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The Films of Charlie Chaplin


1. Making a Living (1914)
2. Kid Auto Races At Venice (1914)
3. Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914)
4. Between Showers (1914)
5. A Film Johnnie (1914)
6. Tango Tangles (1914)
7. His Favorite Pastime (1914)
8. Cruel, Cruel Love (1914)
9. The Landlady's Pet (1914)
10. Mabel At the Wheel (1914)
11. Twenty Minutes of Love (1914)
12. Caught In a Cabaret (1914)
13. Caught In the Rain (1914)
14. A Busy Day (1914)
15. The Fatal Mallet (1914)
16. Her Friend the Bandit (1914)
17. The Knockout (1914)
18. Mabel's Busy Day (1914)
19. Mabel's Married Life (1914)
20. Laughing Gas (1914)
21. The Property Man (1914)
22. The Face On the Bar Room Floor (1914)
23. Recreation (1914)
24. The Masquerader (1914)
25. His New Profession (1914)
26. The Rounders (1914)
27. The New Janitor (1914)
28. His Trysting Place (1914)
29. Those Love Pangs (1914)
30. Dough and Dynamite (1914)
31. Gentlemen of Nerve (1914)
32. His Musical Career (1914)
33. Getting Acquainted (1914)
34. His Prehistoric Past (1914)
35. His New Job (1915)
36. A Night Out (1915)
37. The Champion (1915)
38. In the Park (1915)
39. A Jitney Elopement (1915)
40. The Tramp (1915)
41. By the Sea (1915)
42. His Regeneration (1915)
43. Work (1915)
44. A Woman (1915)
45. The Bank (1915)
46. Shanghaied (1915)
47. A Night In the Show (1915)
48. Burlesque On Carmen (1915)
49. Police (1916)
50. The Floorwalker (1916)
51. The Fireman (1916)
52. The Vagabond (1916)
53. One A.M. (1916)
54. The Count (1916)
55. The Pawnshop (1916)
56. Charlie Chaplin: Behind the Screen (1916)
57. The Rink (1916)
58. Easy Street (1917)
59. The Cure (1917)
60. The Immigrant (1917)
61. The Adventurer (1917)
62. How To Make Movies (1918)
63. A Dog's Life (1918)
64. Triple Trouble (1918)
65. The Bond (1918)
66. A Day's Pleasure (1919)
67. The Idle Class (1921)
68. Nice and Friendly (1922)
69. Pay Day (1922)


1. Tillie's Punctured Romance (1914)
2. Shoulder Arms (1918)
3. Sunnyside (1919)
4. The Kid (1921)
5. The Pilgrim (1923)
6. A Woman of Paris (1923)
7. The Gold Rush (1925)
8. The Circus (1928)
9. City Lights (1931)
10. Modern Times (1936)
11. The Great Dictator (1940)
12. Monsieur Verdoux (1947)
13. Limelight (1952)
14. A King In New York (1957)
15. A Countess From Hong Kong (1967)

Note that A Woman of Paris and A Countess from Hong Kong were both written and directed by Chaplin, but feature him only in minor roles.