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Those last two lines sure paint a freakish picture.
SnagBot: Gahalyn gets the dress [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 plucks the dress [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm snags the crouton [1].
SnagBot: Mollie secures the whitehelm [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn delivers the stinkbug [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard picks up the dress [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn commandeers the dress [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane appropriates the dress [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra bags the crouton [1].
SnagBot: Mollie obtains the chair [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm steals the whitehelm [2].
SnagBot: Zup confiscates the dress [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the dress [4].
SnagBot: Xom ensnares the whitehelm [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn yanks the dress [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn doles out the monster [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: ThePhan catches the dress [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn clutches the dress [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold pockets the whitehelm [2].
SnagBot: Mollie takes the emerald [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard filches the crouton [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm pulls in the dress [4].
SnagBot: Mollie has the emerald [2], handkerchief [1], chair [3], for 6 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the dress [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the whitehelm [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the spectacles [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the crouton [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the stinkbug [-3], cavities [-5], monster [-1], for -9 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: lava [-2].
Sam: AACK.
LaZorra: Hee.
Zup: LOL
Sam: Well.
Grishny: Guh.
nessachan: I totally typed in lava
LaZorra: LAVA
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: polish [2], hairpin [1], crown [2], saliva [-4], garnet [2], sniffles [-1], amputation [-2], jacks [4], exam [-3], porcupine [-1].
Sam: That was...horrible.
SnagBot: Crystal109 salvages the polish [2].
SnagBot: Mollie clutches the polish [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra annexes the jacks [4].
SnagBot: nessachan nips the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: Grishny commandeers the polish [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the polish [2].
SnagBot: Sam passes the saliva [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the crown [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm snags the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: Xom passes the saliva [-4] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Mollie bags the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: Zup bequeaths the exam [-3] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Grishny nails the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the polish [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 awards the porcupine [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Nyperold hauls in the garnet [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clasps the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn yoinks the polish [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra transmits the exam [-3] to Xom.
SnagBot: whitehelm swipes the crown [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Grishny collars the crown [2].
SnagBot: Mollie collars the crown [2].
SnagBot: Randy presents the amputation [-2] to Gahalyn.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard captures the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the polish [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm yanks the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan contributes the amputation [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: Grishny confiscates the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn ensnares the polish [2].
SnagBot: Zup collars the polish [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard fetches the crown [2].
SnagBot: Mollie ropes in the garnet [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn lavishes the saliva [-4] upon whitehelm.
SnagBot: Nyperold clutches the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Grishny snatches the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Sam delivers the exam [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Gahalyn commandeers the polish [2].
SnagBot: nessachan pulls in the jacks [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra purloins the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the polish [2].
SnagBot: Randy captures the crown [2].
SnagBot: Kysle salvages the garnet [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snatches the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Grishny nips the polish [2].
SnagBot: Sam relinquishes the saliva [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Gahalyn nips the polish [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan confers the exam [-3] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Gharlane ropes in the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Mollie captures the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Xom snatches the polish [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn gets the polish [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn ensnares the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Grishny pockets the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the polish [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra commandeers the crown [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Kysle swipes the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Sam grants the exam [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Gahalyn attains the polish [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm nails the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan grasps the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Kysle grabs the garnet [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn donates the exam [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Zup commits the saliva [-4] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Nyperold procures the polish [2].
SnagBot: Xom grants the exam [-3] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Mollie contributes the saliva [-4] to Xom.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard procures the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn catches the polish [2].
SnagBot: Sam surrenders the exam [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Randy yoinks the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Grishny clasps the garnet [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm drags in the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Kysle salvages the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Sam hands over the saliva [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: gremlinn hauls in the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra procures the jacks [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the crown [2].
SnagBot: Grishny nabs the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: Mollie sequesters the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 entraps the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold sequesters the jacks [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn abducts the jacks [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm hauls in the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the polish [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn collects the polish [2].
SnagBot: Xom commits the saliva [-4] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the jacks [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra nabs the crown [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yanks the hairpin [1].
SnagBot: Mollie yoinks the polish [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the jacks [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn commits the saliva [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Zup takes the jacks [4].
SnagBot: Sam consigns the saliva [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Zup has the jacks [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the garnet [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the crown [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the polish [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the hairpin [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the porcupine [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Xom has the amputation [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the saliva [-4], exam [-3], for -7 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: sniffles [-1].
Xom: MY ARM!
Crystal109: Argh.
Xom: I needed that one!
TalkingDog: Hmm. What if items start with a higher number of points and depreciate as they're stolen?
Crystal109: My connection really does suck.
nessachan: ohhh so we can steal from people too
Zup: I like this one better.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: worms [-2], tick [-1], milkbone [-1], saliva [-2], skunk [-2], dandruff [-1], rat [-5], cramps [-1].
* nessachan weeps over her lost hairpin
SnagBot: Sam furnishes the rat [-5] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Zup commits the cramps [-1] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Xom surrenders the saliva [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: LaZorra lavishes the cramps [-1] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Randy presents the tick [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam remits the cramps [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: ThePhan surrenders the saliva [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam commits the tick [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Sam surrenders the worms [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: ThePhan gives the dandruff [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: whitehelm lavishes the milkbone [-1] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Mollie turns over the saliva [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: LaZorra remits the worms [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: Sam hands the saliva [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Zup hands over the tick [-1] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Xom doles out the tick [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: gremlinn commits the rat [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam transmits the milkbone [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Nyperold remits the skunk [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: ThePhan remits the rat [-5] to gremlinn.
LaZorra: .b rat gremlinn
SnagBot: gremlinn hands the worms [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: whitehelm hands over the dandruff [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 dishes out the milkbone [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Randy entrusts the worms [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: Xom forks over the rat [-5] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Gharlane presents the saliva [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam bequeaths the dandruff [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: whitehelm dispenses the rat [-5] to Sam.
Jumpman has left.
SnagBot: Xom remits the worms [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Mollie delivers the tick [-1] to Xom.
SnagBot: Sam turns over the rat [-5] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: ThePhan hands over the milkbone [-1] to Xom.
SnagBot: Nyperold doles out the rat [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: Zup awards the dandruff [-1] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Xom contributes the saliva [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam dispenses the worms [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: LaZorra shells the tick [-1] out to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam entrusts the rat [-5] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: gremlinn doles out the rat [-5] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Mollie presents the dandruff [-1] to Xom.
LuckyWizard: b gremlinn dandruff
SnagBot: Xom dishes out the tick [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam surrenders the dandruff [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Nyperold transmits the worms [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: gremlinn furnishes the saliva [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam bequeaths the rat [-5] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: whitehelm gives the dandruff [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Xom gives the milkbone [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Mollie has the tick [-1], milkbone [-1], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Xom has the worms [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the dandruff [-1], saliva [-2], for -3 points.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the skunk [-2], rat [-5], cramps [-1], for -8 points.
nessachan: I'm glad I don't have cramps
gremlinn: Okay, now WHY do you give me negative stuff now. It makes no sense. I'm getting a 0 no matter what.
LaZorra: Ewww, Sam, learn proper grooming.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: buoy [1], feather [1], saxophone [2], snowglobe [5], brazier [1], zebra [5], drum [2], monkey [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan secures the brazier [1].
SnagBot: nessachan yoinks the saxophone [2].
SnagBot: Grishny seizes the zebra [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra nails the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Randy yanks the monkey [4].
gremlinn: Strategy-wise, you should pick someone else now.
SnagBot: whitehelm wins the brazier [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the buoy [1].
SnagBot: Sam entraps the buoy [1].
SnagBot: Zup secures the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Grishny purloins the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Xom sequesters the monkey [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Mollie pockets the monkey [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Sam nails the saxophone [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane clasps the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Grishny collars the zebra [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm collects the saxophone [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra wins the buoy [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the buoy [1].
SnagBot: Sam hauls in the drum [2].
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Xom secures the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Randy nabs the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Kysle collars the snowglobe [5].
LuckyWizard: drum
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm abducts the drum [2].
SnagBot: Mollie snares the saxophone [2].
SnagBot: Sam grabs the monkey [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan yanks the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Xom yoinks the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Kysle pulls in the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold sequesters the brazier [1].
Jumpman has entered.
SnagBot: Sam plucks the brazier [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the saxophone [2].
SnagBot: Zup attains the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Grishny filches the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Kysle ensnares the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra snags the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane retrieves the monkey [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the monkey [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Xom plucks the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Mollie bags the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Sam snatches the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Kysle commandeers the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Grishny yoinks the zebra [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn abducts the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Grishny annexes the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold collars the zebra [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Kysle yanks the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Mollie wins the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn nips the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Xom yoinks the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the monkey [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn gains the zebra [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm clasps the brazier [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra abducts the monkey [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard retrieves the brazier [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane swipes the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Sam sequesters the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Grishny yanks the monkey [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman grabs the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Sam pinches the zebra [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm abducts the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Mollie annexes the brazier [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn takes the zebra [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collects the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Kysle pulls in the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Grishny filches the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Sam bags the zebra [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Xom filches the brazier [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold fetches the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Zup seizes the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra captures the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Kysle entraps the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Sam catches the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Grishny filches the monkey [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn swipes the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Kysle pilfers the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the brazier [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm appropriates the brazier [1].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Randy seizes the monkey [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Mollie yoinks the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Kysle annexes the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Zup hauls in the monkey [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn yoinks the zebra [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan plucks the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane salvages the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Xom snares the saxophone [2].
SnagBot: Sam entraps the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Grishny secures the monkey [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra absconds with the brazier [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn yoinks the monkey [4].
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the monkey [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snags the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan ropes in the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Kysle procures the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Mollie retrieves the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Xom grasps the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Kysle catches the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Sam takes the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Grishny collects the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold entraps the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Kysle seizes the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the zebra [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the zebra [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn absconds with the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Sam salvages the zebra [5].
SnagBot: Zup snags the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 entraps the snowglobe [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the snowglobe [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the zebra [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the monkey [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the drum [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Xom has the saxophone [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the brazier [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the buoy [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: feather [1].
Crystal109: Yes finally
Mollie: lol
Crystal109: FEATHER
Grishny: I got some pointes!
* Gahalyn pouts. She wants the monkey.
Sam: I'm up to single negative digits!!!!
LaZorra: Brazier should be negative also.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: vaccine [1], tiara [1], raisin [1], haystack [1], paperweight [3], mannequin [3], lute [1], cactus [-2], pebble [2], hammer [3], dollar [2], lint [-1], sweater [1], mask [3], clover [2].
SnagBot: Sam catches the pebble [2].
Xom: Sam: Just like in poker eh!
LaZorra: Gaha: You have a real one. ;-)
SnagBot: Grishny absconds with the mask [3].
SnagBot: Sam secures the lute [1].
SnagBot: Mollie entraps the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane seizes the hammer [3].
SnagBot: Randy secures the lute [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm yanks the dollar [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the paperweight [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snatches the tiara [1].
SnagBot: Sam acquires the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Xom gets the clover [2].
SnagBot: Grishny swipes the hammer [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the mask [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collects the paperweight [3].
SnagBot: Mollie fetches the pebble [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm catches the pebble [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the mask [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn hands over the lint [-1] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Sam snatches the haystack [1].
SnagBot: Xom entraps the haystack [1].
SnagBot: Zup confers the cactus [-2] upon whitehelm.
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the clover [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane ensnares the clover [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra turns over the cactus [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Nyperold obtains the hammer [3].
SnagBot: Mollie obtains the hammer [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard entraps the mask [3].
SnagBot: Grishny clasps the hammer [3].
SnagBot: nessachan purloins the hammer [3].
SnagBot: Sam nips the tiara [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman bags the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the tiara [1].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the clover [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn entrusts the cactus [-2] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard abducts the pebble [2].
SnagBot: Xom snares the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Mollie steals the dollar [2].
SnagBot: Sam sequesters the vaccine [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman retrieves the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm wins the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Zup nips the raisin [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra appropriates the haystack [1].
SnagBot: Kysle catches the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the haystack [1].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the pebble [2].
SnagBot: Grishny salvages the hammer [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold pinches the vaccine [1].
SnagBot: nessachan procures the pebble [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman salvages the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Mollie seizes the sweater [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm fetches the hammer [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard absconds with the clover [2].
Jumpman: b mask
SnagBot: Gharlane acquires the clover [2].
SnagBot: Kysle nips the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm acquires the tiara [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the hammer [3].
SnagBot: Sam nails the haystack [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra bags the clover [2].
SnagBot: Mollie hauls in the mask [3].
SnagBot: Xom dishes out the cactus [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yoinks the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Kysle obtains the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman procures the mask [3].
SnagBot: Zup turns over the cactus [-2] to whitehelm.
LaZorra: mannequin
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the dollar [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane fetches the hammer [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold grasps the tiara [1].
SnagBot: Grishny commandeers the clover [2].
SnagBot: Sam yoinks the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the tiara [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman clutches the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm delivers the cactus [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: nessachan captures the dollar [2].
SnagBot: Kysle clasps the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Mollie pockets the paperweight [3].
SnagBot: Xom acquires the hammer [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn hands the cactus [-2] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Gharlane clutches the clover [2].
SnagBot: Grishny drags in the hammer [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard filches the hammer [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the paperweight [3].
SnagBot: Zup pinches the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Kysle snags the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan catches the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Sam presents the cactus [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Grishny secures the clover [2].
SnagBot: Kysle absconds with the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold collects the raisin [1].
SnagBot: Mollie grabs the mask [3].
SnagBot: Xom sequesters the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the clover [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra snitches the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Kysle nails the mannequin [3].
SnagBot: Mollie has the sweater [1], mask [3], for 4 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the pebble [2], dollar [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the paperweight [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the mannequin [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the hammer [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the clover [2], tiara [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the vaccine [1], raisin [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the lute [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the haystack [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the lint [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the cactus [-2], for -2 points.
nessachan: I got points!
* nessachan weeps tears of joy
Crystal109: This is so brutal
Randy: I have a point!
Sam: mwahahaha
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: penguin [1], cholesterol [-1], beating [-1], fairy [1], goldfish [1], daisy [1], daiquiri [5], aphid [-1], dehydration [-1], honey [5], pig [-5], slime [-2], widget [1].
SnagBot: Sam confiscates the honey [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane wins the honey [5].
SnagBot: Xom donates the pig [-5] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Zup gives the aphid [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Mollie fetches the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm entraps the daisy [1].
SnagBot: Sam bags the widget [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn bequeaths the cholesterol [-1] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Xom grants the slime [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: LaZorra remits the dehydration [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 salvages the penguin [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard salvages the honey [5].
SnagBot: Grishny annexes the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm snags the honey [5].
SnagBot: Zup picks up the widget [1].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the fairy [1].
* Gahalyn dances with all the people who now finally have points
SnagBot: Mollie pilfers the penguin [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn bequeaths the dehydration [-1] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Jumpman pulls in the daisy [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold abducts the honey [5].
SnagBot: Kysle secures the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pulls in the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm secures the honey [5].
SnagBot: Zup catches the penguin [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra hauls in the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Mollie commandeers the honey [5].
SnagBot: Sam ropes in the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Grishny swipes the honey [5].
SnagBot: Xom yoinks the widget [1].
SnagBot: Kysle collects the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm purloins the daisy [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the honey [5].
SnagBot: Grishny collects the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: nessachan delivers the beating [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Kysle secures the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman snares the daisy [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold yoinks the fairy [1].
SnagBot: Mollie remits the pig [-5] to Xom.
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the honey [5].
SnagBot: Grishny annexes the honey [5].
SnagBot: Zup nails the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Xom relinquishes the dehydration [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the daisy [1].
SnagBot: Grishny snags the daiquiri [5].
LaZorra: isy
SnagBot: LaZorra hauls in the honey [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman ensnares the penguin [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Kysle swipes the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Kysle retrieves the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Mollie entraps the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Grishny absconds with the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the widget [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the daisy [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Zup yanks the fairy [1].
SnagBot: Randy picks up the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold grabs the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Sam transfers the beating [-1] to nessachan.
SnagBot: ThePhan plucks the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 salvages the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane secures the honey [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn presents the dehydration [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Xom filches the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Mollie abducts the honey [5].
SnagBot: Grishny snags the honey [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the fairy [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard hauls in the fairy [1].
SnagBot: Grishny grasps the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Sam confiscates the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra acquires the daisy [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan procures the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Zup presents the pig [-5] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Xom seizes the fairy [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman cedes the dehydration [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Kysle annexes the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold pulls in the honey [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn presents the pig [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam captures the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard entraps the daisy [1].
SnagBot: Kysle nails the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Grishny procures the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ropes in the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: Mollie drags in the daiquiri [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the widget [1].
SnagBot: Sam yoinks the honey [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman has the penguin [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the daisy [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Mollie has the aphid [-1], daiquiri [5], slime [-2], dehydration [-1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the pig [-5], honey [5], goldfish [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the widget [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Xom has the fairy [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: nessachan has the beating [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the cholesterol [-1], for -1 point.
LaZorra: goldfish
Sam: LOL. I have a -5, +5, and +1.
nessachan: who gave me a beating?
gremlinn: Get Sam now, before he gets back to 0.
nessachan: lol
LaZorra: Nice addition there.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: headache [-1], scarf [2], crossbow [3], raisin [1], mirror [4], antenna [1], stand [1], dice [3], life [1].
* whitehelm has been getting Sam
SnagBot: Sam hauls in the dice [3].
SnagBot: Mollie salvages the dice [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman pilfers the scarf [2].
SnagBot: Sam ropes in the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard sequesters the stand [1].
SnagBot: Randy pinches the dice [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane pockets the dice [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn ropes in the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Mollie appropriates the life [1].
SnagBot: Sam steals the raisin [1].
SnagBot: Grishny snares the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Sam appropriates the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Zup absconds with the life [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn passes the headache [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Mollie grabs the stand [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nips the dice [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane sequesters the life [1].
Sam: b stand
SnagBot: Sam clutches the antenna [1].
SnagBot: Grishny collects the mirror [4].
SnagBot: nessachan commandeers the antenna [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the dice [3].
SnagBot: Randy pockets the dice [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman appropriates the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the mirror [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard bags the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Zup collects the raisin [1].
SnagBot: Gahalyn steals the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Mollie appropriates the mirror [4].
Randy: b dice
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the mirror [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan collects the scarf [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra bags the raisin [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold clasps the raisin [1].
SnagBot: Xom bequeaths the headache [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam pulls in the stand [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm grasps the raisin [1].
SnagBot: nessachan collects the stand [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman swipes the dice [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Mollie yanks the raisin [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pockets the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman takes the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the mirror [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn drags in the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Sam pinches the dice [3].
SnagBot: Grishny picks up the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Xom grasps the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman acquires the dice [3].
SnagBot: Gahalyn captures the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard sequesters the dice [3].
SnagBot: Kysle seizes the scarf [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the mirror [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra sequesters the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Zup transmits the headache [-1] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Sam seizes the raisin [1].
SnagBot: Mollie pinches the scarf [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm clasps the dice [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman abducts the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold entraps the antenna [1].
SnagBot: Xom acquires the dice [3].
SnagBot: Grishny purloins the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: nessachan annexes the raisin [1].
SnagBot: Kysle picks up the scarf [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn absconds with the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Grishny sequesters the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Mollie collects the dice [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra nips the life [1].
SnagBot: Xom procures the mirror [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm gains the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Sam commandeers the antenna [1].
SnagBot: Randy obtains the dice [3].
SnagBot: Gahalyn grabs the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the dice [3].
SnagBot: Zup salvages the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman clutches the scarf [2].
LaZorra: .b dice
SnagBot: nessachan clasps the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold snitches the dice [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard acquires the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Sam collars the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Xom drags in the dice [3].
SnagBot: Kysle commandeers the scarf [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane snags the dice [3].
SnagBot: Grishny steals the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman ensnares the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the mirror [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the scarf [2].
SnagBot: Mollie salvages the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Grishny sequesters the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collects the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Zup pinches the dice [3].
SnagBot: nessachan snares the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Grishny attains the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Randy hauls in the dice [3].
SnagBot: Kysle collars the scarf [2].
SnagBot: Xom retrieves the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Sam fetches the dice [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman yoinks the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold captures the stand [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm plucks the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Mollie pinches the dice [3].
SnagBot: Gahalyn ensnares the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the antenna [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane swipes the life [1].
SnagBot: nessachan sequesters the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman clutches the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Grishny salvages the crossbow [3].
SnagBot: Sam commandeers the scarf [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the mirror [4].
SnagBot: Xom secures the mirror [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the mirror [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra has the mirror [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the crossbow [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the dice [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the scarf [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the life [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the antenna [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: nessachan has the raisin [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the stand [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the headache [-1], for -1 point.
LaZorra: Yess.
Gharlane: PURGE
LuckyWizard: Nessachan: Sam did.
Grishny: Is purge working?
Nyperold: In the place where you were, now...
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: ants [-2], spider [-2], vulture [-1], bobcat [-1], LuckyWizard [-4], bomb [-1], mud [-2].
Randy: For me it is
SnagBot: Xom contributes the ants [-2] to Mollie.
nessachan: hehe
SnagBot: gremlinn dispenses the mud [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Xom gives the spider [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: gremlinn furnishes the spider [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Zup forks over the spider [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Xom dispenses the LuckyWizard [-4] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Mollie donates the ants [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: Sam dispenses the mud [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: gremlinn shells the ants [-2] out to Sam.
SnagBot: Xom passes the mud [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Crystal109 remits the LuckyWizard [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam relinquishes the spider [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Jumpman contributes the LuckyWizard [-4] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Grishny consigns the LuckyWizard [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Zup gives the bomb [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam dishes out the mud [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Mollie passes the spider [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: Sam consigns the ants [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: gremlinn presents the spider [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Xom gives the ants [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam consigns the spider [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: LaZorra contributes the mud [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard delivers the spider [-2] to Mollie.
SnagBot: gremlinn shells the mud [-2] out to Sam.
SnagBot: Gharlane delivers the LuckyWizard [-4] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Randy donates the mud [-2] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: Sam delivers the LuckyWizard [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: nessachan heaps the mud [-2] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Gahalyn commits the LuckyWizard [-4] to Zup.
SnagBot: gremlinn dishes out the spider [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Jumpman bequeaths the LuckyWizard [-4] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam bequeaths the ants [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Mollie commits the LuckyWizard [-4] to Xom.
SnagBot: Sam grants the spider [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: LaZorra confers the LuckyWizard [-4] upon Mollie.
SnagBot: Grishny surrenders the LuckyWizard [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard cedes the LuckyWizard [-4] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam delivers the mud [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Zup heaps the mud [-2] upon Mollie.
SnagBot: gremlinn doles out the spider [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam contributes the LuckyWizard [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Sam has the spider [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the bomb [-1], mud [-2], for -3 points.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the ants [-2], LuckyWizard [-4], for -6 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: vulture [-1], bobcat [-1].
Sam: Whew.
Sam: Not too bad.
LaZorra: Vultures and bobcats are cool.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: teapot [1], comb [1], porcupine [-3], leprosy [-3], electron [1], cocoa [1], couch [3], handcuffs [-5], wren [3], fingernail [-1], battery [1], restaurant [2], corset [-2], leaf [2], fleas [-5], toast [1].
SnagBot: Sam absconds with the wren [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: Mollie fetches the comb [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snitches the teapot [1].
SnagBot: Sam collars the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the comb [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the cocoa [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane attains the wren [3].
SnagBot: Sam purloins the leaf [2].
SnagBot: Mollie yanks the teapot [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the wren [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra furnishes the handcuffs [-5] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Xom relinquishes the fleas [-5] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Jumpman purloins the toast [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm obtains the teapot [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the couch [3].
SnagBot: Grishny gains the couch [3].
SnagBot: Sam appropriates the electron [1].
SnagBot: Gahalyn collects the teapot [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan steals the battery [1].
SnagBot: Randy absconds with the cocoa [1].
SnagBot: Mollie yoinks the battery [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold clasps the wren [3].
SnagBot: Xom furnishes the leprosy [-3] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam contributes the fleas [-5] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: ThePhan absconds with the toast [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard absconds with the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm drags in the teapot [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan plucks the wren [3].
SnagBot: Gahalyn procures the teapot [1].
SnagBot: nessachan steals the toast [1].
SnagBot: Mollie catches the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane nails the toast [1].
SnagBot: Sam dispenses the fingernail [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: whitehelm collars the battery [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard drags in the wren [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold appropriates the comb [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the teapot [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra ensnares the couch [3].
SnagBot: Zup abducts the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn steals the teapot [1].
SnagBot: Sam procures the toast [1].
SnagBot: Mollie gains the leaf [2].
SnagBot: Grishny salvages the wren [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan commandeers the restaurant [2].
Zup: b leaf
SnagBot: Gharlane snatches the wren [3].
SnagBot: Grishny nips the couch [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman takes the toast [1].
SnagBot: nessachan pilfers the teapot [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard bags the couch [3].
SnagBot: Grishny fetches the couch [3].
SnagBot: Xom pulls in the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the teapot [1].
SnagBot: Sam gets the teapot [1].
SnagBot: Mollie abducts the toast [1].
SnagBot: Gahalyn snares the teapot [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold wins the toast [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the battery [1].
SnagBot: Kysle secures the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the wren [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard abducts the wren [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman collars the toast [1].
SnagBot: nessachan procures the leaf [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the leaf [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm drags in the wren [3].
SnagBot: Xom procures the wren [3].
SnagBot: Zup nails the leaf [2].
SnagBot: Grishny pilfers the wren [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan gains the couch [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard bags the comb [1].
SnagBot: Mollie clutches the restaurant [2].
nessachan: b toast
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the wren [3].
SnagBot: Grishny sequesters the couch [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman attains the comb [1].
SnagBot: Kysle grabs the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the teapot [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm yoinks the battery [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane pinches the wren [3].
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the battery [1].
SnagBot: Xom commandeers the couch [3].
SnagBot: Mollie clutches the couch [3].
SnagBot: Grishny filches the couch [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard hauls in the wren [3].
SnagBot: Kysle appropriates the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan grasps the wren [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn procures the teapot [1].
SnagBot: Kysle secures the restaurant [2].
SnagBot: Zup secures the couch [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra swipes the battery [1].
SnagBot: Zup has the couch [3], leaf [2], for 5 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the wren [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the comb [1], toast [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the restaurant [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Gahalyn has the teapot [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the battery [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Randy has the cocoa [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the electron [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the fleas [-5], fingernail [-1], for -6 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the leprosy [-3], handcuffs [-5], for -8 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: porcupine [-3], corset [-2].
LuckyWizard: leaf
Jumpman: YEAH TOAST!
Sam: I have an electron!! Wait...lost it.
nessachan: mmm toast
LuckyWizard: at my being negative
Crystal109: There's something strange going on with my frame
Randy: cocoa!
Sam: Now I'll never find it again.
LaZorra: Ooh, I have a battery. Now I can charge my brazier.
Sam: In this mess.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: straitjacket [-1], braces [-1], woodpecker [4], daisy [1], cello [4], carriage [1], sunset [1], hairball [-5], computer [1], phone [1], toupee [1], supervisor [-1], clover [1].
Sam: Of electrons.
Sam: And stuff.
SnagBot: Sam seizes the sunset [1].
SnagBot: nessachan appropriates the woodpecker [4].
Crystal109: It refreshes to the top, not the bottom
SnagBot: Sam catches the computer [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard takes the toupee [1].
SnagBot: Grishny salvages the cello [4].
SnagBot: Zup presents the hairball [-5] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Mollie commandeers the phone [1].
SnagBot: Randy nabs the carriage [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman purloins the cello [4].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the toupee [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold procures the phone [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan grasps the clover [1].
SnagBot: Mollie ropes in the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Xom turns over the straitjacket [-1] to Zup.
SnagBot: gremlinn commits the hairball [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: Gharlane remits the hairball [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam pulls in the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Grishny nips the cello [4].
SnagBot: Zup acquires the sunset [1].
SnagBot: nessachan appropriates the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the computer [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the carriage [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm collects the toupee [1].
SnagBot: Xom confers the braces [-1] upon Zup.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the cello [4].
Jumpman: b phone
SnagBot: Sam yoinks the carriage [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn dispenses the hairball [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: ThePhan acquires the cello [4].
SnagBot: Mollie catches the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Grishny bags the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold ensnares the clover [1].
SnagBot: nessachan snares the phone [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra consigns the hairball [-5] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Randy nabs the cello [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gains the phone [1].
SnagBot: Grishny grabs the cello [4].
SnagBot: Sam appropriates the clover [1].
SnagBot: Zup filches the toupee [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan forks over the hairball [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: Kysle commandeers the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: nessachan catches the cello [4].
SnagBot: Sam pinches the daisy [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pilfers the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the toupee [1].
SnagBot: Mollie relinquishes the hairball [-5] to Xom.
SnagBot: Kysle swipes the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Grishny sequesters the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane presents the hairball [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the cello [4].
SnagBot: Xom donates the hairball [-5] to Zup.
SnagBot: Jumpman confiscates the phone [1].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the phone [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra gets the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Grishny swipes the cello [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the phone [1].
SnagBot: nessachan nips the woodpecker [4].
Mollie: b cello
SnagBot: whitehelm nails the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard obtains the cello [4].
SnagBot: Kysle nabs the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Grishny steals the cello [4].
SnagBot: Zup entraps the clover [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm pockets the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman secures the toupee [1].
SnagBot: Sam catches the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Randy gains the cello [4].
SnagBot: Grishny appropriates the cello [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold collects the cello [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra captures the toupee [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snares the daisy [1].
SnagBot: Kysle sequesters the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm snags the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Randy retrieves the cello [4].
SnagBot: Xom snares the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: nessachan annexes the cello [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn awards the hairball [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: whitehelm picks up the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Grishny collars the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane grants the hairball [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Kysle fetches the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan consigns the hairball [-5] to Nyperold.
SnagBot: whitehelm ensnares the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the cello [4].
LuckyWizard: b cello
SnagBot: Sam grabs the toupee [1].
SnagBot: Mollie takes the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman gains the sunset [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm pulls in the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Grishny swipes the cello [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra pinches the cello [4].
SnagBot: Xom captures the cello [4].
SnagBot: nessachan swipes the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn dishes out the hairball [-5] to Sam.
SnagBot: whitehelm annexes the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the cello [4].
SnagBot: Sam collects the cello [4].
SnagBot: Grishny drags in the cello [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold attains the cello [4].
SnagBot: Kysle collars the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Zup catches the phone [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the cello [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane yanks the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Xom remits the hairball [-5] to Zup.
SnagBot: Mollie takes the cello [4].
SnagBot: Kysle obtains the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Randy abducts the cello [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm ensnares the woodpecker [4].
SnagBot: Randy has the cello [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the woodpecker [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the sunset [1], computer [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the carriage [1], toupee [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the daisy [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the straitjacket [-1], braces [-1], phone [1], hairball [-5], clover [1], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: supervisor [-1].
Crystal109 has left.
Zup: Great.
Crystal109 has entered.
Grishny: Oh come on. I was supposed to get the cello. You don't even know how to play it.
LaZorra: I love grem's score.
Crystal109: I hope that works
Kysle: Can we leave to secure our points?
Randy: Do so!
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: squash [1], eggnog [3], picture [3], brazier [3].
Sam: No.
gremlinn: I've given up trying to go up. I'm trying to help someone else win.
nessachan: xD
SnagBot: Sam bags the picture [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane collars the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Xom confiscates the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Grishny salvages the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pockets the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Zup pulls in the squash [1].
SnagBot: Sam purloins the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Mollie salvages the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the picture [3].
SnagBot: nessachan retrieves the squash [1].
SnagBot: Xom obtains the picture [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra salvages the squash [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the picture [3].
SnagBot: Kysle captures the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Sam retrieves the squash [1].
SnagBot: Grishny captures the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Mollie purloins the picture [3].
SnagBot: Kysle entraps the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: nessachan clutches the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Randy collects the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Sam secures the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold plucks the squash [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Zup fetches the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Grishny steals the picture [3].
SnagBot: Xom catches the brazier [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm confiscates the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Sam hauls in the picture [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra absconds with the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm picks up the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Randy commandeers the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: nessachan commandeers the brazier [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Kysle ropes in the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Mollie yoinks the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman nips the brazier [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm secures the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ropes in the squash [1].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Sam captures the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Xom salvages the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan plucks the squash [1].
SnagBot: Zup picks up the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Grishny ropes in the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: nessachan sequesters the picture [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm snitches the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane drags in the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Sam picks up the picture [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold steals the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Grishny confiscates the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan steals the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Kysle nips the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Mollie plucks the squash [1].
SnagBot: Randy plucks the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra wins the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the brazier [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm pockets the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Grishny snatches the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nips the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the picture [3].
SnagBot: Sam nips the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: nessachan yoinks the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Grishny steals the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Xom salvages the picture [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm nips the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Kysle bags the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Gahalyn drags in the picture [3].
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Zup procures the picture [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm clutches the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collects the picture [3].
SnagBot: Sam annexes the brazier [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan swipes the eggnog [3].
Mollie: b eggnog
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the brazier [3].
SnagBot: nessachan captures the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm obtains the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Kysle nails the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Grishny snares the picture [3].
SnagBot: Xom secures the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Gahalyn ropes in the picture [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold grasps the picture [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the brazier [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm drags in the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the squash [1].
SnagBot: Grishny nips the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Sam secures the picture [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman nails the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra steals the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Randy hauls in the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collects the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane picks up the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Gahalyn yanks the picture [3].
SnagBot: Grishny pockets the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the picture [3].
SnagBot: nessachan catches the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ropes in the brazier [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm clutches the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Xom plucks the picture [3].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the squash [1].
SnagBot: Gahalyn snitches the picture [3].
SnagBot: Mollie snatches the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Grishny ropes in the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Kysle absconds with the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman entraps the picture [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the brazier [3].
nessachan: b squash
SnagBot: LuckyWizard obtains the squash [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra pilfers the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snares the brazier [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm abducts the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Sam annexes the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Gahalyn appropriates the picture [3].
SnagBot: Grishny nails the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Zup bags the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Xom procures the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Randy hauls in the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold clasps the brazier [3].
SnagBot: Kysle absconds with the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the brazier [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm plucks the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Mollie snags the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the squash [1].
SnagBot: Grishny seizes the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Sam nails the brazier [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm salvages the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: nessachan wins the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Grishny pockets the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane hauls in the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra salvages the brazier [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm snares the eggnog [3].
SnagBot: Gahalyn has the picture [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the brazier [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the eggnog [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the squash [1], for 1 point.
gremlinn: Oh, it's no-disadvantageous, huh?
Grishny: This thing is pure random chance, isn't it?
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: bunny [5], splinter [-3], ambulance [1], soap [1], tissue [1], beetle [-3], heebiejeebies [-2], mop [-2], horsey [1], mallet [2], eggnog [1], cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the eggnog [1].
SnagBot: Sam filches the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Mollie fetches the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Xom commits the heebiejeebies [-2] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: ThePhan procures the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Sam clasps the eggnog [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan absconds with the bunny [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn bequeaths the splinter [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yoinks the bunny [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm hauls in the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Xom transmits the mop [-2] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Jumpman salvages the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Sam snares the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Randy drags in the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Gahalyn ensnares the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Mollie pinches the ambulance [1].
SnagBot: Grishny fetches the mallet [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm acquires the bunny [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra secures the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman wins the soap [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 captures the bunny [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm acquires the bunny [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard commandeers the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn ensnares the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Zup yoinks the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Randy plucks the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Xom forks over the splinter [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: whitehelm yoinks the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Grishny grasps the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Sam donates the splinter [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Jumpman yoinks the tissue [1].
SnagBot: Mollie annexes the soap [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Gahalyn clutches the bunny [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan secures the mallet [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm snares the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Grishny fetches the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Sam wins the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane bequeaths the beetle [-3] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: whitehelm grasps the bunny [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the soap [1].
SnagBot: Gahalyn grabs the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 procures the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Randy yanks the bunny [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm gets the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold pockets the soap [1].
SnagBot: Zup clasps the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Xom captures the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Mollie grabs the tissue [1].
SnagBot: Gahalyn seizes the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Sam attains the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snares the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Grishny bags the soap [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman retrieves the eggnog [1].
SnagBot: nessachan snags the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm salvages the bunny [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grants the heebiejeebies [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins the bunny [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan secures the bunny [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra confiscates the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Gahalyn gains the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Xom ropes in the mallet [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn dishes out the heebiejeebies [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: nessachan commandeers the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman grabs the tissue [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm ropes in the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Sam pilfers the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Mollie bags the horsey [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane bags the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Grishny purloins the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Gahalyn plucks the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Xom yoinks the soap [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm appropriates the bunny [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the bunny [5].
Jumpman: b mallet
SnagBot: Gahalyn collects the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Grishny pulls in the soap [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard consigns the splinter [-3] to Xom.
SnagBot: whitehelm hauls in the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Sam steals the soap [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the soap [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Gahalyn picks up the bunny [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra nails the horsey [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm grasps the bunny [5].
SnagBot: nessachan filches the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Zup turns over the splinter [-3] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Nyperold snatches the tissue [1].
SnagBot: Grishny attains the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Sam picks up the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the bunny [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm snares the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Gahalyn nabs the bunny [5].
Zup: bunny
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Xom heaps the heebiejeebies [-2] upon LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the horsey [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm clasps the bunny [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Kysle pinches the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn gives the heebiejeebies [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam wins the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Mollie procures the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Randy captures the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Gahalyn confiscates the bunny [5].
SnagBot: nessachan pinches the bunny [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm plucks the bunny [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra hauls in the horsey [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan drags in the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the soap [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Sam snags the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Xom gains the bunny [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold salvages the bunny [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm snags the bunny [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard abducts the bunny [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the mop [-2], bunny [5], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the cantaloupe [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the soap [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the eggnog [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the horsey [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Mollie has the ambulance [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the tissue [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the mallet [2], heebiejeebies [-2], for 0 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the beetle [-3], splinter [-3], for -6 points.
Sam: *heebiejeebieheebiejeebie*
* Nyperold blows his nose, and at this game.
Sam: Yay!
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: refrigerator [3], hat [2], stutter [-2], stand [2], lipstick [4], marmalade [3], earmuffs [1].
Sam: I knew you'd end up with that.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard drags in the hat [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan ropes in the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Xom shells the stutter [-2] out to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Sam catches the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard captures the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane catches the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra captures the hat [2].
SnagBot: Mollie confiscates the refrigerator [3].
SnagBot: Sam hauls in the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Xom commandeers the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn confers the stutter [-2] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Nyperold snatches the hat [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the stand [2].
SnagBot: Mollie filches the hat [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman sequesters the refrigerator [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan catches the hat [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: nessachan seizes the refrigerator [3].
SnagBot: Xom procures the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Zup abducts the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm wins the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Mollie appropriates the stand [2].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the refrigerator [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ensnares the stand [2].
SnagBot: Sam filches the refrigerator [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 attains the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the refrigerator [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm snares the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: nessachan captures the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra entraps the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane absconds with the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Sam bags the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold steals the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Xom steals the refrigerator [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm gains the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan absconds with the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: nessachan nabs the hat [2].
Gahalyn: My window is no longer scrolling to the end.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard purloins the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Mollie picks up the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm gains the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Grishny acquires the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Kysle wins the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane absconds with the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan collects the stand [2].
SnagBot: Sam pinches the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm purloins the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: nessachan acquires the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Grishny snags the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the hat [2].
SnagBot: Xom confiscates the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra sequesters the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pulls in the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Mollie snatches the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Kysle collars the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Zup remits the stutter [-2] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: whitehelm secures the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Grishny absconds with the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn surrenders the stutter [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold snatches the stand [2].
SnagBot: nessachan purloins the hat [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane confiscates the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman yoinks the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Grishny gets the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Xom annexes the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yoinks the stand [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Kysle obtains the lipstick [4].
nessachan: b earmuffs
SnagBot: Grishny picks up the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Mollie retrieves the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Zup attains the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm takes the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard drags in the hat [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman sequesters the refrigerator [3].
SnagBot: Grishny takes the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Kysle collects the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Xom plucks the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra attains the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Mollie snitches the refrigerator [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold pinches the earmuffs [1].
SnagBot: Sam hauls in the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the stand [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: nessachan pulls in the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Sam sequesters the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the hat [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm retrieves the marmalade [3].
SnagBot: Kysle acquires the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Grishny filches the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pulls in the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Zup ropes in the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Sam catches the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: Xom wins the lipstick [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan has the stand [2], hat [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Xom has the lipstick [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the refrigerator [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the marmalade [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the earmuffs [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the stutter [-2], for -2 points.
LaZorra: Grish: Do /purge
LaZorra: Er, Gaha, rather.
Sam: Somebody win already, geez.
Crystal109: Gahalyn: just leave, that's what I did
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: Gharlane [4], dandruff [-2], sunset [1], keyboard [3], pendulum [2], hypothermia [-4], five [4], life [1], handkerchief [1], teacup [1].
Kysle: How does anyone win?
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pilfers the life [1].
SnagBot: Mollie snags the life [1].
SnagBot: Xom abducts the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Sam pulls in the handkerchief [1].
Gahalyn: Oh thanks, I thought I tried that.
SnagBot: Jumpman filches the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra filches the five [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane gains the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Randy seizes the five [4].
SnagBot: Sam attains the teacup [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Xom cedes the dandruff [-2] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Jumpman clutches the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Mollie pockets the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Grishny sequesters the life [1].
SnagBot: Sam wins the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Zup picks up the pendulum [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra pilfers the pendulum [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ropes in the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Sam captures the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Grishny drags in the five [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman nails the pendulum [2].
SnagBot: nessachan clutches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm drags in the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Mollie nips the teacup [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn transfers the hypothermia [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Grishny purloins the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane clutches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Sam pockets the pendulum [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold pinches the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Gahalyn wins the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Randy abducts the five [4].
SnagBot: Xom grants the hypothermia [-4] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Kysle ropes in the Gharlane [4].
Mollie: b keyboard
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the sunset [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn turns over the hypothermia [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Zup grasps the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Grishny yoinks the five [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra snags the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 secures the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Sam ropes in the five [4].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan swipes the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman grasps the five [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn takes the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Randy snares the five [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard cedes the dandruff [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Grishny swipes the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Mollie ropes in the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane clasps the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold attains the five [4].
SnagBot: Zup snares the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman sequesters the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm appropriates the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Kysle yanks the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra pockets the teacup [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Grishny gets the five [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn captures the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Sam acquires the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Mollie yanks the five [4].
SnagBot: Xom donates the hypothermia [-4] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Kysle gains the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn contributes the hypothermia [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Grishny filches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman collars the teacup [1].
SnagBot: nessachan bags the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Randy salvages the five [4].
SnagBot: Sam purloins the five [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm snitches the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Zup plucks the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra hauls in the five [4].
SnagBot: Kysle seizes the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard donates the hypothermia [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: gremlinn grants the hypothermia [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Grishny seizes the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn plucks the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Kysle snatches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane clutches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Sam abducts the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm abducts the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Kysle filches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Mollie entraps the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Xom heaps the dandruff [-2] upon LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Grishny filches the five [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the five [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn salvages the teacup [1].
SnagBot: nessachan catches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Randy seizes the five [4].
SnagBot: Zup catches the sunset [1].
SnagBot: Sam wins the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Kysle secures the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Grishny grasps the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collars the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Xom nabs the five [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn yanks the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Mollie bags the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 captures the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Grishny commandeers the five [4].
SnagBot: nessachan acquires the teacup [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra pockets the five [4].
SnagBot: Kysle fetches the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane drags in the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold collects the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Sam purloins the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Gahalyn retrieves the teacup [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the five [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan nabs the keyboard [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman picks up the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Kysle abducts the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Grishny captures the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Randy confiscates the five [4].
SnagBot: Xom yoinks the Gharlane [4].
SnagBot: Randy has the five [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Xom has the Gharlane [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the keyboard [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the life [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the teacup [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the sunset [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the pendulum [2], hypothermia [-4], handkerchief [1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the dandruff [-2], for -2 points.
Sam: Gah.
Kysle: How will anyone win?
LaZorra: hehe. The five is worth 4.
Gharlane: Xom! Give me back, please.
* Gahalyn dances the 5 with Randy.
Crystal109 has left.
Crystal109 has entered.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: headache [-2], flowers [4], ring [2], beetle [-1], eviction [-4], carriage [2], dinosaur [3], linoleum [3], worms [-4], opal [2], fingernail [-1], surfboard [2].
Randy: Sweet!
Crystal109: somehow, my purge doesn't work
SnagBot: Sam grasps the opal [2].
Xom: Gah. I have to play blind, my monitor is beginning to make loud whistling sounds and blurring.
nessachan: b ring
SnagBot: nessachan swipes the flowers [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard abducts the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: Grishny attains the opal [2].
SnagBot: Mollie snitches the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Sam grabs the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold pulls in the opal [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the ring [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan commandeers the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collars the flowers [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra grabs the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Zup cedes the worms [-4] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the opal [2].
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Xom transmits the headache [-2] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Jumpman grabs the carriage [2].
SnagBot: Mollie collects the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Sam captures the ring [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane surrenders the worms [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Nyperold swipes the ring [2].
SnagBot: nessachan filches the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yoinks the ring [2].
SnagBot: Grishny grabs the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Sam acquires the flowers [4].
SnagBot: Xom lavishes the eviction [-4] upon LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Mollie snitches the flowers [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn consigns the eviction [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: whitehelm plucks the carriage [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra filches the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Zup procures the opal [2].
SnagBot: Randy snags the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Kysle clasps the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the flowers [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 obtains the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard wins the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Sam procures the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: Xom shells the beetle [-1] out to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Jumpman yoinks the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Mollie snatches the ring [2].
SnagBot: Grishny drags in the carriage [2].
SnagBot: Randy swipes the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm abducts the carriage [2].
SnagBot: nessachan steals the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan surrenders the worms [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Sam gains the ring [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman nails the opal [2].
SnagBot: Kysle confiscates the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: Grishny nabs the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra yanks the ring [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the carriage [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard awards the eviction [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie drags in the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Grishny commandeers the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the opal [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the carriage [2].
SnagBot: Sam bestows the eviction [-4] upon gremlinn.
SnagBot: Jumpman fetches the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Randy retrieves the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Kysle secures the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: nessachan nabs the opal [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 abducts the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Grishny ropes in the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the flowers [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the ring [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard passes the beetle [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie swipes the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: Grishny collects the opal [2].
SnagBot: Zup snitches the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Kysle catches the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane bags the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn forks over the eviction [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Nyperold purloins the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Grishny obtains the linoleum [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman secures the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: Mollie secures the ring [2].
SnagBot: Randy abducts the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra catches the opal [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan delivers the beetle [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Kysle wins the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: Xom gets the carriage [2].
SnagBot: Sam remits the worms [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Zup pilfers the ring [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm pinches the carriage [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard picks up the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 plucks the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the surfboard [2].
LaZorra: b flowers
SnagBot: Kysle swipes the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: Mollie gains the opal [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman commandeers the carriage [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold snags the opal [2].
SnagBot: Xom swipes the flowers [4].
SnagBot: Randy appropriates the dinosaur [3].
SnagBot: nessachan wins the surfboard [2].
SnagBot: Xom has the flowers [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the linoleum [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the dinosaur [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the carriage [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the surfboard [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the opal [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the ring [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the beetle [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the headache [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the worms [-4], for -4 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the eviction [-4], for -4 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: fingernail [-1].
LaZorra: dinosaur
gremlinn: Sam: trade you.
Randy: lol!
Sam: Ok.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: rooster [1], canary [2], tiara [1], horsey [2], chick [3], deadline [-1], poison [-3], life [1], juice [2].
* LaZorra is cracking up.
SnagBot: Sam bequeaths the poison [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Grishny snatches the rooster [1].
SnagBot: Mollie annexes the rooster [1].
nessachan: haha
SnagBot: Sam pinches the canary [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collects the canary [2].
SnagBot: Grishny retrieves the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Xom forks over the poison [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam picks up the chick [3].
SnagBot: Mollie retrieves the canary [2].
SnagBot: Zup drags in the juice [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra procures the life [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold collects the life [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm fetches the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane plucks the canary [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard filches the rooster [1].
SnagBot: Randy ropes in the juice [2].
SnagBot: Xom bestows the deadline [-1] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: Jumpman clutches the chick [3].
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the chick [3].
SnagBot: Mollie wins the tiara [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn transfers the poison [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: nessachan swipes the tiara [1].
SnagBot: Zup takes the life [1].
SnagBot: Kysle takes the chick [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard picks up the juice [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the juice [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman salvages the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Xom absconds with the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold wins the juice [2].
SnagBot: Randy filches the juice [2].
SnagBot: Mollie seizes the horsey [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm collars the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Sam transmits the deadline [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: nessachan fetches the chick [3].
Gharlane: canary
ThePhan: r
SnagBot: Zup appropriates the chick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman appropriates the rooster [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm drags in the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Sam entrusts the poison [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Xom ensnares the chick [3].
SnagBot: Grishny nails the chick [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn heaps the poison [-3] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Mollie wins the chick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the horsey [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra snitches the canary [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman gains the life [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 salvages the horsey [2].
SnagBot: nessachan filches the chick [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane collects the canary [2].
SnagBot: Grishny retrieves the horsey [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the horsey [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Xom steals the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Kysle snitches the chick [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold collects the canary [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm grasps the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Mollie attains the life [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the chick [3].
SnagBot: Zup donates the deadline [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Kysle steals the chick [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm picks up the horsey [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the rooster [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the horsey [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra snitches the rooster [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm yoinks the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Xom takes the chick [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the chick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Kysle pockets the chick [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm obtains the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Mollie collars the juice [2].
SnagBot: Grishny bags the canary [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the horsey [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm pilfers the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman pulls in the juice [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold yanks the chick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the chick [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm attains the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Zup plucks the chick [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane appropriates the canary [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the horsey [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard catches the canary [2].
SnagBot: Sam pulls in the chick [3].
SnagBot: nessachan collars the chick [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm snags the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Mollie snags the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Xom yanks the horsey [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Kysle pulls in the chick [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan bequeaths the deadline [-1] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Zup grabs the rooster [1].
SnagBot: Sam turns over the deadline [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the chick [3].
SnagBot: Grishny entraps the rooster [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold drags in the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman hauls in the chick [3].
SnagBot: Xom snitches the canary [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Kysle takes the chick [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm wins the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Mollie yanks the rooster [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the canary [2].
SnagBot: Sam confiscates the horsey [2].
SnagBot: Grishny captures the chick [3].
SnagBot: Grishny has the chick [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the juice [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the rooster [1], life [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the canary [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the tiara [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the deadline [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the horsey [2], poison [-3], for -1 point.
nessachan: b tiara
Grishny: Go SMA
Sam: LaZ: You plucked it.
nessachan: I wish I could get a life!
Sam: That's abuse.
Zup: All the bad things gravitate towards Sam andGrem.
LuckyWizard: But you also got poison.
Grishny: His wife neeeeds it.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: fritter [1], slug [-2], feather [1], sandpaper [4], cinnamon [1], femininity [1], doll [2], infection [-2], horsey [1], mucus [-1], oboe [2], notice [1], pencil [5], fat [-1].
SnagBot: Grishny hauls in the notice [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman pinches the pencil [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard hauls in the fritter [1].
SnagBot: Xom furnishes the mucus [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam obtains the doll [2].
SnagBot: Mollie captures the doll [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman snitches the fritter [1].
SnagBot: Sam ropes in the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Xom shells the fat [-1] out to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard hauls in the doll [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane picks up the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Zup retrieves the horsey [1].
SnagBot: nessachan confiscates the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Grishny gains the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Mollie snares the fritter [1].
SnagBot: Sam confiscates the pencil [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn cedes the infection [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 confiscates the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Xom consigns the slug [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard secures the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 attains the pencil [5].
nessachan: cinnamon
LaZorra: b horsey
nessachan: b doll
SnagBot: Grishny nabs the feather [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman pinches the femininity [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane picks up the horsey [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan presents the mucus [-1] to Xom.
SnagBot: Zup gains the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Mollie steals the notice [1].
SnagBot: Sam forks over the slug [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the doll [2].
SnagBot: Xom snares the horsey [1].
Mollie: b pencil
SnagBot: ThePhan gains the doll [2].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane pilfers the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold steals the sandpaper [4].
SnagBot: nessachan takes the doll [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman yoinks the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Sam forks over the fat [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Grishny wins the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Zup clasps the pencil [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra snares the horsey [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clutches the sandpaper [4].
SnagBot: Xom sequesters the pencil [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan remits the slug [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: Crystal109 obtains the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Sam doles out the mucus [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Jumpman abducts the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Mollie wins the doll [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold abducts the doll [2].
SnagBot: Xom shells the mucus [-1] out to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard commandeers the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Grishny retrieves the doll [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane salvages the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman snitches the notice [1].
SnagBot: Zup gives the fat [-1] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Kysle hauls in the sandpaper [4].
SnagBot: Grishny wins the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Xom grants the slug [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie takes the horsey [1].
Gahalyn: Someone give me the fat! LOL.
SnagBot: Sam snares the doll [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Grishny collects the sandpaper [4].
SnagBot: nessachan fetches the doll [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra salvages the doll [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold clutches the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane salvages the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 confiscates the pencil [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the pencil [5].
nessachan: b feather
SnagBot: Grishny annexes the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Zup purloins the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Kysle gets the sandpaper [4].
SnagBot: Mollie bags the doll [2].
SnagBot: Xom snares the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Randy commandeers the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman yanks the fritter [1].
SnagBot: Grishny grabs the horsey [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan dispenses the slug [-2] to Grishny.
SnagBot: nessachan attains the doll [2].
SnagBot: Grishny sequesters the pencil [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snares the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Xom acquires the sandpaper [4].
Gahalyn: Not really!
SnagBot: Mollie seizes the pencil [5].
SnagBot: Zup pulls in the horsey [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra fetches the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold catches the doll [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane nabs the horsey [1].
SnagBot: Kysle collects the sandpaper [4].
SnagBot: Sam nails the pencil [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the horsey [1].
SnagBot: nessachan purloins the feather [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman retrieves the feather [1].
SnagBot: Grishny annexes the sandpaper [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman has the fritter [1], feather [1], femininity [1], notice [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the oboe [2], doll [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the infection [-2], pencil [5], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the slug [-2], sandpaper [4], for 2 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the cinnamon [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the horsey [1], mucus [-1], for 0 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the fat [-1], for -1 point.
LuckyWizard: b fritter
LaZorra: Horsey mucus is ew.
Crystal109 has left.
Crystal109 has entered.
Kysle: purge
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: blender [2], pus [-1], dynamite [-1], poison [-1], hair [2], perfume [3], parachute [2], crown [3], purse [1], sweater [1], accordion [2], guitar [1], spitball [-3], ball [2], fleas [-3], mountain [1].
ThePhan: LaZ: I agree!
* Nyperold has a doll. Ooh, a Mia doll.
LuckyWizard: Gremlinn now has -39 points.
SnagBot: Grishny gets the mountain [1].
SnagBot: Mollie picks up the crown [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the blender [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Xom hands the pus [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Grishny takes the ball [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman snatches the ball [2].
SnagBot: Mollie pilfers the purse [1].
Zup: This is fun. Why don't we play it more often.
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the mountain [1].
SnagBot: Xom presents the poison [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam bags the accordion [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn surrenders the fleas [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the sweater [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra nabs the sweater [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane bags the hair [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan catches the accordion [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yoinks the accordion [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the mountain [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold ensnares the ball [2].
SnagBot: Sam nails the guitar [1].
SnagBot: Mollie pockets the sweater [1].
SnagBot: Xom passes the dynamite [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup catches the ball [2].
SnagBot: Randy obtains the parachute [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm filches the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the mountain [1].
SnagBot: Grishny steals the perfume [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan collects the crown [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman takes the sweater [1].
SnagBot: Randy ensnares the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Sam forks over the fleas [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: LaZorra gains the guitar [1].
SnagBot: Xom sequesters the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Mollie nabs the accordion [2].
SnagBot: nessachan annexes the mountain [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn presents the fleas [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: whitehelm snatches the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Grishny snares the accordion [2].
SnagBot: Zup snatches the hair [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan awards the pus [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam delivers the poison [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Mollie sequesters the blender [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold drags in the purse [1].
SnagBot: Kysle entraps the accordion [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman plucks the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Xom relinquishes the fleas [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan hands over the dynamite [-1] to Xom.
SnagBot: whitehelm snitches the parachute [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn shells the fleas [-3] out to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam furnishes the fleas [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the accordion [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane filches the hair [2].
SnagBot: Randy snatches the parachute [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn consigns the fleas [-3] to Sam.
Crystal109: b hair
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Zup snatches the perfume [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm pockets the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Mollie drags in the ball [2].
SnagBot: Sam contributes the pus [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Kysle salvages the accordion [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra gains the accordion [2].
SnagBot: Grishny abducts the perfume [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman takes the crown [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the parachute [2].
SnagBot: nessachan collars the perfume [3].
SnagBot: Xom salvages the hair [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm fetches the parachute [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the mountain [1].
SnagBot: Sam commits the fleas [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: ThePhan consigns the poison [-1] to Xom.
SnagBot: Kysle annexes the accordion [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn gives the fleas [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Mollie sequesters the hair [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold catches the crown [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane retrieves the hair [2].
SnagBot: Grishny sequesters the hair [2].
SnagBot: nessachan confiscates the mountain [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan surrenders the fleas [-3] to Xom.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snares the crown [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra collars the mountain [1].
SnagBot: Xom awards the dynamite [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: gremlinn delivers the fleas [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Grishny pilfers the perfume [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the hair [2].
SnagBot: Randy secures the parachute [2].
SnagBot: nessachan captures the perfume [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane wins the hair [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan commandeers the accordion [2].
SnagBot: Sam confers the fleas [-3] upon gremlinn.
SnagBot: whitehelm bags the parachute [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn donates the fleas [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the hair [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold grabs the perfume [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman nabs the purse [1].
SnagBot: Grishny snatches the perfume [3].
SnagBot: Zup forks over the fleas [-3] to Kysle.
Crystal109: crown
SnagBot: Sam transfers the fleas [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the hair [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn passes the fleas [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard procures the accordion [2].
SnagBot: Kysle collars the accordion [2].
SnagBot: Xom surrenders the poison [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie acquires the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Sam lavishes the fleas [-3] upon gremlinn.
SnagBot: Jumpman annexes the blender [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman has the blender [2], purse [1], sweater [1], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the ball [2], parachute [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the perfume [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the crown [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the accordion [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the mountain [1], guitar [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the poison [-1], dynamite [-1], hair [2], for 0 points.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the pus [-1], fleas [-3], for -4 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: spitball [-3].
Crystal109 has left.
LaZorra: ewww, grem.
Crystal109 has entered.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: walrus [1], lamp [1], chicken [2].
Randy: spitball!
SnagBot: Grishny nails the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman hauls in the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Sam picks up the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Zup seizes the lamp [1].
nessachan: lol
SnagBot: Jumpman retrieves the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Xom yoinks the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Mollie obtains the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Sam procures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan secures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gets the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane absconds with the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman filches the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Xom wins the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Zup pilfers the walrus [1].
LuckyWizard: chicken
SnagBot: LaZorra clutches the walrus [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the chicken [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm purloins the lamp [1].
SnagBot: nessachan nabs the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Randy salvages the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman collects the walrus [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm purloins the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Xom nips the walrus [1].
nessachan: b walrus
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Grishny absconds with the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Mollie nails the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the chicken [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan procures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Zup snares the chicken [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm salvages the lamp [1].
LaZorra: b chicken
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pulls in the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman nips the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Kysle clasps the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold collects the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Grishny yanks the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the chicken [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn plucks the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Sam picks up the walrus [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the chicken [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm absconds with the lamp [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn steals the chicken [2].
SnagBot: nessachan sequesters the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Randy yoinks the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman hauls in the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Xom grasps the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Mollie steals the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Grishny hauls in the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Sam wins the walrus [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan gains the walrus [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn absconds with the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane pilfers the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Zup gains the walrus [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn ensnares the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Sam obtains the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman drags in the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Kysle swipes the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Xom drags in the chicken [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn clasps the chicken [2].
SnagBot: nessachan hauls in the walrus [1].
Randy: b chicken
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the chicken [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard salvages the walrus [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Grishny confiscates the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Sam nabs the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold purloins the walrus [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm swipes the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Mollie attains the walrus [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn pulls in the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman pulls in the lamp [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra grabs the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Xom clasps the chicken [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn nails the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Sam retrieves the walrus [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm yoinks the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane nails the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Zup picks up the chicken [2].
SnagBot: nessachan takes the walrus [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan acquires the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Grishny sequesters the lamp [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn gets the chicken [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm picks up the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Kysle fetches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Xom annexes the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Sam yoinks the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman captures the chicken [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grabs the chicken [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan secures the chicken [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn purloins the chicken [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm confiscates the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Xom confiscates the chicken [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn salvages the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold grasps the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Grishny nabs the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Mollie grasps the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Zup clasps the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman pinches the walrus [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra swipes the chicken [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm pulls in the lamp [1].
SnagBot: nessachan fetches the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Xom pulls in the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the walrus [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn catches the chicken [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan snags the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Randy commandeers the chicken [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard procures the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Kysle purloins the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane salvages the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman snags the lamp [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn nips the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Xom ensnares the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Grishny snitches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the chicken [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm secures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: nessachan snags the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Mollie snags the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Xom snares the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Zup appropriates the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the chicken [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grasps the walrus [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm retrieves the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the walrus [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn swipes the chicken [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan pilfers the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Grishny grabs the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman acquires the chicken [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra ropes in the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Xom obtains the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the chicken [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn picks up the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Sam pockets the walrus [1].
SnagBot: nessachan plucks the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold absconds with the walrus [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan collects the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Mollie clutches the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Kysle grabs the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Sam collects the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Zup confiscates the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman gets the walrus [1].
SnagBot: Xom snares the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Randy appropriates the chicken [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn nabs the chicken [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane entraps the chicken [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm annexes the lamp [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard commandeers the chicken [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the chicken [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the walrus [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the lamp [1], for 1 point.
Sam: Rats.
nessachan: Jumpan's the walrus
Jumpman: mmmm, walrus chicken lamps
nessachan: goo goo goo joo
Zup: Race to the items, now.
Randy: Koo-Koo ca choo
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: rattlesnake [-1], hat [1], car [1], jackknife [2], truck [1], deafness [-3], dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the hat [1].
SnagBot: Grishny collars the hat [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman salvages the hat [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the car [1].
SnagBot: Sam cedes the rattlesnake [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Mollie acquires the hat [1].
SnagBot: Xom commits the rattlesnake [-1] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: nessachan salvages the car [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clutches the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman abducts the car [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Mollie sequesters the car [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra snatches the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: Xom presents the deafness [-3] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the truck [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 secures the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold collars the hat [1].
SnagBot: Sam gets the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: nessachan gets the truck [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn furnishes the deafness [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Jumpman yanks the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Mollie swipes the jackknife [2].
Jumpman: truck
SnagBot: whitehelm secures the truck [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Xom yanks the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard grabs the truck [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm snags the truck [1].
SnagBot: nessachan fetches the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: Sam yanks the car [1].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the truck [1].
SnagBot: Xom pilfers the hat [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra picks up the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Mollie wins the truck [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm nips the truck [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane filches the truck [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan steals the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Sam collars the truck [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm pulls in the truck [1].
SnagBot: nessachan bags the car [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins the jackknife [2].
LaZorra: ruck
SnagBot: Nyperold attains the car [1].
SnagBot: Xom catches the car [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: Grishny snares the car [1].
SnagBot: nessachan snatches the hat [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan collects the truck [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm fetches the truck [1].
SnagBot: Mollie collars the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: Zup leaves the rattlesnake [-1] to Gharlane.
SnagBot: Sam furnishes the deafness [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Gharlane clutches the truck [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman transfers the deafness [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: ThePhan pinches the car [1].
SnagBot: nessachan pulls in the car [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm grabs the truck [1].
SnagBot: Xom commits the deafness [-3] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Nyperold picks up the truck [1].
SnagBot: Sam yanks the car [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn shells the deafness [-3] out to Sam.
SnagBot: Grishny snitches the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm ensnares the truck [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra grabs the truck [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the truck [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nips the truck [1].
SnagBot: Mollie nips the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Xom entraps the truck [1].
SnagBot: Sam attains the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm nails the truck [1].
SnagBot: Grishny annexes the truck [1].
SnagBot: Zup clasps the truck [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the truck [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 entraps the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm procures the truck [1].
SnagBot: Mollie salvages the car [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard appropriates the car [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman snares the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane plucks the truck [1].
SnagBot: Sam nabs the hat [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm ensnares the truck [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: nessachan entraps the car [1].
SnagBot: Xom entrusts the rattlesnake [-1] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Nyperold abducts the dinosaur [1].
SnagBot: Zup clasps the car [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra pockets the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Sam steals the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman collects the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Mollie bags the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan clasps the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: nessachan collects the hat [1].
SnagBot: Sam plucks the car [1].
SnagBot: Xom doles out the deafness [-3] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snitches the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: Grishny plucks the truck [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane purloins the truck [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 absconds with the jackknife [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan fetches the hat [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm attains the truck [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman wins the car [1].
SnagBot: nessachan swipes the car [1].
SnagBot: Grishny collars the car [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the jackknife [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the car [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the dinosaur [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the hat [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the truck [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the rattlesnake [-1], deafness [-3], for -4 points.
Zup: hat
Grishny: WHAT?
Nyperold: Dag, yo.
nessachan: Grishney stole my car ;(
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: hairpin [3], sunflower [1], TalkingDog [2], initiative [2], bat [-2].
Grishny: OKAY
SnagBot: Sam gains the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman fetches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Xom lavishes the bat [-2] upon Grishny.
SnagBot: Mollie captures the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Grishny takes the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Sam nabs the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard takes the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: nessachan seizes the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Xom fetches the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 abducts the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Sam procures the initiative [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra collars the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman purloins the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: Zup sequesters the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Grishny appropriates the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: Randy secures the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the hairpin [3].
* gremlinn donates 9 points to Grishny.
SnagBot: Mollie appropriates the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: nessachan takes the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Sam nips the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Xom ropes in the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane turns over the bat [-2] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Jumpman snatches the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Randy catches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard purloins the hairpin [3].
nessachan: b hairpin
SnagBot: Sam commandeers the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Grishny acquires the initiative [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan secures the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Zup annexes the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: Kysle catches the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: Mollie drags in the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Xom attains the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Randy catches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman bequeaths the bat [-2] to Grishny.
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 acquires the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Mollie catches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snags the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Zup seizes the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clutches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold collects the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra fetches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Sam entraps the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: nessachan procures the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Randy pulls in the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan collars the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: Mollie attains the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard salvages the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Kysle annexes the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm nips the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Sam acquires the initiative [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane furnishes the bat [-2] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: nessachan entraps the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Xom wins the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm nips the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn remits the bat [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Randy drags in the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Grishny confers the bat [-2] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan yoinks the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold attains the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra annexes the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Mollie wins the initiative [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm captures the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Zup relinquishes the bat [-2] to Grishny.
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the initiative [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn lavishes the bat [-2] upon Sam.
SnagBot: nessachan salvages the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman nails the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Xom yoinks the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Sam confiscates the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm nails the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Grishny abducts the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane abducts the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Mollie obtains the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra abducts the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: nessachan hauls in the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: Sam swipes the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Randy yanks the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Zup drags in the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm pilfers the sunflower [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman pinches the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan collects the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Xom transfers the bat [-2] to Grishny.
SnagBot: gremlinn transfers the bat [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Grishny snitches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collars the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold procures the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan clasps the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: Mollie gains the TalkingDog [2].
SnagBot: nessachan nips the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the hairpin [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra has the hairpin [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the TalkingDog [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the initiative [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the sunflower [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the bat [-2], for -2 points.
Sam: Bah.
* Crystal109 needs to be a faster typer.
nessachan: lol "Lucky wizard collars the talking dog"
Nyperold: ThePhan wins initiative!
LaZorra: LOL
Sam: Yup, time to give up.
gremlinn: Typing? Who's typing?
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: mouse [1], five [3], flag [1], frostbite [-4], glop [-2], Nyperold [1], bathmat [2], fan [1], avalanche [-3], hail [-1], ladder [2], clover [3], maggot [-2], dictionary [4], anklet [1], log [2], rapier [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman purloins the mouse [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the ladder [2].
SnagBot: Xom hands the maggot [-2] to Grishny.
SnagBot: Mollie snitches the fan [1].
SnagBot: Grishny retrieves the clover [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman plucks the five [3].
SnagBot: Sam snares the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard wins the clover [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn heaps the avalanche [-3] upon Sam.
SnagBot: ThePhan drags in the five [3].
SnagBot: Zup salvages the fan [1].
Crystal109: Are we not supposed to?
SnagBot: Gharlane sequesters the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Xom dishes out the frostbite [-4] to Grishny.
SnagBot: Mollie salvages the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the five [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the mouse [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman procures the flag [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the flag [1].
SnagBot: Grishny gains the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm wins the Nyperold [1].
SnagBot: Mollie procures the ladder [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Xom bestows the glop [-2] upon Grishny.
SnagBot: Sam abducts the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the Nyperold [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman annexes the rapier [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold pinches the Nyperold [1].
SnagBot: nessachan sequesters the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Zup sequesters the mouse [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm secures the Nyperold [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman fetches the log [2].
SnagBot: Mollie absconds with the clover [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: Xom donates the avalanche [-3] to Grishny.
SnagBot: Gharlane grabs the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra grasps the five [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the mouse [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard wins the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Sam obtains the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman purloins the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Mollie purloins the log [2].
SnagBot: Zup wins the five [3].
SnagBot: Sam pinches the dictionary [4].
nessachan: b/b l
SnagBot: Xom snares the fan [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan takes the rapier [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold seizes the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: Grishny leaves the frostbite [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nails the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Randy clutches the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman drags in the mouse [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan sequesters the anklet [1].
SnagBot: nessachan nabs the log [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn hands over the frostbite [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Mollie hauls in the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Grishny salvages the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the mouse [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra ropes in the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: Xom captures the flag [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn bequeaths the avalanche [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Randy ropes in the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: Zup hauls in the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman snares the rapier [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gets the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Grishny yoinks the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Sam hands over the avalanche [-3] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: nessachan clasps the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Kysle gives the frostbite [-4] to Grishny.
SnagBot: Gharlane grants the avalanche [-3] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn donates the avalanche [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Randy snitches the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold snags the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Sam gains the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the mouse [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ensnares the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: Zup bags the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Grishny purloins the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra takes the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Mollie pulls in the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Sam commandeers the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 obtains the mouse [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the flag [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane annexes the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: nessachan ensnares the rapier [1].
SnagBot: Sam swipes the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard steals the mouse [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Xom forks over the avalanche [-3] to Grishny.
SnagBot: gremlinn transfers the avalanche [-3] to Sam.
SnagBot: Sam steals the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold absconds with the clover [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman snares the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: Grishny seizes the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: Mollie takes the bathmat [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard commandeers the dictionary [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman sequesters the fan [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the dictionary [4], mouse [1], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the bathmat [2], ladder [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the anklet [1], five [3], for 4 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the log [2], rapier [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the clover [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the fan [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the flag [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the Nyperold [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the avalanche [-3], for -3 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the maggot [-2], frostbite [-4], glop [-2], for -8 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: hail [-1].
gremlinn: Oh great, who did that to Grish?
Grishny: Gha.
* Zup does the five.
LaZorra: LOL. "Xom captures the flag."
Crystal109 has left.
Xom: Hahahaha!
Crystal109 has entered.
Mollie: sweeet
Gharlane: I did not
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: taxes [-2], earwig [-1], vulture [-1], ort [-5], ticket [-2], shrapnel [-5], exam [-2], sock [-4].
ThePhan: Ew. Maggoty frostbite glop.
Sam: Oh no.
SnagBot: Jumpman forks over the earwig [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LaZorra surrenders the earwig [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Xom lavishes the ort [-5] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane bestows the shrapnel [-5] upon whitehelm.
SnagBot: whitehelm presents the taxes [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Zup delivers the sock [-4] to Grishny.
SnagBot: Xom hands over the ticket [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard shells the sock [-4] out to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Jumpman contributes the vulture [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Randy awards the taxes [-2] to nessachan.
SnagBot: Xom entrusts the exam [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LaZorra bestows the ort [-5] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Xom delivers the sock [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard entrusts the taxes [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan shells the ort [-5] out to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Crystal109 donates the taxes [-2] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Grishny heaps the sock [-4] upon Jumpman.
SnagBot: Xom doles out the taxes [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Jumpman donates the shrapnel [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: nessachan shells the ticket [-2] out to Sam.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard entrusts the ort [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie grants the vulture [-1] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: gremlinn shells the shrapnel [-5] out to whitehelm.
SnagBot: whitehelm remits the shrapnel [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane lavishes the shrapnel [-5] upon whitehelm.
SnagBot: Nyperold heaps the ort [-5] upon Mollie.
SnagBot: Grishny doles out the ort [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Jumpman furnishes the sock [-4] to Sam.
SnagBot: Xom bequeaths the ticket [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard dispenses the shrapnel [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: gremlinn transmits the shrapnel [-5] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Sam surrenders the sock [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Jumpman furnishes the ticket [-2] to Sam.
SnagBot: Kysle bequeaths the sock [-4] to Grishny.
SnagBot: ThePhan passes the shrapnel [-5] to Mollie.
SnagBot: gremlinn heaps the shrapnel [-5] upon whitehelm.
SnagBot: Xom passes the shrapnel [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Randy presents the exam [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: gremlinn furnishes the shrapnel [-5] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Sam contributes the ticket [-2] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Crystal109 leaves the shrapnel [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Gharlane awards the shrapnel [-5] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: nessachan furnishes the sock [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Xom heaps the exam [-2] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: Jumpman bestows the ort [-5] upon Mollie.
SnagBot: Kysle contributes the sock [-4] to Grishny.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the vulture [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the earwig [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the ticket [-2], for -2 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the sock [-4], for -4 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the taxes [-2], exam [-2], for -4 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the ort [-5], for -5 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the shrapnel [-5], for -5 points.
Sam: Wow, that wasn't bad.
Grishny: Hurray
gremlinn: Making good progress!
Zup: Ort?
LaZorra: A piece of food.
Gharlane: A table scrap
ThePhan: Ort is a cool word.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: care [1], razor [4], dust [-1], armpit [-2], loincloth [4], clipboard [1], stink [-5], rooster [1], paddle [1], vulture [-1], napkin [1], oboe [2], sauerkraut [1], mallet [2], life [2], earmuffs [1].
LaZorra: That is one of my favorite words.
SnagBot: Sam grabs the paddle [1].
SnagBot: Xom forks over the dust [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup salvages the paddle [1].
SnagBot: Sam catches the sauerkraut [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the razor [4].
SnagBot: Xom bequeaths the armpit [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie entraps the rooster [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman obtains the napkin [1].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane pilfers the oboe [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the care [1].
SnagBot: Zup seizes the razor [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the razor [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan nabs the life [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman nips the care [1].
SnagBot: Xom contributes the stink [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Randy ensnares the razor [4].
SnagBot: Mollie hauls in the paddle [1].
SnagBot: nessachan plucks the sauerkraut [1].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan delivers the dust [-1] to Sam.
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the razor [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn leaves the stink [-5] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: Grishny swipes the life [2].
SnagBot: Zup gains the life [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman annexes the razor [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm hauls in the napkin [1].
SnagBot: Xom presents the vulture [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam snags the razor [4].
SnagBot: nessachan collects the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the razor [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra ensnares the razor [4].
SnagBot: Grishny plucks the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan shells the armpit [-2] out to Xom.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the razor [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold ropes in the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Sam seizes the rooster [1].
SnagBot: Kysle surrenders the armpit [-2] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Mollie bags the napkin [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan dispenses the stink [-5] to Xom.
SnagBot: Gharlane bags the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm pinches the napkin [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yanks the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the napkin [1].
SnagBot: Xom ensnares the sauerkraut [1].
SnagBot: Sam nips the paddle [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm pilfers the napkin [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman acquires the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Grishny nabs the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra heaps the armpit [-2] upon Sam.
SnagBot: Kysle doles out the armpit [-2] to Jumpman.
LuckyWizard: b loincloth
Mollie: b life
SnagBot: ThePhan absconds with the life [2].
SnagBot: Mollie hauls in the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Xom retrieves the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Zup swipes the clipboard [1].
SnagBot: nessachan purloins the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Grishny ensnares the mallet [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman takes the razor [4].
SnagBot: Randy obtains the razor [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold appropriates the life [2].
SnagBot: Sam commits the dust [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Grishny nabs the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the razor [4].
SnagBot: Xom commits the armpit [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Kysle shells the armpit [-2] out to Jumpman.
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the napkin [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane catches the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Sam grabs the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm clutches the napkin [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the razor [4].
SnagBot: Mollie filches the life [2].
SnagBot: Xom commits the stink [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: gremlinn surrenders the armpit [-2] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: nessachan gets the sauerkraut [1].
SnagBot: Zup hands over the stink [-5] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the razor [4].
SnagBot: Grishny collars the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Kysle hands the armpit [-2] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: gremlinn transfers the stink [-5] to whitehelm.
SnagBot: LaZorra swipes the razor [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman retrieves the sauerkraut [1].
SnagBot: Sam bestows the armpit [-2] upon gremlinn.
SnagBot: Crystal109 clutches the razor [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard appropriates the razor [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan hands the dust [-1] to Xom.
SnagBot: Randy clasps the razor [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the razor [4].
SnagBot: nessachan commandeers the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold fetches the sauerkraut [1].
SnagBot: Grishny clasps the life [2].
SnagBot: Mollie snags the napkin [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane swipes the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm purloins the napkin [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra picks up the life [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman nabs the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Kysle bequeaths the armpit [-2] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Grishny fetches the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Randy snags the razor [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard procures the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Zup furnishes the armpit [-2] to Grishny.
Grishny: b sauerkraut
SnagBot: Xom commits the dust [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 salvages the razor [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane procures the oboe [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan transmits the armpit [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: Kysle shells the armpit [-2] out to Jumpman.
SnagBot: nessachan grasps the sauerkraut [1].
SnagBot: Mollie confiscates the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Sam bestows the stink [-5] upon gremlinn.
SnagBot: Zup steals the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Randy picks up the razor [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman catches the loincloth [4].
SnagBot: nessachan procures the oboe [2].
SnagBot: Mollie procures the life [2].
SnagBot: Randy has the razor [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the care [1], armpit [-2], loincloth [4], for 3 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the oboe [2], sauerkraut [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the mallet [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the life [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the rooster [1], paddle [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the napkin [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the clipboard [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the dust [-1], vulture [-1], for -2 points.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the stink [-5], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: earmuffs [1].
Gharlane: b oboe
Crystal109: EARMUFFS
Randy: Sweet
Sam: grem hits -50
ThePhan: I will lose points forever! *sob*
Jumpman: the loincloth and the armpit go well together
LaZorra: Sam: You can
Zup: I wish these counted, heh
gremlinn: Oh yeah, I have to take ThePhan down too.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: hamper [1], chicken [1], cello [5], pendant [3], gloves [1], swamp [-2], buttercup [2], rose [1], armor [1], tire [1], phaser [2], mountain [3], gown [1].
Randy: Wow
SnagBot: ThePhan pilfers the hamper [1].
SnagBot: Grishny steals the phaser [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collects the hamper [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman confiscates the gown [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the chicken [1].
whitehelm: GET JUMPMAN
LaZorra: *'t round that up, hehe.
SnagBot: Sam entraps the mountain [3].
SnagBot: Xom surrenders the swamp [-2] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Mollie acquires the rose [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan absconds with the pendant [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman annexes the armor [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane appropriates the cello [5].
SnagBot: Zup gains the armor [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clasps the cello [5].
SnagBot: Sam filches the chicken [1].
SnagBot: Xom steals the phaser [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan commandeers the cello [5].
SnagBot: Grishny collects the mountain [3].
SnagBot: Mollie snatches the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman obtains the tire [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the cello [5].
SnagBot: Sam wins the hamper [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan plucks the rose [1].
SnagBot: Xom pinches the hamper [1].
SnagBot: Grishny bags the gown [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn remits the swamp [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snatches the tire [1].
SnagBot: Sam procures the rose [1].
SnagBot: Zup ensnares the gown [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the phaser [2].
SnagBot: Randy yoinks the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman snags the gloves [1].
SnagBot: nessachan commandeers the cello [5].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the cello [5].
SnagBot: Mollie retrieves the phaser [2].
SnagBot: Sam entraps the armor [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm clasps the chicken [1].
SnagBot: Xom secures the rose [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the cello [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the cello [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman yanks the rose [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane salvages the cello [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gains the mountain [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra ensnares the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: Mollie snags the gown [1].
SnagBot: Xom ensnares the armor [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the tire [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the cello [5].
SnagBot: Randy takes the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: nessachan confiscates the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: Grishny captures the cello [5].
SnagBot: Sam swipes the tire [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn obtains the cello [5].
Zup: oves
SnagBot: Crystal109 clutches the cello [5].
SnagBot: Xom grabs the gown [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan awards the swamp [-2] to Xom.
SnagBot: Grishny seizes the mountain [3].
SnagBot: Kysle dishes out the swamp [-2] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Mollie absconds with the gloves [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra salvages the rose [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane snags the cello [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman snatches the hamper [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the cello [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn shells the swamp [-2] out to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup plucks the cello [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the rose [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clasps the cello [5].
SnagBot: Grishny obtains the rose [1].
SnagBot: Randy sequesters the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: Xom ensnares the cello [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the cello [5].
SnagBot: Kysle bestows the swamp [-2] upon Jumpman.
SnagBot: Jumpman snags the chicken [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn gives the swamp [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie secures the armor [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm snares the chicken [1].
SnagBot: Grishny bags the cello [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collects the phaser [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the cello [5].
SnagBot: Sam absconds with the mountain [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the mountain [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the cello [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra entraps the mountain [3].
SnagBot: Grishny plucks the mountain [3].
SnagBot: Kysle shells the swamp [-2] out to Jumpman.
SnagBot: nessachan collects the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: Sam entraps the gown [1].
SnagBot: Mollie pulls in the cello [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard abducts the tire [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the cello [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan ropes in the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: Zup seizes the gloves [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn passes the swamp [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane secures the cello [5].
SnagBot: Grishny pockets the cello [5].
SnagBot: Sam abducts the cello [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the cello [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra hauls in the cello [5].
SnagBot: Randy snags the cello [5].
SnagBot: nessachan gains the buttercup [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard gains the cello [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the cello [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the cello [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the rose [1], mountain [3], for 4 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the tire [1], phaser [2], for 3 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the buttercup [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the hamper [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Mollie has the armor [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the gown [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the pendant [3], swamp [-2], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the chicken [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the gloves [1], for 1 point.
* Sam likes his new gown.
nessachan: yay
LaZorra: Sam: Nice gown.
Crystal109: Yay! And I play the cello, too.
nessachan: buttercup = my cat
Grishny: So do I!
Zup: Is it a hospital gown...?
LaZorra: whitehelm: Nice chicken.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: fat [-2], turns [2], accordion [1], snake [-1], anklet [1], casserole [3], cantaloupe [2], pipe [3].
SnagBot: Sam ropes in the turns [2].
SnagBot: Xom bestows the fat [-2] upon Jumpman.
SnagBot: Grishny gets the accordion [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman obtains the turns [2].
SnagBot: Mollie drags in the turns [2].
SnagBot: Sam swipes the accordion [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan procures the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Xom snatches the pipe [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard yoinks the turns [2].
SnagBot: Grishny pinches the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Zup secures the pipe [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan secures the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman snares the accordion [1].
SnagBot: Sam salvages the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Mollie nails the accordion [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn bequeaths the fat [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard acquires the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Xom snitches the turns [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm captures the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane pinches the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Sam clasps the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Zup collars the turns [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman purloins the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Grishny grabs the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Mollie clutches the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Xom presents the snake [-1] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: ThePhan yanks the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the casserole [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm yanks the anklet [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard abducts the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Kysle snatches the casserole [3].
SnagBot: nessachan ensnares the accordion [1].
SnagBot: Randy purloins the casserole [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn hands the snake [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam steals the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the casserole [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan passes the fat [-2] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Grishny takes the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Mollie picks up the anklet [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn presents the fat [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Xom grabs the casserole [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm picks up the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Sam pilfers the anklet [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm gets the anklet [1].
SnagBot: nessachan collects the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Zup grants the fat [-2] to LaZorra.
SnagBot: Grishny snatches the anklet [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra pinches the cantaloupe [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman transmits the fat [-2] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Gharlane abducts the pipe [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm swipes the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Mollie nabs the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Kysle ropes in the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Sam catches the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Xom wins the anklet [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan acquires the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Grishny pockets the casserole [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn turns over the fat [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: whitehelm attains the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Randy bags the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Kysle ropes in the casserole [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan donates the snake [-1] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: nessachan picks up the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Sam bags the casserole [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm entraps the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold salvages the pipe [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn dishes out the snake [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 gets the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Kysle hauls in the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Mollie entraps the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane obtains the pipe [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard filches the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Grishny seizes the casserole [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm salvages the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Randy yanks the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Xom gets the casserole [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Kysle purloins the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Sam collects the accordion [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman snares the anklet [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clutches the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Kysle drags in the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the casserole [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Sam captures the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Mollie absconds with the casserole [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Kysle attains the casserole [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm purloins the anklet [1].
SnagBot: nessachan pinches the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Grishny nips the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman clutches the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane clutches the pipe [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the anklet [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Sam purloins the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Xom secures the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Kysle commandeers the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the casserole [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm steals the anklet [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra gains the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Mollie gains the pipe [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard procures the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Kysle takes the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collects the casserole [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan hands the fat [-2] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: whitehelm wins the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold pockets the pipe [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn passes the fat [-2] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Jumpman commandeers the accordion [1].
SnagBot: Sam confiscates the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Kysle takes the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Randy steals the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Xom pulls in the pipe [3].
SnagBot: nessachan procures the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Grishny entraps the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane sequesters the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Kysle swipes the casserole [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snares the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 attains the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Sam obtains the anklet [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm absconds with the anklet [1].
SnagBot: Kysle sequesters the casserole [3].
SnagBot: Mollie pilfers the casserole [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan contributes the fat [-2] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Grishny salvages the pipe [3].
SnagBot: Grishny has the pipe [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the casserole [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the cantaloupe [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Zup has the turns [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the anklet [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the accordion [1], fat [-2], for -1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the snake [-1], for -1 point.
Jumpman: Get LuckyWizard :)
Crystal109: And Jumpman =)
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: clay [2], bazooka [4], glue [1], dreams [4], straw [1], clock [1], salad [1], ball [4], cake [1], bottle [2].
Zup: Get Jumpy!
SnagBot: Jumpman pulls in the clay [2].
SnagBot: nessachan annexes the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snitches the bazooka [4].
Kysle: I think I'll stick with you
SnagBot: Jumpman ensnares the clock [1].
SnagBot: nessachan acquires the glue [1].
SnagBot: Mollie bags the clay [2].
SnagBot: Sam gets the clay [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan procures the clay [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the bottle [2].
SnagBot: Xom wins the glue [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ensnares the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane salvages the cake [1].
SnagBot: Grishny catches the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Randy acquires the bottle [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the dreams [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Sam retrieves the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the ball [4].
SnagBot: nessachan pockets the ball [4].
SnagBot: Zup captures the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan snags the clock [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 confiscates the ball [4].
SnagBot: Mollie retrieves the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard abducts the ball [4].
SnagBot: Sam grasps the glue [1].
nessachan: salad
SnagBot: Xom ropes in the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn nails the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman absconds with the salad [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the ball [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra steals the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn gains the bazooka [4].
LuckyWizard: b bazooka
SnagBot: Sam nips the straw [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm snags the salad [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan picks up the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold commandeers the glue [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman salvages the ball [4].
SnagBot: Mollie obtains the glue [1].
SnagBot: Zup pulls in the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Grishny snitches the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Xom steals the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Sam ropes in the clock [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan grasps the glue [1].
SnagBot: nessachan captures the salad [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the ball [4].
ThePhan: ball
Sam: dreams
nessachan: clay
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the ball [4].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the salad [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the glue [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm catches the salad [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the ball [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman entraps the cake [1].
SnagBot: Mollie entraps the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold picks up the ball [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the ball [4].
SnagBot: Grishny yanks the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the bottle [2].
SnagBot: nessachan captures the clay [2].
LuckyWizard: b bazooka
SnagBot: Jumpman nips the bottle [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snitches the ball [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard annexes the dreams [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan grasps the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Grishny clasps the glue [1].
SnagBot: Xom ensnares the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra plucks the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn attains the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Kysle pockets the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Sam pinches the glue [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane drags in the salad [1].
SnagBot: Grishny secures the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman bags the glue [1].
SnagBot: Zup swipes the clock [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn seizes the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the salad [1].
nessachan: b salad
SnagBot: Xom hauls in the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan annexes the salad [1].
SnagBot: nessachan fetches the salad [1].
SnagBot: Mollie yoinks the straw [1].
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold annexes the dreams [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn gets the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the ball [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm nabs the salad [1].
SnagBot: Randy obtains the bottle [2].
SnagBot: Xom takes the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Kysle entraps the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman yoinks the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Sam swipes the cake [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn collects the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra nails the bottle [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan nails the clock [1].
SnagBot: Grishny attains the dreams [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard retrieves the ball [4].
SnagBot: Xom gets the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane obtains the salad [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn fetches the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm confiscates the salad [1].
SnagBot: Zup plucks the ball [4].
SnagBot: Mollie grasps the clock [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the cake [1].
SnagBot: Xom attains the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the salad [1].
SnagBot: Randy ropes in the bottle [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman takes the salad [1].
SnagBot: Kysle ropes in the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn grabs the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the salad [1].
SnagBot: Grishny secures the bottle [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold pulls in the glue [1].
SnagBot: Xom appropriates the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard takes the glue [1].
nessachan: b clay
SnagBot: ThePhan snares the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn collars the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Sam nips the ball [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra absconds with the salad [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman wins the cake [1].
SnagBot: Xom hauls in the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Kysle clasps the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Mollie procures the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn clasps the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Zup snags the glue [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan ropes in the ball [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the ball [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm entraps the salad [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane plucks the cake [1].
SnagBot: Xom filches the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn absconds with the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the straw [1].
SnagBot: Kysle plucks the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman confiscates the dreams [4].
SnagBot: Xom snares the bazooka [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the ball [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the dreams [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Xom has the bazooka [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the bottle [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the clay [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the cake [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Mollie has the clock [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the straw [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the salad [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the glue [1], for 1 point.
gremlinn: This is going to be a long transcript.
Crystal109 has left.
Randy: Stupid ctrl + B
Crystal109 has entered.
LuckyWizard: No, get Jumpman.
LaZorra: No kidding.
Grishny: No, let him win.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: cotton [1], LuckyWizard [5], ostrich [3], bathmat [1], esophagus [-1], beefhead [-5], dehydration [-3], pig [-1], rug [2], sushi [1], wart [-1], nessachan [1], electrocution [-1], paperback [3].
Gharlane: grem: LOL, no kidding
gremlinn: Let him win!
SnagBot: ThePhan snatches the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Mollie ropes in the rug [2].
SnagBot: Xom lavishes the electrocution [-1] upon Jumpman.
SnagBot: Grishny yanks the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra collars the cotton [1].
SnagBot: Mollie snags the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the paperback [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold swipes the paperback [3].
SnagBot: Grishny nips the ostrich [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm wins the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Xom seizes the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Zup dishes out the dehydration [-3] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Jumpman snares the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn bequeaths the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane filches the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Kysle hands over the beefhead [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn transfers the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the ostrich [3].
SnagBot: Mollie fetches the bathmat [1].
SnagBot: Randy swipes the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra ropes in the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Xom awards the beefhead [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: nessachan acquires the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: Zup absconds with the cotton [1].
SnagBot: Grishny takes the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard swipes the sushi [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn hands the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: whitehelm absconds with the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman appropriates the paperback [3].
SnagBot: Randy snags the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan commits the beefhead [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Crystal109 pockets the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn transmits the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Nyperold clutches the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Mollie collars the ostrich [3].
SnagBot: Kysle turns over the beefhead [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Jumpman yanks the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn entrusts the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam collects the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Grishny nabs the bathmat [1].
SnagBot: nessachan filches the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm snares the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: Kysle doles out the beefhead [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard bags the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: Grishny nails the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn transmits the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane abducts the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Zup yoinks the bathmat [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra entraps the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm grabs the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the sushi [1].
SnagBot: Kysle remits the beefhead [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Randy sequesters the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn awards the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Xom donates the beefhead [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Jumpman swipes the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn consigns the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Crystal109 captures the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Mollie drags in the paperback [3].
SnagBot: nessachan sequesters the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: Grishny nips the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm bags the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan purloins the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snatches the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Sam surrenders the beefhead [-5] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Nyperold fetches the ostrich [3].
SnagBot: Zup plucks the sushi [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn entrusts the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Kysle grants the beefhead [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Randy pockets the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane snags the bathmat [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn surrenders the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Grishny attains the sushi [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clutches the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman wins the cotton [1].
SnagBot: Sam commits the beefhead [-5] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: nessachan appropriates the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan forks over the beefhead [-5] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: gremlinn presents the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm steals the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Sam dispenses the beefhead [-5] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Mollie nips the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn commits the beefhead [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: whitehelm catches the nessachan [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman drags in the sushi [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 swipes the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Kysle shells the beefhead [-5] out to Jumpman.
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the LuckyWizard [5].
SnagBot: Mollie has the rug [2], paperback [3], for 5 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the LuckyWizard [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Nyperold has the ostrich [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the bathmat [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the nessachan [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the cotton [1], electrocution [-1], dehydration [-3], sushi [1], beefhead [-5], for -7 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: esophagus [-1], pig [-1], wart [-1].
Kysle: hehe
* nessachan is worth so much more than 1 point
Jumpman: ow
Grishny: Nobody is ever going to win at this rat.e
* ThePhan "got" LuckyWizard...
LaZorra: No one claimed the wart? Can't understand that.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: megaphone [3], Gharlane [-3], coin [1], origami [5], carriage [1], cinnamon [1], barnacle [1], strawberry [2], ostrich [2], nightgown [1], purse [1], surprise [1], armor [2], grape [1], shovel [3], fig [2].
nessachan: what are you going to do with me, whitehelm?
whitehelm: Now get MOLLIE
nessachan: hehe
SnagBot: Grishny nails the ostrich [2].
SnagBot: Xom dishes out the Gharlane [-3] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Zup abducts the barnacle [1].
SnagBot: Mollie seizes the coin [1].
SnagBot: nessachan salvages the origami [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard captures the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: Grishny grasps the armor [2].
SnagBot: Sam drags in the purse [1].
Great follow-up to the dress line.
SnagBot: Xom acquires the fig [2].
SnagBot: nessachan collars the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra sequesters the strawberry [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard ensnares the origami [5].
SnagBot: Zup nips the carriage [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman attains the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: Sam collects the strawberry [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn bequeaths the Gharlane [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie abducts the origami [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm attains the surprise [1].
SnagBot: Grishny commandeers the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: Xom pinches the shovel [3].
SnagBot: Randy annexes the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 captures the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: Sam absconds with the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: Kysle remits the Gharlane [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: gremlinn delivers the Gharlane [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Nyperold pulls in the fig [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the ostrich [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman hauls in the origami [5].
SnagBot: Mollie secures the armor [2].
SnagBot: Xom seizes the surprise [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra nails the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm abducts the surprise [1].
SnagBot: Kysle contributes the Gharlane [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Randy grasps the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: nessachan swipes the origami [5].
SnagBot: Sam pilfers the carriage [1].
SnagBot: Zup procures the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn delivers the Gharlane [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Jumpman gains the carriage [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 fetches the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: Xom collects the armor [2].
SnagBot: Mollie collects the grape [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard clutches the shovel [3].
SnagBot: Sam yoinks the origami [5].
SnagBot: Kysle heaps the Gharlane [-3] upon LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: gremlinn transmits the Gharlane [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Jumpman secures the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra collars the barnacle [1].
SnagBot: Randy clasps the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: nessachan drags in the strawberry [2].
SnagBot: Xom takes the grape [1].
SnagBot: Sam procures the ostrich [2].
SnagBot: Grishny steals the barnacle [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold yanks the armor [2].
SnagBot: Kysle awards the Gharlane [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Zup plucks the fig [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn relinquishes the Gharlane [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie annexes the shovel [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman plucks the barnacle [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 ensnares the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan delivers the Gharlane [-3] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: gremlinn grants the Gharlane [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Gharlane grabs the fig [2].
SnagBot: Kysle dishes out the Gharlane [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: gremlinn confers the Gharlane [-3] upon ThePhan.
SnagBot: Xom annexes the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard purloins the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra nails the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: Randy yanks the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: Mollie captures the fig [2].
SnagBot: nessachan seizes the origami [5].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: Zup bags the armor [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman secures the grape [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yanks the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold retrieves the grape [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the origami [5].
SnagBot: Grishny appropriates the origami [5].
SnagBot: Kysle forks over the Gharlane [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: gremlinn grants the Gharlane [-3] to ThePhan.
ThePhan: b strawberry
SnagBot: Sam takes the surprise [1].
SnagBot: Xom wins the strawberry [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the surprise [1].
SnagBot: nessachan pinches the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: Grishny procures the grape [1].
SnagBot: Kysle furnishes the Gharlane [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Sam picks up the armor [2].
SnagBot: Mollie attains the cinnamon [1].
SnagBot: Randy obtains the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the strawberry [2].
SnagBot: Xom purloins the fig [2].
SnagBot: Zup procures the grape [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn surrenders the Gharlane [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Jumpman nabs the strawberry [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold collars the fig [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the megaphone [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan acquires the strawberry [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane nails the fig [2].
SnagBot: nessachan bags the strawberry [2].
SnagBot: Kysle presents the Gharlane [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: gremlinn passes the Gharlane [-3] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam confiscates the grape [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan consigns the Gharlane [-3] to Jumpman.
SnagBot: Mollie obtains the barnacle [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn shells the Gharlane [-3] out to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Xom nails the origami [5].
SnagBot: Jumpman gets the barnacle [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard furnishes the Gharlane [-3] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam has the ostrich [2], grape [1], purse [1], armor [2], for 6 points.
SnagBot: Xom has the origami [5], for 5 points.
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the megaphone [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the fig [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the barnacle [1], carriage [1], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the Gharlane [-3], cinnamon [1], coin [1], shovel [3], for 2 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the strawberry [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the surprise [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: nightgown [1].
whitehelm: Mollie's got 27
Grishny: Please, let her get three more points so this can end.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: homework [-2], medal [2], parasol [1], games [2], chandelier [1], parachute [2], rooster [3], anemone [3], nightgown [1], nightmare [-1], chain [3].
Gharlane: I don't mind if she wins, THe game will be finished then, hehe.
Kysle: why is it always gharlane or gahalyn
SnagBot: Xom hands over the nightmare [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the anemone [3].
SnagBot: Mollie appropriates the games [2].
SnagBot: Grishny acquires the chain [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard sequesters the parasol [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan nails the anemone [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra swipes the rooster [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grabs the chain [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman commandeers the games [2].
SnagBot: Xom confers the homework [-2] upon Mollie.
SnagBot: Nyperold pinches the chain [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Mollie bags the chain [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the chain [3].
SnagBot: Grishny grasps the games [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the anemone [3].
SnagBot: Sam grasps the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the parasol [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane bags the anemone [3].
SnagBot: Xom gains the rooster [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan yanks the chandelier [1].
SnagBot: Sam absconds with the games [2].
SnagBot: Grishny absconds with the chain [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra abducts the anemone [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard retrieves the rooster [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman catches the rooster [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm grasps the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the anemone [3].
SnagBot: nessachan pulls in the games [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold purloins the medal [2].
SnagBot: Xom confiscates the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Randy abducts the anemone [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the chain [3].
SnagBot: Sam clutches the parasol [1].
SnagBot: Grishny annexes the parachute [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan steals the parasol [1].
SnagBot: Mollie transmits the nightmare [-1] to Xom.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard takes the chain [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the chain [3].
SnagBot: Zup captures the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman pockets the anemone [3].
SnagBot: nessachan salvages the rooster [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Xom snares the medal [2].
SnagBot: Sam entraps the games [2].
SnagBot: Randy pinches the anemone [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan catches the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn confers the homework [-2] upon whitehelm.
SnagBot: Grishny filches the anemone [3].
SnagBot: nessachan appropriates the games [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra nabs the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm yanks the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the anemone [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman catches the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Sam pockets the chain [3].
SnagBot: Xom collars the chain [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the rooster [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the chain [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold snares the anemone [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm clutches the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Grishny plucks the parasol [1].
SnagBot: Zup seizes the chain [3].
SnagBot: Mollie pinches the chandelier [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clasps the chain [3].
SnagBot: Sam commandeers the parachute [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the chain [3].
SnagBot: Randy snares the anemone [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan hauls in the anemone [3].
SnagBot: Grishny abducts the chain [3].
SnagBot: nessachan salvages the rooster [3].
Sam: b parasol
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the chain [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra appropriates the parasol [1].
SnagBot: Xom captures the games [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard confiscates the rooster [3].
SnagBot: Zup acquires the games [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the games [2].
SnagBot: Mollie drags in the parasol [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold snitches the parasol [1].
SnagBot: nessachan commandeers the games [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman snares the chain [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan ensnares the medal [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the chain [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the chain [3].
SnagBot: Sam nabs the chain [3].
SnagBot: Xom clutches the chain [3].
SnagBot: Randy snitches the anemone [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra clasps the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the chain [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the chain [3].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the chain [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm annexes the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 procures the chain [3].
SnagBot: nessachan retrieves the rooster [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman retrieves the rooster [3].
SnagBot: Mollie grasps the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold procures the chain [3].
SnagBot: Zup pulls in the anemone [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the chain [3].
SnagBot: Sam nips the rooster [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm pockets the nightgown [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the parasol [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the rooster [3].
SnagBot: Sam appropriates the chain [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman clasps the chandelier [1].
SnagBot: Randy ensnares the anemone [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard appropriates the anemone [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra procures the chain [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan has the rooster [3], medal [2], parasol [1], for 6 points.
SnagBot: LaZorra has the chain [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the anemone [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the games [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the parachute [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the chandelier [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the nightgown [1], homework [-2], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Xom has the nightmare [-1], for -1 point.
LaZorra: ne
LuckyWizard: This game's brutal on the leader.
Sam: Getting close now.
Crystal109: ThePhan
gremlinn: Finally people leave me alone, heh.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: casserole [4], tiara [2], parasol [2], helicopter [3], basket [1], teacup [1], sugar [1], ort [-1], turns [4], antenna [2], lance [1].
SnagBot: Sam bags the antenna [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman gets the casserole [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snares the casserole [4].
SnagBot: Sam pulls in the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman gains the tiara [2].
SnagBot: Mollie nabs the casserole [4].
SnagBot: Xom presents the ort [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Crystal109 steals the turns [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra procures the sugar [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan entraps the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm abducts the basket [1].
SnagBot: Zup hauls in the lance [1].
SnagBot: Sam yoinks the casserole [4].
SnagBot: Mollie commandeers the tiara [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman clasps the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Sam captures the lance [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan steals the basket [1].
SnagBot: Randy picks up the turns [4].
SnagBot: Gharlane nails the lance [1].
SnagBot: Xom clasps the turns [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard seizes the helicopter [3].
nessachan: icopter
SnagBot: Jumpman yanks the basket [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the turns [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn leaves the ort [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup yoinks the turns [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra acquires the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Sam filches the turns [4].
SnagBot: whitehelm swipes the basket [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold attains the turns [4].
SnagBot: nessachan bags the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Mollie retrieves the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Randy commandeers the turns [4].
SnagBot: Xom bags the tiara [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the turns [4].
SnagBot: Kysle swipes the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nabs the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane nails the sugar [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman gets the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Sam purloins the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Zup confiscates the tiara [2].
SnagBot: Mollie bequeaths the ort [-1] to Xom.
SnagBot: ThePhan wins the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard retrieves the turns [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the turns [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra steals the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman fetches the turns [4].
SnagBot: Randy plucks the turns [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold purloins the tiara [2].
SnagBot: Xom grabs the casserole [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn grants the ort [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Grishny hauls in the casserole [4].
SnagBot: nessachan appropriates the parasol [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 obtains the turns [4].
SnagBot: Sam yoinks the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: Kysle hauls in the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan clutches the lance [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman appropriates the antenna [2].
SnagBot: Mollie entraps the basket [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm wins the basket [1].
SnagBot: Zup yanks the basket [1].
SnagBot: Randy annexes the turns [4].
SnagBot: Crystal109 drags in the turns [4].
nessachan: b basket
SnagBot: Sam snitches the basket [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pinches the turns [4].
SnagBot: Xom collars the tiara [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard retrieves the antenna [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm nails the basket [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the turns [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman sequesters the lance [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane hauls in the casserole [4].
SnagBot: LaZorra appropriates the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: Kysle nips the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan relinquishes the ort [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Nyperold snags the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: Randy snares the turns [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn furnishes the ort [-1] to ThePhan.
LaZorra: b parasol
SnagBot: nessachan ensnares the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Grishny collects the turns [4].
SnagBot: Mollie absconds with the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Kysle nails the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: Sam procures the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nips the turns [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman commandeers the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: Kysle pinches the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: Zup entraps the teacup [1].
SnagBot: Sam grabs the turns [4].
SnagBot: nessachan yanks the turns [4].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard appropriates the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 procures the turns [4].
SnagBot: ThePhan dishes out the ort [-1] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Randy clutches the turns [4].
SnagBot: Mollie grasps the turns [4].
SnagBot: Nyperold steals the turns [4].
SnagBot: Grishny acquires the casserole [4].
SnagBot: Jumpman snares the turns [4].
SnagBot: Kysle catches the helicopter [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard retrieves the turns [4].
SnagBot: Sam contributes the ort [-1] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Crystal109 obtains the turns [4].
SnagBot: gremlinn furnishes the ort [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: nessachan takes the basket [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the turns [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the casserole [4], for 4 points.
SnagBot: Kysle has the helicopter [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the parasol [2], basket [1], for 3 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the antenna [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Xom has the tiara [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Gharlane has the sugar [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the lance [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the teacup [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the ort [-1], for -1 point.
Sam: Awww.
Crystal109 has left.
Crystal109 has entered.
Xom: Yay! Tiara!
Kysle: purge
Sam: Anybody's game.
LaZorra: Xom: It is so you.
* nessachan puts her parasol in her basket
* Zup quietly drinks tea.
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: cholesterol [-5], banana [1], tongue [-1], trombone [2], clay [5], leprosy [-3], initiative [2], magma [-4], hornet [-2], futon [2], ants [-3], rosebud [1], bruise [-3], marbles [2], eggnog [2], clover [1].
Crystal109: Why is my purge not working?
SnagBot: Xom cedes the ants [-3] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Jumpman yanks the banana [1].
SnagBot: Sam appropriates the futon [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan bags the trombone [2].
SnagBot: Mollie seizes the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman pilfers the marbles [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm purloins the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: Sam plucks the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan gains the marbles [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm collects the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra yoinks the initiative [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard collects the trombone [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn transmits the magma [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam retrieves the marbles [2].
SnagBot: Nyperold yanks the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman procures the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: Grishny clutches the futon [2].
SnagBot: Mollie confiscates the banana [1].
SnagBot: Kysle sequesters the clay [5].
SnagBot: Zup hands the magma [-4] to Mollie.
SnagBot: ThePhan salvages the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: gremlinn presents the magma [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Sam pinches the trombone [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the futon [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman pinches the clover [1].
SnagBot: Grishny commandeers the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pulls in the clover [1].
SnagBot: Mollie clasps the clay [5].
SnagBot: Gharlane awards the leprosy [-3] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: LaZorra snitches the futon [2].
SnagBot: Randy procures the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan furnishes the magma [-4] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Kysle annexes the clay [5].
SnagBot: Grishny yoinks the trombone [2].
SnagBot: Zup snatches the banana [1].
SnagBot: Sam nabs the clover [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn entrusts the magma [-4] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Nyperold salvages the marbles [2].
Xom: magma
SnagBot: Jumpman captures the futon [2].
SnagBot: Xom dishes out the cholesterol [-5] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Crystal109 appropriates the clay [5].
SnagBot: Kysle pilfers the clay [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan nails the futon [2].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nips the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Grishny grasps the clover [1].
SnagBot: Mollie snitches the futon [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman yanks the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Sam transfers the magma [-4] to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Grishny wins the clay [5].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the clay [5].
SnagBot: Zup hauls in the clover [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra collects the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm clasps the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: Kysle pinches the clay [5].
SnagBot: Mollie confiscates the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the clay [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan transfers the magma [-4] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Kysle procures the clay [5].
SnagBot: whitehelm hauls in the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: Grishny entraps the clay [5].
SnagBot: nessachan presents the leprosy [-3] to Mollie.
SnagBot: Crystal109 hauls in the clay [5].
SnagBot: gremlinn awards the cholesterol [-5] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Nyperold absconds with the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Kysle sequesters the clay [5].
SnagBot: Grishny collars the futon [2].
SnagBot: Gharlane purloins the clay [5].
SnagBot: Sam shells the magma [-4] out to gremlinn.
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the clay [5].
SnagBot: Mollie entraps the futon [2].
SnagBot: LaZorra confiscates the clay [5].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snitches the clay [5].
SnagBot: nessachan retrieves the banana [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nails the clay [5].
SnagBot: Kysle catches the clay [5].
SnagBot: Grishny hauls in the clay [5].
SnagBot: ThePhan grabs the clay [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold nabs the clover [1].
SnagBot: Kysle obtains the clay [5].
SnagBot: Mollie secures the clay [5].
SnagBot: LaZorra confiscates the clay [5].
SnagBot: Kysle snatches the clay [5].
SnagBot: Grishny yoinks the futon [2].
SnagBot: ThePhan gets the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm procures the rosebud [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pulls in the initiative [2].
SnagBot: Zup procures the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 yoinks the clay [5].
SnagBot: Randy clasps the eggnog [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman attains the clay [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold snatches the clay [5].
SnagBot: Nyperold has the clay [5], marbles [2], clover [1], for 8 points.
SnagBot: Grishny has the futon [2], trombone [2], for 4 points.
SnagBot: LuckyWizard has the initiative [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the eggnog [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: nessachan has the banana [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the rosebud [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: gremlinn has the magma [-4], for -4 points.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the cholesterol [-5], for -5 points.
SnagBot: Mollie has the ants [-3], leprosy [-3], for -6 points.
SnagBot: Unclaimed items: hornet [-2], tongue [-1], bruise [-3].
Mollie: grr
Nyperold: Whoa.
gremlinn: LW got close.
gremlinn: Got/is.
Gharlane: Luckywizard! Nuke him!
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: tuba [1], squirrel [1], lamp [1].
Gharlane: Hehe.
SnagBot: Jumpman salvages the tuba [1].
Mollie: Wow, close
SnagBot: Sam plucks the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Xom pilfers the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Kysle captures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra captures the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Grishny drags in the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane gets the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clasps the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Xom wins the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Mollie commandeers the tuba [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard fetches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Zup nabs the tuba [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm ensnares the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Xom picks up the lamp [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan confiscates the lamp [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Mollie drags in the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Sam appropriates the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm filches the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Zup snags the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Grishny obtains the lamp [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Sam nabs the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Randy appropriates the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman snags the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 clasps the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Kysle clasps the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane appropriates the tuba [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra snags the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Grishny grasps the lamp [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm snares the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard commandeers the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Mollie ropes in the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman filches the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm clasps the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Xom acquires the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pinches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Randy clasps the lamp [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan seizes the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold yanks the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane pinches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Zup yoinks the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Xom drags in the tuba [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the tuba [1].
SnagBot: nessachan procures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Grishny gets the tuba [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan obtains the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Mollie captures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Xom seizes the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pulls in the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman obtains the tuba [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra purloins the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Grishny gets the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Sam salvages the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: nessachan appropriates the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Xom snags the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman abducts the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm ropes in the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn plucks the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Randy nips the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 snags the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Sam absconds with the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Grishny seizes the lamp [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Zup purloins the tuba [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard pinches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Xom seizes the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold catches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm snags the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Kysle fetches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: nessachan acquires the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane gains the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman gets the lamp [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn attains the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan procures the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 captures the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Xom fetches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Mollie drags in the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Grishny filches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm clasps the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman collects the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 procures the tuba [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra confiscates the lamp [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm collects the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn secures the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Grishny seizes the lamp [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan retrieves the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Xom filches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Zup snitches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: nessachan nails the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Kysle captures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Sam ensnares the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 attains the tuba [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm snitches the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman nails the tuba [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn acquires the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Grishny seizes the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane commandeers the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Xom abducts the tuba [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard picks up the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Mollie seizes the tuba [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan snitches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Randy annexes the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Kysle captures the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Sam sequesters the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn pilfers the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman filches the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm bags the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Xom clutches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: nessachan appropriates the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Grishny secures the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Zup nails the tuba [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn sequesters the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 catches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Sam drags in the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm yanks the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan pinches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Kysle plucks the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Xom pockets the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold retrieves the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard nails the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman nabs the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Grishny pulls in the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the tuba [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn confiscates the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm collars the squirrel [1].
nessachan: b lamp
Nyperold: tuba
SnagBot: Kysle steals the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Sam purloins the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: nessachan snatches the lamp [1].
SnagBot: LaZorra seizes the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Xom seizes the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane ensnares the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Mollie nails the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman entraps the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan sequesters the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm gets the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn grasps the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Randy gets the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Kysle yoinks the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 annexes the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Sam purloins the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Zup nips the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Grishny pinches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard snares the lamp [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn swipes the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Xom seizes the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 nabs the tuba [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm drags in the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan catches the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman seizes the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Sam commandeers the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Grishny acquires the lamp [1].
SnagBot: gremlinn commandeers the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm nails the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane procures the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman commandeers the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: Xom nails the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 bags the tuba [1].
SnagBot: Sam acquires the squirrel [1].
SnagBot: ThePhan nips the lamp [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the tuba [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Sam has the squirrel [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the lamp [1], for 1 point.
Crystal109 has left.
Crystal109 has entered.
Kysle: LW
SnagBot: The next round has begun! The items are: purse [3], drumstick [3], goldfish [1], fingernail [-1], spandex [3], tire [1], garnet [2].
Mollie: Okay, there are six people ahead of me now. Wow.
SnagBot: Jumpman retrieves the purse [3].
SnagBot: Grishny annexes the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard plucks the purse [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Sam retrieves the purse [3].
SnagBot: Xom cedes the fingernail [-1] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Randy seizes the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Grishny grasps the purse [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan pinches the purse [3].
SnagBot: Mollie confiscates the purse [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 grasps the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard wins the garnet [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm commandeers the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Gharlane pulls in the spandex [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn donates the fingernail [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Zup clasps the tire [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman pockets the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan clasps the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Crystal109 collars the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Nyperold ropes in the tire [1].
SnagBot: Mollie grabs the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Grishny ropes in the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 filches the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman confiscates the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Zup plucks the purse [3].
SnagBot: Randy grabs the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Grishny filches the purse [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan filches the tire [1].
SnagBot: Jumpman ensnares the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Sam gains the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane yoinks the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Kysle salvages the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: nessachan bequeaths the fingernail [-1] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Xom sequesters the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 purloins the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn hands the fingernail [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Mollie confiscates the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Grishny grasps the garnet [2].
SnagBot: whitehelm drags in the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Sam captures the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold nabs the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Xom secures the spandex [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan grants the fingernail [-1] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: LaZorra attains the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Grishny collects the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn bequeaths the fingernail [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: Randy yanks the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Kysle confiscates the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 pilfers the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Zup pilfers the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: nessachan gets the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Sam takes the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Xom nabs the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman acquires the tire [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm seizes the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Kysle seizes the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Sam gains the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Mollie absconds with the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Xom procures the spandex [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan abducts the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Randy confiscates the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Sam salvages the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman retrieves the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Grishny abducts the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 gains the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold procures the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Xom commandeers the spandex [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan commits the fingernail [-1] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Gharlane swipes the spandex [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard relinquishes the fingernail [-1] to Xom.
SnagBot: Kysle bags the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Mollie nips the tire [1].
SnagBot: Sam entraps the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 takes the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra snares the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: nessachan passes the fingernail [-1] to LuckyWizard.
SnagBot: Grishny attains the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Jumpman entraps the purse [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 picks up the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Xom drags in the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Kysle pilfers the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Sam attains the spandex [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan pockets the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Randy gets the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Kysle snags the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Grishny bags the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 captures the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Xom collars the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Sam gains the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman absconds with the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: gremlinn donates the fingernail [-1] to ThePhan.
SnagBot: nessachan appropriates the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Kysle secures the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane retrieves the spandex [3].
SnagBot: whitehelm filches the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Sam swipes the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Xom acquires the spandex [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan attains the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Grishny pulls in the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 sequesters the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: LaZorra retrieves the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Nyperold catches the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Kysle captures the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: LuckyWizard appropriates the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Sam appropriates the spandex [3].
SnagBot: nessachan gets the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Crystal109 seizes the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Mollie procures the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Jumpman snitches the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Zup swipes the tire [1].
SnagBot: Kysle ensnares the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: ThePhan appropriates the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: whitehelm collects the goldfish [1].
SnagBot: Grishny yanks the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Gharlane commandeers the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Kysle clasps the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 commandeers the drumstick [3].
SnagBot: Randy collars the garnet [2].
SnagBot: Sam filches the spandex [3].
SnagBot: Crystal109 has the drumstick [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Jumpman has the purse [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Sam has the spandex [3], for 3 points.
SnagBot: Randy has the garnet [2], for 2 points.
SnagBot: whitehelm has the goldfish [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: Zup has the tire [1], for 1 point.
SnagBot: ThePhan has the fingernail [-1], for -1 point.
SnagBot: Crystal109 wins!
Xom: Eek!
gremlinn: Yay C109!
LaZorra: Whooo!
Gharlane: Yay Crystal!
Jumpman: FINALLY :)
Sam: I GOT A POSITIVE SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nyperold: Whoo!
Grishny: FInALLY
nessachan: aah wow I was so close yet so far
Randy: Yay Crystal!
ThePhan: Go Crystal!
Mollie: Congrats!
LuckyWizard: Wow, close though.
* Xom relinquishes the fingernail to Sam.
Sam: Thanks
Zup: YAY 10 points for me!
Jumpman: Font bigger now
LuckyWizard: And finally!
LaZorra: Wow, and I got 17 points! That was completely unexpected.
* Randy didn't do so bad.
Crystal109: Haha wow.
Nyperold: Somehow, I got a score close to the top!
Kysle: 10 pts for me!!
Sam: Ok, 5 minute break (at least) while I total the scores.
Crystal109: I was expecting to lose.
nessachan: I can't believe I got 25
Grishny: Are you still doing MathBot tonight?
gremlinn: I know why Crystal won. She's not visible on many people's screens.
gremlinn: Hehe.
Kysle: won't mathbot be a while to go to 30
Crystal109: Yeah, part of the reason. XD
Zup: True.
Randy: Totally.
Zup: Ky: Not with Grem.
Crystal109: Although I keep leaving and entering, so that should've clued you in.
Kysle: What is that 'XD' mean?
Randy: Zup beat.
Crystal109: XD = random smiley
Zup: Xtra Delicate.
gremlinn: Eighty, ninety, XD.
gremlinn: X = ten, after all.
Gharlane: So 490 then
Xom: It means "Xom Disapproves".
Randy: I was just now in danger of being eaten by a bug.
whitehelm: Mollie: Caption exploded
Kysle is away.
Gharlane: If you're using roman numerals that is.
TalkingDog is back.
LaZorra: Randy: One tiem I was eaten by a but.
LaZorra: Erm. * a bug.
* Xom gasps.
nessachan: LZ: wow
* LaZorra can completely cannot type any more.
gremlinn: LZ: those darned conjunctions.
* TalkingDog sprouts a question mark.
LaZorra: I think I should leave and go to bed now, what do you all think?
* Zup votes for LaZorra to make up her own mind.
LaZorra: I'm too tired. I'm not rational.
Sam: Ok, the winner of the SnagBot game in the tournament is ThePhan, with 53 points. Next is Grishny, with 46. Then Crystal109, with 45.
* TalkingDog claps.
LaZorra: Of course, I'm not rational in the first place, so . . .
Crystal109: Whoo go ThePhan!
gremlinn: I got something like 12.
* Grishny is
ThePhan: Whee! :-) And definite congrats to Grishny and Crystal
Crystal109: And good job, Grishny. =D
Sam: Er, that's pre-cutting-in-half, of course.
Gharlane: Nice work, peoples!
Grishny: So 23 for me?
Nyperold: You'll have to be rational for MathBot. It's an integral part of the game.
Xom: Will that be scaled to 30? Or will ThePhan get 26 points out of a possible 30?
Zup: Good job all people in the positives!
Xom: Nyp: *groan*
gremlinn: TP gets 26.
LaZorra: Okay, I did make up my mind. I am going to bed.
* TalkingDog kills Nyp badly.
Randy: Will my score of 21 get cut in half? I got 0 for first game.
Gahalyn: Goodnight
Gharlane: Night LZ!
Zup: Night!
Crystal109: Bye LaZ!
* ThePhan kills Nyp well.
gremlinn: Randy: you have 10 then.
Xom: Night LaZ!
Randy: Bye LZ
Nyperold: Night!
Randy: Crap.
Grishny: I think everybody's score get's halved.
Randy: Ok.
* LaZorra traipses off giggling madly.
LuckyWizard: Bye LaZ!
LaZorra has left.
gremlinn: (Game one score, negatives -> 0) + (Game two score, negatives -> 0) / 2.
gremlinn: The whole thing over the 2.
gremlinn: (max(S1,0) + max(S2,0)) / 2.
Randy: Yeah. I get it. Good thing I actually got points last round.
Gahalyn: I think I am going to go too
Gahalyn: Night all!
* LuckyWizard will stay.
Randy: Awww...bye Gaha!
* TalkingDog HUGS Gahalyn!
Gahalyn has left.
LuckyWizard: Bye Gaha!
Jumpman: Bye!
Nyperold: Night!
SnagBot has been dismissed by Sam.
MathBot has been summoned by Sam.
* whitehelm stretches his typing fingers
Jumpman: I think next year, I'll register klnvoiendwoidj just to be better at snagbot
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1
Gharlane: LOL
Zup: lol
Randy: Hehe
Randy: That would be an AWESOME chat name.
gremlinn: Wow, I thought I'd be dropping a place or two at least.
Crystal109: Lol that'd be awesome
Zup: I'd have to call you K.
Mollie: You already have about the hardest name.
Kysle is back.
Zup: Woah, I moved up!
Crystal109: I definitely moved up.
Sam: ThePhan and whitehelm each have a game. ThePhan is winning the overall tournament, but in the Speed category, where BOTH their wins are, whitehelm is winning.
Randy: Wow, I'm like 3rd in Speed Class.
ThePhan: Ooh.
Nyperold: From 19th... to 17th.
Grishny: Are you not counting yourself then, Sam?
whitehelm: by a point or so probably
Xom: I'm fifth overall in points, except that I can never seem to win anything.
Sam: Grish: Of the two, of course.
Zup: Xom: LOL
Grishny: Tied for fifth, Xom. Tied for fifth.
* Xom gags Grishny.
Sam: MathBot starts in 2 minutes. Remember, this game goes to 30 now.
* Grishny bites through the gag and two of Xom's fingers
Sam: That'll be the last game of the night.
Xom: Ow! I needed those!
Crystal109: Question: Do we need /b for this?
* nessachan will get 0 points
whitehelm: Nope
Nyperold: No.
gremlinn: Can we use /b?
Crystal109: K thanks.
* nessachan routinely got 0 points on math TESTS
nessachan: ;)
Grishny: Never gag an orc.
gremlinn: It's probably to your advantage, if so.
gremlinn: At least on the first guess.
* Zup used to be good a math, but only when given enough time and a large pad of paper.
* Xom claps Grishny in chains instead and throws him into a dungeon.
* ThePhan prepares to be squashed. Here goes.
* Grishny uses his arcane powers to teleport back to the main hall
Sam: grem: Looks like the bot requires public guesses.
gremlinn: I thought so.
Zup: I gave up on taking calulus this year...didn't understand it one whit.
gremlinn: This is ArithmeticAndPatternRecognitionBot.
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 500 / 350.
gremlinn: 10.7
gremlinn: 10/8
MathBot: gremlinn says 10 / 7 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Gharlane: 10/7
Jumpman: 10/7
LuckyWizard: 10/7
Xom: 10/7
nessachan: oh my geez
Jumpman: he put a dot in there
gremlinn: TYPO CITY
Randy: gah
Crystal109: Wow.
Gharlane: Oh, and superspeed as well
MathBot: Find the missing term: -598, -484, -370, ... , -142, -28, 86.
Sam: -256
Jumpman: -256
Zup: 0
whitehelm: -262
gremlinn: -256
Gharlane: -25
Sam: -254
Kysle: -255
MathBot: Sam says -256 and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Jumpman: -260
Kysle: -245
* nessachan gives up
Gharlane: typop
nessachan: no way
* Xom begins to giggle slightly.
nessachan: nite nite everyone :)
Crystal109: Night. =D
* Randy is mostly watching
Sam: Night!
Zup: Nite!
Gharlane: Night nessachan!
MathBot: List the prime factors of 299.
gremlinn: 299
Xom: night nessa
Sam: 299
whitehelm: 299
Randy: 1
Zup: 3
Jumpman: 17
Zup: 7
nessachan has left.
gremlinn: 13 23
* TalkingDog is too slow for this, apparently.
Zup: 13
Sam: 17 23
MathBot: gremlinn says 13, 23 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Sam: 7 23
Kysle: 13 13
Sam: 7 29
Zup: 1
Grishny: wuzza prime faction?
Zup: heh
TalkingDog: Prime numbers that make up a composite one.
Randy: what Grish said
Gharlane: I figure I might get 1 or 2 points; that's why I'm sticking around, hehe.
MathBot: Calculate: 90 + 55 - 9.
* ThePhan too non-math-ish for this.
Jumpman: 136
Gharlane: 146
gremlinn: 136
MathBot: Jumpman says 136 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
Sam: 136
Gharlane: 136
LuckyWizard: 136
Xom: 124
Xom: Erh.
Gharlane: typopo again *sigh*
MathBot: Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 5535741, 5993819, 4000376.
whitehelm: 0
ThePhan: 3
whitehelm: 3
Mollie: 5
gremlinn: 4
Jumpman: 5
Sam: 0
Gharlane: 3
Sam: 3
Crystal109: I could never do addition subtraction in my head
TalkingDog: 3
Mollie: 4
MathBot: ThePhan says 3 and is correct! ThePhan gets a point.
LuckyWizard: 7
gremlinn: 7
Sam: 5
Kysle: 1
gremlinn: 1
Sam: 7
Mollie: 3
Crystal109: 3
Sam: 8
LuckyWizard: 3
Jumpman: 31
TalkingDog: Grar.
Sam: Those are tough to see sometimes.
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 81 / 81.
TalkingDog: Not being able to do addition in your head is a strange concept to me.
gremlinn: 1
Jumpman: 1
Sam: 1
Xom: 1
TalkingDog: 1
whitehelm: 1
Nyperold: 1
LuckyWizard: 1/1
ThePhan: 1
Gharlane: 1
Randy: 1
Crystal109: 1 1
Sam: 1 1
MathBot: gremlinn says 1 / 1 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Zup: 1
Nyperold: 1 1
Kysle: 1/1
Zup: 1/1
gremlinn: Good thing that's a shortcut.
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: -8 ? ((-9 ? 4) ? -9) = 112.
gremlinn: x=x
Sam: *--
gremlinn: x+x
Sam: -**
Sam: +**
Zup: 3
Sam: -/-
whitehelm: =?
Sam: -//
Crystal109: *++
gremlinn: x++
TalkingDog: +*-
gremlinn: x+-
Zup: hahaha
Mollie: * - -
Kysle: +x+
gremlinn: x--
Crystal109: +-/
MathBot: Crystal109 says x + + and is correct! Crystal109 gets a point.
gremlinn: x-+
Crystal109: Wow.
Sam: That was too hard to calculate.
Crystal109: Yay for guessing.
gremlinn: Yeah. Well, the first being * is easy to see.
MathBot: Which digit does not occur in these numbers? 7918181, 2407856, 5974566.
Sam: 0
Zup: 1
TalkingDog: 3
whitehelm: 8
gremlinn: 3
LuckyWizard: 3
Kysle: 3
Sam: 6
Xom: 3
whitehelm: 6
Sam: 3
MathBot: TalkingDog says 3 and is correct! TalkingDog gets a point.
Sam: 5
Nyperold: 3
Zup: 3
Gharlane: 3
Randy: 3
Jumpman: 7
Sam: 2
Mollie: 3
TalkingDog: Woo!
Kysle: A whole sec. before, wow!
MathBot: Solve for x: 5x + 9 = -41.
gremlinn: -10
Kysle: 4
Jumpman: 10
MathBot: gremlinn says -10 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Xom: -5
Zup: 3
Jumpman: too good :)
Xom: Erh. My brain really is broken.
Kysle: tehehe
MathBot: List the prime factors of 214.
Sam: 214
gremlinn: 2 107
Zup: 7
MathBot: gremlinn says 2, 107 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Nyperold: 2
whitehelm: 2 56
Zup: 3
Sam: 2 107
whitehelm: 2 57
Kysle: 2 2 2 3
Kysle: 2 2 2 2 7
Jumpman: someone's been practicing :)
* TalkingDog really has been away from real math for too long.
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: 6 ? ((6 ? 3) ? 3) = -3.
gremlinn: Not me.
* Randy too
Sam: +-+
Kysle: *-+
Sam: +--
Xom: *-+
TalkingDog: -+-
Jumpman: + - -
Zup: / x -\
Crystal109: +-/
Mollie: - + -
Sam: ++-
Crystal109: -+x
Kysle: -+-
Sam: -++
Mollie: + + -
Zup: / x +
Sam: --+
Sam: ---
Jumpman: * / +
Nyperold: - + -
Crystal109: x++
Kysle: +++
Sam: +++
Xom: -+-
whitehelm: *-*
Crystal109: ++x
Zup: x - +
Kysle: ---
Crystal109: ++/
Xom: --+
gremlinn: - ++
Mollie: - + +
whitehelm: -xx
Kysle: +*-
Sam: +//
Crystal109: /--
gremlinn: - +-
whitehelm: xx-
Zup: ++ x
Randy: *+-
gremlinn: --+
Sam: -//
Jumpman: +++
Kysle: +*-
Xom: ++-
LuckyWizard: --*
Sam: -*/
TalkingDog: +--
Kysle: /+*
gremlinn: -//
Sam: -/*
Jumpman: -++
MathBot: LuckyWizard says - - x and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
* Gharlane is too slow to compete tonight; bye!
gremlinn: +//
Zup: X-X
Mollie: + - -
Sam: +/*
gremlinn: //+
TalkingDog: -++
Zup: +++
Crystal109: Bye!
Kysle: LOL
Kysle: buy!
Zup: Night!
MathBot: Calculate: 9107 - 3762.
Gharlane: It scrolled off before I even thought about it too, from all the guessing.
Zup: 462
gremlinn: 5345
Sam: 6445
Zup: 45365
Sam: 5445
MathBot: gremlinn says 5345 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Zup: 4543
LuckyWizard: 5345
* Grishny never had any hope of competing at this. Good night everyone and see you Wednesday.
Gharlane has left.
Zup: Night!
ThePhan: Night Grish.
Kysle: NIGHT1
Crystal109: Night.
MathBot: Which digit occurs only once in these numbers? 6143833, 5203384, 1504866.
Zup: I';m trying to get one point via guessing.
Grishny: Wednesday. There. I can type straight even when I am tired by so much late.
gremlinn: 1
whitehelm: 2
Sam: The thing that's really surprising is how many people *stayed*.
gremlinn: 0
Jumpman: 8
whitehelm: 0
gremlinn: 2
ThePhan: 4
Sam: 6
Crystal109: 1
gremlinn: 3
Zup: 1
MathBot: whitehelm says 2 and is correct! whitehelm gets a point.
Sam: 1
Randy: 1
whitehelm: 3
gremlinn: 6
Sam: 4
gremlinn: 7
LuckyWizard: 4
Sam: 5
Randy: 2
Grishny has left.
Sam: 7
LuckyWizard: 5
Sam: 8
Sam: 9
Sam: 4
Sam: 2
Sam: LOL
Sam: Oops.
Zup: lol
gremlinn: Just have to guess on those, with so many people.
Randy: hehe
TalkingDog: Hehe.
MathBot: Solve for x: -2x - 32 = -42.
whitehelm: 5
Sam: 5
gremlinn: -5
Sam: -5
Zup: 2
MathBot: whitehelm says 5 and is correct! whitehelm gets a point.
gremlinn: -5
LuckyWizard: 5
Xom: -5
Zup: 1
Sam: Nice.
* Kysle shakes his head in circles
* Randy calls it a night.
Crystal109: My mom wants me to play piano
MathBot: Find the missing term: 831, 902, 973, ... , 1115, 1186, 1257.
* ThePhan shakes her head in rectangles, she's so confused
Kysle: 'night!
Randy has left.
whitehelm: 103
TalkingDog: 1044
Sam: 1002
MathBot: TalkingDog says 1044 and is correct! TalkingDog gets a point.
gremlinn: 1044
Zup: Night.
Crystal109: So...
whitehelm: 1034
Crystal109 is away.
MathBot: Solve for x: 20x - 194 = -134.
gremlinn: 3
TalkingDog: 30
Zup: 2
Xom: 3
MathBot: gremlinn says 3 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
whitehelm: 3
LuckyWizard: 3
Sam: 2
Kysle: 4
Sam: 3
Mollie: 3
Sam: -3
Zup: 1
TalkingDog: Err, duh.
Zup: 3
Sam: Gah, typos.
Sam: Well, one.
Xom: Whee, only 1 second behind grem this time.
MathBot: Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 2327921, 1962943, 4088882.
Jumpman: 2
gremlinn: 2
whitehelm: 2
Sam: 0
LuckyWizard: 2
Xom: 2
TalkingDog: 2
Mollie: 2
Zup: 3
MathBot: Jumpman says 2 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
Kysle: 3
Sam: Rats, I thought it was an "only once" question.
gremlinn: That one jumped out more, somehow.
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: ((3 ? 1) ? 5) ? 3 = -6.
Jumpman: +++
Xom: +-+
whitehelm: +--
Zup: /--
Xom: +--
Sam: *-*
MathBot: Sam says x - x and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Kysle: ++-
Zup: /x+
gremlinn: *-*
Sam: --*
Zup: ==x
Zup: ++x
Zup: XXX
Sam: I actually calculated that one.
gremlinn: Oh yeah, "x" is faster to type.
gremlinn: Sam: me too.
MathBot: Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 2816774, 3936277, 3091460.
Jumpman: 7
Sam: 9
Xom: 3
whitehelm: 34
Jumpman: 0
gremlinn: G3
Sam: 6
whitehelm: 3
Jumpman: 6
MathBot: Sam says 6 and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Zup: 3
gremlinn: 5
gremlinn: 6
whitehelm: 87
Zup: 6
Mollie: 6
Sam: And that wasn't a guess either. Maybe guessing *isn't* the way to go.
gremlinn: Yeah.
Zup: Heh
gremlinn: On those, anyway.
MathBot: Find the missing term: 484, 349, 214, ... , -56, -191, -326.
Jumpman: 100
Zup: 2
gremlinn: 74
Kysle: 150
Xom: 99
Zup: 12
Zup: 13
Jumpman: 106
Kysle: 80
Zup: 123
Kysle: 82
gremlinn: 79
MathBot: gremlinn says 79 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Nyperold: 109
Zup: 78
gremlinn: Fudged the tens place the first guess.
Kysle: uh...
Sam: Yeah.
Zup: I'm too slow; I have to guess.
MathBot: Solve for x: 9x + 110 = 227.
Jumpman: 9
whitehelm: 3
Sam: -11
Zup: 2
LuckyWizard: 13
Kysle: 2
MathBot: LuckyWizard says 13 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
Mollie: 3
gremlinn: 18
gremlinn: 17
Zup: 6
Sam: Wow, -11? Way off.
gremlinn: wk: nice job.
MathBot: List the prime factors of 220.
Sam: lOL
Xom: MathBot would be more fun if it had you calculate eigenvalues.
Kysle: -567
gremlinn: 2 2 5 11
TalkingDog: 11 2 5 2
Jumpman: 10, 11, 2
whitehelm: 2 2 5
Sam: 2 2 55
LuckyWizard: 11 2 5
MathBot: gremlinn says 2, 2, 5, 11 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Zup: Like father, like son
Mollie: 2 5 5 11
Jumpman: BAM!
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: (9 ? 0) ? (-6 ? 0) = -6.
Sam: **-
Zup: --+
gremlinn: *++
Jumpman: - - -
whitehelm: *++
MathBot: gremlinn says x + + and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Mollie: * + +
Zup: /xx
LuckyWizard: *++
gremlinn: Finally got one of those. That's my worst type, I think.
Sam: Oh, rats. Wrong connecting operator.
whitehelm: only 1 sec behind
MathBot: Which digit does not occur in these numbers? 6081293, 3245886, 6291263.
Jumpman: 7
TalkingDog: 0
Sam: 0
gremlinn: 7
whitehelm: 2
Kysle: Bye, guys!1
Xom: 7
Zup: 5
Sam: 7
whitehelm: 8
Mollie: 5
MathBot: Jumpman says 7 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
Zup: 9
whitehelm: 7
Mollie: 8
ThePhan: Bye, Kysle
gremlinn: Man, got jumped.
Sam: I love this bot's attrition rate.
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: (0 ? 8) ? (1 ? 7) = 7.
Kysle has left.
gremlinn: *++
LuckyWizard: Attrition?
Sam: **+
TalkingDog: *+*
whitehelm: ++*
gremlinn: *+*
Sam: *++
Mollie: + - *
Xom: *+*
whitehelm: **+
MathBot: TalkingDog says x + x and is correct! TalkingDog gets a point.
Jumpman: * + *
Zup: x + x
Sam: Did it again. Multiplying the zero.
gremlinn: Dang. I had it figured out and mistyped it.
MathBot: Solve for x: 9x - 16 = -61.
gremlinn: -5
Jumpman: 8
whitehelm: 6
MathBot: gremlinn says -5 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
LuckyWizard: 5
Sam: 5
Zup: -2]
Sam: Figured it was -5, but had to try 5 when I saw you say -5.
Jumpman: With Gremlinn's domination and the time of night, it's going to get a few people to leave :)
MathBot: Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 2164200, 7828862, 8694004.
Sam: 8
Sam: 2
gremlinn: 2
Jumpman: 2
Sam: 4
gremlinn: 0
Sam: 6
LuckyWizard: 8
Xom: 2
gremlinn: 6
ThePhan: 0
Sam: 0
gremlinn: 8
LuckyWizard: 6
MathBot: Sam says 6 and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Sam: 4
whitehelm: 2
Zup: 0
Xom: 0
Jumpman: 4
Xom: 4
Zup: 8
Jumpman: 8
Sam: I said everything else, too.
gremlinn: Your third guess, too. Heheh.
Zup: Alright, I'm way outclassed. I'll seey'all later
gremlinn: Strategy: type all 10 digits quickly.
MathBot: Find the missing term: 28, 14, 0, ... , -28, -42, -56.
Sam: -14
whitehelm: -14
Jumpman: 14
LuckyWizard: -14
gremlinn: -14
Mollie: -14
MathBot: Sam says -14 and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Jumpman: -14
Zup: 0
TalkingDog: Heh. Cool.
Zup has left.
Sam: Man, easiest one of those I've ever ever seen.
Jumpman: Sam is on a roll.
LuckyWizard: Heh.
gremlinn: Yeah, and I averaged the endpoints. Dang.
MathBot: Which digit occurs only once in these numbers? 9789715, 7667908, 5280441.
gremlinn: 1
Jumpman: 9
gremlinn: 4
Sam: 0
Sam: 1
Jumpman: 8
gremlinn: 9
Crystal109 is back.
Sam: 7
Jumpman: 0
gremlinn: 6
Sam: 3
whitehelm: 6
whitehelm: 5
Sam: 8
whitehelm: 4
Sam: 5
whitehelm: 3
Jumpman: 4
Jumpman: 1
gremlinn: 3
Jumpman: 2
Sam: 3
whitehelm: 2
Mollie: 1
TalkingDog: 2
Jumpman: 3
gremlinn: 2
MathBot: Jumpman says 2 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
whitehelm: 1
whitehelm: 9
Jumpman: 5
Mollie: 0
Sam: LOL
Sam: We suck most at COUNTING DIGITS.
gremlinn: 7.
Jumpman: :)
TalkingDog: LOL
gremlinn: No, we had 7 too.
* whitehelm shouldn't have paused after 2
MathBot: Calculate: 64 x 16.
whitehelm: 3
LuckyWizard: We said all of them.
Sam: 256
Xom: 256
Sam: 512
LuckyWizard: 1024
MathBot: LuckyWizard says 1024 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
gremlinn: 1024
Sam: 1024
TalkingDog: 1024
Sam: 2048
TalkingDog: Dangit.
Mollie: 1024
* ThePhan thinks she's going to take off, as she has one point and that's clearly going to be the highest she will attain. :-) Bye all.
Sam: Gah.
Sam: Later.
ThePhan has left.
TalkingDog: Mmm, powers of 2.
gremlinn: Dang, I should have thought powers of 2. I tried to do it like ordinary multiplication.
Crystal109: Yeah same. Bye!
MathBot: Which digit occurs only once in these numbers? 2597916, 1766411, 5210710.
Mollie: 8
TalkingDog: 2
Jumpman: 2
LuckyWizard: 1
Jumpman: 6
Xom: 3
Mollie: 5
whitehelm: 8
TalkingDog: 5
gremlinn: 5
whitehelm: 7
Xom: 7
Jumpman: 8
LuckyWizard: 5
Sam: 1
whitehelm: 6
Mollie: 0
Sam: 2
whitehelm: 5
Sam: 5
Crystal109: 9
Xom: 4
whitehelm: 4
Sam: 4
whitehelm: 3
Jumpman: 5
whitehelm: 2
gremlinn: 6
MathBot: Xom says 4 and is correct! Xom gets a point.
Jumpman: 1
Crystal109 has left.
Sam: That time I tried to get it right, but I typed numbers while I was thinking.
MathBot: Solve for x: -1x + 0 = -1.
gremlinn: 1
whitehelm: 1
* LuckyWizard simply divided 64 by 2 and multiplied 16 by 2. He knows the square of 32.
whitehelm: 0
Xom: 1
Jumpman: 0
Mollie: Really thought I had it there with 0
MathBot: gremlinn says 1 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Jumpman: -1
whitehelm: -1
gremlinn: I didn't even think on that one.
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: (7 ? 6) ? (3 ? 1) = 17.
Sam: +++
MathBot: Sam says + + + and is correct! Sam gets a point.
whitehelm: ++*
Xom: +++
Mollie: + + +
Mollie: I need to stop with the spaces.
MathBot: List the prime factors of 19.
whitehelm: 19
Xom: 19
TalkingDog: 19
gremlinn: 190
Jumpman: 19
Sam: 19
LuckyWizard: 1 19
gremlinn: 9
MathBot: whitehelm says 19 and is correct! whitehelm gets a point.
Sam: Nice.
TalkingDog: 1 isn't prime. ¶-:
Sam: We're down to 9 people.
Sam: From 20.
MathBot: Solve for x: -2x + 15 = 35.
whitehelm: 10o
gremlinn: -10
whitehelm: 10
Jumpman: -10
MathBot: gremlinn says -10 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
LuckyWizard: -10
Mollie: 1-10
Sam: Those stupid equations are *my* worst type.
Jumpman: can't...go...any...faster
MathBot: Find the missing term: -818, -706, -594, ... , -370, -258, -146.
Jumpman: -452
LuckyWizard: -482
Sam: -482
TalkingDog: -482
MathBot: LuckyWizard says -482 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
gremlinn: -482
whitehelm: Those are mine
MathBot: List the prime factors of 41.
LuckyWizard: 41
Jumpman: 41
Mollie: 41
gremlinn: 41
Sam: 41
TalkingDog: 41
whitehelm: 41
MathBot: LuckyWizard says 41 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
Sam: Now LW is on a roll.
* Jumpman has left.
MathBot: Solve for x: -8x + 43 = 75.
Jumpman: 4
Sam: 3
gremlinn: -6
Jumpman: *4
Sam: 2
TalkingDog: -4
Sam: -3
LuckyWizard: -4
MathBot: TalkingDog says -4 and is correct! TalkingDog gets a point.
Sam: -2
TalkingDog: WOO!
Jumpman: d'oh
* TalkingDog needs to figure out how to activate that thought mode more often.
MathBot: Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 4218068, 3910209, 8693552.
whitehelm: 2
Mollie: 8
gremlinn: 2
Sam: 2
Xom: 2
LuckyWizard: 9
Mollie: 9
Jumpman: 0
MathBot: whitehelm says 2 and is correct! whitehelm gets a point.
Jumpman: 2
TalkingDog: 2
Mollie: 5
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: (9 ? (-5 ? -7)) ? 6 = 108.
Jumpman: ---
TalkingDog: ***
Sam: *-*
MathBot: Sam says x - x and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Mollie: * * *
whitehelm: ***
Jumpman: ++*
Xom: ++*
gremlinn: Wow.
TalkingDog: 108! AAAAAH
Sam: I'm surprised, too. I wasn't a *total* guess, but close.
Xom: ...
MathBot: Find the missing term: 329, 424, 519, ... , 709, 804, 899.
Jumpman: 614
gremlinn: 614
MathBot: Jumpman says 614 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
whitehelm: 606
Sam: 664
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 56 / 238.
* TalkingDog is wearing his Lost shirt.
whitehelm: 1 4
Sam: 1/5
whitehelm: 1/4
gremlinn: 28/119
Jumpman: 1/20
whitehelm: 1/3
TalkingDog: 4/17
Jumpman: 1/5
LuckyWizard: 4/17
gremlinn: 4/17
MathBot: TalkingDog says 4 / 17 and is correct! TalkingDog gets a point.
TalkingDog: Yay.
Sam: Nice job.
Sam: grem, you're not running away with this quite as much as I thought you would.
MathBot: Calculate: 527 - 516.
Jumpman: 9
gremlinn: 1
whitehelm: 9
LuckyWizard: 13
TalkingDog: 11
gremlinn: 11
Mollie: 9
LuckyWizard: 111
Jumpman: 11
Xom: 9
MathBot: TalkingDog says 11 and is correct! TalkingDog gets a point.
Sam: -15
gremlinn: 1
LuckyWizard: 11
Mollie: 11
Jumpman: LOL
gremlinn: Sam: I knew everyone overestimates me at it.
Sam: You'll still win.
gremlinn: Maybe.
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 460 / 253.
Sam: You can do it.
whitehelm: 2
Sam: 2/1
Jumpman: 460/253
gremlinn: 460/253
Sam: 11/6
LuckyWizard: 20/11
Xom: I've got a point, I can pretend I'm not thick as a brick!
MathBot: LuckyWizard says 20 / 11 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
gremlinn: I'm getting tired.
Sam: How'd you get that??
Sam: Oh, I see.
gremlinn: 230 + 23 = 253.
MathBot: List the prime factors of 114.
Sam: 114
gremlinn: 2 57
gremlinn: 2 3 19
whitehelm: 2 57
MathBot: gremlinn says 2, 3, 19 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Sam: Cool.
MathBot: Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 1711603, 4611016, 3338045.
Jumpman: 1
gremlinn: 1
Jumpman: 3
gremlinn: 4
Mollie: 1
Sam: 1
Jumpman: 8
gremlinn: 3
Sam: 3
gremlinn: 6
Jumpman: 0
Sam: 6
whitehelm: 2
gremlinn: 65
MathBot: Jumpman says 0 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
whitehelm: 3
LuckyWizard: 0
gremlinn: 6
Sam: 5
whitehelm: 4
gremlinn: 7
Mollie: 4
whitehelm: 5
gremlinn: 4
Sam: 1
Sam: Heh.
* TalkingDog sucks with factors of 13, 17, and 19.
Jumpman: the race is for second :)
Sam: Four of us said 1.
Sam: First.
MathBot: List the prime factors of 237.
gremlinn: 237
Sam: 237
Jumpman: 237
whitehelm: 2378
gremlinn: 3 79
whitehelm: 3 something
MathBot: gremlinn says 3, 79 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Sam: 7 23
MathBot: Which digit occurs only once in these numbers? 4023730, 6365435, 8799926.
gremlinn: 1
gremlinn: 2
Jumpman: 4
gremlinn: 3
TalkingDog: 0
gremlinn: 4
whitehelm: 5
gremlinn: 5
Jumpman: 63
Sam: 2
gremlinn: 6
whitehelm: 3
Jumpman: 3
gremlinn: 7
whitehelm: 2
Jumpman: 9
Mollie: 8
whitehelm: 4
Sam: 4
gremlinn: 8
whitehelm: 5
MathBot: Mollie says 8 and is correct! Mollie gets a point.
gremlinn: 9
Jumpman: 0
gremlinn: 0
TalkingDog: F
Mollie: w0000!
Jumpman: Mollie is on the board
Sam: grem: LOL
TalkingDog: Ruling.
gremlinn: Same second.
MathBot: List the prime factors of 37.
Jumpman: 37
gremlinn: 37
Sam: 37
TalkingDog: 378
Mollie: 37
Xom: 37
whitehelm: 37
TalkingDog: 37
LuckyWizard: 37
MathBot: Jumpman says 37 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
TalkingDog: GRAR
* whitehelm typoed
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: ((4 ? 6) ? 1) ? 2 = 12.
gremlinn: *-*
Jumpman: ---
gremlinn: *++
whitehelm: ++++
Jumpman: ---
Sam: +++
Jumpman: +++
gremlinn: +**
gremlinn: --*
Mollie: + * +
Sam: +*+
Jumpman: *-+
whitehelm: +-+
MathBot: Mollie says + x + and is correct! Mollie gets a point.
gremlinn: --/
LuckyWizard: **-
Xom: +*+
Sam: Gah, same seconded.
Xom: Even with spaces.
MathBot: Calculate: 87 - 3750.
Sam: -3627
gremlinn: -3663
whitehelm: No
TalkingDog: -3613
Jumpman: -3663
Sam: -3637
MathBot: gremlinn says -3663 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Jumpman: -3673
Xom: -3663
Sam: Oh yeah
Sam: Numbers don't work my way.
MathBot: Find the missing term: 110, 226, 342, ... , 574, 690, 806.
Jumpman: 458
whitehelm: 461
MathBot: Jumpman says 458 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
LuckyWizard: 459
gremlinn: 458
Sam: 556
whitehelm: 468
Sam: *456
Sam: Wrong anyway.
Nyperold: 468
MathBot: Calculate: 9032 + 3254.
whitehelm: 12386
gremlinn: 12286
TalkingDog: 12286
MathBot: gremlinn says 12286 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Jumpman: 12286
Mollie: 12285
Sam: 12286
Xom: 122...
Mollie: typoe
Sam: Whoa.
gremlinn: Anybody using the numeric pad for this?
Jumpman: yah
Sam: No.
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: ((5 ? 8) ? 7) ? 5 = 455.
whitehelm: No
Mollie: no
Xom: No.
* TalkingDog isn't. He doesn't really have one...
Jumpman: +++
Sam: ***
TalkingDog: ***
whitehelm: ***
gremlinn: ***
Jumpman: +*+
Mollie: * * *
Jumpman: **+
Xom: *-*
Nyperold: +-*
Jumpman: +**
MathBot: Jumpman says + x x and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
LuckyWizard: +**
Nyperold: *-+
Sam: Oooh, nice.
LuckyWizard: I use the row at the top, I'm more used to using it.
gremlinn: First thought: that's a freaking big number from those small ones. Gotta be ***.
Sam: Me too.
MathBot: Calculate: 0 x 6.
whitehelm: 0
Jumpman: 0
Sam: grem: Yup!
TalkingDog: 0
gremlinn: 0
Mollie: 0
LuckyWizard: 0
Xom: 0
MathBot: whitehelm says 0 and is correct! whitehelm gets a point.
gremlinn: Calculate: 0x6 ...uh, 6?
Sam: LOL
Mollie: lol
MathBot: List the prime factors of 85.
Sam: 85
Jumpman: 5 17
gremlinn: 5 17
LuckyWizard: 5 17
Xom: 5 13
MathBot: Jumpman says 5, 17 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
Sam: 5 17
whitehelm: 5 7
Sam: My first instinct is to retype the number.
Xom: At least I won't be tied with Grishny any more after this. :P
* TalkingDog is having to put too much effort into his division.
MathBot: Solve for x: -2x - 35 = -45.
Sam: 10
Jumpman: 5
TalkingDog: 5
gremlinn: -5
Xom: 5
whitehelm: 65
Sam: 5
whitehelm: 5
Mollie: 5
LuckyWizard: -5
MathBot: Jumpman says 5 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
MathBot: Calculate: 21 - 36 + 49 - 58.
Mollie: 0
TalkingDog: -24
gremlinn: -24
Sam: -4
Mollie: -3
Sam: -5
MathBot: TalkingDog says -24 and is correct! TalkingDog gets a point.
Xom: -24
Jumpman: -24
TalkingDog: Cool!
Sam: How'd I lose 20 in that?
Jumpman: you gained 20
Sam: Oh.
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 42 / 8.
Xom: They must have fallen between the sofa cushions.
gremlinn: 6/1
whitehelm: 6
Jumpman: 21/4
TalkingDog: 21/4
MathBot: Jumpman says 21 / 4 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
LuckyWizard: 21/4
MathBot: Which digit does not occur in these numbers? 8832471, 3983588, 4464245.
gremlinn: 8
Jumpman: 3
TalkingDog: 0
gremlinn: 0
whitehelm: 9
Jumpman: 1
Sam: 0
whitehelm: 0
Xom: 0
MathBot: TalkingDog says 0 and is correct! TalkingDog gets a point.
Mollie: 0
gremlinn: Damn.
LuckyWizard: 0
MathBot: Solve for x: -6x - 14 = 4.
Jumpman: 3
gremlinn: -3
Xom: 3
Jumpman: -3
whitehelm: 4
MathBot: gremlinn says -3 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Jumpman: nice, grem
MathBot: Which digit occurs only once in these numbers? 6591721, 9352749, 6398857.
whitehelm: 1
gremlinn: 3
Xom: 1
whitehelm: 2
Jumpman: 0
Jumpman: 2
whitehelm: 3
gremlinn: 5
Jumpman: 9
whitehelm: 4
Sam: 4
whitehelm: 5
Mollie: 4
whitehelm: 6
gremlinn: 43
Jumpman: 3
TalkingDog: 4
gremlinn: 4
whitehelm: 7
whitehelm: 8
Jumpman: 7
Jumpman: 9
MathBot: whitehelm says 4 and is correct! whitehelm gets a point.
Jumpman: 0
whitehelm: 9
LuckyWizard: 3
whitehelm: hehe
MathBot: Find the missing term: 610, 640, 670, ... , 730, 760, 790.
Sam: This is taking a long time.
gremlinn: 700
Jumpman: 700
LuckyWizard: 700
Xom: 700
MathBot: gremlinn says 700 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Sam: 700
whitehelm: 600
Mollie: 700
whitehelm: we're over halfway
MathBot: List the prime factors of 51.
whitehelm: 51
Sam: 51
gremlinn: 3 17
Jumpman: 3 17
Sam: 3 17
Mollie: 51
LuckyWizard: 3 17
Xom: 3 17
MathBot: gremlinn says 3, 17 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Jumpman: grem is pulling away :) not to worry
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 247 / 247.
LuckyWizard: 11
Sam: 1
gremlinn: 1
Jumpman: 1
Xom: 1
whitehelm: 1
MathBot: Sam says 1 / 1 and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Mollie: oneeee
* TalkingDog suddenly notices that Liface's "ool" translates to 007 in ahx0r.
LuckyWizard: Dang, hit it twice.
Jumpman: is the loneliest number
Sam: TD: LOL
MathBot: Find the missing term: 71, -81, -233, ... , -537, -689, -841.
Jumpman: -335
gremlinn: -384
whitehelm: -381
Sam: -383
whitehelm: -385
MathBot: whitehelm says -385 and is correct! whitehelm gets a point.
Mollie: -402
gremlinn: -385
LuckyWizard: -385
gremlinn: Got 71 - -81 as 152.
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 24 / 63.
gremlinn: Or 150.
Sam: 1/2
whitehelm: 3
LuckyWizard: 8/21
gremlinn: 8/21
whitehelm: 1/3
Jumpman: 8 / 21
Sam: 2/5
Sam: 5/9
MathBot: LuckyWizard says 8 / 21 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
whitehelm: 24/63
Sam: 4/9
Sam: [RinkChat] Unknown command '49'.
TalkingDog: LOL
Mollie: heh
MathBot: Calculate: 37 x 17.
LuckyWizard: Heh.
Xom: 1449
gremlinn: 719
LuckyWizard: 629
* whitehelm refuses
MathBot: LuckyWizard says 629 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
Xom: 1449 looked so aesthetically appropriate.
MathBot: List the prime factors of 242.
gremlinn: 2 11 11
whitehelm: 1 12
LuckyWizard: 11 11 2
whitehelm: 1 11
MathBot: gremlinn says 2, 11, 11 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Mollie: 2 11 11
whitehelm: bleh
gremlinn: I think that's my favorite type.
Jumpman: see, there's no way I can compete with that
Sam: grem: Those are cool, yeah.
MathBot: Find the missing term: 499, 461, 423, ... , 347, 309, 271.
whitehelm: 400
Sam: 385
gremlinn: 385
Sam: 395
Sam: 375
MathBot: Sam says 385 and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Jumpman: 386
MathBot: Calculate: 67 - 89.
Jumpman: -23
whitehelm: 21
Jumpman: -22
Sam: -28
whitehelm: 11
TalkingDog: -22
gremlinn: This is by far not my best game.
Mollie: -22
LuckyWizard: -22
MathBot: Jumpman says -22 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
Xom: -22
whitehelm: -11
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 180 / 225.
gremlinn: I think I don't play MathBot enough for people to remember I'm not automatic.
gremlinn: 4/5
whitehelm: 30 25
MathBot: gremlinn says 4 / 5 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
whitehelm: 5/4
whitehelm: 4/5
Mollie: 2
Mollie: How did I get 2 ??!
Sam: hehehe
MathBot: List the prime factors of 202.
Sam: That rules, Mollie.
gremlinn: 2 101
Mollie: 101 2
whitehelm: 2 1-1
LuckyWizard: 101 2
Xom: 101 2
Sam: 2 101
Jumpman: 2 101
whitehelm: 2 101
MathBot: gremlinn says 2, 101 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Jumpman: Definitely your strongest :)
Sam: 2 1-1 would make 0.
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: (0 ? -9) ? (7 ? -7) = 9.
whitehelm: typo
Jumpman: ---
Jumpman: +++
Sam: +++
whitehelm: +**
gremlinn: +*-
Sam: +-+
whitehelm: ++*
Xom: ++-
Mollie: - + +
MathBot: Mollie says - + + and is correct! Mollie gets a point.
Sam: -++
gremlinn: -*-
Xom: +++
Mollie: I guess those are my best type.
Sam: Gah. Just a bit too slow figuring that sign problem out.
TalkingDog: YAY MOLLIE
MathBot: Which digit does not occur in these numbers? 6983661, 8037032, 4997279.
gremlinn: 5
Sam: 4
Sam: 3
Jumpman: 2
whitehelm: 8
Sam: 2
LuckyWizard: 5
whitehelm: 7
Mollie: 4
Sam: 5
whitehelm: 6
TalkingDog: 5
MathBot: gremlinn says 5 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Sam: 7
whitehelm: 5
whitehelm: 4
Xom: 5
whitehelm: 3
Mollie: 6
gremlinn: Lucky that time.
gremlinn: First number I didn't see in the first string.
MathBot: Find the missing term: 767, 779, 791, ... , 815, 827, 839.
gremlinn: 804
whitehelm: 805
Sam: 803
Jumpman: 803
MathBot: Sam says 803 and is correct! Sam gets a point.
gremlinn: 803
Mollie: 802
Xom: MathBot certainly is a humbling experience.
MathBot: Calculate: 239 - 274.
Jumpman: -35
Sam: -45
gremlinn: -35
Xom: -25
MathBot: Jumpman says -35 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
whitehelm: 35
LuckyWizard: -35
Jumpman: I seem to be pretty good at those
MathBot: List the prime factors of 243.
Sam: 243
TalkingDog: 243
Jumpman: 243
whitehelm: 243
Xom: 243
gremlinn: 3 3 3 3
LuckyWizard: 3 3 3 3 3
MathBot: LuckyWizard says 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
gremlinn: 3 3 3 3 3
Sam: NICE.
Jumpman: oooh, tricky
TalkingDog: Cool!
Mollie: wow
gremlinn: Stopped too soon.
MathBot: Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 1670283, 3560435, 1492580.
LuckyWizard: 0
Jumpman: 1
Sam: 3
whitehelm: 0
gremlinn: 0
Jumpman: 0
Sam: 0
TalkingDog: 0
Xom: 1
MathBot: LuckyWizard says 0 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
Mollie: 1
Xom: 5
Mollie: 3
Jumpman: here comes the wizard!
Xom: Does he want the amulet back?
MathBot: List the prime factors of 153.
whitehelm: 153
Jumpman: 153
Xom: 153
Mollie: 153
gremlinn: 3 3 17
Jumpman: 3 51
Jumpman: 3 3 17
Xom: 3 51
MathBot: gremlinn says 3, 3, 17 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Sam: 3 51
LuckyWizard: 3 3 17
Jumpman: I was going to get it eventually :)
Jumpman: read the words!
MathBot: Which digit does not occur in these numbers? 9148453, 2432640, 5492620.
gremlinn: 7
whitehelm: 1
Sam: 5
Jumpman: 7
whitehelm: 2
Sam: 3
Mollie: 8
MathBot: gremlinn says 7 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Sam: 7
TalkingDog: 7
LuckyWizard: 7
Mollie: 7
whitehelm: 48
whitehelm: 4
Sam: 6
whitehelm: 5
MathBot: Solve for x: -11x + 23 = 144.
Jumpman: 11
whitehelm: 1
Xom: 12
gremlinn: -10
Jumpman: -11
whitehelm: 11
TalkingDog: -11
gremlinn: -9
MathBot: Jumpman says -11 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
Xom: -12
gremlinn: -12
MathBot: Find the missing term: -882, -943, -1004, ... , -1126, -1187, -1248.
whitehelm: -1055
gremlinn: -1070
Sam: -1085
LuckyWizard: -1065
MathBot: LuckyWizard says -1065 and is correct! LuckyWizard gets a point.
Xom: -1105
MathBot: Calculate: 975 + 5410.
gremlinn: 6385
LuckyWizard: 6385
Jumpman: 6385
Sam: 6385
MathBot: gremlinn says 6385 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Xom: 6335
Mollie: 6385
Jumpman: it took a second -- for a moment, I thought we were all wrong
gremlinn: Heh.
Mollie: heh
MathBot: Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 9086478, 5071479, 5891122.
Jumpman: 9
gremlinn: 7
Sam: 3
whitehelm: 9
Sam: 0
gremlinn: 1
Sam: 1
Sam: 2
gremlinn: 8
Xom: 2
Mollie: 9
Sam: 8
MathBot: Jumpman says 9 and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
gremlinn: 9
Sam: 9
LuckyWizard: 9
Xom: 6
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 52 / 182.
whitehelm: 3
gremlinn: 26/91
Jumpman: 26 / 91
whitehelm: 1/3
gremlinn: 2/7
Mollie: 26/91
MathBot: gremlinn says 2 / 7 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
Jumpman: 2 / 6
Jumpman: nice, grem
Mollie: oh
MathBot: Fill in the missing operators: ((6 ? 0) ? 8) ? 8 = -10.
Jumpman: ---
Sam: ++-
MathBot: Jumpman says - - - and is correct! Jumpman gets a point.
Mollie: + + -
Sam: Cool.
gremlinn: Yikes.
gremlinn: Definitely my weakest.
Jumpman: lucky
MathBot: Which digit does not occur in these numbers? 1823344, 5961284, 5297868.
whitehelm: 0
TalkingDog: 0
Sam: 0
Jumpman: 7
gremlinn: 9
Xom: 0
Jumpman: 0
gremlinn: 0
Mollie: 9
Mollie: 0
MathBot: whitehelm says 0 and is correct! whitehelm gets a point.
LuckyWizard: 0
MathBot: Reduce the following fraction: 156 / 234.
Sam: 1/2
whitehelm: 1/2
Sam: 2/3
gremlinn: 2/3
MathBot: Sam says 2 / 3 and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Sam: 2/5
Sam: 3/5
gremlinn: Sam: did you eyeball it like I did?
Sam: Yeah.
gremlinn: Like "that's *about* 2/3".
MathBot: Which digit occurs in all three numbers? 4832659, 4124707, 4485861.
Sam: Yup!
Sam: 4
Jumpman: 4
gremlinn: 4
whitehelm: 34
Xom: 4
whitehelm: 4
TalkingDog: 4
LuckyWizard: 4
MathBot: Sam says 4 and is correct! Sam gets a point.
Mollie: 4
gremlinn: Wow, easiest one of those ever.
Sam: Heh, easy when it *starts* with the same digit.
MathBot: Calculate: 4364 + 7430.
gremlinn: 11794
Jumpman: 11794
Xom: 11794
Sam: 11794
whitehelm: 11794
MathBot: gremlinn says 11794 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
LuckyWizard: 11794
TalkingDog: Has it ever been anything like "1111111, 1111111, 1111111"?
Sam: Nope.
gremlinn: Nope.
gremlinn: Jinx.
MathBot: Solve for x: -4x - 20 = -64.
Jumpman: 8
TalkingDog: Whaa, weird.
whitehelm: 6
Jumpman: 5
gremlinn: 11
Mollie: 1
MathBot: gremlinn says 11 and is correct! gremlinn gets a point.
MathBot: gremlinn wins!
Xom: 10
Jumpman: 9
Jumpman: -9
Sam: Nice game!
* Nyperold nods.
Mollie: Congrats!
Sam: I'm pretty happy with 12.
Jumpman: Well done
gremlinn: TIRED
Sam: Scores forthcoming momentarily...
Jumpman: I'll take my silver medal :)
Xom: I feel entirely incompetent with 1. :)
Sam: grem; Me too. It's 2am here.
gremlinn: It doesn't feel like a tournament in here.
Sam: No, this bot has a huge attrition. I scheduled it last on purpose.
gremlinn: Ah, neat.
gremlinn: The second best planning decision, next to not allowing negatives in SnagBot, heh.
* whitehelm planned on 15 points but only took gremlinn into account
* TalkingDog wears a plaid medal. *sigh*
gremlinn: 2 point lead...for now.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1
gremlinn: CountryBot will kill me.
Sam: Mwahahaha.
Jumpman: cool
Jumpman: g'night, all!
gremlinn: I'm not going to study at all, or anything.
gremlinn: I'd be smart to, though.
* whitehelm won't be here on Wednesday, so he'll drop a lot
* LuckyWizard overtakes Xom and Grishny.
Jumpman has left.
* Xom sobs.
Sam: Wow, the point ties are almost gone.
Sam: First one is for 16th.
LuckyWizard: Well, my scores were more consistent today.
gremlinn: I'm the only one with double digits each game, now.
Mollie: ok well gnight.
Xom: Is StateBot as hopeless for us Europeans as it sounds?
Sam: Ok, next, I wanna put up the game durations.
Sam: Xom: Probably. :-/
gremlinn: Barely kept it up with SnagBot at 10.
Sam: I'm still astounded I pulled a positive score on that second SnagBot game. I was down to -11 or more.
gremlinn: I left you for dead, but you got up again.
whitehelm: Everyone started going for the leaders instead of you
gremlinn: It was like DotA.
Xom: Glad that StateBot is scheduled last, then - might give me a bedtime of 07:15 instead of 08:15. ;)
Mollie: byeee
Mollie has left.
Xom: Anyway, time for sandwiches and a nap. See you Wednesday!
Xom has left.
Sam: grem: LOL LOL LOL
gremlinn: If I end up having to do a BlitzBot playoff with you, I'll lose, I think.
gremlinn: I'm not too good at it.
TalkingDog has left.
Sam: Ok, before I post the durations...what do you think was tonight's longest and shortest games?
Sam: Counting Snag separately.
LuckyWizard: I'd guess SnagBot II was longest.
gremlinn: I forgot what we played.
whitehelm: yeah
whitehelm: Math might be shortest
whitehelm: or the first one
gremlinn: Letter was first, that was very quick.
whitehelm: No wait
gremlinn: Then...what?
whitehelm: Caption was shortest :-D
gremlinn: Doesn't count.
gremlinn: Acro wasn't terribly long, I don't think.
gremlinn: Math might be the longest, if not SnagBot II.
whitehelm: Acro wasnt shortest
gremlinn: Letter was shortest.
whitehelm: probably
Sam: Math was the longest. Snag I was less than half the length of any other game.
Sam: http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/tournaments/?t=1&v=5
gremlinn: I'm not too surprised, as long as SnagBot II seemed to be taking.
gremlinn: Those 1 point at a time things drag on.
Sam: Yeah.
gremlinn: LetterBot took that long? I thought it was about 15 or 20.
gremlinn: We had these huge swings. I got 9 right away, then you got 16 in 2 rounds.
whitehelm: No, I knew it was about half an hour
Sam: I think I'm going to put Caption on Wednesday and bump Line down to Acro's spot.
LuckyWizard: I guess Snag II felt very long after playing Snag I, and because we were watching people get close to 30 and then get pulled slightly down.
whitehelm: SAm: Those cant be right
gremlinn: Snag II has the most lines, anyway.
whitehelm: They add up to 2 hours something
gremlinn: There's about 30 minutes of breaks.
gremlinn: Maybe more, with the CaptionBot stuff.
gremlinn: 45?
whitehelm: OHH
Sam: Yeah, Caption took nearly a half hour.
whitehelm: That messed up my estimates
Sam: With the break before and after it, the one round, and the amount of time I spent investigating.
whitehelm: ok makes sense
whitehelm: Anyway like I said, I can't make it Wed so have fun!
whitehelm: Bye
LuckyWizard: Bye!
whitehelm has left.
[RinkChat] Memo Posted by Sam: [->#UBT] The results for Session #2 have been posted. The transcript will appear sometime tomorrow. Of particular note, CaptionBot decided to up and break on me after one round of play. Since I couldn't fix it then and there, we played AcroBot instead, moving it up from Session #4. Caption has been pushed to Session #3, and Line has moved from #3 to Acro's spot in #4. If that's too confusing, check the updated schedule for the current view of things. CaptionBot will be played starting with the scores achieved after the one round we did manage to play successfully.
Sam: I gotta get to bed. Work in the morning, eek!
Sam: Night!
Sam has left.
gremlinn has left.
LuckyWizard has left.
Nyperold has left.