyperold, (B) Xom, (C) Gahalyn, (D) ThePhan, (E) Grishny, (F) Leen, (G) Sam, (H) Randy, (I) Mollie, (J) Jumpman, (K) Zup, (L) LaZorra, (M) Gharlane, (N) gremlinn, (O) TalkingDog
Mollie: Ah, I have seen that one.
Grishny: Idling out
Nyperold: Yeah, and they start using books for kindling.
Gharlane: And the smell of cooked corned beef hash reminds me of that.
Gharlane: Nyp: That's the one.
Zup: Totally guessing.
WhoBot: Leen (F) answered (1) Probably the Monkey Island series.
WhoBot: ThePhan (D) answered (2) Although I use the computer a lot, I don't play a lot of computer games. I like The Sims, though.
WhoBot: gremlinn (N) answered (3) I guess I'd have to say Boggle, if that counts.
WhoBot: Zup (K) answered (4) Computer? Er...do ROMS count? Nevermind. I'm not sure. I haven't played an actual computer game in a LONG time.
WhoBot: Nyperold (A) answered (5) Hmm. Megarace was for a while...
WhoBot: Randy (H) answered (6) Rise of Nations!
WhoBot: LaZorra (L) answered (7) Right now, Sid Meier's Pirates!
WhoBot: Gharlane (M) answered (8) Homeworld.
WhoBot: Grishny (E) answered (9) At the moment, Descent3.
WhoBot: Sam (G) answered (10) Not counting RinkWorks games? Probably Lode Runner.
WhoBot: Gahalyn (C) answered (11) A solitare game called "Try to Stay Awake During Botting Tournament Sessions"
WhoBot: Xom (B) answered (12) Favourite? Very difficult. Probably Wizardry 7. Right now, though, I'm addicted to World of Warcraft.
WhoBot: Mollie (I) answered (13) Riven.
WhoBot: TalkingDog (O) answered (14) Grim Fandango
WhoBot: Jumpman (J) answered (15) Um, you should know already. REALLY, you should.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 3 points for guesses: L1, N3, O4, G10, C11.
WhoBot: Leen scores 3 points for guesses: N3, G10, J15.
WhoBot: Sam scores 3 points for guesses: F1, C2, N3, M4, O5, A11, B12, L15.
WhoBot: Grishny scores 2 points for guesses: C1, F2, I3, B4, A5, H7, G10, K11, D13, J14, N15.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 2 points for guesses: A1, F2, N3, G4, J11, B12.
WhoBot: Mollie scores 2 points for guesses: L1, F2, E4, O7, G10, B12, C14.
WhoBot: Zup scores 2 points for guesses: A1, H2, N3, E5, F6, J7, O8, M9, L10, I11, B12, C13, D14, G15.
WhoBot: gremlinn scores 1 point for guesses: G1, C2, I4, A5, B6, E7, H8, O9, J10, F11, K12, D13, M14, L15.
WhoBot: Jumpman scores 1 point for guesses: C1, F2, N3, D4, O5, K6, A7, E8, M9, H10, I11, G12, B13, L14.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 1 point for guesses: G1, F3, I4, C5, E6, H7, M8, N9, A10, L11, K12, B13, J14, O15.
WhoBot: Xom scores 1 point for guesses: A1, F2, N3, O4, I5, C6, D7, E8, G9, H10, L11, J13, K14, M15.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 0 points for guesses: B2, C3, D4, F6, G7, H8, I9, J10.
WhoBot: Randy scores 0 points for guesses: G12, N15.
Grishny: Likewise.
Sam: I was just hitting return on another set of guesses!
Jumpman: Question -- is it poor etiquette to guess in something that results in a free point for everyone else?
gremlinn: I'm making it so easy, aren't I?
Grishny: So was I, Sam.
Jumpman: I wanted to answer JUMPMAN for the last one
gremlinn: *ain't
Leen: Darn, I had Xom's too.
Leen: But I too slow.
Leen: Your spelling of favourite gave it away. ;)
Grishny: With this many people, can't you set the game to give a little bit longer to guess?
Xom: Hehehe.
Sam: Jump: That's fine, naturally.
Gharlane: I only picked mine because I had to, hehe.
LaZorra: Grish: I second that.
Xom: I thought the WoW bit would be more telling than my spelling. :P
Sam: Guessing time has been increased to 150 seconds.
WhoBot: Nyperold asks: What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?
Leen: hehe
ThePhan: Yay!
Jumpman: What are the odds on StateBot tonight?
Sam: Jump: Let's say no.
Gharlane: Ok: No
Sam: Good job!
Randy: He's just saying that so it'll only be him playing. And he'll still lose. BURN
Zup: Say NO to StateBot.
Jumpman: Gotta call it a night. Take care, all! It's been fun!
Jumpman has left.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Living in some sort of police state and being one of the evil oppressors.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: I dreamed there was an enormous face in the sky that I had to hide from. Also there were a lot of planes flying around. And the face in the sky kept making planes crash. And...weirder stuff I've forgotten.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: When I was dreaming about DNA after studying it in anatomy class in college.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Being chased by a mass murderer who had the voice of the lemur king from Madagascar.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: I dreamed I was a ghost in a hotel.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: I can't remember the weirdest dream I've ever had. Sorry.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: I don't really remember any dreams; that ok?
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: I dreamt once that I was in a jungle. I was running from King Kong or something, when I suddenly realized that I was dreaming. I decided to commit suicide to wake up, so I jumped off a vine and slammed into the ground. I woke up immediately.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: A dream in which I was fighting Vampires who were really my mom and dad. Freaky.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Oh, my. Just one? Well, once I had this dream that my sister accidentally drove over my dad's thumb with our van, and my dad was so upset by this that he started smashing his head through the wall of the supermarket. Needless to say, this hurt him a lot more than the thumb thing had.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Well, there was this one dream wher I was being chased by an alien, and I realized it was a dream, and I flew and caught him, and flew him over to a vat of water and threw him in, and he bubbled. That's all I remember of it, but the only dream I remember all of is relatively normal.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Maybe the one where I was fighting three Borg drones. Unarmed. It was very scary.
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: Not the weirdest, but I actually dreamt about the bot tournament a few nights ago. It was like a RinkUnion, and everybody was gathering together in person to play. Mia was late.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) LaZorra, (B) Mollie, (C) Sam, (D) Gahalyn, (E) Randy, (F) gremlinn, (G) Leen, (H) Zup, (I) ThePhan, (J) Gharlane, (K) Xom, (L) Nyperold, (M) Grishny
Gahalyn: It's very neat reading all the responses.
Gahalyn: Yay for weird dreams.
Eric has entered.
Grishny: And I'm still totally guessing.
Counterpoint has left.
gremlinn: Yeah, I'm not even trying to analyze them too much.
Randy: h 12
Gharlane: I had absolutely NO clue on these. Random guessing for the win.
Randy: gah
Eric: Wait, is WhoBot over?
gremlinn: Halfway, about.
Zup: Almost.
Eric: Oh
WhoBot: Xom (K) answered (1) Living in some sort of police state and being one of the evil oppressors.
WhoBot: gremlinn (F) answered (2) I dreamed there was an enormous face in the sky that I had to hide from. Also there were a lot of planes flying around. And the face in the sky kept making planes crash. And...weirder stuff I've forgotten.
WhoBot: Leen (G) answered (3) When I was dreaming about DNA after studying it in anatomy class in college.
WhoBot: LaZorra (A) answered (4) Being chased by a mass murderer who had the voice of the lemur king from Madagascar.
WhoBot: Mollie (B) answered (5) I dreamed I was a ghost in a hotel.
WhoBot: Grishny (M) answered (6) I can't remember the weirdest dream I've ever had. Sorry.
WhoBot: Gharlane (J) answered (7) I don't really remember any dreams; that ok?
WhoBot: Zup (H) answered (8) I dreamt once that I was in a jungle. I was running from King Kong or something, when I suddenly realized that I was dreaming. I decided to commit suicide to wake up, so I jumped off a vine and slammed into the ground. I woke up immediately.
WhoBot: Randy (E) answered (9) A dream in which I was fighting Vampires who were really my mom and dad. Freaky.
WhoBot: ThePhan (I) answered (10) Oh, my. Just one? Well, once I had this dream that my sister accidentally drove over my dad's thumb with our van, and my dad was so upset by this that he started smashing his head through the wall of the supermarket. Needless to say, this hurt him a lot more than the thumb thing had.
WhoBot: Nyperold (L) answered (11) Well, there was this one dream wher I was being chased by an alien, and I realized it was a dream, and I flew and caught him, and flew him over to a vat of water and threw him in, and he bubbled. That's all I remember of it, but the only dream I remember all of is relatively normal.
WhoBot: Gahalyn (D) answered (12) Maybe the one where I was fighting three Borg drones. Unarmed. It was very scary.
WhoBot: Sam (C) answered (13) Not the weirdest, but I actually dreamt about the bot tournament a few nights ago. It was like a RinkUnion, and everybody was gathering together in person to play. Mia was late.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 4 points for guesses: G3, B5, F6, H9, I10, D11, L12, C13.
WhoBot: Leen scores 3 points for guesses: F1, H2, B4, A5, D6, J7, M8, L9, I10, K11, E12, C13.
WhoBot: gremlinn scores 2 points for guesses: K1, J3, C4, G5, M6, B7, I8, H9, A10, D11, L12, E13.
WhoBot: Zup scores 2 points for guesses: I1, D2, J3, F4, L5, K6, A7, E9, G10, B11, M12, C13.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 1 point for guesses: A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, F6, G8, H9, I10, K11, L12, M13.
WhoBot: Mollie scores 1 point for guesses: E1, I2, J3, M4, A6, K7, L8, H9, G10, D11, F12, C13.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 1 point for guesses: M1, A2, B3, C4, D5, E6, F7, G8, H9, I10, J12, K13.
WhoBot: Randy scores 1 point for guesses: B2, F3, G4, I6, D10, A11, H12, C13.
WhoBot: Sam scores 1 point for guesses: A1, B2, G3, D4, E5, F6, H7, I8, J9, L10, M11, K12.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 1 point for guesses: F1, H2, L3, G4, M5, D6, K7, C8, E9, J11, A12, B13.
WhoBot: Grishny scores 0 points for guesses: H1, B2, F3, L4, J5, C7, I8, K9, A10, D11, E12, G13.
WhoBot: Xom scores 0 points for guesses: M2, J3, I4, H5, G6, F7, D8, C9, B10, A11, L12, E13.
Xom: Regarding spelling: Should I try to use American spelling in my answers, if I remember? I wouldn't want to give stuff away.
Xom: I totally didn't catch "favourite", for example. :P
Gahalyn: Borg drones. UNARMED.
LaZorra: WHOO
Grishny: I thought I guessed C10! Blast.
Gahalyn: Hee
Leen: Bleck, DNA.
gremlinn: Xom: no, I'd say not.
Mollie: Only one point? Dang.
Eric: Xom: It's not that big a deal. If you answer in German, though, that might be a giveaway.
gremlinn: Be as natural as you can.
Xom: Alright.
LaZorra: Leen: That just screamed "Leen" to me. ;-)
Leen: heheh
Gahalyn: Actually I just remembered the really weirdest dream. I had a typewriter key stuck in my arm after I swallowed it and I had to have surgery to remove it. I woke up and was freaked out and kept scratching at my arm
WhoBot: LuckyWizard asks: Name something you never leave home without.
Gharlane: DNA isn't a nightmare to me.
LaZorra: LOL
Gahalyn: The surgeon actually held up the thing and forced me to look at it, too.
ThePhan: Reading weird dreams makes me laugh. :-)
LuckyWizard: Yeah. Heh.
* TalkingDog is a stand-up comic, then.
Xom: Gaha: Which letter was it?
Gahalyn: Ewww, I have no idea!
Zup: TD is a Lay-Down comic, hahaha
TalkingDog: Whichever. (-:
Gahalyn: Although probably something with um... lines. Not curvey.
Gahalyn: Curvy.
TalkingDog: It was... an M!
Xom: I bet it was that evil E. It's never up to anything good.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: 3 somethings: Wallet, Keys, Cellphone. I would be lost without either of them.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Clothing
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: My brain. Hahahaha.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Keys. They unlock things.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: My clothes; people look at you funny if you don't wear them.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: My sunglasses. Cuz they are the cOOlest.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Clothes. I don't compulsively carry anything on myself.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: My blankey. Well, I never leave home without it on long trips, at least. Hey, no laughing!
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: My... amazing figure?
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: My glasses.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: If I'm driving somewhere, I never go without my wallet. If just walking, I always wear shoes. How interesting, huh!
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: ID of some sort.
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: My MP3 player. It goes with me absolutely everywhere.
WhoBot: Answer 14 is: My glasses or contact lenses. Blind otherwise!
WhoBot: Answer 15 is: A few books.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) gremlinn, (B) LaZorra, (C) Eric, (D) Grishny, (E) Zup, (F) Mollie, (G) Xom, (H) Leen, (I) Gahalyn, (J) ThePhan, (K) Gharlane, (L) Randy, (M) Sam, (N) LuckyWizard, (O) Nyperold
Nyperold: YES
Gahalyn: I think maybe an X? I think it was something harsh sounding like that.
TalkingDog: Aww, no M?
* Gahalyn's left forearm kinda itches now.
Gahalyn: *cough*
Nyperold: 3i
Mollie: LAG.
Nyperold: +1
gremlinn: Okay, I felt more lost on this round than any other.
Zup: Me too.
Sam: Me too.
Eric: Yeah.
Eric: I was able to correctly guess myself.
Sam: Gahalyn is usually easy, but I still had her matching two.
gremlinn: If you don't, it actually is not that bad.
WhoBot: Randy (L) answered (1) 3 somethings: Wallet, Keys, Cellphone. I would be lost without either of them.
WhoBot: Grishny (D) answered (2) Clothing
WhoBot: Sam (M) answered (3) My brain. Hahahaha.
WhoBot: Nyperold (O) answered (4) Keys. They unlock things.
WhoBot: Gharlane (K) answered (5) My clothes; people look at you funny if you don't wear them.
WhoBot: Zup (E) answered (6) My sunglasses. Cuz they are the cOOlest.
WhoBot: Xom (G) answered (7) Clothes. I don't compulsively carry anything on myself.
WhoBot: Leen (H) answered (8) My blankey. Well, I never leave home without it on long trips, at least. Hey, no laughing!
WhoBot: Gahalyn (I) answered (9) My... amazing figure?
WhoBot: Eric (C) answered (10) My glasses.
WhoBot: gremlinn (A) answered (11) If I'm driving somewhere, I never go without my wallet. If just walking, I always wear shoes. How interesting, huh!
WhoBot: Mollie (F) answered (12) ID of some sort.
WhoBot: ThePhan (J) answered (13) My MP3 player. It goes with me absolutely everywhere.
WhoBot: LaZorra (B) answered (14) My glasses or contact lenses. Blind otherwise!
WhoBot: LuckyWizard (N) answered (15) A few books.
WhoBot: gremlinn scores 5 points for guesses: L1, D2, M3, E4, B5, N6, G7, C8, I9, O10, H12, F13, K14, J15.
WhoBot: Mollie scores 3 points for guesses: E1, O2, N3, A4, M5, J6, G7, H8, D9, C10, B11, K13, L14, I15.
WhoBot: Zup scores 2 points for guesses: L1, B2, M3, F4, N5, O7, I8, A9, K10, H11, J12, D13, G14, C15.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 1 point for guesses: A1, D2, I3, M4, L6, F7, J8, B9, O10, N12, E13, G14, C15.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 1 point for guesses: F1, C2, H5, D6, G7, I8, J9, M11, A12, E13.
WhoBot: Leen scores 1 point for guesses: B1, K2, E3, O4, G5, F6, N7, C9, D10, M11, J12, I13, L14, A15.
WhoBot: LuckyWizard scores 1 point for guesses: M3, B5, K13, A14.
WhoBot: Sam scores 1 point for guesses: C1, B2, E4, G5, J6, L7, H8, F9, D10, K11, A12, I13, N14, O15.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 1 point for guesses: H1, M4, C5, A7, B8, I9, G10, K11, N12, O15.
WhoBot: Xom scores 1 point for guesses: E1, C2, H3, A4, I5, J6, F8, B9, K10, L11, M12, O13, D14, N15.
WhoBot: Eric scores 0 points for guesses: A1, B2, D3, E4, F5, G6, H7, I8, J9, K11, L12, M13, N14, O15.
WhoBot: Grishny scores 0 points for guesses: E1, H3, J4, O5, N6, A7, I8, B9, M10, K11, L12, C13, F14, G15.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 0 points for guesses: I3, H6, B9.
WhoBot: Randy scores 0 points for guesses: C2, H3, I5, O7, K8, B9, G10, M12, F13, A15.
Sam: Whoa, your fears were unfounded.
gremlinn: I must have been lucky.
Grishny: Blah.
Leen: Wow.
gremlinn: I kind of knew Sam's.
Randy: Wow. goose egg
gremlinn: The "hahahaha".
Sam: Picked the wrong one for Gaha.
Gahalyn: I'm so.. offended?
Gahalyn: Yes.
gremlinn: And Gaha's was easy.
Gahalyn: I am offended.
Randy: Me too
WhoBot: Sam asks: If you had to change your name, first and last, what would you change it to?
Leen: Too many glasses wearers
LaZorra: Dang, I almost put that for Sam.
* Gahalyn giggles.
* Sam passes up the question, "How do you feel about baseballs?"
Randy: I think I'm gone after this round.
Randy: heh
gremlinn: Sam: LOL.
Mollie: Dang, I almost did "/b purge". Silly WhoBot.
Gharlane: LOL
Sam: purge: LOL
LuckyWizard: Hello, Mrs. Purge!
Leen: I have no idea. This is a silly question.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Uh... I'd have to do some research before changing.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: I'd have them switch places. That way I'd avoid confusion.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: Lynn Jackson. WHAT?
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Ranto "Bobo" Jub
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Torvald Sondergaard
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Uh, Faith Hill. Yeah.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: lol
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Wayne Campbell.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Dave Gorman.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: James Parker. Nice and plain.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: James Madison.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Neville Snodgrass
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: I would pick a couple of cross streets that sounded cool together, like Prosperity Blackstone.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Eric, (B) Grishny, (C) Zup, (D) Leen, (E) Gahalyn, (F) Nyperold, (G) Gharlane, (H) gremlinn, (I) Randy, (J) Xom, (K) Sam, (L) Mollie, (M) LaZorra
LaZorra: They are round and stitchy.
Nyperold: Aww...
Mollie: Is "How do you feel about baseballs?" a bank question? How wacked.
Gahalyn: I feel deep and bitter hatred of them ever since a foul ball once hit me on the head at a minor-league game?
Eric: Whoever has 13, there are some cross streets near my house that would get you, for example, "Lisa Goodwin" and "Patty Goodwin".
Nyperold: It's a "How do you feel about (plural noun)?" question.
* TalkingDog votes 4.
gremlinn: Eric != 13, I suppose.
gremlinn: It's going to be confusing with two more Jameses around.
WhoBot: Nyperold (F) answered (1) Uh... I'd have to do some research before changing.
WhoBot: Gharlane (G) answered (2) I'd have them switch places. That way I'd avoid confusion.
WhoBot: Gahalyn (E) answered (3) Lynn Jackson. WHAT?
WhoBot: Sam (K) answered (4) Ranto "Bobo" Jub
WhoBot: Eric (A) answered (5) Torvald Sondergaard
WhoBot: Leen (D) answered (6) Uh, Faith Hill. Yeah.
WhoBot: Zup (C) answered (7) lol
WhoBot: Randy (I) answered (8) Wayne Campbell.
WhoBot: Mollie (L) answered (9) Dave Gorman.
WhoBot: Xom (J) answered (10) James Parker. Nice and plain.
WhoBot: gremlinn (H) answered (11) James Madison.
WhoBot: Grishny (B) answered (12) Neville Snodgrass
WhoBot: LaZorra (M) answered (13) I would pick a couple of cross streets that sounded cool together, like Prosperity Blackstone.
WhoBot: gremlinn scores 5 points for guesses: F1, D2, L3, K4, J5, E6, A7, I8, C9, G10, B12, M13.
WhoBot: Grishny scores 4 points for guesses: H1, L2, E3, K4, A5, D6, J7, M8, I9, C10, G11, F13.
WhoBot: Sam scores 3 points for guesses: F1, H2, L3, J5, D6, E7, B8, C9, G10, I11, A12, M13.
WhoBot: Mollie scores 2 points for guesses: D1, M3, F6, G7, I8, A11, B12, C13.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 2 points for guesses: E3, H4, A5.
WhoBot: Randy scores 2 points for guesses: D1, C2, E3, J4, A5, M6, G7, B9, H10, K11, L12, F13.
WhoBot: Xom scores 2 points for guesses: B1, M2, G3, F4, A5, E6, C7, H8, D9, I11, K12, L13.
WhoBot: Zup scores 2 points for guesses: B1, L2, D3, A4, K5, E6, I8, G9, H10, F11, J12, M13.
WhoBot: Eric scores 1 point for guesses: D1, J2, E3, L6, I10, K11, F13.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 1 point for guesses: E1, K4, H5, M6, L7, A12, D13.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 1 point for guesses: E1, H2, C4, J5, D6, A7, K10, I11.
WhoBot: Leen scores 0 points for guesses: E1, F2, M3, G4, J5, C8, I9, H10, B11, A12, L13.
Zup: heh
Sam: grem: How are you owning this game so much?
Leen: YAY ME
Zup: I screwed up again.
gremlinn: I knew LZ would do that! Like for Delhi Shanks!
gremlinn: Sam: dunno.
Randy: Wayne's World!
Grishny: w00t. Lucky round for me.
Gahalyn: Mine was TOTALLY not obvious.
LaZorra: LOL.
Sam: Yeah, Delhi Shanks gave LaZorra away for me, too.
gremlinn: Sam: yours was a giveaway, too.
Grishny: And I switched some that I had wrong initially to the correct ones.
LaZorra: I totally forgot I told you guys about that.
Mollie: Mine is a reference, but also true.
WhoBot: Grishny asks: What are you most addicted to?
* Sam hears the chorus of "/b RinkChat" from here.
gremlinn: Oh yeah, this could be a real tossup all around.
* Sam now hears the chorus of people furiously changing their answers to "/b bot games".
Mollie: lol
* Grishny sticks with his original answer
gremlinn: Mine's easy again. Go honesty.
* LaZorra too.
Randy: Ditto
* Sam makes note of the people who stuck with "RinkChat."
* Xom changes for the third time.
Gahalyn: Mine was going to be obvious to a lot of people but I made it a tiny bit less so.
gremlinn: I forgot how it handles identical answers.
* LaZorra thinks of something better.
gremlinn: It allows them, yes?
Sam: grem: Luck of the draw if you match them correctly or get them swapped around.
Eric: If Darien was here he'd guess my answer correctly.
Randy: Mine rules.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Henry Weinhard's root beer.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: KoL, actually. (Sorry, Sam)
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: I'm having withdrawl symptoms from my cavy right now...
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Probably plain old non-lite caffeinated Coca Cola. My sweet, sweet mistress. That, or computers.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Botting on RinkChat. Why else would I be here at 10:30 at night?
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: Playing Boggle on the internet.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: Love. No....Spuds. Addicted to Spuds. Might as well face it.
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: Making LJ icons.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Music. Musicmusicmusicmusic.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: My husband.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Laughter, which I supposed is why I am ALSO addicted to RinkChat.
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: Rink Chat.
WhoBot: Answer 14 is: RinkChat. Possibly Animal Crossing and Paper Mario.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Sam, (B) Eric, (C) ThePhan, (D) Leen, (E) Gharlane, (F) Mollie, (G) Zup, (H) Xom, (I) Gahalyn, (J) Grishny, (K) LaZorra, (L) Nyperold, (M) gremlinn, (N) Randy
Sam: Ok, #5 had just BETTER be me!
* Sam punches his palm threateningly.
* Gahalyn giggles!
Eric: What's a "cavy"?
Crystal109: A cavity, maybe?
Gahalyn: Google it?
Mollie: I know!
Crystal109: That or guinea pigs, according to google.
Mollie: LAG.
WhoBot: Eric (B) answered (1) Henry Weinhard's root beer.
WhoBot: Grishny (J) answered (2) KoL, actually. (Sorry, Sam)
WhoBot: Gahalyn (I) answered (3) I'm having withdrawl symptoms from my cavy right now...
WhoBot: Xom (H) answered (4) Probably plain old non-lite caffeinated Coca Cola. My sweet, sweet mistress. That, or computers.
WhoBot: Zup (G) answered (6) Botting on RinkChat. Why else would I be here at 10:30 at night?
WhoBot: gremlinn (M) answered (7) Playing Boggle on the internet.
WhoBot: Randy (N) answered (8) Love. No....Spuds. Addicted to Spuds. Might as well face it.
WhoBot: Mollie (F) answered (9) Making LJ icons.
WhoBot: ThePhan (C) answered (10) Music. Musicmusicmusicmusic.
WhoBot: Leen (D) answered (11) My husband.
WhoBot: LaZorra (K) answered (12) Laughter, which I supposed is why I am ALSO addicted to RinkChat.
WhoBot: Gharlane (E) answered (13) Rink Chat.
WhoBot: Nyperold (L) answered (14) RinkChat. Possibly Animal Crossing and Paper Mario.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 8 points for guesses: N1, J2, I3, G4, A5, M7, H9, C10, D11, K12, L14.
WhoBot: Mollie scores 8 points for guesses: B1, J2, I3, G4, A5, E6, N7, H8, C10, D11, K12, M13, L14.
WhoBot: Zup scores 8 points for guesses: B1, F2, I3, H4, A5, M7, C8, E9, N10, D11, K12, J13, L14.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 6 points for guesses: J1, I3, G4, A5, M7, B9, C10, D11, L14.
WhoBot: Leen scores 6 points for guesses: J2, A5, M7, I8, C10, E13, L14.
WhoBot: Randy scores 5 points for guesses: B1, L2, I3, J4, A5, K6, C7, F10, D11, E13.
WhoBot: Sam scores 5 points for guesses: E1, J2, C3, H4, F6, M7, G8, B9, I10, D11, K12, L13, N14.
WhoBot: Eric scores 4 points for guesses: A5, L8, F9, C10, D11, I12.
WhoBot: Gahalyn scores 4 points for guesses: J4, A5, M7, B9, D11, L14.
WhoBot: gremlinn scores 4 points for guesses: G1, F2, N3, C4, A5, E6, H8, B9, I10, D11, K12, J13, L14.
WhoBot: Nyperold scores 3 points for guesses: E2, H3, G5, M7, B9, I10, D11, K12.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 3 points for guesses: N1, D2, H3, B4, A5, J6, I7, G8, E9, F11, K12, M13, L14.
WhoBot: Grishny scores 2 points for guesses: H1, A5, M6, L7, E8, I9, F10, D11, K13, C14.
WhoBot: Xom scores 2 points for guesses: A1, L2, B3, C5, F6, M7, G8, I9, E10, D11, J12, K13, N14.
Mollie: w00t
gremlinn: Wow, nice.
Gahalyn: Guinea pig!!!
Zup: 8!?!!?
Leen: Sam is a bonehead.
Eric: Nice.
Leen: He was sitting here asking himself who the heck had a husband.
Leen: HELLO?!
Sam: LOL
Gharlane: LOL
Grishny: LOLOLOL
Sam: I was thinking to myself, "But Ticia isn't on!!"
ThePhan: LOL
gremlinn: I had Leen for KoL until I saw "my husband" ... which doesn't seem to fit anyone else.
Zup: LOL
Eric: hahahaha
Leen: Men.
Sam: The important thing is, I got it.
Mollie: LOL
* LaZorra gasps.
Grishny: Sam and Leen were the only two I got right.
WhoBot: LaZorra asks: What do other people use frequently that would be of no use to you?
Mollie: I knew four for sure.
Gahalyn: Hrm..
LuckyWizard: Hehe.
Gharlane: I was sure it was Grishny for KoL
Randy: I thought it was Nyp for KoL.
Grishny: I know I'd be giving myself away with that one. :)
Gharlane: And I remembered ThePhan's earlier MP3 player answer, hehe.
WhoBot: Time's up! Now match users to their answers.
WhoBot: Answer 1 is: Tongues on their fingers to turn pages. That is so gross.
WhoBot: Answer 2 is: Dressy work clothing.
WhoBot: Answer 3 is: MP3 players. I listen to more than enough music in my car without carrying it with me. My music, that is. Not my car.
WhoBot: Answer 4 is: Oil paints. My drawing skills are very much lacking.
WhoBot: Answer 5 is: Cars. I don't drive.
WhoBot: Answer 6 is: Well, music CDs, given my hearing impairment.
WhoBot: Answer 7 is: A toothbrush. hahaha. Just kidding. A loofa sponge. I have no idea what that even does.
WhoBot: Answer 8 is: I suppose I'd have to say make-up. Ha!
WhoBot: Answer 9 is: A comb. I hate long hair, I hate combing, so no comb for me.
WhoBot: Answer 10 is: Cell phones. I never, ever, ever make phone calls if I have ANY choice in the matter.
WhoBot: Answer 11 is: Cable Television. I have no use for it.
WhoBot: Answer 12 is: Kitty litter.
WhoBot: Answer 13 is: Tampons.
WhoBot: Respondents: (A) Leen, (B) ThePhan, (C) LaZorra, (D) Sam, (E) Xom, (F) Zup, (G) LuckyWizard, (H) Eric, (I) Gharlane, (J) Randy, (K) Grishny, (L) gremlinn, (M) Mollie
* Gahalyn laughs at some of the answers.
Nyperold: Actually, I've had a backlog of 200 adventures for a while now.
* LaZorra knows who 10 is. She thinks.
Leen: LOL
Grishny: a10
Gahalyn: *fallasleep*
* Leen sees so many good ones that would have fit her.
gremlinn: More random guessing.
Zup: Same here.
gremlinn: Just need 2 though.
Grishny: Sorry for the screw up. Again.
Eric: Hooray for random guessing!
WhoBot: Eric (H) answered (1) Tongues on their fingers to turn pages. That is so gross.
WhoBot: Leen (A) answered (2) Dressy work clothing.
WhoBot: LaZorra (C) answered (3) MP3 players. I listen to more than enough music in my car without carrying it with me. My music, that is. Not my car.
WhoBot: Mollie (M) answered (4) Oil paints. My drawing skills are very much lacking.
WhoBot: Xom (E) answered (5) Cars. I don't drive.
WhoBot: LuckyWizard (G) answered (6) Well, music CDs, given my hearing impairment.
WhoBot: Randy (J) answered (7) A toothbrush. hahaha. Just kidding. A loofa sponge. I have no idea what that even does.
WhoBot: gremlinn (L) answered (8) I suppose I'd have to say make-up. Ha!
WhoBot: Zup (F) answered (9) A comb. I hate long hair, I hate combing, so no comb for me.
WhoBot: ThePhan (B) answered (10) Cell phones. I never, ever, ever make phone calls if I have ANY choice in the matter.
WhoBot: Gharlane (I) answered (11) Cable Television. I have no use for it.
WhoBot: Sam (D) answered (12) Kitty litter.
WhoBot: Grishny (K) answered (13) Tampons.
WhoBot: Eric scores 4 points for guesses: J2, C3, B4, E5, G6, F7, D8, M9, A10, I11, K12, L13.
WhoBot: Leen scores 3 points for guesses: K1, C3, D7, H8, L9, B10, I11, M12, F13.
WhoBot: Sam scores 3 points for guesses: A1, L2, E3, F4, M5, G6, I7, H8, J9, B10, C11, K13.
WhoBot: gremlinn scores 2 points for guesses: C1, A2, I3, B4, F5, J6, H7, E9, D10, G11, M12, K13.
WhoBot: Mollie scores 2 points for guesses: H1, A2, G3, B5, I6, F7, E8, K9, D10, C11, L12, J13.
WhoBot: Randy scores 2 points for guesses: F1, B2, E5, G6, C8, D9, M11, L12, H13.
WhoBot: ThePhan scores 2 points for guesses: M1, I2, L3, C4, F5, G6, E7, H8, K9, A11, D12, J13.
WhoBot: Grishny scores 1 point for guesses: F1, B2, I3, E4, M5, L6, J7, D8, G9, A10, C11, H12.
WhoBot: Xom scores 1 point for guesses: B1, G2, L3, A4, I6, F7, D8, J9, H10, C11, M12, K13.
WhoBot: Zup scores 1 point for guesses: C1, L2, H3, A4, G5, E6, B7, K8, M10, I11, J12, D13.
WhoBot: Gharlane scores 0 points for guesses: B1, E2, F3, G4, C8, A10, D13.
WhoBot: LaZorra scores 0 points for guesses: D1, J2, B5, I6, K7, H8, A10, E11, L13.
WhoBot: LuckyWizard scores 0 points for guesses: B3, C10.
WhoBot: gremlinn wins!
Gahalyn: YAY GREM
* Nyperold uses the a10 on the laser tower.
Mollie: Congrats!
Nyperold: Yay!
gremlinn: I started pegging Grishny as the short-answer-guy.
Grishny: Ack!
Randy: Yay Grem!
* ThePhan fooled everyone with her Leenlike response
Grishny: I had leen as a2 and I changed it! MORON
Gharlane: I was just totally random there.
LaZorra: Whoohoo grem!
gremlinn: ThePhan: I thought it was a Sam-like response.
Xom: Alright, time to catch some sleep.
Eric: I was thinking about answering "tampons", but I didn't because I figured I'd get kicked.
Leen: Sorry, LZ.
ThePhan: Good job, grem!
Leen: Apparently I'm not the only one who hates phones.
Zup: Good job grem.
gremlinn: Thanks.
Xom: 'Night everyone.
Leen: And I *have* a cell phone.
Xom has left.
LaZorra: Leen: hehe. 'Sok. ;-)
Gharlane: Night Xom!
Sam: No StateBot tonight, so we're officially done tonight! But stay tuned if you want to see the updated scores in a few minutes, or the revised schedule, in a few more minutes.
gremlinn: I hate them too. I could have said it, but I do have a cell phone.
Zup: Night!
Randy: I was thinking along the lines of feminine hygene products as well.
Zup: I'll leave after I see the updated scores.
Zup: 23 points ain't bad.
ThePhan: The only reason I'd ever get a cell phone would be for emergencies
Leen: I basically only use it to call Sam. ;)
Randy: I hate phones. And I answer phones for a living.
Zup: Randy: So was I, but I decided to stray from that area of thinking.
gremlinn: Might as well have them if you can use them free for emergencies.
LaZorra: I don't hate my cell phone so much, because I don't have a problem to talking to people who call *me*. I just hate calling other people.
Gahalyn: My 4 points are due to the fact that I refrained from guessing for the most part.
Leen: That and emergency purposes.
Zup: I hate calling people and answering phones at work, but I'm starting to get better at it.
LaZorra: Whoa, I have 17 points. How did that happen?
ThePhan: LaZ: Yeah, calling other people is the worst.
Gharlane: I only had a couple rounds where I knew some of them for sure. Most of my points were from guessing, hehe.
Gahalyn: That's sort of my Whobot policy as I hate all that green from having to make multiple sets of guesses
Eric: I don't hate calling people.
Leen: I have a cell phone holder that goes around my arm so that I can take it on trail rides, too. :) Never know when I might get dumped.
Gahalyn: Eric, you FREAK!
Gahalyn: ;-)
Nyperold: So, State, Match, Line, and maybe Buzz. Not likely Buzz, though.
Leen: I make Sam make my phone calls. ;)
Eric: But I don't like calling people if I don't have a purpose.
LaZorra: Leen: That is an awesome idea.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1
Eric: People who call just to chat? I can't get into that.
Mollie: I hate calling people too.
LaZorra: Eric: Ohh, I hate that. I have friends like that.
Gahalyn: I just hate people.
Mollie: But sometimes I call Zarn.
Leen: I lucked out today, I ran into the farrier at the barn, so I didn't have to call him to make an appointment. It totally made my day.
Gahalyn: I mean, wait.
Randy: gremlinn has almost triple my score.
Leen: That's one phone call I usually make myself.
ThePhan: Leen: I make my mom or my little sister make calls for me
Leen: Kinda feel silly having Sam call the farrier.
Gharlane: Wow; I'm in 4th place on points with 0 wins.
Leen: hehe
Crystal109: My score sucks. My fault for not playing today.
Grishny: I'm surprised. I went up another slot.
Mollie: My worst bot game and my best were both today.
Nyperold: And I'm at 11th in points, tied with Jumpman.
Mollie: So I'm pretty much where I was.
Grishny: Well, okay, I'm going to bed now.
LaZorra: Leen: heh, I make Mom call mine.
Sam: The Psychological Class is really interesting. The top two scorers haven't won any games in that category.
At that time, Sam and Leen were the top two scorers, but it was gremlinn and Ticia (#3 and #9 for points, respectively) who had won the two games played in that class.
Zup: I'm rank 15. That is awesome.
Grishny: I have to pick somebody up for work in six hours.
Grishny: night
gremlinn: Sam: they're using reverse psychology.
Grishny has left.
LaZorra: I'm headed for the shower.
LaZorra: Night, folks! Thanks for the madness!
LuckyWizard: Night!
Zup: Alright, night y'all.
LaZorra has left.
Zup: Bye recording devices!
Zup has left.
gremlinn: Little does Zup know that we placed a micro-recorder in his jacket pocket!
Gharlane: Hehe.
Gharlane: The creative class is where the bulk of my points are from.
Sam: There's a great competition there.
Sam: One point difference.
In the top two, gremlinn with 54 points, Gharlane with 53 points. Third was Nyperold with 40.
Nyperold: Now this is going to be one interesting transcript. Not so much Word, except for the intentionally silly answers.
Sam: Nyp: Yeah, we'll actually get to *look* at who said what in WhoBot.
gremlinn: I still haven't played Stack since the change to the scoring rules.
Sam: I scarcely absorbed what the answers were, let alone who said them.
gremlinn: Yeah, I was thinking Who would be the most valuable transcript to have.
ThePhan: Yeah, I'm looking forward to reading the Who transcript.
Gharlane: That will be interesting reading.
Nyperold: Yeah, that too, and I was thinking of Caption and Who because the answers are more...freeform, rather than a rigid set of right answers.
Gharlane: I need to reboot here. If you're not here when I get back, good night to you!
Gharlane: This tournament has been fun, I must say.
Sam: We probably could have squeezed State in, but better to squeeze it in on a Friday night.
Sam: Gharlane: Great to hear!
Gharlane has left.
Sam: I'm liking it.
Sam: Ok, I'm out. Night, all!
LuckyWizard: Sam: Any chance of putting the scores of the individual SnagBot games on the tournaments pages?
Sam: LW: They're already lost to the sands of time. My tournament tracking thing would choke if I considered them separate; it wouldn't treat them as a single entity in the "games" ranking.
Sam: I guess the scores can be reconstructed from the transcripts if we think of a way to list them somewhere later.
Sam: Ok, night!
Sam has left.